Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

Glad you're man enough to admit, none were related to collusion.
Why bother colluding when the Russians were doing just great on their own? However it appears they never reported any of this to law enforcement... Maybe we should all wait until the Mueller report comes out for crying out loud. Our media is a joke, 3 years of gabbing about nothing...
All this crap about rigging the election against Sanders, what a load of BS. DNC was fairly powerless, and in the end the voting went on and was counted honestly. Our media blew up this kind of crap until Hillary lost the election.
All those staffers BS about what they might do means nothing and wasserman's opinion is a joke. Just what you would expect from party bureaucrats when they had a obvious candidate. Just typical politics, but you still have to vote in primaries. Sanders could easily have have won...

No Sanders could have never won. The fact remains that Hillary Clinton waxed Bernie Sander's tail by 3,775,437 real Democrat primary popular votes. In comparison Obama defeated Hillary Clinton in 2008 by a mere 41,622 Democrat popular votes, and she wasn't running around referring to it as a rigged election.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Sanders was winning the caucus states, where underdogs usually win, because less than 1% of either party shows up on a cold Tuesday night to sit around a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote. In fact I consider the caucus the prime example of voter disenfranchisement in this country as it eliminate so many from voting. (Overseas military, parents with young children who can't get a babysitter, people who are sick or hospitalized, and people who work on Tuesday nights.) If those had been primary states that allowed 2 weeks of voting, mail-in ballots, etc Sanders would have lost them all and been forced out very early.

In fact I blame Bernie Sanders for his hand in Hillary Clinton's loss. Even after getting his ass kicked in New York with no possible way of winning, he refused to drop out of the race, and at that point he might as well been working for the Trump campaign. Even after every single vote was counted, he had to get booed by house Democrats and a swift kick in the ass from Obama to officially drop out and endorse Hillary Clinton.
Sanders booed by House Democrats

One thing for certain, the DNC is NEVER going to let anyone change their party status just so they can run on their ticket again. Bernie Sanders turned out to be a major disaster for them, that probably cost Hillary Clinton the election.


There's not too much difference between the right wing of the Republican party & the left wing of the Democrat party.

They often fall prey to politicians that are promising things that don't have a snow balls chance in hell of ever getting through congress and signed into law. They still don't realize that the overwhelming majority of the voting population are center. It's been center since it's founding, and it will remain center. As evidenced by the 2018 midterm it was blue dog Democrats--moderates--that were kicking ass, not liberal Democrats.

Trump's 1000 mile wall that Mexico was going to pay for was about as realistic as Bernie Sander's free college education for everyone.
Hillary had the most flawed candidate in history to run against and still lost.

Hillary actually got the most votes. Blue dog democrats are conservatives. Democrats from a wide spectrum won.
I did not realize that. They still actually believe it.

Must be the same people that think Kavanaugh sexually assaulted someone.


They think they will both be impeached now.


It’s all they have. If that go’s away then all they got is policy and we know how that go’s for them.

When did the investigation end?

23 months ago. Collusion is dead. Obstruction not likely. There is nothing. Maybe a campaigne finance charge. But nothing impeachable.

The investigation has not ended. So until Mueller says it is you are talking crazy.
I did not realize that. They still actually believe it.

Must be the same people that think Kavanaugh sexually assaulted someone.


They think they will both be impeached now.


It’s all they have. If that go’s away then all they got is policy and we know how that go’s for them.

When did the investigation end?

23 months ago. Collusion is dead. Obstruction not likely. There is nothing. Maybe a campaigne finance charge. But nothing impeachable.

The investigation has not ended. So until Mueller says it is you are talking crazy.
After two years, we are still waiting for Trump to testify
I did not realize that. They still actually believe it.

Must be the same people that think Kavanaugh sexually assaulted someone.


They think they will both be impeached now.


It’s all they have. If that go’s away then all they got is policy and we know how that go’s for them.

When did the investigation end?

23 months ago. Collusion is dead. Obstruction not likely. There is nothing. Maybe a campaigne finance charge. But nothing impeachable.

The investigation has not ended. So until Mueller says it is you are talking crazy.
After two years, we are still waiting for Trump to testify

Robert Mueller is a cold blooded prosecutor. He is methodically putting the puzzle together and one by one we watch dominos falling all around Trump as his buddies and top aides are being squeezed.
Why bother colluding when the Russians were doing just great on their own? However it appears they never reported any of this to law enforcement... Maybe we should all wait until the Mueller report comes out for crying out loud. Our media is a joke, 3 years of gabbing about nothing...
All this crap about rigging the election against Sanders, what a load of BS. DNC was fairly powerless, and in the end the voting went on and was counted honestly. Our media blew up this kind of crap until Hillary lost the election.
All those staffers BS about what they might do means nothing and wasserman's opinion is a joke. Just what you would expect from party bureaucrats when they had a obvious candidate. Just typical politics, but you still have to vote in primaries. Sanders could easily have have won...

