Do you miss W like I do?

The only person to miss W is that guy with a shoe
That's a great line.

All you guys can produce are sound bytes.

No substance.

No honest elected leadership at the highest levels.

This administration is going down in flames.

It has jumped the shark.

It's over, Johnny!

Liberal rats are all advised to jump ship now.
Lets seeeeee....

Bush: Lost guns in Mexico, had several Americans killed in attacks on our diplomatic missions, spied on tens of millions of Americans without warrants, created an entirely unfunded new medical entitlement social welfare program, helped double the national debt, started three wars, treated the Constitution like toilet paper, circumvented Congress, imprisoned American citizens without a writ of habeas corpus, harassed and spied on reporters, had several corruption scandals in his Administration, took a bunch of vacations, created a new Cabinet department with abusive police powers, and laid the groundwork for the greatest financial crash since the Great Depression.

Obama: Lost guns in Mexico, had several Americans killed in one attack on a diplomatic mission, spied on tens of millions of Americans without warrants, created a new medical entitlement social welfare program, helping to double the national debt, treated the Constitution like toilet paper, circumvented Congress, harassed and spied on reporters, had several corruption scandals in his Administration, took a bunch of vacations, and did a lousy job recovering from the greatest financial crash since the Great Depression.
through a series of international and domestic incidents the first POTUS of the new century was forced to play the cards he was dealt.

The fact that we are all here (This assumption is debatable in and of itself.) to discuss the matter is proof of Georgie's success.

As Kenny Rogers said, " the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep."

We weren't guaranteed things would even be THIS kind of 'normal' (in the realm of normalcy...a normative coma brought on or brought about -- intentionally or not is of no matter -- by Barack Hussein Eboma).

A global Holy War triggered by Saddam & Israel & the Arabs & Jihadi warriors from around the world & Russia & China could have fried your circuits, mac.


Without Bush's horrific escapades in the Middle East and a global financial meltdown, we wouldn't be here discussing this?

I'm afraid I'll need you to explain this one to me.



Without Bush's horrific escapades in the Middle East and a global financial meltdown, we wouldn't be here discussing this?

I'm afraid I'll need you to explain this one to me."

Mac, I see you position yourself as an informed and impartial observer.

Well figure it out yourself!

After all of your impartial observation its now time we hear just how smart you are from all that observing. I included all the necessary info you'd need to follow the logical and/or factual signposts to reach the inescapable conclusion.

So now, show us that intellectual horsepower you must have on tap ready to dazzle us with!

Can't wait.


Informed and impartial, meh, I don't know, don't care.

But I am honest.
I see you position yourself as an informed and impartial observer.

Well figure it out yourself, Einstein.

After all of your impartial observation its now time we hear just how smart you are from all that observing.I included all the necessary info you'd need to follow the logical and/or factual signposts and reach the inescapable conclusion.

Show us that intellectual horsepower you must have on tap ready to dazzle us with!

Can't wait.

Happy to!

First tell me where you provided "all the necessary info you'd need to follow the logical and/or factual signposts and reach the inescapable conclusion."

All I see is the standard, one-sided neo-con stuff. Maybe I missed something.

I'll be away for a while but I'll check back in, in a couple of hours. That should give you time to tell me why you miss Bush.


Need time to cram, huh?

Oh don't give me that job and life stuff. We all know you are calmly stepping back from the edge.

That's okay.

It is no shame to recognize when you are on the losing end of an argument and want to avoid experiencing the unpleasant conclusion you see ahead.



Just kidding.

Hurry back when you have read all my posts in this thread.

From that you should have all the clues you need.

You are the impartial observer here. So observe.


Not sure what I need to cram for, not sure what edge I'm stepping back from, not sure what I'm losing, and yes, I do have a life.

I know how difficult it can be for you folks to stay focused on a topic, and that getting personal is very important to you.

But I'm not interested.

I do know this: When Bush left office, we were in an abject meltdown of our financial system and our economy was in free-fall. We were also mired in two (2) wars/nation-building disasters in the Middle East, spending trillions of dollars we've had to borrow, and losing the lives, limbs and minds of thousands of young American soldiers.

Additionally, the removal of Saddam clearly emboldened Iran and created a playground for terrorists, and somehow managed to make a completely chaotic Middle East even MORE chaotic.

