Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

It really doesn't matter if it changed a single vote, & that's something we"'ll never get numbers on.

But colluding with a foreign adversary to commit a FELONY in this country by hacking into either public or private computers to interfere into an American election is considered TREASON, as we consider cyber attacks to be the 21st century act of war.

In this February 2017 video Shep Smith explains that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

But as far as the worst damage, it was Debbie Wassermans hacked email showing her distain toward Bernie Sanders--in the manner in which he was campaigning. This leak sent Sanders supporters into a rage. Many of them on this board threatening that if Sanders didn't win the nomination they would vote for Trump. Trump even campaigned on Wasserman's email. I imagine that's exactly what many Sanders supporters did. What they don't know is that Clinton beat Sanders worse than she did Trump, by a whopping 3,775,437 Democrat primary popular votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

It appears that only men campaign on a rigged election when they're getting their Ass"s kicked by a woman.

But colluding with a foreign adversary

Who colluded? How?

But as far as the worst damage, it was Debbie Wassermans hacked email showing her distain toward Bernie Sanders--in the manner in which he was campaigning. This leak sent Sanders supporters into a rage

Yes, that was hilarious! Was that the Muslim terrorist brothers she had doing her office IT?

Many of them on this board threatening that if Sanders didn't win the nomination they would vote for Trump.

I agree, it's awful when Dem corruption is exposed.
There should be a law that exposing crimes committed by Democrats is a crime.

The collusion is at this link on this thread and confirmed by National Intelligence director, James Clapper under sworn testimony. You have to spend more than 2 seconds on it. Just Click here to redirect to the post on this thread.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

Shep Smith via the video I just gave you confirmed that Trump surrogates were in contact with Russian intelligence, including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases--and I am certain they weren't calling to sell girl scout cookies. You might want to listen to the entire video to pick up on that comment--again just click this link.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

How Vladimir Putin changed the outcome of the election is at this link on this board--Just click and spend more than 2 seconds on it.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

As far as your statement of how corrupt the DNC is--tells me you've been watching a little to much of the political soap box opera's that line the prime time of FOX NEWS, specifically Sean Hannity.

When Bernie Sanders changed his party status to run on the Democrat ticket, he signed off on all rules and regulations of the DNC including the role of those Super Delegates--(and none were used on him) because Hillary Clinton beat him so badly by 3,775,437 votes. So it's no surprise what-so-ever that when he started campaigning on a rigged election, it was bound to piss off higher up's within the DNC.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

The Russians hacked Debbie Wasserman's email and then sent it off to Wikileaks and it worked as planned on Sander's supporters.


As far as who, what, when--we'll know that very shortly. If House Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies when they are sworn in as majority leaders. They also--via the ways & means committee have the power to obtain Trump's income tax returns which will be on their agenda.

Mueller has collected 6 guilty plea's, 37 Federal Grand jury indictiments and 100's of criminal charges to date. I suspect that Roger Stone, & right hand confident
Jerome Corsi of (Infowars) is now saying he is expecting an indictment within the next week or so.
Special counsel witness says he expects to be charged in Mueller probe

After that it wouldn't surprise me to see Donald Trump Jr. & Jared Kushner under the spotlight. The Russians seemed to know a lot about which districts to target with their adds, and no one really believes they could have been so effective from St. Petersburg Russia--(without help.)

So this is what you get to look forward to for the next two years, or less if Trump is impeached prior to 2020--which I suspect will happen.

This article was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper

Isn't he the guy who lied to Congress in sworn testimony?

Shep Smith via the video I just gave you confirmed that Trump surrogates were in contact with Russian intelligence, including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases-

Oh no! So what?

As far as your statement of how corrupt the DNC is

I agree, just because they screwed Bernie and stole state funds for Hillary's campaign, that's
no reason to mention their corruption.

The Russians hacked Debbie Wasserman's email and then sent it off to Wikileaks

What did the Muslim terror brothers do with her stolen data?

Mueller has collected 6 guilty plea's, 37 Federal Grand jury indictiments and 100's of criminal charges to date.

That is awesome! Which ones were related to collusion?

Don't play stupid with me. Just wait for the open public hearings and testimony--which will begin on January 20, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders. Just grab your crayons and coloring books, turn on your FOXNEWS and suck your thumb until then.


