Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

You don't even know what you are. Black OR Pan African?
Cut us a break..
They are interchangeable. I'm not here to cut you a break. If you dont like that then thats too bad. :rolleyes:

That's fair. One thing is for sure..YOU AIN'T AMERICAN!!!
While I could give a shit about the american label I just looked it up and yes I am also american even if I am too embarrassed to admit it.

You know no embarrassment or shame. And, quit lying about being an American.
I only feel shame if I do something wrong. Why would I lie about being an american if it embarrasses me? :rolleyes:

Obviously because that is un-American!
They are interchangeable. I'm not here to cut you a break. If you dont like that then thats too bad. :rolleyes:

That's fair. One thing is for sure..YOU AIN'T AMERICAN!!!
While I could give a shit about the american label I just looked it up and yes I am also american even if I am too embarrassed to admit it.

You know no embarrassment or shame. And, quit lying about being an American.
I only feel shame if I do something wrong. Why would I lie about being an american if it embarrasses me? :rolleyes:

Obviously because that is un-American!
I thought americans had the right to free expression? Youre the one angry because I expressed how I felt about being an american. Youre the unamerican person here. :rolleyes:
I'm not proud about everything America has done; some things out of my control or historically done before my time.
But I will never ever say that I am embarrassed about being an American!!!
I'm not proud about everything America has done; some things out of my control or historically done before my time.
But I will never ever say that I am embarrassed about being an American!!!
Thats your right. I have my right to say I am embarrassed. We have an idiot named Drumpf for a POTUS and we are the laughing stock of the globe. Thats something thats in the present.
That's fair. One thing is for sure..YOU AIN'T AMERICAN!!!
While I could give a shit about the american label I just looked it up and yes I am also american even if I am too embarrassed to admit it.

You know no embarrassment or shame. And, quit lying about being an American.
I only feel shame if I do something wrong. Why would I lie about being an american if it embarrasses me? :rolleyes:

Obviously because that is un-American!
I thought americans had the right to free expression? Youre the one angry because I expressed how I felt about being an american. Youre the unamerican person here. :rolleyes:

Globalist are proud of you. I'm not one of them.
While I could give a shit about the american label I just looked it up and yes I am also american even if I am too embarrassed to admit it.

You know no embarrassment or shame. And, quit lying about being an American.
I only feel shame if I do something wrong. Why would I lie about being an american if it embarrasses me? :rolleyes:

Obviously because that is un-American!
I thought americans had the right to free expression? Youre the one angry because I expressed how I felt about being an american. Youre the unamerican person here. :rolleyes:

Globalist are proud of you. I'm not one of them.
Thats ok. Maybe one day you will figure out that countries rise and fall. People are people no matter where in the world they are.
You know no embarrassment or shame. And, quit lying about being an American.
I only feel shame if I do something wrong. Why would I lie about being an american if it embarrasses me? :rolleyes:

Obviously because that is un-American!
I thought americans had the right to free expression? Youre the one angry because I expressed how I felt about being an american. Youre the unamerican person here. :rolleyes:

Globalist are proud of you. I'm not one of them.
Thats ok. Maybe one day you will figure out that countries rise and fall. People are people no matter where in the world they are.

As an American, people around the world, especially those who live in polluted 3rd world shit holes want what you have without working for it.
And you're ready to give it all up because you have some rainbow and unicorn perception that they deserve it.
That is un-American.
I only feel shame if I do something wrong. Why would I lie about being an american if it embarrasses me? :rolleyes:

Obviously because that is un-American!
I thought americans had the right to free expression? Youre the one angry because I expressed how I felt about being an american. Youre the unamerican person here. :rolleyes:

Globalist are proud of you. I'm not one of them.
Thats ok. Maybe one day you will figure out that countries rise and fall. People are people no matter where in the world they are.

As an American, people around the world, especially those who live in polluted 3rd world shit holes want what you have without working for it.
And you're ready to give it all up because you have some rainbow and unicorn perception that they deserve it.
That is un-American.
I've actually traveled around the world and the one thing I found that was a huge lie was that everyone wanted to live in america. You have been victimized by propaganda and you should know better. There are literally billions of people that would want to stay in their own country over coming to the US. Yes. Humans deserve to be treated like humans Its pretty much what humane means right?
Obviously because that is un-American!
I thought americans had the right to free expression? Youre the one angry because I expressed how I felt about being an american. Youre the unamerican person here. :rolleyes:

Globalist are proud of you. I'm not one of them.
Thats ok. Maybe one day you will figure out that countries rise and fall. People are people no matter where in the world they are.

