Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

Ever notice cons use the same term. “Collusion”. Never “contact”’or “interference “. Always “collusion”.

They had to keep modifying the language as the team trump lies were more and more exposed .

Interesting. First you complain that they all use the SAME language, then you complain that they use DIFFERENT language. Can you pick one to be outraged about?

Here's a hint. They use "collusion" because that was the original complaint. Now the complaint is changing. It would seem that the complainers are the inconsistent ones who are modifying the language.
There are multiple charges possible against Trump

We will have to see what Mr Mueller has to say

Naturally, and if he's broken laws I expect justice to be done. If not, it would nice to see the bitter insistence that he did go away. I won't hold my breath, though.
So if it is true, is the fact that Hillary colluded with the Ukraine of any concern?

Ukraine’s collusion with Hillary Clinton to meddle in US elections now exposed (Video)

My guess is that you will say no, which makes you a partisan hack. Politics is a dirty business and I guarantee any politician would meet with someone who said they had dirt on a political rival.

What I don't get is the notion that if Trump did collude with Putin, how in the hell did that win him an election?

I mean really, a few Russians on line trying to convince people to vote for Trump? Really?

What Left wing dolts like you need to understand is, the election was LOST by Hillary.

She was incompetent, corrupt, and just plain stupid.

Essentially, Trump knows how to use e-mail and Hillary was clueless.

Hence, Trump won.

A video from someone called Duran- can be made up by anyone including a Russian hack working out of St. Petersburg Russia. So I'll stick with James Clapper's sworn testimony that I already gave you at this link on this thread-:auiqs.jpg:
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

Vladimir Putin actually did change the outcome of the election & James Clapper was the 1st person to make that assessment. For how Putin did it, click this link that will redirect you to another post on this board.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

How many Dems voted for Trump, because of a Russian meme?

This link will explain how Vladimir Putin changed the outcome of the election. It's was quite a brilliant strategy to be honest.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


So how many Dems voted for Trump, because of a Russian meme?
How many independents switched
The Russian interference really was not about switching their vote... it was about getting democrats to NOT vote...

the only way republicans can win is by democrats being discouraged or disenfranchised and not voting.
A video from someone called Duran- can be made up by anyone including a Russian hack working out of St. Petersburg Russia. So I'll stick with James Clapper's sworn testimony that I already gave you at this link on this thread-:auiqs.jpg:
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

Vladimir Putin actually did change the outcome of the election & James Clapper was the 1st person to make that assessment. For how Putin did it, click this link that will redirect you to another post on this board.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

How many Dems voted for Trump, because of a Russian meme?

This link will explain how Vladimir Putin changed the outcome of the election. It's was quite a brilliant strategy to be honest.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


So how many Dems voted for Trump, because of a Russian meme?
How many independents switched
The Russian interference really was not about switching their vote... it was about getting democrats to NOT vote...

the only way republicans can win is by democrats being discouraged or disenfranchised and not voting.

Cheating Bernie was discouraging.
I did not realize that. They still actually believe it.

Must be the same people that think Kavanaugh sexually assaulted someone.


They think they will both be impeached now.

Yes, they confirm it all the time. These people are the bottom of the barrel mentally. They still drool over the prospect that Mueller is going to get Trump somehow. Every person Mueller targets with his witch hunt is automatically an enemy of the people who deserves to be tortured, destroyed and burned at the stake.

They are truly despicable and revolting.
A video from someone called Duran- can be made up by anyone including a Russian hack working out of St. Petersburg Russia. So I'll stick with James Clapper's sworn testimony that I already gave you at this link on this thread-:auiqs.jpg:
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

Vladimir Putin actually did change the outcome of the election & James Clapper was the 1st person to make that assessment. For how Putin did it, click this link that will redirect you to another post on this board.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

How many Dems voted for Trump, because of a Russian meme?

This link will explain how Vladimir Putin changed the outcome of the election. It's was quite a brilliant strategy to be honest.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


So how many Dems voted for Trump, because of a Russian meme?
How many independents switched
The Russian interference really was not about switching their vote... it was about getting democrats to NOT vote...

the only way republicans can win is by democrats being discouraged or disenfranchised and not voting.
Yes, it helps Republicans when illegal aliens and dead people don't vote.

I didn't know the Russians were promoting voter ID.
Last edited:
Billions of people know there was obviously collusion. Thats kinda hard to prove unless someone admits to it though.