Glad you're man enough to admit, none were related to collusion.

Why bother colluding when the Russians were doing just great on their own? However it appears they never reported any of this to law enforcement... Maybe we should all wait until the Mueller report comes out for crying out loud. Our media is a joke, 3 years of gabbing about nothing...
I am willing to trust Mueller on this one

He is hearing all the testimony and looking at documentation. If he tells me there was no collusion, I will accept it

Manafort and Flynn were involved in top level discussions with Trump when this went down. They are cooperating with the investigation. If it turns out that Trump was completely out of the loop. ...I will agree

But if they testify under oath that Trump knew about and participated in illegal activity........we have to prosecute
But colluding with a foreign adversary

Who colluded? How?

But as far as the worst damage, it was Debbie Wassermans hacked email showing her distain toward Bernie Sanders--in the manner in which he was campaigning. This leak sent Sanders supporters into a rage

Yes, that was hilarious! Was that the Muslim terrorist brothers she had doing her office IT?

Many of them on this board threatening that if Sanders didn't win the nomination they would vote for Trump.

I agree, it's awful when Dem corruption is exposed.
There should be a law that exposing crimes committed by Democrats is a crime.

The collusion is at this link on this thread and confirmed by National Intelligence director, James Clapper under sworn testimony. You have to spend more than 2 seconds on it. Just Click here to redirect to the post on this thread.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

Shep Smith via the video I just gave you confirmed that Trump surrogates were in contact with Russian intelligence, including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases--and I am certain they weren't calling to sell girl scout cookies. You might want to listen to the entire video to pick up on that comment--again just click this link.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

How Vladimir Putin changed the outcome of the election is at this link on this board--Just click and spend more than 2 seconds on it.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

As far as your statement of how corrupt the DNC is--tells me you've been watching a little to much of the political soap box opera's that line the prime time of FOX NEWS, specifically Sean Hannity.

When Bernie Sanders changed his party status to run on the Democrat ticket, he signed off on all rules and regulations of the DNC including the role of those Super Delegates--(and none were used on him) because Hillary Clinton beat him so badly by 3,775,437 votes. So it's no surprise what-so-ever that when he started campaigning on a rigged election, it was bound to piss off higher up's within the DNC.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

The Russians hacked Debbie Wasserman's email and then sent it off to Wikileaks and it worked as planned on Sander's supporters.


As far as who, what, when--we'll know that very shortly. If House Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies when they are sworn in as majority leaders. They also--via the ways & means committee have the power to obtain Trump's income tax returns which will be on their agenda.

Mueller has collected 6 guilty plea's, 37 Federal Grand jury indictiments and 100's of criminal charges to date. I suspect that Roger Stone, & right hand confident
Jerome Corsi of (Infowars) is now saying he is expecting an indictment within the next week or so.
Special counsel witness says he expects to be charged in Mueller probe

After that it wouldn't surprise me to see Donald Trump Jr. & Jared Kushner under the spotlight. The Russians seemed to know a lot about which districts to target with their adds, and no one really believes they could have been so effective from St. Petersburg Russia--(without help.)

So this is what you get to look forward to for the next two years, or less if Trump is impeached prior to 2020--which I suspect will happen.

This article was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper

Isn't he the guy who lied to Congress in sworn testimony?

Shep Smith via the video I just gave you confirmed that Trump surrogates were in contact with Russian intelligence, including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases-

Oh no! So what?

As far as your statement of how corrupt the DNC is

I agree, just because they screwed Bernie and stole state funds for Hillary's campaign, that's
no reason to mention their corruption.

The Russians hacked Debbie Wasserman's email and then sent it off to Wikileaks

What did the Muslim terror brothers do with her stolen data?

Mueller has collected 6 guilty plea's, 37 Federal Grand jury indictiments and 100's of criminal charges to date.

That is awesome! Which ones were related to collusion?

Don't play stupid with me. Just wait for the open public hearings and testimony--which will begin on January 20, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders. Just grab your crayons and coloring books, turn on your FOXNEWS and suck your thumb until then.


