Do you Obama supporters KNOW why we are Obama critics?

I hate obama and dimocraps for one simple reason and one reason only.....

They lie. It's all they do. They lie.

They wake up in the morning lying and they go to bed at night lying.

I can deal with anybody, and I mean ANYBODY as long as the person is honest and truthful.

Wanna talk about universal National Health Care? I'm all for talking about it. Let's rock n' roll.

Wanna talk about unemployment for two years or even five years? I'm all ears.

Wanna talk about cradle-to-grave socialism? I'm listening.

I'm talking about socialists, communists, libertarians, democrats, fascists, national socialists, progressives, liberals, anarchists, anti-government, pro=government, proponents of big government and small government..... Whatever.

I'll talk to anybody about anything and actually listen.

Except dimocraps and obama.

They lie. Everything they say is a lie. Every promise they make, everything they do, every word out of their fucking diseased mouths is...

A lie.

dimocraps lie. dimocraps are the lyingest scumbags the Earth has ever seen.

Worse than Nazis, worse than Stalinists, worse than Fascists or Maoists or Anarchists or any other group of human beings in the history of Man.

dimocraps lie.

Their entire existence is based on lies.
Every single American was VERY Proud when the first black person was elected!

We all totally felt America had turned a page in history.
BUT the operative word was we were PROUD the first Black.. sad that it was a perfect example of the black population as a whole.. again not the exceptional blacks like Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Allen West i.e. blacks that first learned from their parents the value of self-determination!

It was a great day but at the same to those of us NON-Racists that KNEW Obama's gross inexperience, his socialist ideology and his true hatred of wealthy people (like his white grandparents) felt very bad that such common, arrogant narcissistic person that voted against Obama.

Now our nation is learning what the majority of grossly low information, RACISTS that voted ONLY because he was black never knew.

People with Obama's background ONLY knew non-profit salary paying organizations. He obviously NEVER realized where those non-profits got their money to pay his salaries. A perfect example of Obama's total ignorance is this statement:
"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"

If it is a SINGLE PAYER that means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes including in some of your towns property taxes on office buildings,etc while laying off 400,000 health insurance employees!

So again Obama's ignorance of HOW NON-PROFITS get their money,i.e. from profit making organizations like the insurance companies that pay $100 billion in taxes with 400,000 employees that WILL BE REPLACED by a single Payer!

This is why we that are NON-RACISTS felt very comfortable in voting against Obama.. again WE KNEW better and we KNOW there are exceptional blacks that understand our economy, our country and at the MINIMUM LOVE our country and not hate it as Obama as shown he hates the USA.

A very disingenuous thread. I'll leave your definition of racism aside since it is a hot button issue and one which will never be solved on this forum or in the public arena. It is what it is, a product of ignorance, some of it willful.

Let's talk about a single payer system. I won't post numbers since I don't have access nor know how to compute savings vis a vis costs and the impact of taxes on such a huge system. I do know many blacksmiths and teamsters lost their jobs when the car replaced horses, when computers replaced typewriters and when ATM's replaced tellers\ people lost jobs. Progress takes its toll even as it usually makes our lives more efficient, easier and more convenient.

A single payer system would not, as I understand it, make insurance companies obsolete nor put every seller or broker of insurance out of business. But Obamacare is not a single payer system, it is a hybrid wherein the government regulates some aspects of insurance, something not knew to the industry.

The system Obamacare was imagined to change is one which made the end user a loser and existed to benefit those who profited from the illnesses and injuries of others. Doubt that, refute the facts reported in this:

Bitter Pill: Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us - TIME

Tell us what a single payer system would do in terms of savings not only costs; I know, not an easy formula but as one who purports to know everything about health care and the insurance it should be easier for healthmyths.
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I hate obama and dimocraps for one simple reason and one reason only.....

They lie. It's all they do. They lie.

They wake up in the morning lying and they go to bed at night lying.

I can deal with anybody, and I mean ANYBODY as long as the person is honest and truthful.

Wanna talk about universal National Health Care? I'm all for talking about it. Let's rock n' roll.

Wanna talk about unemployment for two years or even five years? I'm all ears.

Wanna talk about cradle-to-grave socialism? I'm listening.

I'm talking about socialists, communists, libertarians, democrats, fascists, national socialists, progressives, liberals, anarchists, anti-government, pro=government, proponents of big government and small government..... Whatever.

I'll talk to anybody about anything and actually listen.

