Do you feel the Democrat party would exist if not for MSM, using black people, for example............

Personally I don't believe the Democrat/PROG-party would exist without having ownership of nearly all information & misinformation. They're just too irrational and entertain the lowest common denominators to attract a crowd without propaganda. 24/7 news, and especially the web were diamonds to them, it helped them turn California blue, and then the rush & exodus outward. They wired heads before the internet, but with the internet they seem to have perfected it, almost completely. Rationality is gone, and reality has become a free-flowing narration aimed only to serve the interests of their masters.

Let's take the black population for a great example of the power of their propaganda.

Democrats were the party of slavery and the Republicans freed the slaves. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

A large number of Democrats failed to support civil rights. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

Blacks are more likely to reject COVID vaccination, because like a lot of conservatives they don't trust the system. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

Democrats have assaulted Christianity for many years, while a large number of blacks are Christian. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

Democrat run cities are in turmoil. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

Democrats talk about racism all day, most conservatives could give a flying fuck what race you are. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

Black success peaked on Trump's watch. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

Black leaders are WTF is that SHIT? If I were black I'd be so ashamed my people came up with this trash representation, that's not the best you got, BY FAR. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

Democrats consistently patronize blacks, single blacks out, and hold them to lessor standards in the name of "fairness, understanding & reparations", while most conservatives could give a flying fuck what race you are. Blacks should want equality right? not some BS segregating blacks to the core. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

At the end of the day, propaganda points their fingers into the other direction. They tell us when to riot (election time), teach us how thugs are martyrs, blacks are to be pitied instead of held responsible, welfare in exchange of families. So 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.
Funny how your Rupert Murdoch TV network and four newspapers is the only Media in the entire world that agrees with you, while every courtroom decision and every respected media around the entire world otherwise thinks you are absolutely nuts. The GOP is the only party in the world that believes in a stolen election or denies global warming and everything else you think is a conspiracy. You're an ignoramus to believe such crap.... Just like your hero the orange clown ignoramus....
Personally I don't believe the Democrat/PROG-party would exist without having ownership of nearly all information & misinformation. They're just too irrational and entertain the lowest common denominators to attract a crowd without propaganda. 24/7 news, and especially the web were diamonds to them, it helped them turn California blue, and then the rush & exodus outward. They wired heads before the internet, but with the internet they seem to have perfected it, almost completely. Rationality is gone, and reality has become a free-flowing narration aimed only to serve the interests of their masters.

Let's take the black population for a great example of the power of their propaganda.

Democrats were the party of slavery and the Republicans freed the slaves. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

A large number of Democrats failed to support civil rights. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

Blacks are more likely to reject COVID vaccination, because like a lot of conservatives they don't trust the system. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

Democrats have assaulted Christianity for many years, while a large number of blacks are Christian. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

Democrat run cities are in turmoil. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

Democrats talk about racism all day, most conservatives could give a flying fuck what race you are. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

Black success peaked on Trump's watch. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

Black leaders are WTF is that SHIT? If I were black I'd be so ashamed my people came up with this trash representation, that's not the best you got, BY FAR. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

Democrats consistently patronize blacks, single blacks out, and hold them to lessor standards in the name of "fairness, understanding & reparations", while most conservatives could give a flying fuck what race you are. Blacks should want equality right? not some BS segregating blacks to the core. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

At the end of the day, propaganda points their fingers into the other direction. They tell us when to riot (election time), teach us how thugs are martyrs, blacks are to be pitied instead of held responsible, welfare in exchange of families. So 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

It's a two party system. It's exist no matter what.
Without the media keeping liberals focused on imaginary dangers like right wing(FBI) plots, scamdemics, and global warming they would tear themselves apart.
Pick something and tell us why its wrong.
'I don't believe the Democrat/PROG-party would exist without having ownership of nearly all information & misinformation.'

1. The above is wrong because absolutely no critical thought seemed to go into this screed. Do you even understand what critical thinking entails? Doubtful.