Glad you're man enough to admit, none were related to collusion.
Why bother colluding when the Russians were doing just great on their own? However it appears they never reported any of this to law enforcement... Maybe we should all wait until the Mueller report comes out for crying out loud. Our media is a joke, 3 years of gabbing about nothing...
All this crap about rigging the election against Sanders, what a load of BS. DNC was fairly powerless, and in the end the voting went on and was counted honestly. Our media blew up this kind of crap until Hillary lost the election.
Opposition research is not a crime unless something specific in that meeting made it a crime. Trump JR would have had to ask the Russians to Hack.

Clinton did opposition research as well. her operatives, paying a Foreign National to dig up dirt IN RUSSIA on Trump. Whyy is that not collusion? why is that not a crime?

Trump JR wanted out of the meeting in minutes...Veselnitskaya the Russian Lawyer who lied about her ties to the Kremlin was also am Anti- Trumper and had attended anti- Trump rallies. I see collusion here but its more like a set up of Donald Trump.

Clinton gets a pass.
Once again I need to reiterate that the rule of law died in our country on 7/5/16 thanks to Comey and the FBI management.
And it isn't coming back!
Despite 25 years of garbage propaganda, the FBI is honest And over eager if anything. And Hillary is no criminal. Investigated a million times... And would be crazy to try anything for that reason. You are brainwashed, that's all. Conspiracy theorists if not.

Hillary wasn't investigated by the FBI as they didn't even put her under oath and take a formal deposition. They gave her a 3 hour interview in a hand-holding exercise!
Which one of the myriad investigations are you talking about, and where do you get your information?

It was the millionth investigation...hee...hee.
You know nothing but garbage propaganda. Lock her up was a joke... Everyone in government was extremely careless with emails, there was no reason to believe there was a problem, and they had serious business, they were not computer experts. Hillary's server was never hacked, etcetera etc etc.
The collusion is at this link on this thread and confirmed by National Intelligence director, James Clapper under sworn testimony. You have to spend more than 2 seconds on it. Just Click here to redirect to the post on this thread.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

Shep Smith via the video I just gave you confirmed that Trump surrogates were in contact with Russian intelligence, including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases--and I am certain they weren't calling to sell girl scout cookies. You might want to listen to the entire video to pick up on that comment--again just click this link.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

How Vladimir Putin changed the outcome of the election is at this link on this board--Just click and spend more than 2 seconds on it.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

As far as your statement of how corrupt the DNC is--tells me you've been watching a little to much of the political soap box opera's that line the prime time of FOX NEWS, specifically Sean Hannity.

When Bernie Sanders changed his party status to run on the Democrat ticket, he signed off on all rules and regulations of the DNC including the role of those Super Delegates--(and none were used on him) because Hillary Clinton beat him so badly by 3,775,437 votes. So it's no surprise what-so-ever that when he started campaigning on a rigged election, it was bound to piss off higher up's within the DNC.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

The Russians hacked Debbie Wasserman's email and then sent it off to Wikileaks and it worked as planned on Sander's supporters.


As far as who, what, when--we'll know that very shortly. If House Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies when they are sworn in as majority leaders. They also--via the ways & means committee have the power to obtain Trump's income tax returns which will be on their agenda.

Mueller has collected 6 guilty plea's, 37 Federal Grand jury indictiments and 100's of criminal charges to date. I suspect that Roger Stone, & right hand confident
Jerome Corsi of (Infowars) is now saying he is expecting an indictment within the next week or so.
Special counsel witness says he expects to be charged in Mueller probe

After that it wouldn't surprise me to see Donald Trump Jr. & Jared Kushner under the spotlight. The Russians seemed to know a lot about which districts to target with their adds, and no one really believes they could have been so effective from St. Petersburg Russia--(without help.)

So this is what you get to look forward to for the next two years, or less if Trump is impeached prior to 2020--which I suspect will happen.

This article was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper

Isn't he the guy who lied to Congress in sworn testimony?

Shep Smith via the video I just gave you confirmed that Trump surrogates were in contact with Russian intelligence, including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases-

Oh no! So what?

As far as your statement of how corrupt the DNC is

I agree, just because they screwed Bernie and stole state funds for Hillary's campaign, that's
no reason to mention their corruption.

The Russians hacked Debbie Wasserman's email and then sent it off to Wikileaks

What did the Muslim terror brothers do with her stolen data?

