Do You Believe The War On Drugs Should Be Terminated?

You had shit pegged, i'm not trying to promote drug use or dealing. MIKEK the OP has made some very well articulated points along the same lines as mine. He does not strike me as a promoter of drug use either, but we both understand that all the time and money that we spend fighting illegal drugs is a waste. The benefits and potential of a highly regulated and taxed industry can do so much to help education, healthcare, community programs and grow jobs which can have a real positive impact in our society.

You sight some articles that show that crime stats are the same, black market operations flourishing, and harm reduction doesn't work. For every one of your articles there are a dozen to the contrary... There is no point getting in a "link" war. Use your common sense. If you have none then keep your old school conservative point of view and keep bitching as you see our country progress towards the ideas that we are sharing.

You have failed to make make clear what your stance is and why... Is your stance that we should keep the status quo? Increase funding for stricter enforcement of drug use and dealing? How would President Disir solve the drug problem?

I'm advocating harm reduction policies, dumbass.

Why don't you go back and read my initial post and start over.
I went back and read you posts, if you are advocating for harm reduction or any other proposition then you are doing a crappy job. All I see from you are questions and critique of other peoples ideas... This is fine as ideas should be challenged however, if you want to be respected then you should present either valid reasons to oppose or alternative solutions that would work better. You haven't done so in an effective manner.

Is this your statement advocating for harm reduction?

The Harm Reduction Method. You will never see that here fully implemented. If there is one thing that is true, this country will operate half-assed and then bitch cry when they don't see the same results. People talk about treatment but they don't delve into it--as if there is some unified plan. The only unified plan is to do the least that can be done.

Actually, it's decriminalization + harm reduction. I had no idea I was encountering a blithering idiot that didn't know the difference between legalization and decriminalization.
How is your inability to shut the fuck up and read what I actually wrote instead of what you wanted to see my problem?
Perhaps if you were able to articulate a rational argument it would help. You already tired the "idiot" attack and accused me of not knowing the difference between legalization and decriminalization... I proved you wrong (Post #52 and #53)

Furthermore, you have still failed to make a complete rational argument. I am the least of your problems

You proved nothing of the sort. It became quite clear you had no idea. You simply wanted to make a sale. This is why I did not initially respond to you. I'm not going to sit here and argue with your stupidity. You have already wasted enough of my time.
No sweat, you try to argue with everybody on this thread and don't present any alternative ideas of your own while many have agreed with my "sales pitch irrational arguments" as you call it. I may be passionate about this topic as it is pretty clear to me how the cause and effect works and I hope more people can open there eyes beyond the old school traditional views and see a healthy alternative. Seems like youve checked out which is fine, you weren't making great arguments anyways, but if anybody thinks that the current drug laws are effective and should remain our course then I think many on this thread including myself, would appreciate a healthy debate about it.
victimless crimes should not be criminalized. We don't jail people for drinking, we jail them for driving under the influence, we jail them for stealing to pay for alcohol, but we don't jail them for drinking. Same should be for drugs.

Except for those people getting stoned and drunk all day instead of raising their kids. The kids are victims.
victimless crimes should not be criminalized. We don't jail people for drinking, we jail them for driving under the influence, we jail them for stealing to pay for alcohol, but we don't jail them for drinking. Same should be for drugs.

Except for those people getting stoned and drunk all day instead of raising their kids. The kids are victims.
Agreed, how do you think that problem should be addressed?
victimless crimes should not be criminalized. We don't jail people for drinking, we jail them for driving under the influence, we jail them for stealing to pay for alcohol, but we don't jail them for drinking. Same should be for drugs.

Except for those people getting stoned and drunk all day instead of raising their kids. The kids are victims.
Will putting them in jail solve that?
victimless crimes should not be criminalized. We don't jail people for drinking, we jail them for driving under the influence, we jail them for stealing to pay for alcohol, but we don't jail them for drinking. Same should be for drugs.

