Do you agree with "I'm liberal, so I deserve a government check"


The more trouble Trump is in, the more of these threads we see.
Unhappy libs do not equate to trouble. Libs are in trouble, you can't bluff your way out of it.
That is essentially what the Left is arguing.

If you vote for the Left, somehow you are "holy," and you deserve a government check for doing nothing except being a partisan....

I, for one, do not think being liberal means you deserve a government check. What you really need is a mental health check...

Funny chit coming from as Trump voter.
That is essentially what the Left is arguing.

If you vote for the Left, somehow you are "holy," and you deserve a government check for doing nothing except being a partisan....

I, for one, do not think being liberal means you deserve a government check. What you really need is a mental health check...
Because no Republican, Conservative never ever get any government benefits.

That is essentially what the Left is arguing.

If you vote for the Left, somehow you are "holy," and you deserve a government check for doing nothing except being a partisan....

I, for one, do not think being liberal means you deserve a government check. What you really need is a mental health check...
Lefties don't ever say this. You cons just pretend we do because it makes you feel superior and manly. It allows you to feel better about your own insecurities. You also aren't smart enough to understand political issues in general so relying on stereotypes makes it easier for you to make conclusions about the liberal point of view.
Which political issues might those be? The ones you claim conservatives do not understand....Please, enlighten the audience with your wisdom.
That's easy - economics. If republicans did understand it, they wouldn't be voting for GOP politicians who only cut taxes for the top earners. Either 1) they don't realize republicans in office only cut taxes for top earners or 2) they are stupid enough to believe the myth of trickle down economics.
Oh please. The class warfare card?
BTW genius since the pilgrims came to this land, our economy was based on a trickle down economics.....Jesus Christ.....
Oh, I got a tax reduction and I am certainly NOT wealthy. You people and your narratives. Do you not realize that no one is listening to your vapid talking points?
So poor is your premise, you had to mention it twice in the same post. Saying it over and again does not make your premise any more true.
Got a question for you....I already know the answer because I have heard and read it so many times, it needs to be chiseled into stone......So, suppose the model is changed from the current trickle down economy we now have, what would your ideal economy be?
And please, spare me the pro union hammer and sickle stuff about "sharing" or "fair share"......Let me nip that in the bid right now....Number one reason why that commie crap will never work is simple. Workers are employees. That's why they are called employees. On the other hand( please stow the CEO crap) I'm referring to the everyday joe small business owner that employs over 60% of the private sector workforce. Why your "workers party" stuff cannot succeed is because the owners/investors are taking all of the risk. Employees are free to walk away as they please. If a company is struggling it is the owners that lose their investment or are forced to sell off assets at pennies on the dollar. The employees have no financial stake in the company. Now, if they wish to share in the profits, they are free to put skin in the game. They don't get a free ride to partnership or partial ownership. Unless of course this is clearly stated in the agreement the employee signs when he or she agrees to accept employment, a method by which either through a payroll deduction, bonus system or other reward is offered as incentive to go the extra mile.
So, its your turn. What in your opinion is a better economic model than trickle down?
Have at it.
I gave you facts. You can call it a talking point all you want I guess.

Well gee that's easy. Cut taxes for the middle class instead. The middle class - not wealthy investors - is the key to economic growth. The US economy is consumption based economy. It depends on people spending money. A strong middle class drives the economy. A strong middle class that spends money is what creates create more jobs. And sure, investors are important too, but these are people who are already ultra rich. That means if you cut their taxes, they won't invest most of the money they save because there isn't much incentive to if they are already thriving. They just pocket the money they save. It's faster that way.

Another way to stimulate the economy is extending unemployment benefits during a economic crisis. Not only does this help people who got a blind sided by a job loss, but any money they get in benefits is immediately spent on the private economy. Also, this is the reason why those on food stamps help the economy: they are spending their benefits on the private economy. It may seem counterintuitive, but economics are complicated like that.