Mueller has collected 6 guilty plea's, 37 Federal Grand jury indictiments and 100's of criminal charges to date.

That is awesome! Which ones were related to collusion?

Don't play stupid with me. Just wait for the open public hearings and testimony--which will begin on January 20, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders. Just grab your crayons and coloring books, turn on your FOXNEWS and suck your thumb until then.


Glad you're man enough to admit, none were related to collusion.
Why bother colluding when the Russians were doing just great on their own? However it appears they never reported any of this to law enforcement... Maybe we should all wait until the Mueller report comes out for crying out loud. Our media is a joke, 3 years of gabbing about nothing...
All this crap about rigging the election against Sanders, what a load of BS. DNC was fairly powerless, and in the end the voting went on and was counted honestly. Our media blew up this kind of crap until Hillary lost the election.
All those staffers BS about what they might do means nothing and wasserman's opinion is a joke. Just what you would expect from party bureaucrats when they had a obvious candidate. Just typical politics, but you still have to vote in primaries. Sanders could easily have have won...
I am willing to trust Mueller on this one

He is hearing all the testimony and looking at documentation. If he tells me there was no collusion, I will accept it

Manafort and Flynn were involved in top level discussions with Trump when this went down. They are cooperating with the investigation. If it turns out that Trump was completely out of the loop. ...I will agree

But if they testify under oath that Trump knew about and participated in illegal activity........we have to prosecute
I suspect Mueller will find probable cause to charge Trump's campaign received outside (illegal) information about wiki and about Russian research into voter identification for social media solicitation. And probable cause to charge Trump knew about it and failed to report a crime and/or that he was complicit in soliciting the illegal information. And his financial entanglements via Deutchbank can show motive.

I doubt there will be a smoking gun email "Dear Vlad, thanks, Love Donald"

And there's at least a question as to whether the DOJ will release the report. Congress probably will.

I doubt Mueller will indict a president.

And I don't think Pelosi will let impeachment get under way.
I am willing to trust Mueller on this one

He is hearing all the testimony and looking at documentation. If he tells me there was no collusion, I will accept it

Manafort and Flynn were involved in top level discussions with Trump when this went down. They are cooperating with the investigation. If it turns out that Trump was completely out of the loop. ...I will agree

But if they testify under oath that Trump knew about and participated in illegal activity........we have to prosecute
I suspect Mueller will find probable cause to charge Trump's campaign received outside (illegal) information about wiki and about Russian research into voter identification for social media solicitation. And probable cause to charge Trump knew about it and failed to report a crime and/or that he was complicit in soliciting the illegal information. And his financial entanglements via Deutchbank can show motive.

I doubt there will be a smoking gun email "Dear Vlad, thanks, Love Donald"

And there's at least a question as to whether the DOJ will release the report. Congress probably will.

I doubt Mueller will indict a president.

And I don't think Pelosi will let impeachment get under way.

I don't think we will see any blowjob impeachments out of the Dems or a three year investigation on the classification of emails

But they will not allow Republicans to whitewash the investigation. Key witnesses will be called including the President

Trump will either have to present himself as completely unaware of what is done in his name or that he is a criminal
I am willing to trust Mueller on this one

He is hearing all the testimony and looking at documentation. If he tells me there was no collusion, I will accept it

Manafort and Flynn were involved in top level discussions with Trump when this went down. They are cooperating with the investigation. If it turns out that Trump was completely out of the loop. ...I will agree

But if they testify under oath that Trump knew about and participated in illegal activity........we have to prosecute
I suspect Mueller will find probable cause to charge Trump's campaign received outside (illegal) information about wiki and about Russian research into voter identification for social media solicitation. And probable cause to charge Trump knew about it and failed to report a crime and/or that he was complicit in soliciting the illegal information. And his financial entanglements via Deutchbank can show motive.

I doubt there will be a smoking gun email "Dear Vlad, thanks, Love Donald"

And there's at least a question as to whether the DOJ will release the report. Congress probably will.

I doubt Mueller will indict a president.

And I don't think Pelosi will let impeachment get under way.