So no, I don't miss the years Bush was in office. And no, that doesn't mean "everything was his fault", I know how you folks love simplistic absolutes. If you're satisfied with Bush's presidency, I sure as hell know I'm not going to change your mind.

We now see what two lousy presidencies in a row looks like. Since I'm an independent and not a partisan ideologue, I get to be honest about that stuff.


Now, why don't you play Devil's Advocate and try to imagine just why Bush did the things he did?

But leave out the part where you ascribe only evil intentions to his motivations.

No one is all eveil.

No one is all good.

Everyone is a mixture of both good and bad qualities as well as a million other things as well.

Try to imagine that Bush did what he did to HELP AMERICA and AMERICANS.

As opposed to Eboma who does what he does with an eye to how he can benefit from every good or bad event.

Like Rahm Emannuel pointed out to the Obama people: 'You never let a serious crisis go to waste.'

If you are neither an American nor an America loving Yankophile you can be excused for not being able to imagine Bush as possibly being well intentioned.

I think Bush meant well, I have no doubt about that.

But his was still a lousy presidency.


Does he have to play golf and basketball and sing Al Green to win your approval???

After all, he DID save us from global thermonuclear war.

He DID save us from a debilitating oil crisis.

He DID prevent chaos in global economies as well as our own.

God dammit man!

What the fuck more would he have to do to get your thanks???

Fuckin ingrate.

Without Bush's horrific escapades in the Middle East and a global financial meltdown, we wouldn't be here discussing this?

I'm afraid I'll need you to explain this one to me.



Without Bush's horrific escapades in the Middle East and a global financial meltdown, we wouldn't be here discussing this?

I'm afraid I'll need you to explain this one to me."

Mac, I see you position yourself as an informed and impartial observer.

Well figure it out yourself!

After all of your impartial observation its now time we hear just how smart you are from all that observing. I included all the necessary info you'd need to follow the logical and/or factual signposts to reach the inescapable conclusion.

So now, show us that intellectual horsepower you must have on tap ready to dazzle us with!

Can't wait.


Informed and impartial, meh, I don't know, don't care.

But I am honest.
Happy to!

First tell me where you provided "all the necessary info you'd need to follow the logical and/or factual signposts and reach the inescapable conclusion."

All I see is the standard, one-sided neo-con stuff. Maybe I missed something.

I'll be away for a while but I'll check back in, in a couple of hours. That should give you time to tell me why you miss Bush.


Need time to cram, huh?

Oh don't give me that job and life stuff. We all know you are calmly stepping back from the edge.

That's okay.

It is no shame to recognize when you are on the losing end of an argument and want to avoid experiencing the unpleasant conclusion you see ahead.



Just kidding.

Hurry back when you have read all my posts in this thread.

From that you should have all the clues you need.

You are the impartial observer here. So observe.


Not sure what I need to cram for, not sure what edge I'm stepping back from, not sure what I'm losing, and yes, I do have a life.

I know how difficult it can be for you folks to stay focused on a topic, and that getting personal is very important to you.

But I'm not interested.

I do know this: When Bush left office, we were in an abject meltdown of our financial system and our economy was in free-fall. We were also mired in two (2) wars/nation-building disasters in the Middle East, spending trillions of dollars we've had to borrow, and losing the lives, limbs and minds of thousands of young American soldiers.

Additionally, the removal of Saddam clearly emboldened Iran and created a playground for terrorists, and somehow managed to make a completely chaotic Middle East even MORE chaotic.

So no, I don't miss the years Bush was in office. And no, that doesn't mean "everything was his fault", I know how you folks love simplistic absolutes. If you're satisfied with Bush's presidency, I sure as hell know I'm not going to change your mind.

We now see what two lousy presidencies in a row looks like. Since I'm an independent and not a partisan ideologue, I get to be honest about that stuff.


Now, why don't you play Devil's Advocate and try to imagine just why Bush did the things he did?

But leave out the part where you ascribe only evil intentions to his motivations.

No one is all eveil.

No one is all good.

Everyone is a mixture of both good and bad qualities as well as a million other things as well.

Try to imagine that Bush did what he did to HELP AMERICA and AMERICANS.

As opposed to Eboma who does what he does with an eye to how he can benefit from every good or bad event.

Like Rahm Emannuel pointed out to the Obama people: 'You never let a serious crisis go to waste.'

If you are neither an American nor an America loving Yankophile you can be excused for not being able to imagine Bush as possibly being well intentioned.