Also, you need to give up on this myth liberals advocate for communism - we dont. We like capitalism and the free market system - it just depends on how it is run.
There is not a single ounce of truth to "republicans only serve to give tax breaks to the rich"....After that, your post is juts a lot of nonsense.
BTW, when the investor class is permitted to keep more of that it earns, the entire economy prospers. That's everyone..
The fact is your side views taxation as a means to punish....
Consumerism, is not the ONLY mechanism that fires the machine. The investor class is THE catalyst. Without investment, there is nothing.
"And sure, investors are important too, but these are people who are already ultra rich. That means if you cut their taxes, they won't invest most of the money they save because there isn't much incentive to if they are already thriving. "
I find this amusing. Even a knee slapper.
So, in your opinion, the investor class reacts to additional taxation as a stimulus to invest?....Yer kidding, right?
"these people are already ultra rich"
Sooooooooooooo....all those people that have 401k's, Pension funds, IRA's and brokerage accounts with firms such as Charles Schwab are ultra rich?
Last question before you're dismissed.....What business of your is what one does with THEIR money?
for a regularly seen poster on here, you may be the most emotionally driven least informed individual to grace this message board

Now please. Just admit your idea of a free market system is based on "Sharing"...
Lefties don't ever say this. You cons just pretend we do because it makes you feel superior and manly. It allows you to feel better about your own insecurities. You also aren't smart enough to understand political issues in general so relying on stereotypes makes it easier for you to make conclusions about the liberal point of view.
Which political issues might those be? The ones you claim conservatives do not understand....Please, enlighten the audience with your wisdom.
That's easy - economics. If republicans did understand it, they wouldn't be voting for GOP politicians who only cut taxes for the top earners. Either 1) they don't realize republicans in office only cut taxes for top earners or 2) they are stupid enough to believe the myth of trickle down economics.
Oh please. The class warfare card?
BTW genius since the pilgrims came to this land, our economy was based on a trickle down economics.....Jesus Christ.....
Oh, I got a tax reduction and I am certainly NOT wealthy. You people and your narratives. Do you not realize that no one is listening to your vapid talking points?
So poor is your premise, you had to mention it twice in the same post. Saying it over and again does not make your premise any more true.
Got a question for you....I already know the answer because I have heard and read it so many times, it needs to be chiseled into stone......So, suppose the model is changed from the current trickle down economy we now have, what would your ideal economy be?
And please, spare me the pro union hammer and sickle stuff about "sharing" or "fair share"......Let me nip that in the bid right now....Number one reason why that commie crap will never work is simple. Workers are employees. That's why they are called employees. On the other hand( please stow the CEO crap) I'm referring to the everyday joe small business owner that employs over 60% of the private sector workforce. Why your "workers party" stuff cannot succeed is because the owners/investors are taking all of the risk. Employees are free to walk away as they please. If a company is struggling it is the owners that lose their investment or are forced to sell off assets at pennies on the dollar. The employees have no financial stake in the company. Now, if they wish to share in the profits, they are free to put skin in the game. They don't get a free ride to partnership or partial ownership. Unless of course this is clearly stated in the agreement the employee signs when he or she agrees to accept employment, a method by which either through a payroll deduction, bonus system or other reward is offered as incentive to go the extra mile.
So, its your turn. What in your opinion is a better economic model than trickle down?
Have at it.
I gave you facts. You can call it a talking point all you want I guess.

Well gee that's easy. Cut taxes for the middle class instead. The middle class - not wealthy investors - is the key to economic growth. The US economy is consumption based economy. It depends on people spending money. A strong middle class drives the economy. A strong middle class that spends money is what creates create more jobs. And sure, investors are important too, but these are people who are already ultra rich. That means if you cut their taxes, they won't invest most of the money they save because there isn't much incentive to if they are already thriving. They just pocket the money they save. It's faster that way.