I don't think we will see any blowjob impeachments out of the Dems or a three year investigation on the classification of emails

But they will not allow Republicans to whitewash the investigation. Key witnesses will be called including the President

Trump will either have to present himself as completely unaware of what is done in his name or that he is a criminal
I am hopeful that Mueller will present the outline of evidence that could, if it were taken as proof positive, show Trump is guilty of a felony in accepting help from foreign entities with ties to Russia. I'm hopeful, though not optimistic, that the dems will figure that's enough of Trump. He's nearly unelectable at this point. And I doubt Mueller will help his cause.

I'd LIKE to see the dems spend 2 years investigating how Putin infiltrated the election. Even assuming a dem favoring entity would have done the same. The gop sold itself to Trump for two SC seats and two taxcuts. I'd like to see the dems show a bit more statesmanship and PATRIOTISM RATHER THAN NATINOALISM. Imo, it would serve them well in an election and be good for the country as a whole.
I am willing to trust Mueller on this one

He is hearing all the testimony and looking at documentation. If he tells me there was no collusion, I will accept it

Manafort and Flynn were involved in top level discussions with Trump when this went down. They are cooperating with the investigation. If it turns out that Trump was completely out of the loop. ...I will agree

But if they testify under oath that Trump knew about and participated in illegal activity........we have to prosecute
I suspect Mueller will find probable cause to charge Trump's campaign received outside (illegal) information about wiki and about Russian research into voter identification for social media solicitation. And probable cause to charge Trump knew about it and failed to report a crime and/or that he was complicit in soliciting the illegal information. And his financial entanglements via Deutchbank can show motive.

I doubt there will be a smoking gun email "Dear Vlad, thanks, Love Donald"

And there's at least a question as to whether the DOJ will release the report. Congress probably will.

I doubt Mueller will indict a president.

And I don't think Pelosi will let impeachment get under way.

I don't think we will see any blowjob impeachments out of the Dems or a three year investigation on the classification of emails

But they will not allow Republicans to whitewash the investigation. Key witnesses will be called including the President

Trump will either have to present himself as completely unaware of what is done in his name or that he is a criminal
I am hopeful that Mueller will present the outline of evidence that could, if it were taken as proof positive, show Trump is guilty of a felony in accepting help from foreign entities with ties to Russia. I'm hopeful, though not optimistic, that the dems will figure that's enough of Trump. He's nearly unelectable at this point. And I doubt Mueller will help his cause.

I'd LIKE to see the dems spend 2 years investigating how Putin infiltrated the election. Even assuming a dem favoring entity would have done the same. The gop sold itself to Trump for two SC seats and two taxcuts. I'd like to see the dems show a bit more statesmanship and PATRIOTISM RATHER THAN NATINOALISM. Imo, it would serve them well in an election and be good for the country as a whole.
Dems are pissed
I doubt if they will accept a "let bygones be bygones" offer from Republicans
The impact of the Garland nomination will last decades.
This article was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper

Isn't he the guy who lied to Congress in sworn testimony?

Shep Smith via the video I just gave you confirmed that Trump surrogates were in contact with Russian intelligence, including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases-

Oh no! So what?

As far as your statement of how corrupt the DNC is

I agree, just because they screwed Bernie and stole state funds for Hillary's campaign, that's
no reason to mention their corruption.

The Russians hacked Debbie Wasserman's email and then sent it off to Wikileaks

What did the Muslim terror brothers do with her stolen data?

Mueller has collected 6 guilty plea's, 37 Federal Grand jury indictiments and 100's of criminal charges to date.

That is awesome! Which ones were related to collusion?

Don't play stupid with me. Just wait for the open public hearings and testimony--which will begin on January 20, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders. Just grab your crayons and coloring books, turn on your FOXNEWS and suck your thumb until then.


Glad you're man enough to admit, none were related to collusion.
Why bother colluding when the Russians were doing just great on their own? However it appears they never reported any of this to law enforcement... Maybe we should all wait until the Mueller report comes out for crying out loud. Our media is a joke, 3 years of gabbing about nothing...
All this crap about rigging the election against Sanders, what a load of BS. DNC was fairly powerless, and in the end the voting went on and was counted honestly. Our media blew up this kind of crap until Hillary lost the election.
All those staffers BS about what they might do means nothing and wasserman's opinion is a joke. Just what you would expect from party bureaucrats when they had a obvious candidate. Just typical politics, but you still have to vote in primaries. Sanders could easily have have won...