I think Bush meant well, I have no doubt about that.

But his was still a lousy presidency.


Does he have to play golf and basketball and sing Al Green to win your approval???

After all, he DID save us from global thermonuclear war.

He DID save us from a debilitating oil crisis.

He DID prevent chaos in global economies as well as our own.

God dammit man!

What the fuck more would he have to do to get your thanks???

Fuckin ingrate.

Holy crap.

I'm just looking at the results, that's all.

I do wonder, however, if you would be so flexible if a President with a (D) after his name had left the same conditions behind.

Just kidding, I don't wonder about that.


Without Bush's horrific escapades in the Middle East and a global financial meltdown, we wouldn't be here discussing this?

I'm afraid I'll need you to explain this one to me."

Mac, I see you position yourself as an informed and impartial observer.

Well figure it out yourself!

After all of your impartial observation its now time we hear just how smart you are from all that observing. I included all the necessary info you'd need to follow the logical and/or factual signposts to reach the inescapable conclusion.

So now, show us that intellectual horsepower you must have on tap ready to dazzle us with!

Can't wait.


Informed and impartial, meh, I don't know, don't care.

But I am honest.
Need time to cram, huh?

Oh don't give me that job and life stuff. We all know you are calmly stepping back from the edge.

That's okay.

It is no shame to recognize when you are on the losing end of an argument and want to avoid experiencing the unpleasant conclusion you see ahead.



Just kidding.

Hurry back when you have read all my posts in this thread.

From that you should have all the clues you need.

You are the impartial observer here. So observe.


Not sure what I need to cram for, not sure what edge I'm stepping back from, not sure what I'm losing, and yes, I do have a life.

I know how difficult it can be for you folks to stay focused on a topic, and that getting personal is very important to you.

But I'm not interested.

I do know this: When Bush left office, we were in an abject meltdown of our financial system and our economy was in free-fall. We were also mired in two (2) wars/nation-building disasters in the Middle East, spending trillions of dollars we've had to borrow, and losing the lives, limbs and minds of thousands of young American soldiers.

Additionally, the removal of Saddam clearly emboldened Iran and created a playground for terrorists, and somehow managed to make a completely chaotic Middle East even MORE chaotic.

So no, I don't miss the years Bush was in office. And no, that doesn't mean "everything was his fault", I know how you folks love simplistic absolutes. If you're satisfied with Bush's presidency, I sure as hell know I'm not going to change your mind.

We now see what two lousy presidencies in a row looks like. Since I'm an independent and not a partisan ideologue, I get to be honest about that stuff.


Now, why don't you play Devil's Advocate and try to imagine just why Bush did the things he did?

But leave out the part where you ascribe only evil intentions to his motivations.

No one is all eveil.

No one is all good.

Everyone is a mixture of both good and bad qualities as well as a million other things as well.

Try to imagine that Bush did what he did to HELP AMERICA and AMERICANS.

As opposed to Eboma who does what he does with an eye to how he can benefit from every good or bad event.

Like Rahm Emannuel pointed out to the Obama people: 'You never let a serious crisis go to waste.'

If you are neither an American nor an America loving Yankophile you can be excused for not being able to imagine Bush as possibly being well intentioned.

I think Bush meant well, I have no doubt about that.

But his was still a lousy presidency.


Does he have to play golf and basketball and sing Al Green to win your approval???

After all, he DID save us from global thermonuclear war.

He DID save us from a debilitating oil crisis.

He DID prevent chaos in global economies as well as our own.

God dammit man!

What the fuck more would he have to do to get your thanks???

Fuckin ingrate.

Holy crap.

I'm just looking at the results, that's all.

I do wonder, however, if you would be so flexible if a President with a (D) after his name had left the same conditions behind.

Just kidding, I don't wonder about that.


If you are insinuating I wouldn't, haven't or couldn't support a well qualified honest America loving POTUS, you are wrong.

Just goes to show how ill informed and unobservant you are.


America is my cause. My client. My love. My passion on these boards.

It is our lifeboat protecting us from the world's waves of incivility and violence and chaos which could drown us and the sharks which want to consume us.

It is all we have.

We can't jeopardize it with the antics you guiys propose.

We are suffering greatly from too much Progressivism as it is and you say the only cure to this Eboma nightmnare is MORE Progressivism?


The country is saying No.

And you don't have to take MY word for it, though you will soon see (or, as usual, be blindered to the fact) that I am right.