As an American, people around the world, especially those who live in polluted 3rd world shit holes want what you have without working for it.
And you're ready to give it all up because you have some rainbow and unicorn perception that they deserve it.
That is un-American.
I've actually traveled around the world and the one thing I found that was a huge lie was that everyone wanted to live in america. You have been victimized by propaganda and you should know better. There are literally billions of people that would want to stay in their own country over coming to the US. Yes. Humans deserve to be treated like humans Its pretty much what humane means right?

If true, then why do we have an overwhelming immigration problem? It's you that has been victimized by propaganda.
Nice try with the rainbow and unicorn approach, tho.
Ever notice how right I am about racist stupid liberals.

They prove me right every time.

What scumbags
I thought americans had the right to free expression? Youre the one angry because I expressed how I felt about being an american. Youre the unamerican person here. :rolleyes:

Globalist are proud of you. I'm not one of them.
Thats ok. Maybe one day you will figure out that countries rise and fall. People are people no matter where in the world they are.

As an American, people around the world, especially those who live in polluted 3rd world shit holes want what you have without working for it.
And you're ready to give it all up because you have some rainbow and unicorn perception that they deserve it.
That is un-American.
I've actually traveled around the world and the one thing I found that was a huge lie was that everyone wanted to live in america. You have been victimized by propaganda and you should know better. There are literally billions of people that would want to stay in their own country over coming to the US. Yes. Humans deserve to be treated like humans Its pretty much what humane means right?

If true, then why do we have an overwhelming immigration problem? It's you that has been victimized by propaganda.
Nice try with the rainbow and unicorn approach, tho.
We dont have an overwhelming immigration problem.. That too is propaganda for fools like yourself.. You must be an idiot if you dont realize its just a talking point no one is going to anything about. No illegals and your crops are rotting in the fields like Georgia and I believe Alabama found out the hard way.

Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested Crops - The Atlantic

"After enacting House Bill 87, a law designed to drive illegal immigrants out of Georgia, state officials appear shocked to discover that HB 87 is, well, driving a lot of illegal immigrants out of Georgia...
Thanks to the resulting labor shortage, Georgia farmers have been forced to leave millions of dollars' worth of blueberries, onions, melons and other crops unharvested and rotting in the fields. It has also put state officials into something of a panic at the damage they've done to Georgia's largest industry...."

Alabama immigration: crops rot as workers vanish to avoid crackdown

"Brian Cash can put a figure to the cost of Alabama's new immigration law: at least $100,000. That's the value of the tomatoes he has personally ripening out in his fields and that are going unpicked because his Hispanic workforce vanished literally overnight."
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Billions of people know there was obviously collusion.

You really should feel incredibly stupid after posting that but I know you lack the self awareness to realize it.
Why should I feel stupid? Do you have the intelligence to explain why or is this just something you thought would be cool to say?
Double down dumbfuck lol
I figured you were too dumb to explain why. :rolleyes:
I did not realize that. They still actually believe it.

Must be the same people that think Kavanaugh sexually assaulted someone.


They think they will both be impeached now.


You read posts like this and the only thought is "I'm glad I'm not still at high school and having to deal with pathetic crap like this".
I did not realize that. They still actually believe it.

Must be the same people that think Kavanaugh sexually assaulted someone.


They think they will both be impeached now.

Liberals think?

I've seen no evidence of that for some time. They certainly aren't thinking about growing the economy or creating more jobs for Americans or bringing manufacturing jobs back to the US or of repatriating foreign profits of US corporations so they can be invested in the US economy instead of overseas or of border security or of getting the deadbeat NATO members to live up to their treaty obligations or of trying to repair the mess Obama made of the ME or of trying to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, so what are they thinking about?

Of, I know, they're thinking about the President's tax returns.

lol... ^^^ would rather turn america into a facist state for a few extra bucks. ^^^

man, you trumpanzees come cheap.
Don Junior also lied under oath before congress, he told them he did not tell his father anything about the Trump Tower meeting with the 7 Russian government operatives that were offering dirt on Hillary.

Turns out the blocked call he made was his father's number, and one or two of Mueller's cooperating witnesses said Trump did know about the meeting beforehand and was updated afterwards.

This is why Trump has been so off the wall the past few weeks.... and allegedly, Don junior has been telling his friends, he expects to be indicted soon for perjury....

steve bannon can be called back as well. he refused to answer some questions- just like traitor tot.

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