Do You Guys Think That Donald Trump Is Going To Run For Speaker Of The House This Year?

True it's not gonna happen, but Rump can't hold office any more. Ee is, 'ow you say, "toast".

>> No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. << -- Amendment XIV, Section 3

This deserves it's own thread.
Trumptards not only want their dear leader to be "speaker" of the house, but they also even dumber more corrupt people to run for president.

They love their stupid criminals.........................since Nixon, every one has been dumber and more corrupt than the last one.
Has there been enough "STUPID" in this thread yet?

All these conservatives with 'no clue' how the Speaker of the House is Chosen.


Wow indeed. All these posters with no clue who people are.

The COTUS does not specifically delineate that the Speaker "must" be a House member but that's already understood -- why the fuck would a House select a Speaker who had no vote herself? Duh? Maybe that's why it's never been done?
I believe he WILL run for a House seat in Florida ,where he can't lose. 2024. And take over as Speaker.

Dammit, you made me pull Pothead out from under the Ignore rug to see what he said.
But he didn't disappoint:
But he would be superb as speaker.

Reminds me of this draft of Rump's opening statement when his orange ass is hauled before the 1/6 committee. I wrote it myself (heavily plagiarized in the best Melanie spirit):

>> “This will be the greatest testimony in the history of testicles. Only I can testify. I know testicles better than the genitals, believe me. Many porn stars are saying that. If you look at the oranges of my testicles and by the way I mean obviously driving a Testicle is a terrible thing. Get that car off the road, it’s fired. It’s only a thing because it’s electric, I like cars that aren’t electric, OK? The sound of those cars causes cancer and I’ve spoken about it numerous times in various speeches. And what’s interesting is I spoke about it when we launched a very successful rocket — a tremendous program that culminated on that day and obviously it goes on from there. Amazing, incredible rocket. Many astronauts are saying that and they don’t look like Indians to me. But you know, one day all the Teslicles on the road will just disappear. Almost like a cleaning. Bing bing bing. I’ve talked about it for a very long time and if you look at what we’re doing it’s incredible how I’ve actually flushed more toilets and testicled about more subjects than anyone’s ever flushed or tested, because I have a very good ….. uhbrain. Man, woman, bird, plane, camera, TV.” <<

The Committee will say, "Superb Speaker! Huzzah!"


Now maybe it's just me but it would seem a "Speaker" would need the ability to actually "speak".
Trump will be found guilty of insurrection and some some states wouldn’t be allowed to even have him on their ballots.
Oh. Thanks for your always utterly worthless psychic predictions, NostraDUMBASS. 🤣😂
Dammit, you made me pull Pothead out from under the Ignore rug to see what he said.
But he didn't disappoint:


Reminds me of this draft of Rump's opening statement when his orange ass is hauled before the 1/6 committee. I wrote it myself (heavily plagiarized in the best Melanie spirit):

>> “This will be the greatest testimony in the history of testicles. Only I can testify. I know testicles better than the genitals, believe me. Many porn stars are saying that. If you look at the oranges of my testicles and by the way I mean obviously driving a Testicle is a terrible thing. Get that car off the road, it’s fired. It’s only a thing because it’s electric, I like cars that aren’t electric, OK? The sound of those cars causes cancer and I’ve spoken about it numerous times in various speeches. And what’s interesting is I spoke about it when we launched a very successful rocket — a tremendous program that culminated on that day and obviously it goes on from there. Amazing, incredible rocket. Many astronauts are saying that and they don’t look like Indians to me. But you know, one day all the Teslicles on the road will just disappear. Almost like a cleaning. Bing bing bing. I’ve talked about it for a very long time and if you look at what we’re doing it’s incredible how I’ve actually flushed more toilets and testicled about more subjects than anyone’s ever flushed or tested, because I have a very good ….. uhbrain. Man, woman, bird, plane, camera, TV.” <<

The Committee will say, "Superb Speaker! Huzzah!"

Now maybe it's just me but it would seem a "Speaker" would need the ability to actually "speak".

Nazi Sluggo, making shit up about his betters again.

What a fucking loser. All you can do is lie about those you hate.

Are you Adam the lying little Schitt?

All you EVER post is

True it's not gonna happen, but Rump can't hold office any more. Ee is, 'ow you say, "toast".

>> No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. << -- Amendment XIV, Section 3

Oh, you got him this time Nazi boi?

Not like the last 71,982,654 times, this time you really got him..


What a fucking clown

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