No Sanders could have never won. The fact remains that Hillary Clinton waxed Bernie Sander's tail by 3,775,437 real Democrat primary popular votes. In comparison Obama defeated Hillary Clinton in 2008 by a mere 41,622 Democrat popular votes, and she wasn't running around referring to it as a rigged election.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Sanders was winning the caucus states, where underdogs usually win, because less than 1% of either party shows up on a cold Tuesday night to sit around a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote. In fact I consider the caucus the prime example of voter disenfranchisement in this country as it eliminate so many from voting. (Overseas military, parents with young children who can't get a babysitter, people who are sick or hospitalized, and people who work on Tuesday nights.) If those had been primary states that allowed 2 weeks of voting, mail-in ballots, etc Sanders would have lost them all and been forced out very early.

In fact I blame Bernie Sanders for his hand in Hillary Clinton's loss. Even after getting his ass kicked in New York with no possible way of winning, he refused to drop out of the race, and at that point he might as well been working for the Trump campaign. Even after every single vote was counted, he had to get booed by house Democrats and a swift kick in the ass from Obama to officially drop out and endorse Hillary Clinton.
Sanders booed by House Democrats

One thing for certain, the DNC is NEVER going to let anyone change their party status just so they can run on their ticket again. Bernie Sanders turned out to be a major disaster for them, that probably cost Hillary Clinton the election.


There's not too much difference between the right wing of the Republican party & the left wing of the Democrat party.

They often fall prey to politicians that are promising things that don't have a snow balls chance in hell of ever getting through congress and signed into law. They still don't realize that the overwhelming majority of the voting population are center. It's been center since it's founding, and it will remain center. As evidenced by the 2018 midterm it was blue dog Democrats--moderates--that were kicking ass, not liberal Democrats.

Trump's 1000 mile wall that Mexico was going to pay for was about as realistic as Bernie Sander's free college education for everyone.
Hillary had the most flawed candidate in history to run against and still lost.

Hillary actually got the most votes. Blue dog democrats are conservatives. Democrats from a wide spectrum won.

Hillary actually got the most votes.

And she still managed to lose.
Was it the vodka?
It’s all they have. If that go’s away then all they got is policy and we know how that go’s for them.

When did the investigation end?

23 months ago. Collusion is dead. Obstruction not likely. There is nothing. Maybe a campaigne finance charge. But nothing impeachable.

The investigation has not ended. So until Mueller says it is you are talking crazy.
After two years, we are still waiting for Trump to testify

Robert Mueller is a cold blooded prosecutor. He is methodically putting the puzzle together and one by one we watch dominos falling all around Trump as his buddies and top aides are being squeezed.

Mueller will get to the bottom of it

If he says Trump is clean....I will believe him
If he says Trump is dirty......we need to prosecute
When did the investigation end?

23 months ago. Collusion is dead. Obstruction not likely. There is nothing. Maybe a campaigne finance charge. But nothing impeachable.

The investigation has not ended. So until Mueller says it is you are talking crazy.
After two years, we are still waiting for Trump to testify

Robert Mueller is a cold blooded prosecutor. He is methodically putting the puzzle together and one by one we watch dominos falling all around Trump as his buddies and top aides are being squeezed.

Mueller will get to the bottom of it

If he says Trump is clean....I will believe him
If he says Trump is dirty......we need to prosecute

I agree. It still won't change the fact Trump is a failed human being as well as president, but Mueller is the one investigating this, not Trump or Fox news.
Ever notice cons use the same term. “Collusion”. Never “contact”’or “interference “. Always “collusion”.

They had to keep modifying the language as the team trump lies were more and more exposed .
Ever notice cons use the same term. “Collusion”. Never “contact”’or “interference “. Always “collusion”.

They had to keep modifying the language as the team trump lies were more and more exposed .
Ever notice it was the bed wetters in the media that program you, who parroted the term collusion once the DNC got it's bullshit story straight?

Ever notice cons use the same term. “Collusion”. Never “contact”’or “interference “. Always “collusion”.

They had to keep modifying the language as the team trump lies were more and more exposed .
Ever notice it was the bed wetters in the media that program you, who parroted the term collusion once the DNC got it's bullshit story straight?


Did team Trump have contact wh the Russian? At first it was no . Then it was a meeting about adoption , then it was a meeting about Hillary . The trumps had no idea . Then they admitted to being there .

No matter how many times they change the story you trumptards eat it up.
23 months ago. Collusion is dead. Obstruction not likely. There is nothing. Maybe a campaigne finance charge. But nothing impeachable.

The investigation has not ended. So until Mueller says it is you are talking crazy.
After two years, we are still waiting for Trump to testify

Robert Mueller is a cold blooded prosecutor. He is methodically putting the puzzle together and one by one we watch dominos falling all around Trump as his buddies and top aides are being squeezed.

Mueller will get to the bottom of it

If he says Trump is clean....I will believe him
If he says Trump is dirty......we need to prosecute

I agree. It still won't change the fact Trump is a failed human being as well as president, but Mueller is the one investigating this, not Trump or Fox news.
Typical black ignorant slave of the democrats. Tell us again how unfair you have it in your American black life.