Except for those people getting stoned and drunk all day instead of raising their kids. The kids are victims.
So why not make it illegal for them to have kids then. It'd be just as effective.
victimless crimes should not be criminalized. We don't jail people for drinking, we jail them for driving under the influence, we jail them for stealing to pay for alcohol, but we don't jail them for drinking. Same should be for drugs.

Except for those people getting stoned and drunk all day instead of raising their kids. The kids are victims.
So why not make it illegal for them to have kids then. It'd be just as effective.
Brilliant, more orphans and more people in jail! Perhaps we can learn that simply making things illegal and throwing people in jail isn't always the best solution
I'm advocating harm reduction policies, dumbass.

Why don't you go back and read my initial post and start over.
I went back and read you posts, if you are advocating for harm reduction or any other proposition then you are doing a crappy job. All I see from you are questions and critique of other peoples ideas... This is fine as ideas should be challenged however, if you want to be respected then you should present either valid reasons to oppose or alternative solutions that would work better. You haven't done so in an effective manner.

Is this your statement advocating for harm reduction?

The Harm Reduction Method. You will never see that here fully implemented. If there is one thing that is true, this country will operate half-assed and then bitch cry when they don't see the same results. People talk about treatment but they don't delve into it--as if there is some unified plan. The only unified plan is to do the least that can be done.

Actually, it's decriminalization + harm reduction. I had no idea I was encountering a blithering idiot that didn't know the difference between legalization and decriminalization.
How is your inability to shut the fuck up and read what I actually wrote instead of what you wanted to see my problem?
Perhaps if you were able to articulate a rational argument it would help. You already tired the "idiot" attack and accused me of not knowing the difference between legalization and decriminalization... I proved you wrong (Post #52 and #53)

Furthermore, you have still failed to make a complete rational argument. I am the least of your problems

You proved nothing of the sort. It became quite clear you had no idea. You simply wanted to make a sale. This is why I did not initially respond to you. I'm not going to sit here and argue with your stupidity. You have already wasted enough of my time.
No sweat, you try to argue with everybody on this thread and don't present any alternative ideas of your own while many have agreed with my "sales pitch irrational arguments" as you call it. I may be passionate about this topic as it is pretty clear to me how the cause and effect works and I hope more people can open there eyes beyond the old school traditional views and see a healthy alternative. Seems like youve checked out which is fine, you weren't making great arguments anyways, but if anybody thinks that the current drug laws are effective and should remain our course then I think many on this thread including myself, would appreciate a healthy debate about it.

No, just you and your the dimwit that started the shit.
victimless crimes should not be criminalized. We don't jail people for drinking, we jail them for driving under the influence, we jail them for stealing to pay for alcohol, but we don't jail them for drinking. Same should be for drugs.

Except for those people getting stoned and drunk all day instead of raising their kids. The kids are victims.
So why not make it illegal for them to have kids then. It'd be just as effective.
Brilliant, more orphans and more people in jail! Perhaps we can learn that simply making things illegal and throwing people in jail isn't always the best solution
victimless crimes should not be criminalized. We don't jail people for drinking, we jail them for driving under the influence, we jail them for stealing to pay for alcohol, but we don't jail them for drinking. Same should be for drugs.

Except for those people getting stoned and drunk all day instead of raising their kids. The kids are victims.
So why not make it illegal for them to have kids then. It'd be just as effective.

I am all for sterilization. Seriously.

You could even make it voluntary. Just offer a free pizza and a 24 pack of Bud Light and the people would line up for blocks.
victimless crimes should not be criminalized. We don't jail people for drinking, we jail them for driving under the influence, we jail them for stealing to pay for alcohol, but we don't jail them for drinking. Same should be for drugs.

Except for those people getting stoned and drunk all day instead of raising their kids. The kids are victims.
Will putting them in jail solve that?

See comment above.
Yes, you cannot protect people from themselves. I have done every drug known to man but knew when to stop and still retired a rich man doing honest and legal work never inheriting one penny or accepting one cent from Uncle Sam. Innate or instinct, I don't know but I do know that if it hurts, don't do it.
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Too much time and money tied up
In the war in drugs. If we give up now..... The past will have been for nothing .