If it's so hard to prove, how can so many people know it's true?
If Asclepias believes it to be true, then he believes everyone else believes the same thing. That's how snowflake brains work. They can't imagine anyone honestly disagrees with their idiot's take on reality.
Last edited:
The investigation into the multiple scandals of the Trump campaign and administration continue
A video from someone called Duran- can be made up by anyone including a Russian hack working out of St. Petersburg Russia. So I'll stick with James Clapper's sworn testimony that I already gave you at this link on this thread-:auiqs.jpg:
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

Vladimir Putin actually did change the outcome of the election & James Clapper was the 1st person to make that assessment. For how Putin did it, click this link that will redirect you to another post on this board.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

How many Dems voted for Trump, because of a Russian meme?

This link will explain how Vladimir Putin changed the outcome of the election. It's was quite a brilliant strategy to be honest.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


So how many Dems voted for Trump, because of a Russian meme?
How many independents switched
The Russian interference really was not about switching their vote... it was about getting democrats to NOT vote...

the only way republicans can win is by democrats being discouraged or disenfranchised and not voting.

If that's true, why are democrat voters so easily manipulated? Are they stupid, less than intellectual rigorous, riders of the short bus? What's the problem?
How many Dems voted for Trump, because of a Russian meme?

This link will explain how Vladimir Putin changed the outcome of the election. It's was quite a brilliant strategy to be honest.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


So how many Dems voted for Trump, because of a Russian meme?
How many independents switched
The Russian interference really was not about switching their vote... it was about getting democrats to NOT vote...

the only way republicans can win is by democrats being discouraged or disenfranchised and not voting.

If that's true, why are democrat voters so easily manipulated? Are they stupid, less than intellectual rigorous, riders of the short bus? What's the problem?
inexperience with 'dirty politics'....
How many Dems voted for Trump, because of a Russian meme?

This link will explain how Vladimir Putin changed the outcome of the election. It's was quite a brilliant strategy to be honest.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


So how many Dems voted for Trump, because of a Russian meme?
How many independents switched
The Russian interference really was not about switching their vote... it was about getting democrats to NOT vote...

the only way republicans can win is by democrats being discouraged or disenfranchised and not voting.

If that's true, why are democrat voters so easily manipulated? Are they stupid, less than intellectual rigorous, riders of the short bus? What's the problem?

???? Why were so many Trump tards infatuated with Trump after receiving a 1000 warnings about him, from prominent Republicans, yet still voted for him?

You know a 1000 mile--40' high wall that Mexico was going to pay for was about as realistic as a free college education for everyone. You all went for the "ear candy" and now an Ass Clown, that has an emotional stability of a teenage drama queen, with a 7th grade understanding of US policy sits in the Oval office.

What do you think these huge loss's in the House this midterm were about? This doesn't happen during in a good economy. This country gave a very clear condemnation of Donald Trump. Everyone that had an R behind their names west of the Mississippi were getting wiped out.

As soon as Democrats are sworn in as house Majority leaders on January 20, 2019--they're going to get Trump's income tax returns via the Ways & Means committee. They're already lining up subpoenas for the open public hearings, & testimony. Robert Mueller has another 15 sealed indictments on top of the 34 he's already issued that will drop a nuclear bomb on this administration.

Through your own ignorance you have annihilated the Republican party for decades to come. Who is going to trust another Republican President after Donald Trump? NO ONE.
Roger Stone associate says he is in plea negotiations with Mueller's office - CNNPolitics
Last edited:
This link will explain how Vladimir Putin changed the outcome of the election. It's was quite a brilliant strategy to be honest.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


So how many Dems voted for Trump, because of a Russian meme?
How many independents switched
The Russian interference really was not about switching their vote... it was about getting democrats to NOT vote...

the only way republicans can win is by democrats being discouraged or disenfranchised and not voting.

If that's true, why are democrat voters so easily manipulated? Are they stupid, less than intellectual rigorous, riders of the short bus? What's the problem?
inexperience with 'dirty politics'....
"[democrat voters have] inexperience with 'dirty politics'...


So how many Dems voted for Trump, because of a Russian meme?
How many independents switched
The Russian interference really was not about switching their vote... it was about getting democrats to NOT vote...

the only way republicans can win is by democrats being discouraged or disenfranchised and not voting.