Except dimocraps and obama.

They lie. Everything they say is a lie. Every promise they make, everything they do, every word out of their fucking diseased mouths is...

A lie.

dimocraps lie. dimocraps are the lyingest scumbags the Earth has ever seen.

Worse than Nazis, worse than Stalinists, worse than Fascists or Maoists or Anarchists or any other group of human beings in the history of Man.

dimocraps lie.

Their entire existence is based on lies.

No politician regardless of party ever tells the truth.
Every Country that has a single payor system is unhappy with it. Every one of them.

A system like the Swiss have and what the French want is the way to go.

The PPACA was designed to fail. From the get-go, it was designed to fail.

And that will lead to what dimocraps have wanted all along, a single payor system.

And they ALL suck. Every one of them.
We see the whining far right reactionaries hate the demographic and cultural changes in America.

Tuff dat, whinerz.

Iz whut Iz.
I hate obama and dimocraps for one simple reason and one reason only.....

They lie. It's all they do. They lie.

They wake up in the morning lying and they go to bed at night lying.

I can deal with anybody, and I mean ANYBODY as long as the person is honest and truthful.

Wanna talk about universal National Health Care? I'm all for talking about it. Let's rock n' roll.

Wanna talk about unemployment for two years or even five years? I'm all ears.

Wanna talk about cradle-to-grave socialism? I'm listening.

I'm talking about socialists, communists, libertarians, democrats, fascists, national socialists, progressives, liberals, anarchists, anti-government, pro=government, proponents of big government and small government..... Whatever.

I'll talk to anybody about anything and actually listen.

Except dimocraps and obama.

They lie. Everything they say is a lie. Every promise they make, everything they do, every word out of their fucking diseased mouths is...

A lie.

dimocraps lie. dimocraps are the lyingest scumbags the Earth has ever seen.

Worse than Nazis, worse than Stalinists, worse than Fascists or Maoists or Anarchists or any other group of human beings in the history of Man.

dimocraps lie.

Their entire existence is based on lies.

Are you sane? I mean that with all sincerity. Do you believe a word you put on our screens is true? Or are you the liar? Of course you can be both, a liar and insane - something I suspect you are and needs to be ruled out.

So, be honest - tell us something about your self (on some level you must admit your use of language is 'unique' and closer to word salad then to prose) and why you so hate so many other human beings.

Or is your rant simply a lie?
Every single American was VERY Proud when the first black person was elected!

We all totally felt America had turned a page in history.
BUT the operative word was we were PROUD the first Black.. sad that it was a perfect example of the black population as a whole.. again not the exceptional blacks like Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Allen West i.e. blacks that first learned from their parents the value of self-determination!

It was a great day but at the same to those of us NON-Racists that KNEW Obama's gross inexperience, his socialist ideology and his true hatred of wealthy people (like his white grandparents) felt very bad that such common, arrogant narcissistic person that voted against Obama.

Now our nation is learning what the majority of grossly low information, RACISTS that voted ONLY because he was black never knew.

People with Obama's background ONLY knew non-profit salary paying organizations. He obviously NEVER realized where those non-profits got their money to pay his salaries. A perfect example of Obama's total ignorance is this statement:
"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"

If it is a SINGLE PAYER that means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes including in some of your towns property taxes on office buildings,etc while laying off 400,000 health insurance employees!

So again Obama's ignorance of HOW NON-PROFITS get their money,i.e. from profit making organizations like the insurance companies that pay $100 billion in taxes with 400,000 employees that WILL BE REPLACED by a single Payer!

This is why we that are NON-RACISTS felt very comfortable in voting against Obama.. again WE KNEW better and we KNOW there are exceptional blacks that understand our economy, our country and at the MINIMUM LOVE our country and not hate it as Obama as shown he hates the USA.

It's because you're tedious partisan hacks and blind rightist ideologues.
I know why I'm an Obama critic, but it has nothing to do with the crazy shit right wingers on this board like complaining about.'s because of his support for a health care policy that never went into effect or was even voted on???
I WROTE and IF YOU ARE SMART ENOUGH you should know this is ONE! UNO!
EXAMPLE! I've got dozens of MORE examples that ignorant people like you obviously don't know about where OBAMA was so ill prepared to be the Chief Executive!

I wrote:
"A perfect example of Obama's total ignorance is this statement:"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"
Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Allen West

You do know all those guys have recieved government funding?
I hate obama and dimocraps for one simple reason and one reason only.....