Shadow 355
If the past has shown us anything it is that no matter how much money and personnel we throw at it we are never going to end it and we are on a path to nowhere keeping the black market and smugglers funded. We should try something new like regulating competing taxing and using those funds to educate and support our communities.
Too bad you are in such a rush to blame Reagan, it ruins an otherwise thoughtful post.
Who else is to blame for resurrecting and escalating Nixon's already proven folly, the War On Drugs? Were it not for Ronald Reagan we would not have been destructively burdened by this persistently failed policy that just keeps on going in spite of the damage it has done and continues to do.

Ronald Reagan was one of the very worst Presidents in our history. The only reason this fact remains obscure is, quite simple, he happened to be a pretty good actor and the American People are very easily fooled.
Too bad you are in such a rush to blame Reagan, it ruins an otherwise thoughtful post.
Who else is to blame for resurrecting and escalating Nixon's already proven folly, the War On Drugs? Were it not for Ronald Reagan we would not have been destructively burdened by this persistently failed policy that just keeps on going in spite of the damage it has done and continues to do.

Ronald Reagan was one of the very worst Presidents in our history. The only reason this fact remains obscure is, quite simple, he happened to be a pretty good actor and the American People are very easily fooled.

Doubling down on stupid eh? Shame, you started off so well.
$13 million haul of Tramadol bound for Libya intercepted...

Greece discovers huge quantity of opiates, investigates Islamic State link
Tuesday 7th June, 2016: Greek authorities are investigating a possible Islamic State link behind the discovery of a huge quantity of synthetic opiates destined for Libya.
The Narcotics and Arms Division of Greece's Financial Crimes Unit (SDOE), in cooperation with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), seized 26 million tablets containing Tramadol, a painkiller available only on prescription. They had arrived at Piraeus, Greece's largest commercial port, in a container from New Delhi on May 10. Greek agents acted on a tip-off from the DEA, said Loukas Danabasis, director of the division. The pills were found stacked behind boxes of household linen, which was the listed consignment on shipping documents.

Authorities were investigating whether the pills were destined for Islamic militants, Danabasis said. "The companies that were involved in this case - in other words the company that sent it, as well as the company that was going to receive it in Libya - have been previously involved in such transfers - and particularly the company in Libya is characterized as being suspect of having relations with the Islamic State," he said.

Greek authorities did not name the companies involved in the transfer. The drugs were estimated to have a value of about 13 million dollars.

Greece discovers huge quantity of opiates, investigates Islamic State link
That's an 8-fold increase...

Argentinian Official: Drug Seizures in Argentina Increased 800% Between 2005 and 2015
June 8, 2016 – The president of Argentina’s financial intelligence unit told the House Financial Services Committee Wednesday that drug seizures in his country increased by 800 percent between 2005 and 2015 and the number of drug-related cases tripled.
“The consumption of cocaine and marijuana more than doubled between 2000 and 2015. Between 2005 and 2015 drug seizures increased by 800% and the number of drug related cases tripled at the judicial level,” Mariano Federici said in written testimony provided to the committee for a hearing on terror funding streams from South America. “In the same period, Argentina changed from being a transit country to a country that receives, transforms, consumes and exports illegal drugs to the world at large scale,” Federici wrote.

Argentina has become the third exporter of cocaine, according to international assessments, he stated, “and the rate of robberies was one of the largest ones in the world.” Argentina President Mauricio Macri “has made the fight against drug trafficking a central objective of his government” as a result, Federici wrote.

“Of particular interest is the increase in the import of chemical precursors, and particularly ephedrine, a precursor used for the production of medicines but also used to produce synthetic drugs,” Federici added. “In normal times, Argentina would import 200kgs of ephedrine per year for medical use. However, when Mexico prohibited its imports, this amount multiplied 100 times, to 20tns per year, most of which was illegally exported.”

Argentinian Official: Drug Seizures in Argentina Increased 800% Between 2005 and 2015

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