Another way to stimulate the economy is extending unemployment benefits during a economic crisis. Not only does this help people who got a blind sided by a job loss, but any money they get in benefits is immediately spent on the private economy. Also, this is the reason why those on food stamps help the economy: they are spending their benefits on the private economy. It may seem counterintuitive, but economics are complicated like that.

Also, you need to give up on this myth liberals advocate for communism - we dont. We like capitalism and the free market system - it just depends on how it is run.
There is not a single ounce of truth to "republicans only serve to give tax breaks to the rich"....After that, your post is juts a lot of nonsense.
BTW, when the investor class is permitted to keep more of that it earns, the entire economy prospers. That's everyone..
The fact is your side views taxation as a means to punish....
Consumerism, is not the ONLY mechanism that fires the machine. The investor class is THE catalyst. Without investment, there is nothing.
"And sure, investors are important too, but these are people who are already ultra rich. That means if you cut their taxes, they won't invest most of the money they save because there isn't much incentive to if they are already thriving. "
I find this amusing. Even a knee slapper.
So, in your opinion, the investor class reacts to additional taxation as a stimulus to invest?....Yer kidding, right?
"these people are already ultra rich"
Sooooooooooooo....all those people that have 401k's, Pension funds, IRA's and brokerage accounts with firms such as Charles Schwab are ultra rich?
Last question before you're dismissed.....What business of your is what one does with THEIR money?
for a regularly seen poster on here, you may be the most emotionally driven least informed individual to grace this message board

Now please. Just admit your idea of a free market system is based on "Sharing"...

I am sure you can put forth examples of when Republicans out out a growth plan that did not give tax breaks to the wealthy.

Investors already get a huge tax breaks with capital gains.
That is essentially what the Left is arguing.

If you vote for the Left, somehow you are "holy," and you deserve a government check for doing nothing except being a partisan....

I, for one, do not think being liberal means you deserve a government check. What you really need is a mental health check...
Because no Republican, Conservative never ever get any government benefits.


Republicans pay it back, democrats have more babys to get more.

Lefties don't ever say this. You cons just pretend we do because it makes you feel superior and manly. It allows you to feel better about your own insecurities. You also aren't smart enough to understand political issues in general so relying on stereotypes makes it easier for you to make conclusions about the liberal point of view.
Which political issues might those be? The ones you claim conservatives do not understand....Please, enlighten the audience with your wisdom.
That's easy - economics. If republicans did understand it, they wouldn't be voting for GOP politicians who only cut taxes for the top earners. Either 1) they don't realize republicans in office only cut taxes for top earners or 2) they are stupid enough to believe the myth of trickle down economics.
Oh please. The class warfare card?
BTW genius since the pilgrims came to this land, our economy was based on a trickle down economics.....Jesus Christ.....
Oh, I got a tax reduction and I am certainly NOT wealthy. You people and your narratives. Do you not realize that no one is listening to your vapid talking points?
So poor is your premise, you had to mention it twice in the same post. Saying it over and again does not make your premise any more true.
Got a question for you....I already know the answer because I have heard and read it so many times, it needs to be chiseled into stone......So, suppose the model is changed from the current trickle down economy we now have, what would your ideal economy be?
And please, spare me the pro union hammer and sickle stuff about "sharing" or "fair share"......Let me nip that in the bid right now....Number one reason why that commie crap will never work is simple. Workers are employees. That's why they are called employees. On the other hand( please stow the CEO crap) I'm referring to the everyday joe small business owner that employs over 60% of the private sector workforce. Why your "workers party" stuff cannot succeed is because the owners/investors are taking all of the risk. Employees are free to walk away as they please. If a company is struggling it is the owners that lose their investment or are forced to sell off assets at pennies on the dollar. The employees have no financial stake in the company. Now, if they wish to share in the profits, they are free to put skin in the game. They don't get a free ride to partnership or partial ownership. Unless of course this is clearly stated in the agreement the employee signs when he or she agrees to accept employment, a method by which either through a payroll deduction, bonus system or other reward is offered as incentive to go the extra mile.
So, its your turn. What in your opinion is a better economic model than trickle down?
Have at it.
I gave you facts. You can call it a talking point all you want I guess.

