Do You Like Idle Chit-Chat?

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I'm autistic, so small talk isn't exactly my forte. My conversations are usually like...

So... how about them Steeelers?

What about them?

I hope you get AIDS.

aaron.....that sounds more like ... what's that thing where you just start bursting out in curse words for no reason....?
It's something you have to learn. Yeah, it's kind of stupid but if you don't do it the gossip mill fires up and says you're anti-social. A little bit of effort goes a long way sometimes.

I don't give a fuck if people like me or what they say. No problem there

I don't believe you. You spend an awful lot of time asking questions of others to claim that you don't care.

I'm nosey. I do it strictly for selfish purposes. I want to talk to people about things *I* want to talk about.
I DO care how they think, cause I'm curious what makes them tick. I want to understand what makes us different.
that's different from caring.

No it's not. It's exactly the same thing as fact it is caring.

Only if it's deep and personal. I don't care how many purses or shoes someone owns, if they got a new car, I want to know about THEM and their DEEP FEELINGS and issues... I give two shits where their kids go to school etc.

You do yes or no threads. Don't claim 'personal' gets you off.
Hope it don't rain this weekend. You know what, we should put a dome over this state. ha ha ha. (shoulder slap)
I don't give a fuck if people like me or what they say. No problem there

I don't believe you. You spend an awful lot of time asking questions of others to claim that you don't care.

I'm nosey. I do it strictly for selfish purposes. I want to talk to people about things *I* want to talk about.
I DO care how they think, cause I'm curious what makes them tick. I want to understand what makes us different.
that's different from caring.

No it's not. It's exactly the same thing as fact it is caring.

Only if it's deep and personal. I don't care how many purses or shoes someone owns, if they got a new car, I want to know about THEM and their DEEP FEELINGS and issues... I give two shits where their kids go to school etc.

You do yes or no threads. Don't claim 'personal' gets you off.

That's just for something to do until some decides to actually get REAL with me....
why do I want to make anyone feel better?
no one goes out of their way to make me feel better?
why should I ALWAYS have to be the one to initiate?
Because you are human. You are a social animal. Sometimes it is ok not to talk and not initiate but when someone does talk its on you to make sure it goes as well as it can.

it's stressful and boring
Depends on the person and my mood and what the idle chitchat consists of.
Depends on the person and my mood and what the idle chitchat consists of.

exactly! if it's interesting to you. so many people pretend to be interested in what others are saying, just waiting for THEIR turn to talk..... it's bullshit
defcon4 Rouge Rover

I hate you both - please kindly fuck off and die
Depends on the person and my mood and what the idle chitchat consists of.

exactly! if it's interesting to you. so many people pretend to be interested in what others are saying, just waiting for THEIR turn to talk..... it's bullshit
Never talk talk about yourself except in response to obvious questions and no longer than 10 seconds.
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