Ownership? Hardly. Some dirt merchant magaturds resembling this one just love to pretend they just woke up after a 100+ year hibernation and 'suddenly' found out that Democrats now dominate journalism, television, most of the arts as well as social media.

This argument is a crock of shit, and doesn't support fact.

Paying even just the slightest bit of attention, one can see that Democrats have fucking dominated these industries (also known as the LIBERAL arts) for a very, very long time, so this recently fabricated magaturd outrage falls apart pretty quickly when held to any sort of scrutiny.

As Republica magaturds, you should be enjoying your party's recent cultural renaissance as playing catch up to the Democrats in these arenas has beared some fruit. Magaturds now have Breitbart, Newsmax, OANN and Fox to give them their 24/7 dose of their political tribe's propaganda and talking points. In addition, they have countless magaturd blogs on the Internet to do the same. They may lack reputation, and haven't learned how to build a decent social media platform rivalling any of the mainstream platforms as of yet, but in a few years, who knows?

Shall I keep going?
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Since the Democrats "adopted" CRT (Critical Race Theory), the MSM buys into this crap so much, it has now been the "Fabric of the Democrat Party". Just as the KKK, Antifa and BLM (which Black Lives Matter doesn't really represent all Blacks.)

CRT is a fact of American life. You don't know shit about who or what represent black people. BLM is supported by the majority of black people. You don't even know what CRT is.
He is a Democrat. His skin color is the most important thing about himself. That's why he talks about it so much.
More white racist hogwash. The republican party is the white idenitity party. Skin color is the most important thing to you. This is why you oppose, BLM, 1619 Project, Juneteenth, CRT and anything else blacks propose that might actually go mainstream.
Glad you said this.

Go listen to a BLM Democrat. They say what I said and much worse.

When people listen to a blm Democrat, they will remember you called me a liar and know you're full of shit.
Try not telling a black person what black people are saying. You are a liar.
CRT is a fact of American life. You don't know shit about who or what represent black people. BLM is supported by the majority of black people. You don't even know what CRT is.
Two simple things:

CRT is a complete joke!

" CRT also recognizes that race intersects with other identities, including sexuality, gender identity, and others. CRT recognizes that racism is not a bygone relic of the past. Instead, it acknowledges that the legacy of slavery, segregation, and the imposition of second-class citizenship on Black Americans and other people of color continue to permeate the social fabric of this nation. "

As for the BLM, BLM does not represent ALL blacks. It is being supported by a majority of whites and blacks. But these so-called "white folks" that support this "domestic terrorist" group, have really no clue why they even support them. They are mostly folks who "believe" it serves a good cause, when it reality, it's just that - a domestic terrorist group. And should be treated as such. Just like Antifa and the Proud Boys, as well as Nazi groups and the KKK. They are all race baiters.
Two simple things:

CRT is a complete joke!

" CRT also recognizes that race intersects with other identities, including sexuality, gender identity, and others. CRT recognizes that racism is not a bygone relic of the past. Instead, it acknowledges that the legacy of slavery, segregation, and the imposition of second-class citizenship on Black Americans and other people of color continue to permeate the social fabric of this nation. "

As for the BLM, BLM does not represent ALL blacks. It is being supported by a majority of whites and blacks. But these so-called "white folks" that support this "domestic terrorist" group, have really no clue why they even support them. They are mostly folks who "believe" it serves a good cause, when it reality, it's just that - a domestic terrorist group. And should be treated as such. Just like Antifa and the Proud Boys, as well as Nazi groups and the KKK. They are all race baiters.
CRT is 100 percent correct and as I am black, I know who and what BLM speaks to. BLM is not the only black organization, but other black organizations do support BLM just as BLM supports them. Whites who support these organizations know why they do just as whites who joined the Freedom Riders, SNCC did back in the 1060's and those who are members of the Urban League and NAACP today.