They lie. It's all they do. They lie.

They wake up in the morning lying and they go to bed at night lying.

I can deal with anybody, and I mean ANYBODY as long as the person is honest and truthful.

Wanna talk about universal National Health Care? I'm all for talking about it. Let's rock n' roll.

Wanna talk about unemployment for two years or even five years? I'm all ears.

Wanna talk about cradle-to-grave socialism? I'm listening.

I'm talking about socialists, communists, libertarians, democrats, fascists, national socialists, progressives, liberals, anarchists, anti-government, pro=government, proponents of big government and small government..... Whatever.

I'll talk to anybody about anything and actually listen.

Except dimocraps and obama.

They lie. Everything they say is a lie. Every promise they make, everything they do, every word out of their fucking diseased mouths is...

A lie.

dimocraps lie. dimocraps are the lyingest scumbags the Earth has ever seen.

Worse than Nazis, worse than Stalinists, worse than Fascists or Maoists or Anarchists or any other group of human beings in the history of Man.

dimocraps lie.

Their entire existence is based on lies.

I tend to agree with everything, except the bold part :)

they are not worse. they are the same.
We understand why. It's because many conservatives have poor reasoning abilities, and hence a low resistance to brainwashing. (If they could use reason correctly, they wouldn't be conservatives.) Hence, those conservatives fall hard for every single bit of whackaloon propaganda that their masters spoonfeed them. And then they repost it here.

For example, if you have ever called Obama "Marxist", then you are a 'tard. A moron. Someone with shit-for-brains. A brainwashed rube. A perfect UsefulIdiot for your conservative masters.

Sure, they are some 'tard liberals. For example, I occasionally have to school some anti-nuke TrueBelievers on how the Fukushima nuclear accident is actually not in the process of destroying all life on earth. However, 'tard liberals only make up around 10% of the total liberals, while 'tard conservatives are more like 50% of all conservatives.

I've called Obama a jerk, a Chicago Democrat thug, but have not called him marxist. As for 'reasoning' abilities I have found that many liberals (along with some conservatives) are arrogant and self absorbed and can't accept the fact others do not share their opinions.
I hate obama and dimocraps for one simple reason and one reason only.....

They lie. It's all they do. They lie.

They wake up in the morning lying and they go to bed at night lying.

I can deal with anybody, and I mean ANYBODY as long as the person is honest and truthful.

Wanna talk about universal National Health Care? I'm all for talking about it. Let's rock n' roll.

Wanna talk about unemployment for two years or even five years? I'm all ears.

Wanna talk about cradle-to-grave socialism? I'm listening.

I'm talking about socialists, communists, libertarians, democrats, fascists, national socialists, progressives, liberals, anarchists, anti-government, pro=government, proponents of big government and small government..... Whatever.

I'll talk to anybody about anything and actually listen.

Except dimocraps and obama.

They lie. Everything they say is a lie. Every promise they make, everything they do, every word out of their fucking diseased mouths is...

A lie.

dimocraps lie. dimocraps are the lyingest scumbags the Earth has ever seen.

Worse than Nazis, worse than Stalinists, worse than Fascists or Maoists or Anarchists or any other group of human beings in the history of Man.

dimocraps lie.

Their entire existence is based on lies.

I tend to agree with everything, except the bold part :)

they are not worse. they are the same.

I meant to say they lie 'worse' than any of them.

Which is true. They do.

As to actually committing worse atrocities? Of course not.

We (Patriotic Americans) would bitch-slap them into next week if they tried.

But that doesn't mean they don't want to.

Remember the Stuttering Clusterfuck's mentor, Bill Ayers and the organization he founded, the Weather Underground?

Remember that an FBI Agent infiltrated and joined them and reported that they were willing to murder TWENTY-FIVE MILLION AMERICANS to make their socialist utopia a fact?

[ame=]"The Elimination Of 25 Million People" - The Coming Attack - YouTube[/ame]

NEVER underestimate the evil that is the dimocrap mind.

They can justify ANYTHING in their sick, depraved, diseased brains.

even better:

[ame=]OBAMA' MENTOR WILLIAM AYERS' PLAN TO MURDER 25,000,000 - YouTube[/ame]
I hate obama and dimocraps for one simple reason and one reason only.....

They lie. It's all they do. They lie.

They wake up in the morning lying and they go to bed at night lying.