No Sanders could have never won. The fact remains that Hillary Clinton waxed Bernie Sander's tail by 3,775,437 real Democrat primary popular votes. In comparison Obama defeated Hillary Clinton in 2008 by a mere 41,622 Democrat popular votes, and she wasn't running around referring to it as a rigged election.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Sanders was winning the caucus states, where underdogs usually win, because less than 1% of either party shows up on a cold Tuesday night to sit around a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote. In fact I consider the caucus the prime example of voter disenfranchisement in this country as it eliminate so many from voting. (Overseas military, parents with young children who can't get a babysitter, people who are sick or hospitalized, and people who work on Tuesday nights.) If those had been primary states that allowed 2 weeks of voting, mail-in ballots, etc Sanders would have lost them all and been forced out very early.

In fact I blame Bernie Sanders for his hand in Hillary Clinton's loss. Even after getting his ass kicked in New York with no possible way of winning, he refused to drop out of the race, and at that point he might as well been working for the Trump campaign. Even after every single vote was counted, he had to get booed by house Democrats and a swift kick in the ass from Obama to officially drop out and endorse Hillary Clinton.
Sanders booed by House Democrats

One thing for certain, the DNC is NEVER going to let anyone change their party status just so they can run on their ticket again. Bernie Sanders turned out to be a major disaster for them, that probably cost Hillary Clinton the election.


There's not too much difference between the right wing of the Republican party & the left wing of the Democrat party.

They often fall prey to politicians that are promising things that don't have a snow balls chance in hell of ever getting through congress and signed into law. They still don't realize that the overwhelming majority of the voting population are center. It's been center since it's founding, and it will remain center. As evidenced by the 2018 midterm it was blue dog Democrats--moderates--that were kicking ass, not liberal Democrats.

Trump's 1000 mile wall that Mexico was going to pay for was about as realistic as Bernie Sander's free college education for everyone.
Last edited:
I did not realize that. They still actually believe it.

Must be the same people that think Kavanaugh sexually assaulted someone.


They think they will both be impeached now.


It’s all they have. If that go’s away then all they got is policy and we know how that go’s for them.
I did not realize that. They still actually believe it.

Must be the same people that think Kavanaugh sexually assaulted someone.


They think they will both be impeached now.


It’s all they have. If that go’s away then all they got is policy and we know how that go’s for them.

Sometimes you need to scroll through these pages to get information. I'll give you some links just click and it will redirect to posts on this thread.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

2 different links to 2 different posts on this thread that will inform.
I did not realize that. They still actually believe it.

Must be the same people that think Kavanaugh sexually assaulted someone.


They think they will both be impeached now.


Is the investigation over?
I did not realize that. They still actually believe it.

Must be the same people that think Kavanaugh sexually assaulted someone.


They think they will both be impeached now.


It’s all they have. If that go’s away then all they got is policy and we know how that go’s for them.

When did the investigation end?
Don't play stupid with me. Just wait for the open public hearings and testimony--which will begin on January 20, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders. Just grab your crayons and coloring books, turn on your FOXNEWS and suck your thumb until then.


Glad you're man enough to admit, none were related to collusion.
Why bother colluding when the Russians were doing just great on their own? However it appears they never reported any of this to law enforcement... Maybe we should all wait until the Mueller report comes out for crying out loud. Our media is a joke, 3 years of gabbing about nothing...
All this crap about rigging the election against Sanders, what a load of BS. DNC was fairly powerless, and in the end the voting went on and was counted honestly. Our media blew up this kind of crap until Hillary lost the election.
All those staffers BS about what they might do means nothing and wasserman's opinion is a joke. Just what you would expect from party bureaucrats when they had a obvious candidate. Just typical politics, but you still have to vote in primaries. Sanders could easily have have won...

No Sanders could have never won. The fact remains that Hillary Clinton waxed Bernie Sander's tail by 3,775,437 real Democrat primary popular votes. In comparison Obama defeated Hillary Clinton in 2008 by a mere 41,622 Democrat popular votes, and she wasn't running around referring to it as a rigged election.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Sanders was winning the caucus states, where underdogs usually win, because less than 1% of either party shows up on a cold Tuesday night to sit around a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote. In fact I consider the caucus the prime example of voter disenfranchisement in this country as it eliminate so many from voting. (Overseas military, parents with young children who can't get a babysitter, people who are sick or hospitalized, and people who work on Tuesday nights.) If those had been primary states that allowed 2 weeks of voting, mail-in ballots, etc Sanders would have lost them all and been forced out very early.