I need to laugh.
23 months ago. Collusion is dead. Obstruction not likely. There is nothing. Maybe a campaigne finance charge. But nothing impeachable.

The investigation has not ended. So until Mueller says it is you are talking crazy.
After two years, we are still waiting for Trump to testify

Robert Mueller is a cold blooded prosecutor. He is methodically putting the puzzle together and one by one we watch dominos falling all around Trump as his buddies and top aides are being squeezed.

Mueller will get to the bottom of it

If he says Trump is clean....I will believe him
If he says Trump is dirty......we need to prosecute

I agree. It still won't change the fact Trump is a failed human being as well as president, but Mueller is the one investigating this, not Trump or Fox news.

When did the investigation end?

23 months ago. Collusion is dead. Obstruction not likely. There is nothing. Maybe a campaigne finance charge. But nothing impeachable.

The investigation has not ended. So until Mueller says it is you are talking crazy.
After two years, we are still waiting for Trump to testify

Robert Mueller is a cold blooded prosecutor. He is methodically putting the puzzle together and one by one we watch dominos falling all around Trump as his buddies and top aides are being squeezed.

Mueller will get to the bottom of it

If he says Trump is clean....I will believe him
If he says Trump is dirty......we need to prosecute

It is rumored that Mueller is ready to unload another 15 sealed Federal Grand jury indictments. He's had Obstruction of Justice for quite some time, & I think he's peddle to the medal on the Collusion end of it now.

Many of Trump's inner circle had been charged and have made plea deals with Mueller, to TALK, and we've got lawyers running in & out of the Federal Grand Jury over this all day long for the last several weeks.

Trump's been flipping out--and it's clear he is very agitated--and looking & acting scared. Something is coming down.

For the collusion click these links to redirect to the posts on this thread.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

2 different links to 2 different posts on this thread.
23 months ago. Collusion is dead. Obstruction not likely. There is nothing. Maybe a campaigne finance charge. But nothing impeachable.

The investigation has not ended. So until Mueller says it is you are talking crazy.
After two years, we are still waiting for Trump to testify

Robert Mueller is a cold blooded prosecutor. He is methodically putting the puzzle together and one by one we watch dominos falling all around Trump as his buddies and top aides are being squeezed.

Mueller will get to the bottom of it

If he says Trump is clean....I will believe him
If he says Trump is dirty......we need to prosecute

It is rumored that Mueller is ready to unload another 15 sealed Federal Grand jury indictments. He's had Obstruction of Justice for quite some time, & I think he's peddle to the medal on the Collusion end of it now.

Many of Trump's inner circle had been charged and have made plea deals with Mueller, to TALK, and we've got lawyers running in & out of the Federal Grand Jury over this all day long for the last several weeks.

Trump's been flipping out--and it's clear he is very agitated--and looking & acting scared. Something is coming down.

For the collusion click these links to redirect to the posts on this thread.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

2 different links to 2 different posts on this thread.
Trump is not a happy pappy
The investigation has not ended. So until Mueller says it is you are talking crazy.
After two years, we are still waiting for Trump to testify

Robert Mueller is a cold blooded prosecutor. He is methodically putting the puzzle together and one by one we watch dominos falling all around Trump as his buddies and top aides are being squeezed.

Mueller will get to the bottom of it

If he says Trump is clean....I will believe him
If he says Trump is dirty......we need to prosecute

I agree. It still won't change the fact Trump is a failed human being as well as president, but Mueller is the one investigating this, not Trump or Fox news.
Typical black ignorant slave of the democrats. Tell us again how unfair you have it in your American black life.

I need to laugh.

Since this thread has nothing the fuck to do with race, why is this comment being made you dumb bastard?
I did not realize that. They still actually believe it.

Must be the same people that think Kavanaugh sexually assaulted someone.


They think they will both be impeached now.

Might help if you knew the def of liberal.
No Latin in college?
No college?
I guess you believe the orange blob didn't drag his wife by the hair before raping her too?
Ever notice cons use the same term. “Collusion”. Never “contact”’or “interference “. Always “collusion”.

They had to keep modifying the language as the team trump lies were more and more exposed .

Interesting. First you complain that they all use the SAME language, then you complain that they use DIFFERENT language. Can you pick one to be outraged about?

Here's a hint. They use "collusion" because that was the original complaint. Now the complaint is changing. It would seem that the complainers are the inconsistent ones who are modifying the language.
Ever notice cons use the same term. “Collusion”. Never “contact”’or “interference “. Always “collusion”.

They had to keep modifying the language as the team trump lies were more and more exposed .

Interesting. First you complain that they all use the SAME language, then you complain that they use DIFFERENT language. Can you pick one to be outraged about?

Here's a hint. They use "collusion" because that was the original complaint. Now the complaint is changing. It would seem that the complainers are the inconsistent ones who are modifying the language.
There are multiple charges possible against Trump

We will have to see what Mr Mueller has to say

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