Anyone in the office who does right by America and Americans will have no problems from me.

When will you guys offer up someone for election who isn't prohibitively flawed "credentially", ideologically and/or morally and ethically?

I ALWAYS support the POTUS, no matter WHO wins!!!

Until they show me they don't deserve my support.

It's not that I diss every Demo POTUS.

It's just that this one is just so GODDAMNED WRONG for the job and for this country.

And you are too proud or egomaniacal to recognize it.

Rush pointed out why he hoped Eboma would fail.

Because only if he failed would this country have a chance to avoid the predictable and preventable pitfalls of his alien Progressive agenda.
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In the last presidential ratings, 2010, by 238 noted historians, Bush was rated fifth worst American president. That rating may possibly change over the years as new materials are resourced and new presidents added. In that rating Historians rated on twenty presidential factors and in two of the areas, economics and foreign affairs Bush was rated second from the bottom. Bush was beat out for last by Hoover and L, Johnson.
Do you miss W like I do?
I'm not going to wade through some 250 posts of back and forth partisan hackery. No, I do not nor will I miss George Bush. Housing bubble, explosion of the security state, TARP, and turning the Persian Gulf into a miasma of warfare and bloodshed aside, the boy was barely adequate to the task at hand. I applauded the end of his reign, just as I shall applaud the end of the current disaster in power.
The only person to miss W is that guy with a shoe
That's a great line.

All you guys can produce are sound bytes.

No substance.

No honest elected leadership at the highest levels.

This administration is going down in flames.

It has jumped the shark.

It's over, Johnny!

Liberal rats are all advised to jump ship now.
Here's some substance.
In the last presidential ratings, 2010, by 238 noted historians, Bush was rated fifth worst American president. That rating may possibly change over the years as new materials are resourced and new presidents added. In that rating Historians rated on twenty presidential factors and in two of the areas, economics and foreign affairs Bush was rated second from the bottom. Bush was beat out for last by Hoover and L, Johnson.

Too soon to criticize him then.

They didn't have the benefit of the knowledge you currently possess.

So, even with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight you are STILL blind!!!

You are able to see the history which came AFTER those poll respondents had their say, yet you are still relying on their biased impressions of the Bushy administration after only a few years after it's conclusion!

And you can't figure out how to blend the current revelations about the actual PRESENCE of IRAQ WMD's with the BDS they and you suffer from.

Go and update your mental files.

You are yesterday's news.

or what passes for News at MSNBC.


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Do you miss W like I do?
I'm not going to wade through some 250 posts of back and forth partisan hackery. No, I do not nor will I miss George Bush. Housing bubble, explosion of the security state, TARP, and turning the Persian Gulf into a miasma of warfare and bloodshed aside, the boy was barely adequate to the task at hand. I applauded the end of his reign, just as I shall applaud the end of the current disaster in power.

You are mistaken, mistaken, mistaken and mistaken.


Now, are you ready to get educated?

Or do you prefer being stuck on stupid?
The only person to miss W is that guy with a shoe
That's a great line.

All you guys can produce are sound bytes.

No substance.

No honest elected leadership at the highest levels.

This administration is going down in flames.

It has jumped the shark.

It's over, Johnny!

Liberal rats are all advised to jump ship now.
Here's some substance. View attachment 33166

Your graphic is incorrect in its first two assertions and you are too stupid and uninformed to realize you are being punked by people who put out these things who insert fallacies just subtle enough for you to overlook. They know you will glom onto their bogus evidence and when you present it in debate they know a sharp Conservative will see the error of your propaganda and clean your clock and make you look stupider than you already looked.

Go study!


In the last presidential ratings, 2010, by 238 noted historians, Bush was rated fifth worst American president. That rating may possibly change over the years as new materials are resourced and new presidents added. In that rating Historians rated on twenty presidential factors and in two of the areas, economics and foreign affairs Bush was rated second from the bottom. Bush was beat out for last by Hoover and L, Johnson.

Too soon to criticize him then.

They didn't have the benefit of the knowledge you currently possess.

So, even with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight you are STILL blind!!!

You are able to see the history which came AFTER those poll respondents had their say, yet you are still relying on their biased impressions of the Bushy administration after only a few years after it's conclusion!

And you can't figure out how to blend the current revelations about the actual PRESENCE of IRAQ WMD's with the BDS they and you suffer from.