If that's true, why are democrat voters so easily manipulated? Are they stupid, less than intellectual rigorous, riders of the short bus? What's the problem?
inexperience with 'dirty politics'....
"[democrat voters have] inexperience with 'dirty politics'...

Bernie was able to bring in to the party the under 30 voters, and first time voters, who had little experience with politics, let alone dirty trickster politics.
How many independents switched
The Russian interference really was not about switching their vote... it was about getting democrats to NOT vote...

the only way republicans can win is by democrats being discouraged or disenfranchised and not voting.

If that's true, why are democrat voters so easily manipulated? Are they stupid, less than intellectual rigorous, riders of the short bus? What's the problem?
inexperience with 'dirty politics'....
"[democrat voters have] inexperience with 'dirty politics'...

Bernie was able to bring in to the party the under 30 voters, and first time voters, who had little experience with politics, let alone dirty trickster politics.
You mean he brought in the gullible rubes.

So how many Dems voted for Trump, because of a Russian meme?
How many independents switched
The Russian interference really was not about switching their vote... it was about getting democrats to NOT vote...

the only way republicans can win is by democrats being discouraged or disenfranchised and not voting.

If that's true, why are democrat voters so easily manipulated? Are they stupid, less than intellectual rigorous, riders of the short bus? What's the problem?
inexperience with 'dirty politics'....
"[democrat voters have] inexperience with 'dirty politics'...


I don't think Democrats have Treason, Obstruction & Lies under their roof yet, but you go right ahead and supply a credible-verifiable link to your babble anyway.

For the collusion part click these 2 separate links to posts on this thread that prove it.

First one-- an article that was confirmed by James Clapper, National Intelligence director under sworn testimony over a year ago. Along with a video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

Second one-- a video of Shep Smith notifying us that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL.
Last edited:
This link will explain how Vladimir Putin changed the outcome of the election. It's was quite a brilliant strategy to be honest.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


So how many Dems voted for Trump, because of a Russian meme?
How many independents switched
The Russian interference really was not about switching their vote... it was about getting democrats to NOT vote...

the only way republicans can win is by democrats being discouraged or disenfranchised and not voting.

If that's true, why are democrat voters so easily manipulated? Are they stupid, less than intellectual rigorous, riders of the short bus? What's the problem?

???? Why were so many Trump tards infatuated with Trump after receiving a 1000 warnings about him, from prominent Republicans, yet still voted for him?

You know a 1000 mile--40' high wall that Mexico was going to pay for was about as realistic as a free college education for everyone. You all went for the "ear candy" and now an Ass Clown, that has an emotional stability of a teenage drama queen, with a 7th grade understanding of US policy sits in the Oval office.

What do you think these huge loss's in the House this midterm were about? This doesn't happen during in a good economy. This country gave a very clear condemnation of Donald Trump. Everyone that had an R behind their names west of the Mississippi were getting wiped out.

As soon as Democrats are sworn in as house Majority leaders on January 20, 2019--they're going to get Trump's income tax returns via the Ways & Means committee. They're already lining up subpoenas for the open public hearings, & testimony. Robert Mueller has another 15 sealed indictments on top of the 34 he's already issued that will drop a nuclear bomb on this administration.

Through your own ignorance you have annihilated the Republican party for decades to come. Who is going to trust another Republican President after Donald Trump? NO ONE.
Roger Stone associate says he is in plea negotiations with Mueller's office - CNNPolitics
Nice waddaboutism, but has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
This link will explain how Vladimir Putin changed the outcome of the election. It's was quite a brilliant strategy to be honest.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


So how many Dems voted for Trump, because of a Russian meme?
How many independents switched
The Russian interference really was not about switching their vote... it was about getting democrats to NOT vote...

the only way republicans can win is by democrats being discouraged or disenfranchised and not voting.

If that's true, why are democrat voters so easily manipulated? Are they stupid, less than intellectual rigorous, riders of the short bus? What's the problem?
inexperience with 'dirty politics'....
There simply is no way to take that seriously.

So how many Dems voted for Trump, because of a Russian meme?
How many independents switched
The Russian interference really was not about switching their vote... it was about getting democrats to NOT vote...

the only way republicans can win is by democrats being discouraged or disenfranchised and not voting.