I can deal with anybody, and I mean ANYBODY as long as the person is honest and truthful.

Wanna talk about universal National Health Care? I'm all for talking about it. Let's rock n' roll.

Wanna talk about unemployment for two years or even five years? I'm all ears.

Wanna talk about cradle-to-grave socialism? I'm listening.

I'm talking about socialists, communists, libertarians, democrats, fascists, national socialists, progressives, liberals, anarchists, anti-government, pro=government, proponents of big government and small government..... Whatever.

I'll talk to anybody about anything and actually listen.

Except dimocraps and obama.

They lie. Everything they say is a lie. Every promise they make, everything they do, every word out of their fucking diseased mouths is...

A lie.

dimocraps lie. dimocraps are the lyingest scumbags the Earth has ever seen.

Worse than Nazis, worse than Stalinists, worse than Fascists or Maoists or Anarchists or any other group of human beings in the history of Man.

dimocraps lie.

Their entire existence is based on lies.

I tend to agree with everything, except the bold part :)

they are not worse. they are the same.

I meant to say they lie 'worse' than any of them.

Which is true. They do.

As to actually committing worse atrocities? Of course not.

We (Patriotic Americans) would bitch-slap them into next week if they tried.

But that doesn't mean they don't want to.

Remember the Stuttering Clusterfuck's mentor, Bill Ayers and the organization he founded, the Weather Underground?

Remember that an FBI Agent infiltrated and joined them and reported that they were willing to murder TWENTY-FIVE MILLION AMERICANS to make their socialist utopia a fact?

No, I don't. I'm sure you have a single source to prove your allegations

[ame=]"The Elimination Of 25 Million People" - The Coming Attack - YouTube[/ame]

NEVER underestimate the evil that is the dimocrap mind.

They can justify ANYTHING in their sick, depraved, diseased brains.


You failed to answer my question. Are you sane, or a liar or both?
We understand why. It's because many conservatives have poor reasoning abilities, and hence a low resistance to brainwashing. (If they could use reason correctly, they wouldn't be conservatives.) Hence, those conservatives fall hard for every single bit of whackaloon propaganda that their masters spoonfeed them. And then they repost it here.

For example, if you have ever called Obama "Marxist", then you are a 'tard. A moron. Someone with shit-for-brains. A brainwashed rube. A perfect UsefulIdiot for your conservative masters.

Sure, they are some 'tard liberals. For example, I occasionally have to school some anti-nuke TrueBelievers on how the Fukushima nuclear accident is actually not in the process of destroying all life on earth. However, 'tard liberals only make up around 10% of the total liberals, while 'tard conservatives are more like 50% of all conservatives.

you're a brainwashed ignoramus....
I hate obama and dimocraps for one simple reason and one reason only.....

They lie. It's all they do. They lie.

They wake up in the morning lying and they go to bed at night lying.

I can deal with anybody, and I mean ANYBODY as long as the person is honest and truthful.

Wanna talk about universal National Health Care? I'm all for talking about it. Let's rock n' roll.

Wanna talk about unemployment for two years or even five years? I'm all ears.

Wanna talk about cradle-to-grave socialism? I'm listening.

I'm talking about socialists, communists, libertarians, democrats, fascists, national socialists, progressives, liberals, anarchists, anti-government, pro=government, proponents of big government and small government..... Whatever.

I'll talk to anybody about anything and actually listen.

Except dimocraps and obama.

They lie. Everything they say is a lie. Every promise they make, everything they do, every word out of their fucking diseased mouths is...

A lie.

dimocraps lie. dimocraps are the lyingest scumbags the Earth has ever seen.

Worse than Nazis, worse than Stalinists, worse than Fascists or Maoists or Anarchists or any other group of human beings in the history of Man.

dimocraps lie.

Their entire existence is based on lies.

No politician regardless of party ever tells the truth.

People who know that they have been lied to in the past....but are intellectually unable to tell when someone is or is not lying to them in the present, say things like that. It is an easy way out for an imbecile.
I hate obama and dimocraps for one simple reason and one reason only.....

They lie. It's all they do. They lie.

They wake up in the morning lying and they go to bed at night lying.

I can deal with anybody, and I mean ANYBODY as long as the person is honest and truthful.

Wanna talk about universal National Health Care? I'm all for talking about it. Let's rock n' roll.

Wanna talk about unemployment for two years or even five years? I'm all ears.

Wanna talk about cradle-to-grave socialism? I'm listening.