Well gee that's easy. Cut taxes for the middle class instead. The middle class - not wealthy investors - is the key to economic growth. The US economy is consumption based economy. It depends on people spending money. A strong middle class drives the economy. A strong middle class that spends money is what creates create more jobs. And sure, investors are important too, but these are people who are already ultra rich. That means if you cut their taxes, they won't invest most of the money they save because there isn't much incentive to if they are already thriving. They just pocket the money they save. It's faster that way.

Another way to stimulate the economy is extending unemployment benefits during a economic crisis. Not only does this help people who got a blind sided by a job loss, but any money they get in benefits is immediately spent on the private economy. Also, this is the reason why those on food stamps help the economy: they are spending their benefits on the private economy. It may seem counterintuitive, but economics are complicated like that.

Also, you need to give up on this myth liberals advocate for communism - we dont. We like capitalism and the free market system - it just depends on how it is run.
There is not a single ounce of truth to "republicans only serve to give tax breaks to the rich"....After that, your post is juts a lot of nonsense.
BTW, when the investor class is permitted to keep more of that it earns, the entire economy prospers. That's everyone..
The fact is your side views taxation as a means to punish....
Consumerism, is not the ONLY mechanism that fires the machine. The investor class is THE catalyst. Without investment, there is nothing.
"And sure, investors are important too, but these are people who are already ultra rich. That means if you cut their taxes, they won't invest most of the money they save because there isn't much incentive to if they are already thriving. "
I find this amusing. Even a knee slapper.
So, in your opinion, the investor class reacts to additional taxation as a stimulus to invest?....Yer kidding, right?
"these people are already ultra rich"
Sooooooooooooo....all those people that have 401k's, Pension funds, IRA's and brokerage accounts with firms such as Charles Schwab are ultra rich?
Last question before you're dismissed.....What business of your is what one does with THEIR money?
for a regularly seen poster on here, you may be the most emotionally driven least informed individual to grace this message board

Now please. Just admit your idea of a free market system is based on "Sharing"...
That is good to hear that Republicans do not only serve the rich

Can you point to a single piece of Republican legislation in the last 15 years that did not benefit the rich more than it did the poor or working class?
Which political issues might those be? The ones you claim conservatives do not understand....Please, enlighten the audience with your wisdom.
That's easy - economics. If republicans did understand it, they wouldn't be voting for GOP politicians who only cut taxes for the top earners. Either 1) they don't realize republicans in office only cut taxes for top earners or 2) they are stupid enough to believe the myth of trickle down economics.
Oh please. The class warfare card?
BTW genius since the pilgrims came to this land, our economy was based on a trickle down economics.....Jesus Christ.....
Oh, I got a tax reduction and I am certainly NOT wealthy. You people and your narratives. Do you not realize that no one is listening to your vapid talking points?
So poor is your premise, you had to mention it twice in the same post. Saying it over and again does not make your premise any more true.
Got a question for you....I already know the answer because I have heard and read it so many times, it needs to be chiseled into stone......So, suppose the model is changed from the current trickle down economy we now have, what would your ideal economy be?
And please, spare me the pro union hammer and sickle stuff about "sharing" or "fair share"......Let me nip that in the bid right now....Number one reason why that commie crap will never work is simple. Workers are employees. That's why they are called employees. On the other hand( please stow the CEO crap) I'm referring to the everyday joe small business owner that employs over 60% of the private sector workforce. Why your "workers party" stuff cannot succeed is because the owners/investors are taking all of the risk. Employees are free to walk away as they please. If a company is struggling it is the owners that lose their investment or are forced to sell off assets at pennies on the dollar. The employees have no financial stake in the company. Now, if they wish to share in the profits, they are free to put skin in the game. They don't get a free ride to partnership or partial ownership. Unless of course this is clearly stated in the agreement the employee signs when he or she agrees to accept employment, a method by which either through a payroll deduction, bonus system or other reward is offered as incentive to go the extra mile.
So, its your turn. What in your opinion is a better economic model than trickle down?
Have at it.
I gave you facts. You can call it a talking point all you want I guess.