Go and update your mental files.

You are yesterday's news.

or what passes for News at MSNBC.


Might check the historians rating ten years from now and see how little they change. In fact, they do change, but not much. The ratings began in 1948 and it's interesting to see how little change there has been over the years. Bush may climb to sixth worst president or even seventh, as new presidents are added, but for now he's rated a loser, and he will probably be at the bottom of the heap even fifty years from now.
Lets seeeeee....

Bush: Lost guns in Mexico, had several Americans killed in attacks on our diplomatic missions, spied on tens of millions of Americans without warrants, created an entirely unfunded new medical entitlement social welfare program, helped double the national debt, started three wars, treated the Constitution like toilet paper, circumvented Congress, imprisoned American citizens without a writ of habeas corpus, harassed and spied on reporters, had several corruption scandals in his Administration, took a bunch of vacations, created a new Cabinet department with abusive police powers, and laid the groundwork for the greatest financial crash since the Great Depression.

Obama: Lost guns in Mexico, had several Americans killed in one attack on a diplomatic mission, spied on tens of millions of Americans without warrants, created a new medical entitlement social welfare program, helping to double the national debt, treated the Constitution like toilet paper, circumvented Congress, harassed and spied on reporters, had several corruption scandals in his Administration, took a bunch of vacations, and did a lousy job recovering from the greatest financial crash since the Great Depression.
In the last presidential ratings, 2010, by 238 noted historians, Bush was rated fifth worst American president. That rating may possibly change over the years as new materials are resourced and new presidents added. In that rating Historians rated on twenty presidential factors and in two of the areas, economics and foreign affairs Bush was rated second from the bottom. Bush was beat out for last by Hoover and L, Johnson.

Too soon to criticize him then.

They didn't have the benefit of the knowledge you currently possess.

So, even with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight you are STILL blind!!!

You are able to see the history which came AFTER those poll respondents had their say, yet you are still relying on their biased impressions of the Bushy administration after only a few years after it's conclusion!

And you can't figure out how to blend the current revelations about the actual PRESENCE of IRAQ WMD's with the BDS they and you suffer from.

Go and update your mental files.

You are yesterday's news.

or what passes for News at MSNBC.


Might check the historians rating ten years from now and see how little they change. In fact, they do change, but not much. The ratings began in 1948 and it's interesting to see how little change there has been over the years. Bush may climb to sixth worst president or even seventh, as new presidents are added, but for now he's rated a loser, and he will probably be at the bottom of the heap even fifty years from now.


Lets seeeeee....

Bush: Lost guns in Mexico, had several Americans killed in attacks on our diplomatic missions, spied on tens of millions of Americans without warrants, created an entirely unfunded new medical entitlement social welfare program, helped double the national debt, started three wars, treated the Constitution like toilet paper, circumvented Congress, imprisoned American citizens without a writ of habeas corpus, harassed and spied on reporters, had several corruption scandals in his Administration, took a bunch of vacations, created a new Cabinet department with abusive police powers, and laid the groundwork for the greatest financial crash since the Great Depression.

Obama: Lost guns in Mexico, had several Americans killed in one attack on a diplomatic mission, spied on tens of millions of Americans without warrants, created a new medical entitlement social welfare program, helping to double the national debt, treated the Constitution like toilet paper, circumvented Congress, harassed and spied on reporters, had several corruption scandals in his Administration, took a bunch of vacations, and did a lousy job recovering from the greatest financial crash since the Great Depression.

Let's be clear: You think W SHOULD have allowed Israel to defend herself against Saddam's WMD bluff???

How strange.

They could neither confirm nor deny the WMD's but we DO know that Iran respected their mutual border and that is why Saddam floated that bluff in the speech alluded to by FBI interrogator, George Piro.

He wanted to prevent Iran from attacking.

His bluff worked. The Iranians did not attack again after the end of their bloody 10 year war which claimed more than 1,000,000 lives.

So that was even more reason to believe the WMD's existed.

That belief was validated this past week with news that Karl Rove advised W not to publicize the WMD's found circa 2005.

Thus, having to take it seriously, the Israelis were not going to stand for an Iraqi WMD 'Sword of Damocles' hanging over their necks threatening existential elimination.

When have you ever known the Israelis to take that sort of thing lying down?

They DON'T.