In fact I blame Bernie Sanders for his hand in Hillary Clinton's loss. Even after getting his ass kicked in New York with no possible way of winning, he refused to drop out of the race, and at that point he might as well been working for the Trump campaign. Even after every single vote was counted, he had to get booed by house Democrats and a swift kick in the ass from Obama to officially drop out and endorse Hillary Clinton.
Sanders booed by House Democrats

One thing for certain, the DNC is NEVER going to let anyone change their party status just so they can run on their ticket again. Bernie Sanders turned out to be a major disaster for them, that probably cost Hillary Clinton the election.


There's not too much difference between the right wing of the Republican party & the left wing of the Democrat party.

They often fall prey to politicians that are promising things that don't have a snow balls chance in hell of ever getting through congress and signed into law. They still don't realize that the overwhelming majority of the voting population are center. It's been center since it's founding, and it will remain center. As evidenced by the 2018 midterm it was blue dog Democrats--moderates--that were kicking ass, not liberal Democrats.

Trump's 1000 mile wall that Mexico was going to pay for was about as realistic as Bernie Sander's free college education for everyone.
I think it was our media using hacked emails against Hillary and the rigging thing which is far as I'm concerned doesn't exist. Bernie said she won fair and square and that her emails were BS.
Glad you're man enough to admit, none were related to collusion.
Why bother colluding when the Russians were doing just great on their own? However it appears they never reported any of this to law enforcement... Maybe we should all wait until the Mueller report comes out for crying out loud. Our media is a joke, 3 years of gabbing about nothing...
All this crap about rigging the election against Sanders, what a load of BS. DNC was fairly powerless, and in the end the voting went on and was counted honestly. Our media blew up this kind of crap until Hillary lost the election.
All those staffers BS about what they might do means nothing and wasserman's opinion is a joke. Just what you would expect from party bureaucrats when they had a obvious candidate. Just typical politics, but you still have to vote in primaries. Sanders could easily have have won...

No Sanders could have never won. The fact remains that Hillary Clinton waxed Bernie Sander's tail by 3,775,437 real Democrat primary popular votes. In comparison Obama defeated Hillary Clinton in 2008 by a mere 41,622 Democrat popular votes, and she wasn't running around referring to it as a rigged election.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Sanders was winning the caucus states, where underdogs usually win, because less than 1% of either party shows up on a cold Tuesday night to sit around a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote. In fact I consider the caucus the prime example of voter disenfranchisement in this country as it eliminate so many from voting. (Overseas military, parents with young children who can't get a babysitter, people who are sick or hospitalized, and people who work on Tuesday nights.) If those had been primary states that allowed 2 weeks of voting, mail-in ballots, etc Sanders would have lost them all and been forced out very early.

In fact I blame Bernie Sanders for his hand in Hillary Clinton's loss. Even after getting his ass kicked in New York with no possible way of winning, he refused to drop out of the race, and at that point he might as well been working for the Trump campaign. Even after every single vote was counted, he had to get booed by house Democrats and a swift kick in the ass from Obama to officially drop out and endorse Hillary Clinton.
Sanders booed by House Democrats

One thing for certain, the DNC is NEVER going to let anyone change their party status just so they can run on their ticket again. Bernie Sanders turned out to be a major disaster for them, that probably cost Hillary Clinton the election.


There's not too much difference between the right wing of the Republican party & the left wing of the Democrat party.

They often fall prey to politicians that are promising things that don't have a snow balls chance in hell of ever getting through congress and signed into law. They still don't realize that the overwhelming majority of the voting population are center. It's been center since it's founding, and it will remain center. As evidenced by the 2018 midterm it was blue dog Democrats--moderates--that were kicking ass, not liberal Democrats.

Trump's 1000 mile wall that Mexico was going to pay for was about as realistic as Bernie Sander's free college education for everyone.
I think it was our media using hacked emails against Hillary and the rigging thing which is far as I'm concerned doesn't exist. Bernie said she won fair and square and that her emails were BS.
Staffers at the DMC bullshiting about nothing did not mean anything was rigged. Voting was still voting LOL.
I did not realize that. They still actually believe it.