You're just mouthing off in a right wing forum because its an echo chamber for your bullshit. You don't know what the hell you're talking about. Tom Nichols refers to people like you in his book, The Death of Expertise.
CRT is 100 percent correct and as I am black, I know who and what BLM speaks to. BLM is not the only black organization, but other black organizations do support BLM just as BLM supports them. Whites who support these organizations know why they do just as whites who joined the Freedom Riders, SNCC did back in the 1060's and those who are members of the Urban League and NAACP today.

You're just mouthing off in a right wing forum because its an echo chamber for your bullshit. You don't know what the hell you're talking about. Tom Nichols refers to people like you in his book, The Death of Expertise.
The day a racist like you get's banned on here will be the day the forum can finally say it's come of age.

You're honestly one of the worst folk I've ever seen commenting online in about 20-years of posting on internet forums and social media etc - and that's saying something.

I actually think you're borderline evil.

I bet in real life you're an awful person.

Miserable person too.
The day a racist like you get's banned on here will be the day the forum can finally say it's come of age.

You're honestly one of the worst folk I've ever seen commenting online in about 20-years of posting on internet forums and social media etc - and that's saying something.

I actually think you're borderline evil.

I bet in real life you're an awful person.

Miserable person too.
You're the racist here brexit boy, not me.

Your own countryman has described you as scum. You're a joke scotsman, stick to UK issues.
CRT is 100 percent correct and as I am black,

"Racism in the United States is normal, not aberrational: it is the common, ordinary experience of most people of colour."

I could care less if you are black, I have a few black people who I am good friends with. But they don't talk the way you do. I don't know what you are even trying to "prove" to anyone here. That we should be "sorry" for you - because you're black? That your race has been through so much over the years and so forth? Are you expecting some reparation?

You are just "talking" foolishly, but hey...keep going! No one isn't going to stop you. Let's see how far you may get. Probably not far. But hey, I am glad I am not you. That's all I have to say.
Democrats want blacks poor and dependent on government.

Thats why black racist Democrats say things like...

Going to school is acting white.
Obeying the law is acting white.

All to turn black kids into troubled adults.
There seems to be more that obey the law and do not get into legal trouble than those that do, but all you ever do is call out the bad and never the good which is the majority.
The Democratic Party has gone far too far with PC & Identity Politics, and the GOP has made it easy for them to do so.

This is one ugly fucking symbiotic relationship, with each side aggressively feeding into the worst impulses of the other.

And worse, every incentive and motivation both ends of this issue have, is to continue with their divisive behaviors.
Personally I don't believe the Democrat/PROG-party would exist without having ownership of nearly all information & misinformation. They're just too irrational and entertain the lowest common denominators to attract a crowd without propaganda. 24/7 news, and especially the web were diamonds to them, it helped them turn California blue, and then the rush & exodus outward. They wired heads before the internet, but with the internet they seem to have perfected it, almost completely. Rationality is gone, and reality has become a free-flowing narration aimed only to serve the interests of their masters.

Let's take the black population for a great example of the power of their propaganda.

Democrats were the party of slavery and the Republicans freed the slaves. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

A large number of Democrats failed to support civil rights. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

Blacks are more likely to reject COVID vaccination, because like a lot of conservatives they don't trust the system. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

Democrats have assaulted Christianity for many years, while a large number of blacks are Christian. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

Democrat run cities are in turmoil. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

Democrats talk about racism all day, most conservatives could give a flying fuck what race you are. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

Black success peaked on Trump's watch. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

Black leaders are WTF is that SHIT? If I were black I'd be so ashamed my people came up with this trash representation, that's not the best you got, BY FAR. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

Democrats consistently patronize blacks, single blacks out, and hold them to lessor standards in the name of "fairness, understanding & reparations", while most conservatives could give a flying fuck what race you are. Blacks should want equality right? not some BS segregating blacks to the core. 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.

At the end of the day, propaganda points their fingers into the other direction. They tell us when to riot (election time), teach us how thugs are martyrs, blacks are to be pitied instead of held responsible, welfare in exchange of families. So 90% of blacks swing Democrat anyway.
Today’s Democrat Party needs Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. Ultimately, that is what they sell.

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