Do You Believe there are More than TWO Genders? My thoughts (Video)

One thing you gotta love... many of the very same people that preach about "look at the science!!!"... "you are ignoring the science!!!"... when the topic is global warming. These same people willfully ignore the most basic science there is. Literally examples provided in every advanced species on the planet, including plant life save for an extraordinary few organisms that can change their sex.

When a LIbEral speaks of “science”, he seldom uses that word to mean what sane people understand it to mean.
It's interesting how you people continue to blather and bloviate about this stuff and yet, never ever so much as try to back it up with facts and evidence. You all refuse to educate your selves or to do any research because your afraid that it will force you to confront your assumptions and undermine the justification for your bigotry

It's interesting how you people continue to blather and bloviate about this stuff and yet, never ever so much as try to back it up with facts and evidence. You all refuse to educate your selves or to do any research because your afraid that it will force you to confront your assumptions and undermine the justification for your bigotry

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Brilliant fucking retort Bobby Boy ,Is that really the best that you can do ?

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It's interesting how you people continue to blather and bloviate about this stuff and yet, never ever so much as try to back it up with facts and evidence. You all refuse to educate your selves or to do any research because your afraid that it will force you to confront your assumptions and undermine the justification for your bigotry

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Brilliant fucking retort Bobby Boy ,Is that really the best that you can do ?

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I kind of like that . Using it on Facebook! Thanks

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It's interesting how you people continue to blather and bloviate about this stuff and yet, never ever so much as try to back it up with facts and evidence. You all refuse to educate your selves or to do any research because your afraid that it will force you to confront your assumptions and undermine the justification for your bigotry

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Brilliant fucking retort Bobby Boy ,Is that really the best that you can do ?

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^^^^ Cluck Cluck:

Also the Deniers of Only Two Genders crowd are rooted heavily with Queers who are both geared toward Misandry and Misogyny, this is why we have them trashing both men and women who are happy being the sex they were assigned In Utero, this is why they are gearing their fucked up and hateful Propaganda against young children, this is why they are fanatical about getting peoples to destroy what they are and reinvent themselves as something they were never intended to be.

It'd be one thing if they kept their sick delusions and perversions to themselves, in the privacy of their own homes.

It's quite another when they try to force this solid digestive waste on sane people, who want no part in it.

And it is something much, much, much worse, when these sick subhuman pieces of shit go after children.

Those who cross that last line need to be permanently removed from free society; either by being put to death, or at the very least, by being confined to prison or a mental hospital for the rest of their worthless lives. Society's need and duty to protect children from these sick degenerates far outweighs any human rights which these degenerates themselves could possibly be claimed to have.
Also the Deniers of Only Two Genders crowd are rooted heavily with Queers who are both geared toward Misandry and Misogyny, this is why we have them trashing both men and women who are happy being the sex they were assigned In Utero, this is why they are gearing their fucked up and hateful Propaganda against young children, this is why they are fanatical about getting peoples to destroy what they are and reinvent themselves as something they were never intended to be.

It'd be one thing if they kept their sick delusions and perversions to themselves, in the privacy of their own homes.

It's quite another when they try to force this solid digestive waste on sane people, who want no part in it.

And it is something much, much, much worse, when these sick subhuman pieces of shit go after children.

Those who cross that last line need to be permanently removed from free society; either by being put to death, or at the very least, by being confined to prison or a mental hospital for the rest of their worthless lives. Society's need and duty to protect children from these sick degenerates far outweighs any human rights which these degenerates themselves could possibly be claimed to have.

They want this forced onto young children because they basically are paedophiles, a collection of wastes of skin called paedophiles and we are hearing more and more about the below type of evil every day now:



^^^^ TALKING ABOUT RAPING BABIES, no reason why this waste of skin should not be taken out and immediately shot.

Joseph Gobrick Tells Judge He's Not a Pedophile, Identifes as Girl Aged 8

Pedo looking at images of CHILDREN being RAPED is um "Free Speech" it's the same POS as above BTW:

Pedophile tells judge he's an eight-year-old girl | Metro News
I'll inject my two cents.
There are two genders. Biologically. It doesn't matter if small chromosomal variations exists. So what? The variances do not alter the fact the person is still a male or female.
Then there is psychology. That is a different story. Gender dysphoria is a condition is which a person has significant discomfort with the sex of their body. It is very rare. Despite the ludicrous number of people who want you to believe otherwise.
However, in the past few years the term has been modified to often include a phrase similar to - "their physical sex is different than what they want to be identified as". BULLSHIT. That is not transgender, that is not sexual dysphoria. That is nothing more than to DESIRE to be something you are not. That does not, never has or ever will change the fact you are still a male or female, regardless if you CURRENTLY wish you was not.
Then there is sexual gratification. - This is the third part that the entire left political spectrum want to pretend it doesn't exist.
These are folks that have existed for generations. They use to be called "cross dressers". Overwhelmingly men who like to dress as women, and get off on doing it. This also includes effeminate gay men who want to dress like women to hopefully attract a larger sex pool. THIS is NOT a gender issue. These people just want to force you to live with their fantasy.
That is certainly a brilliant,well written and cogent thesis that you have blessed us with. You must have extensive education and professional experience in the fields of human sexuality, psychology and physiology. You have clearly have raised the bar on the level of intellectual discourse on the USMB and should be commended. The only thing is, you failed to provide any foot notes so the wh.o thing is worth no more than a garden variety appeal to ignorance logical fallacy
You don't have to be well educated to realize there are only two genders. But you seem to think that there are an unlimited number of genders based solely on the sick desire for them to be. Why don't you shut up and just cut your junk off, no one wants to hear you or gives a damn what your sick freak ass wants.
It's interesting how you people continue to blather and bloviate about this stuff and yet, never ever so much as try to back it up with facts and evidence. You all refuse to educate your selves or to do any research because your afraid that it will force you to confront your assumptions and undermine the justification for your bigotry
You really are insane aren't you? Facts and science? All through history doctors have only had patients that were either male of female. There are no others. Maybe your mind is damaged because of excessive perforations.