Nor should they.tolerate an Iraqi WMD 'Sword of Damocles' hanging over their necks threatening existential elimination of millions of Jews AND Muslims AND CHRISTIANS and others.

You wouldn't stand for it.

JFK didn't stand for nuclear missiles in Cuba which could strike any of our major East Coast and Southern cities. I remember almost peeing my pants and stinking my pants walking the mile back home from school. Even as a little seven year old Mojo2 I knew what was at stake in the Cuban Missile Crisis.

So, Israel WOULD have been forced to attack Iraq without any outward signs of provocation.

And you think this would have been a good thing???

So, do you think Israel should have been allowed to attack Iraq in self defense?
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Informed and impartial, meh, I don't know, don't care.

But I am honest.
Not sure what I need to cram for, not sure what edge I'm stepping back from, not sure what I'm losing, and yes, I do have a life.

I know how difficult it can be for you folks to stay focused on a topic, and that getting personal is very important to you.

But I'm not interested.

I do know this: When Bush left office, we were in an abject meltdown of our financial system and our economy was in free-fall. We were also mired in two (2) wars/nation-building disasters in the Middle East, spending trillions of dollars we've had to borrow, and losing the lives, limbs and minds of thousands of young American soldiers.

Additionally, the removal of Saddam clearly emboldened Iran and created a playground for terrorists, and somehow managed to make a completely chaotic Middle East even MORE chaotic.

So no, I don't miss the years Bush was in office. And no, that doesn't mean "everything was his fault", I know how you folks love simplistic absolutes. If you're satisfied with Bush's presidency, I sure as hell know I'm not going to change your mind.

We now see what two lousy presidencies in a row looks like. Since I'm an independent and not a partisan ideologue, I get to be honest about that stuff.


Now, why don't you play Devil's Advocate and try to imagine just why Bush did the things he did?

But leave out the part where you ascribe only evil intentions to his motivations.

No one is all eveil.

No one is all good.

Everyone is a mixture of both good and bad qualities as well as a million other things as well.

Try to imagine that Bush did what he did to HELP AMERICA and AMERICANS.

As opposed to Eboma who does what he does with an eye to how he can benefit from every good or bad event.

Like Rahm Emannuel pointed out to the Obama people: 'You never let a serious crisis go to waste.'

If you are neither an American nor an America loving Yankophile you can be excused for not being able to imagine Bush as possibly being well intentioned.

I think Bush meant well, I have no doubt about that.

But his was still a lousy presidency.


Does he have to play golf and basketball and sing Al Green to win your approval???

After all, he DID save us from global thermonuclear war.

He DID save us from a debilitating oil crisis.

He DID prevent chaos in global economies as well as our own.

God dammit man!

What the fuck more would he have to do to get your thanks???

Fuckin ingrate.

Holy crap.

I'm just looking at the results, that's all.

I do wonder, however, if you would be so flexible if a President with a (D) after his name had left the same conditions behind.

Just kidding, I don't wonder about that.


If you are insinuating I wouldn't, haven't or couldn't support a well qualified honest America loving POTUS, you are wrong.

Just goes to show how ill informed and unobservant you are.


America is my cause. My client. My love. My passion on these boards.

It is our lifeboat protecting us from the world's waves of incivility and violence and chaos which could drown us and the sharks which want to consume us.

It is all we have.

We can't jeopardize it with the antics you guiys propose.

We are suffering greatly from too much Progressivism as it is and you say the only cure to this Eboma nightmnare is MORE Progressivism?


The country is saying No.

And you don't have to take MY word for it, though you will soon see (or, as usual, be blindered to the fact) that I am right.

Anyone in the office who does right by America and Americans will have no problems from me.

When will you guys offer up someone for election who isn't prohibitively flawed "credentially", ideologically and/or morally and ethically?

I ALWAYS support the POTUS, no matter WHO wins!!!

Until they show me they don't deserve my support.

It's not that I diss every Demo POTUS.

It's just that this one is just so GODDAMNED WRONG for the job and for this country.

And you are too proud or egomaniacal to recognize it.

Rush pointed out why he hoped Eboma would fail.

Because only if he failed would this country have a chance to avoid the predictable and preventable pitfalls of his alien Progressive agenda.

You are being 100% intellectually dishonest. There is absolutely no way you'd ever support anyone who didn't have a "R" after his name. And we have all your post to prove it.
There are some of us who aren't absolutely not married to any political party and you aren't one of them.

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