Do you Obama supporters KNOW why we are Obama critics?

Every single American was VERY Proud when the first black person was elected!

We all totally felt America had turned a page in history.
BUT the operative word was we were PROUD the first Black.. sad that it was a perfect example of the black population as a whole.. again not the exceptional blacks like Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Allen West i.e. blacks that first learned from their parents the value of self-determination!

It was a great day but at the same to those of us NON-Racists that KNEW Obama's gross inexperience, his socialist ideology and his true hatred of wealthy people (like his white grandparents) felt very bad that such common, arrogant narcissistic person that voted against Obama.

Now our nation is learning what the majority of grossly low information, RACISTS that voted ONLY because he was black never knew.

People with Obama's background ONLY knew non-profit salary paying organizations. He obviously NEVER realized where those non-profits got their money to pay his salaries. A perfect example of Obama's total ignorance is this statement:
"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"

If it is a SINGLE PAYER that means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes including in some of your towns property taxes on office buildings,etc while laying off 400,000 health insurance employees!

So again Obama's ignorance of HOW NON-PROFITS get their money,i.e. from profit making organizations like the insurance companies that pay $100 billion in taxes with 400,000 employees that WILL BE REPLACED by a single Payer!

This is why we that are NON-RACISTS felt very comfortable in voting against Obama.. again WE KNEW better and we KNOW there are exceptional blacks that understand our economy, our country and at the MINIMUM LOVE our country and not hate it as Obama as shown he hates the USA.

When I think of "profit", I think of a company that actually makes something. Not just skims money off insurance policies to pay for CEO's making 50 million for doing nothing.
O-care is the Pub plan fer chrissake- and will work just fine, and be tinkered with forever...
I meant to say they lie 'worse' than any of them.

Which is true. They do.

As to actually committing worse atrocities? Of course not.

We (Patriotic Americans) would bitch-slap them into next week if they tried.

But that doesn't mean they don't want to.

Remember the Stuttering Clusterfuck's mentor, Bill Ayers and the organization he founded, the Weather Underground?

Remember that an FBI Agent infiltrated and joined them and reported that they were willing to murder TWENTY-FIVE MILLION AMERICANS to make their socialist utopia a fact?

No, I don't. I'm sure you have a single source to prove your allegations

"The Elimination Of 25 Million People" - The Coming Attack - YouTube

NEVER underestimate the evil that is the dimocrap mind.

They can justify ANYTHING in their sick, depraved, diseased brains.


You failed to answer my question. Are you sane, or a liar or both?

Have you stopped frequenting the bath houses late at night?

[ame=]OBAMA' MENTOR WILLIAM AYERS' PLAN TO MURDER 25,000,000 - YouTube[/ame]

^^obama's political mentor and the man who wrote his book 'Dreams' -- Without a doubt^^

Insane, a liar and a bigot. What a great CV.

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