I'm talking about socialists, communists, libertarians, democrats, fascists, national socialists, progressives, liberals, anarchists, anti-government, pro=government, proponents of big government and small government..... Whatever.

I'll talk to anybody about anything and actually listen.

Except dimocraps and obama.

They lie. Everything they say is a lie. Every promise they make, everything they do, every word out of their fucking diseased mouths is...

A lie.

dimocraps lie. dimocraps are the lyingest scumbags the Earth has ever seen.

Worse than Nazis, worse than Stalinists, worse than Fascists or Maoists or Anarchists or any other group of human beings in the history of Man.

dimocraps lie.

Their entire existence is based on lies.

I tend to agree with everything, except the bold part :)

they are not worse. they are the same.

I meant to say they lie 'worse' than any of them.

Which is true. They do.

As to actually committing worse atrocities? Of course not.

We (Patriotic Americans) would bitch-slap them into next week if they tried.

But that doesn't mean they don't want to.

Remember the Stuttering Clusterfuck's mentor, Bill Ayers and the organization he founded, the Weather Underground?

Remember that an FBI Agent infiltrated and joined them and reported that they were willing to murder TWENTY-FIVE MILLION AMERICANS to make their socialist utopia a fact?

[ame=]"The Elimination Of 25 Million People" - The Coming Attack - YouTube[/ame]

NEVER underestimate the evil that is the dimocrap mind.

They can justify ANYTHING in their sick, depraved, diseased brains.


they lie exactly the same way as the others do.

they LIE.

that all the left does.

be it socialists, dimocraps, maoists, stalinists, nazists, communists, sandinistas and all other leftard scum of the earth.

You make out dimocraps feel god-like, elevating them above others. they are the same.
They can not NOT LIE - as LIE is the essence of the left.

it is not underestimation. I know what they are. I just don't think they are different.
I hate obama and dimocraps for one simple reason and one reason only.....

They lie. It's all they do. They lie.

They wake up in the morning lying and they go to bed at night lying.

I can deal with anybody, and I mean ANYBODY as long as the person is honest and truthful.

Wanna talk about universal National Health Care? I'm all for talking about it. Let's rock n' roll.

Wanna talk about unemployment for two years or even five years? I'm all ears.

Wanna talk about cradle-to-grave socialism? I'm listening.

I'm talking about socialists, communists, libertarians, democrats, fascists, national socialists, progressives, liberals, anarchists, anti-government, pro=government, proponents of big government and small government..... Whatever.

I'll talk to anybody about anything and actually listen.

Except dimocraps and obama.

They lie. Everything they say is a lie. Every promise they make, everything they do, every word out of their fucking diseased mouths is...

A lie.

dimocraps lie. dimocraps are the lyingest scumbags the Earth has ever seen.

Worse than Nazis, worse than Stalinists, worse than Fascists or Maoists or Anarchists or any other group of human beings in the history of Man.

dimocraps lie.

Their entire existence is based on lies.

No politician regardless of party ever tells the truth.

People who know that they have been lied to in the past....but are intellectually unable to tell when someone is or is not lying to them in the present, say things like that. It is an easy way out for an imbecile.

Ironic post IS ironic :lol:
I tend to agree with everything, except the bold part :)

they are not worse. they are the same.

I meant to say they lie 'worse' than any of them.

Which is true. They do.

As to actually committing worse atrocities? Of course not.

We (Patriotic Americans) would bitch-slap them into next week if they tried.

But that doesn't mean they don't want to.

Remember the Stuttering Clusterfuck's mentor, Bill Ayers and the organization he founded, the Weather Underground?

Remember that an FBI Agent infiltrated and joined them and reported that they were willing to murder TWENTY-FIVE MILLION AMERICANS to make their socialist utopia a fact?

No, I don't. I'm sure you have a single source to prove your allegations

[ame=]"The Elimination Of 25 Million People" - The Coming Attack - YouTube[/ame]

NEVER underestimate the evil that is the dimocrap mind.

They can justify ANYTHING in their sick, depraved, diseased brains.


You failed to answer my question. Are you sane, or a liar or both?

Have you stopped frequenting the bath houses late at night?

[ame=]OBAMA' MENTOR WILLIAM AYERS' PLAN TO MURDER 25,000,000 - YouTube[/ame]

^^obama's political mentor and the man who wrote his book 'Dreams' -- Without a doubt^^

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