Well gee that's easy. Cut taxes for the middle class instead. The middle class - not wealthy investors - is the key to economic growth. The US economy is consumption based economy. It depends on people spending money. A strong middle class drives the economy. A strong middle class that spends money is what creates create more jobs. And sure, investors are important too, but these are people who are already ultra rich. That means if you cut their taxes, they won't invest most of the money they save because there isn't much incentive to if they are already thriving. They just pocket the money they save. It's faster that way.

Another way to stimulate the economy is extending unemployment benefits during a economic crisis. Not only does this help people who got a blind sided by a job loss, but any money they get in benefits is immediately spent on the private economy. Also, this is the reason why those on food stamps help the economy: they are spending their benefits on the private economy. It may seem counterintuitive, but economics are complicated like that.

Also, you need to give up on this myth liberals advocate for communism - we dont. We like capitalism and the free market system - it just depends on how it is run.
There is not a single ounce of truth to "republicans only serve to give tax breaks to the rich"....After that, your post is juts a lot of nonsense.
BTW, when the investor class is permitted to keep more of that it earns, the entire economy prospers. That's everyone..
The fact is your side views taxation as a means to punish....
Consumerism, is not the ONLY mechanism that fires the machine. The investor class is THE catalyst. Without investment, there is nothing.
"And sure, investors are important too, but these are people who are already ultra rich. That means if you cut their taxes, they won't invest most of the money they save because there isn't much incentive to if they are already thriving. "
I find this amusing. Even a knee slapper.
So, in your opinion, the investor class reacts to additional taxation as a stimulus to invest?....Yer kidding, right?
"these people are already ultra rich"
Sooooooooooooo....all those people that have 401k's, Pension funds, IRA's and brokerage accounts with firms such as Charles Schwab are ultra rich?
Last question before you're dismissed.....What business of your is what one does with THEIR money?
for a regularly seen poster on here, you may be the most emotionally driven least informed individual to grace this message board

Now please. Just admit your idea of a free market system is based on "Sharing"...
That is good to hear that Republicans do not only serve the rich

Can you point to a single piece of Republican legislation in the last 15 years that did not benefit the rich more than it did the poor or working class?
Yeah....Reduction in the capital gains tax. Reductions in estate taxes.
All of which help everyone.
See, lets not get off the rails here.
You people have it in your minds that you are somehow entitled to the largess of others. So you petition government to punish those who you view as having too much. or those who in your view, "stole" from you.
The left has never seen a tax it did not like.
BTW, how is it possible to offer a cut in taxes to a person who pays no taxes?
Yea, who said that? Sure don't hold true in the 500,000 plus metro area I live in, 99% republican here and hasn't been a democrat elected to congress in well over 25 years. Most people on ssdi are conservative here. That would be a free govt check.