If that's true, why are democrat voters so easily manipulated? Are they stupid, less than intellectual rigorous, riders of the short bus? What's the problem?

???? Why were so many Trump tards infatuated with Trump after receiving a 1000 warnings about him, from prominent Republicans, yet still voted for him?

You know a 1000 mile--40' high wall that Mexico was going to pay for was about as realistic as a free college education for everyone. You all went for the "ear candy" and now an Ass Clown, that has an emotional stability of a teenage drama queen, with a 7th grade understanding of US policy sits in the Oval office.

What do you think these huge loss's in the House this midterm were about? This doesn't happen during in a good economy. This country gave a very clear condemnation of Donald Trump. Everyone that had an R behind their names west of the Mississippi were getting wiped out.

As soon as Democrats are sworn in as house Majority leaders on January 20, 2019--they're going to get Trump's income tax returns via the Ways & Means committee. They're already lining up subpoenas for the open public hearings, & testimony. Robert Mueller has another 15 sealed indictments on top of the 34 he's already issued that will drop a nuclear bomb on this administration.

Through your own ignorance you have annihilated the Republican party for decades to come. Who is going to trust another Republican President after Donald Trump? NO ONE.
Roger Stone associate says he is in plea negotiations with Mueller's office - CNNPolitics
Nice waddaboutism, but has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Collusion doesn't have anything to do with a thread title regarding collusion-:290968001256257790-final:

You might want to try again by clicking these links.

James Clappers sworn testimony and a video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice at this link.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

Shep Smith video at this link.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL
How many independents switched
The Russian interference really was not about switching their vote... it was about getting democrats to NOT vote...

the only way republicans can win is by democrats being discouraged or disenfranchised and not voting.

If that's true, why are democrat voters so easily manipulated? Are they stupid, less than intellectual rigorous, riders of the short bus? What's the problem?
inexperience with 'dirty politics'....
"[democrat voters have] inexperience with 'dirty politics'...


I don't think Democrats have Treason, Obstruction & Lies under their roof yet, but you go right ahead and supply a credible-verifiable link to your babble anyway.

For the collusion part click these 2 separate links to posts on this thread that prove it.

First one-- an article that was confirmed by James Clapper, National Intelligence director under sworn testimony over a year ago. Along with a video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

Second one-- a video of Shep Smith notifying us that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL.
:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
How many independents switched
The Russian interference really was not about switching their vote... it was about getting democrats to NOT vote...

the only way republicans can win is by democrats being discouraged or disenfranchised and not voting.

If that's true, why are democrat voters so easily manipulated? Are they stupid, less than intellectual rigorous, riders of the short bus? What's the problem?

???? Why were so many Trump tards infatuated with Trump after receiving a 1000 warnings about him, from prominent Republicans, yet still voted for him?

You know a 1000 mile--40' high wall that Mexico was going to pay for was about as realistic as a free college education for everyone. You all went for the "ear candy" and now an Ass Clown, that has an emotional stability of a teenage drama queen, with a 7th grade understanding of US policy sits in the Oval office.

What do you think these huge loss's in the House this midterm were about? This doesn't happen during in a good economy. This country gave a very clear condemnation of Donald Trump. Everyone that had an R behind their names west of the Mississippi were getting wiped out.

As soon as Democrats are sworn in as house Majority leaders on January 20, 2019--they're going to get Trump's income tax returns via the Ways & Means committee. They're already lining up subpoenas for the open public hearings, & testimony. Robert Mueller has another 15 sealed indictments on top of the 34 he's already issued that will drop a nuclear bomb on this administration.

Through your own ignorance you have annihilated the Republican party for decades to come. Who is going to trust another Republican President after Donald Trump? NO ONE.
Roger Stone associate says he is in plea negotiations with Mueller's office - CNNPolitics
Nice waddaboutism, but has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Collusion doesn't have anything to do with a thread title regarding collusion-:290968001256257790-final:

You might want to try again by clicking these links.

James Clappers sworn testimony and a video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice at this link.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

Shep Smith video at this link.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL
First, we were talking about how gullible democrat voters are. Second, you started yammering about Trump voters, then about the wall, then the historically inevitable gains by the party out of power in the House (though not in the Senate), then you started salivating over Trump's tax returns (though I doubt you could understand more than the signature line if they were placed in front of you), then you launched into random fantasy land. Where in there were you talking about collusion?

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