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Science has evolved. People accept that old beliefs and assumptions may no longer be valid or useful. Then there are those like you who are stuck in the mud, unable to evolve, and fearful of new ideas and a changing social order. Your problem , not mine.
You mean progressives are spewing bullshit.
It's interesting how you people continue to blather and bloviate about this stuff and yet, never ever so much as try to back it up with facts and evidence. You all refuse to educate your selves or to do any research because your afraid that it will force you to confront your assumptions and undermine the justification for your bigotry
You really are insane aren't you? Facts and science? All through history doctors have only had patients that were either male of female. There are no others. Maybe your mind is damaged because of excessive perforations.

View attachment 300267
Science has evolved. People accept that old beliefs and assumptions may no longer be valid or useful. Then there are those like you who are stuck in the mud, unable to evolve, and fearful of new ideas and a changing social order. Your problem , not mine.

"Science has evolved".... hilarious. Again another good example of mind fucking.
Unfortunately science is just like numbers. You can take the exact same numbers and make it appear to say the complete opposite of what is actual.
And that is exactly what the virtue signaling left is doing with science.
Yes Bubba, science has evolved. They used to believe that blood letting cured certain diseases , that insanity was caused by the gravitational force of the moon, and that there was no such thing as germs because they couldn't see them. DNA is a very recent development. So I really don't know what the fuck your talking about . You would be hilarious if you were not such a sad mess.

"DNA is a very recent development."

DNA has confirmed what Scientists have been saying for Centuries though, that the Genders are determined by Chromosome XY and Chromosome XX. All this other gibberish about Multiple Genders is what is called Pseudoscience. This Cultural Marxist horsecrap known as Gender Studies are not included in Mainstream Science they are grouped in with Women's Studies aka Radical Feminism and Race Studies, they are all in that gigantic horsecrap pile called The Humanities and they rely solely on Post-Structuralism to push their Pseudoscience.

Also the Deniers of Only Two Genders crowd are rooted heavily with Queers who are both geared toward Misandry and Misogyny, this is why we have them trashing both men and women who are happy being the sex they were assigned In Utero, this is why they are gearing their fucked up and hateful Propaganda against young children, this is why they are fanatical about getting peoples to destroy what they are and reinvent themselves as something they were never intended to be.
Feel free to continue to wallow in your bizarre rants and obscuring the issue of gender with idiotic references to queers, misogyny and what ever other horseshit that you want to put out there in order to obfuscate the issue and deflect away from your anti-science, anti-intellectual ignorance
That is certainly a brilliant,well written and cogent thesis that you have blessed us with. You must have extensive education and professional experience in the fields of human sexuality, psychology and physiology. You have clearly have raised the bar on the level of intellectual discourse on the USMB and should be commended. The only thing is, you failed to provide any foot notes so the wh.o thing is worth no more than a garden variety appeal to ignorance logical fallacy
You don't have to be well educated to realize there are only two genders. But you seem to think that there are an unlimited number of genders based solely on the sick desire for them to be. Why don't you shut up and just cut your junk off, no one wants to hear you or gives a damn what your sick freak ass wants.
It's interesting how you people continue to blather and bloviate about this stuff and yet, never ever so much as try to back it up with facts and evidence. You all refuse to educate your selves or to do any research because your afraid that it will force you to confront your assumptions and undermine the justification for your bigotry
You really are insane aren't you? Facts and science? All through history doctors have only had patients that were either male of female. There are no others. Maybe your mind is damaged because of excessive perforations.

View attachment 300267
Science has evolved. People accept that old beliefs and assumptions may no longer be valid or useful. Then there are those like you who are stuck in the mud, unable to evolve, and fearful of new ideas and a changing social order. Your problem , not mine.
You mean progressives are spewing bullshit.

No, I mean that you are.
Feel free to continue to wallow in your bizarre rants and obscuring the issue of gender with idiotic references to queers, misogyny and what ever other horseshit that you want to put out there in order to obfuscate the issue and deflect away from your anti-science, anti-intellectual ignorance

That from someone who denies hard science, and wallows in willful ignorance about the most basic aspects of human biology.


No! What the fuck ? You seem terribly confused

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You are the one confused, you are so confused you deny that there are TWO Genders, let us remind everyone how Gender is determined again.

Okay the below is Actual Science:


This is how we determine Gender and what the determining factors are:

So if you have XY Chromosome you are MALE even IF you are a mentally ill freak that has his dick and balls chopped off and gets plasticine boobs and a fake vagina you REMAIN a MALE until you die.

So if you have an XX Chromosome you are FEMALE even IF you are a mentally ill freak who has it's boobies chopped off and vagina sewn up and gets a plasticine dick and fake balls you REMAIN a FEMALE until you die.

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