Must be the same people that think Kavanaugh sexually assaulted someone.


They think they will both be impeached now.


I doubt this. But that doesn’t mean they will stop trying to convince everyone else.
Sand in the gears of the republic they hate as they carry Putin’s water and attack our elected government.
I did not realize that. They still actually believe it.

Must be the same people that think Kavanaugh sexually assaulted someone.


They think they will both be impeached now.


It’s all they have. If that go’s away then all they got is policy and we know how that go’s for them.

When did the investigation end?

23 months ago. Collusion is dead. Obstruction not likely. There is nothing. Maybe a campaigne finance charge. But nothing impeachable.
Don't play stupid with me. Just wait for the open public hearings and testimony--which will begin on January 20, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders. Just grab your crayons and coloring books, turn on your FOXNEWS and suck your thumb until then.


Glad you're man enough to admit, none were related to collusion.
Why bother colluding when the Russians were doing just great on their own? However it appears they never reported any of this to law enforcement... Maybe we should all wait until the Mueller report comes out for crying out loud. Our media is a joke, 3 years of gabbing about nothing...
All this crap about rigging the election against Sanders, what a load of BS. DNC was fairly powerless, and in the end the voting went on and was counted honestly. Our media blew up this kind of crap until Hillary lost the election.
All those staffers BS about what they might do means nothing and wasserman's opinion is a joke. Just what you would expect from party bureaucrats when they had a obvious candidate. Just typical politics, but you still have to vote in primaries. Sanders could easily have have won...

No Sanders could have never won. The fact remains that Hillary Clinton waxed Bernie Sander's tail by 3,775,437 real Democrat primary popular votes. In comparison Obama defeated Hillary Clinton in 2008 by a mere 41,622 Democrat popular votes, and she wasn't running around referring to it as a rigged election.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Sanders was winning the caucus states, where underdogs usually win, because less than 1% of either party shows up on a cold Tuesday night to sit around a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote. In fact I consider the caucus the prime example of voter disenfranchisement in this country as it eliminate so many from voting. (Overseas military, parents with young children who can't get a babysitter, people who are sick or hospitalized, and people who work on Tuesday nights.) If those had been primary states that allowed 2 weeks of voting, mail-in ballots, etc Sanders would have lost them all and been forced out very early.

In fact I blame Bernie Sanders for his hand in Hillary Clinton's loss. Even after getting his ass kicked in New York with no possible way of winning, he refused to drop out of the race, and at that point he might as well been working for the Trump campaign. Even after every single vote was counted, he had to get booed by house Democrats and a swift kick in the ass from Obama to officially drop out and endorse Hillary Clinton.
Sanders booed by House Democrats

One thing for certain, the DNC is NEVER going to let anyone change their party status just so they can run on their ticket again. Bernie Sanders turned out to be a major disaster for them, that probably cost Hillary Clinton the election.


There's not too much difference between the right wing of the Republican party & the left wing of the Democrat party.

They often fall prey to politicians that are promising things that don't have a snow balls chance in hell of ever getting through congress and signed into law. They still don't realize that the overwhelming majority of the voting population are center. It's been center since it's founding, and it will remain center. As evidenced by the 2018 midterm it was blue dog Democrats--moderates--that were kicking ass, not liberal Democrats.

Trump's 1000 mile wall that Mexico was going to pay for was about as realistic as Bernie Sander's free college education for everyone.
Hillary had the most flawed candidate in history to run against and still lost.
I did not realize that. They still actually believe it.

Must be the same people that think Kavanaugh sexually assaulted someone.


They think they will both be impeached now.


It’s all they have. If that go’s away then all they got is policy and we know how that go’s for them.

When did the investigation end?

23 months ago. Collusion is dead. Obstruction not likely. There is nothing. Maybe a campaigne finance charge. But nothing impeachable.
Trump may duck Collusion charges by claiming he was completely out of the loop. Several key aids are still vulnerable
Outside of collusion, obstruction appears probable but may not be criminal.
Money laundering, malfeasance, campaign finance...all are on the board

Mueller has remained quiet and not tipped his hand
We don't know what he has
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