99% of all free government assistance goes to conservatives or corporations.
That's easy - economics. If republicans did understand it, they wouldn't be voting for GOP politicians who only cut taxes for the top earners. Either 1) they don't realize republicans in office only cut taxes for top earners or 2) they are stupid enough to believe the myth of trickle down economics.
Oh please. The class warfare card?
BTW genius since the pilgrims came to this land, our economy was based on a trickle down economics.....Jesus Christ.....
Oh, I got a tax reduction and I am certainly NOT wealthy. You people and your narratives. Do you not realize that no one is listening to your vapid talking points?
So poor is your premise, you had to mention it twice in the same post. Saying it over and again does not make your premise any more true.
Got a question for you....I already know the answer because I have heard and read it so many times, it needs to be chiseled into stone......So, suppose the model is changed from the current trickle down economy we now have, what would your ideal economy be?
And please, spare me the pro union hammer and sickle stuff about "sharing" or "fair share"......Let me nip that in the bid right now....Number one reason why that commie crap will never work is simple. Workers are employees. That's why they are called employees. On the other hand( please stow the CEO crap) I'm referring to the everyday joe small business owner that employs over 60% of the private sector workforce. Why your "workers party" stuff cannot succeed is because the owners/investors are taking all of the risk. Employees are free to walk away as they please. If a company is struggling it is the owners that lose their investment or are forced to sell off assets at pennies on the dollar. The employees have no financial stake in the company. Now, if they wish to share in the profits, they are free to put skin in the game. They don't get a free ride to partnership or partial ownership. Unless of course this is clearly stated in the agreement the employee signs when he or she agrees to accept employment, a method by which either through a payroll deduction, bonus system or other reward is offered as incentive to go the extra mile.
So, its your turn. What in your opinion is a better economic model than trickle down?
Have at it.
I gave you facts. You can call it a talking point all you want I guess.

Well gee that's easy. Cut taxes for the middle class instead. The middle class - not wealthy investors - is the key to economic growth. The US economy is consumption based economy. It depends on people spending money. A strong middle class drives the economy. A strong middle class that spends money is what creates create more jobs. And sure, investors are important too, but these are people who are already ultra rich. That means if you cut their taxes, they won't invest most of the money they save because there isn't much incentive to if they are already thriving. They just pocket the money they save. It's faster that way.

Another way to stimulate the economy is extending unemployment benefits during a economic crisis. Not only does this help people who got a blind sided by a job loss, but any money they get in benefits is immediately spent on the private economy. Also, this is the reason why those on food stamps help the economy: they are spending their benefits on the private economy. It may seem counterintuitive, but economics are complicated like that.

Also, you need to give up on this myth liberals advocate for communism - we dont. We like capitalism and the free market system - it just depends on how it is run.
There is not a single ounce of truth to "republicans only serve to give tax breaks to the rich"....After that, your post is juts a lot of nonsense.
BTW, when the investor class is permitted to keep more of that it earns, the entire economy prospers. That's everyone..
The fact is your side views taxation as a means to punish....
Consumerism, is not the ONLY mechanism that fires the machine. The investor class is THE catalyst. Without investment, there is nothing.
"And sure, investors are important too, but these are people who are already ultra rich. That means if you cut their taxes, they won't invest most of the money they save because there isn't much incentive to if they are already thriving. "
I find this amusing. Even a knee slapper.
So, in your opinion, the investor class reacts to additional taxation as a stimulus to invest?....Yer kidding, right?
"these people are already ultra rich"
Sooooooooooooo....all those people that have 401k's, Pension funds, IRA's and brokerage accounts with firms such as Charles Schwab are ultra rich?
Last question before you're dismissed.....What business of your is what one does with THEIR money?
for a regularly seen poster on here, you may be the most emotionally driven least informed individual to grace this message board

Now please. Just admit your idea of a free market system is based on "Sharing"...
That is good to hear that Republicans do not only serve the rich

Can you point to a single piece of Republican legislation in the last 15 years that did not benefit the rich more than it did the poor or working class?
Yeah....Reduction in the capital gains tax. Reductions in estate taxes.
All of which help everyone.
See, lets not get off the rails here.
You people have it in your minds that you are somehow entitled to the largess of others. So you petition government to punish those who you view as having too much. or those who in your view, "stole" from you.
The left has never seen a tax it did not like.
BTW, how is it possible to offer a cut in taxes to a person who pays no taxes?
You were supposed to show programs that benefit the poor and working class and you come back with .......cuts in capital gains and inheritance taxes?

Who are you? Trump?

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