Do you Obama supporters KNOW why we are Obama critics?

I tend to agree with everything, except the bold part :)

they are not worse. they are the same.

I meant to say they lie 'worse' than any of them.

Which is true. They do.

As to actually committing worse atrocities? Of course not.

We (Patriotic Americans) would bitch-slap them into next week if they tried.

But that doesn't mean they don't want to.

Remember the Stuttering Clusterfuck's mentor, Bill Ayers and the organization he founded, the Weather Underground?

Remember that an FBI Agent infiltrated and joined them and reported that they were willing to murder TWENTY-FIVE MILLION AMERICANS to make their socialist utopia a fact?

[ame=]"The Elimination Of 25 Million People" - The Coming Attack - YouTube[/ame]

NEVER underestimate the evil that is the dimocrap mind.

They can justify ANYTHING in their sick, depraved, diseased brains.


they lie exactly the same way as the others do.

they LIE.

that all the left does.

be it socialists, dimocraps, maoists, stalinists, nazists, communists, sandinistas and all other leftard scum of the earth.

You make out dimocraps feel god-like, elevating them above others. they are the same.
They can not NOT LIE - as LIE is the essence of the left.

it is not underestimation. I know what they are. I just don't think they are different.

There's all kinds of lies.

Lies of omission, lies caused by ignorance, lies to prevent offending (honey does this dress make my ass look big), lies to withhold certain things from children and other unsuspecting people (like if you see somebody's OL at a motel late at night) ....

All kinds of lies.

But only dimocraps.... ONLY dimocraps lie about EVERYTHING.


Yes, socialists lie but those are mostly lies of ignorance. They lie because they just don't know any better. Not making excuses, but when you're plowing new ground and lie about what to expect... That happens a lot.

But dimocraps? They'll look you right in the fucking eye and tell you a bald-faced fucking lie EVERY TIME.

And then, fly into a RAGE when you out them for it.

EVERY time.

Then, in a few days, weeks or Months...?

They'll tell the Same LIE AGAIN.

How many times does it happen in here?

You can get into a gut-busting, down and dirty, nut-kicking, twenty page argument with a libturd, PROVE beyond any doubt that he's a lying scumbag (that's a shocker :eek:) until he runs away and hides for a few days.

Then he'll come back and pretend like nothing ever happened and you're willing to drop it because you just don't want to go through it again and...... BAM!!!

He'll tell the same exact fucking lie that you got into it with him about the last time.

Then..... It starts all over.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do.

And they're the worst liars in all of recorded history.

By far.
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Edgetho, you don't know the socialist/communist lies. They lied not only about everything current, but about everything past, present, future and POSSIBLE. And then they lied even within their own lies.

Not that the dimocraps won't do the same given the possibility.
They still do not have the same possibility.
That is the only difference - they can be caught lying and that can still be exposed.
I hate obama and dimocraps for one simple reason and one reason only.....

They lie. It's all they do. They lie.

They wake up in the morning lying and they go to bed at night lying.

I can deal with anybody, and I mean ANYBODY as long as the person is honest and truthful.

Wanna talk about universal National Health Care? I'm all for talking about it. Let's rock n' roll.

Wanna talk about unemployment for two years or even five years? I'm all ears.

Wanna talk about cradle-to-grave socialism? I'm listening.

I'm talking about socialists, communists, libertarians, democrats, fascists, national socialists, progressives, liberals, anarchists, anti-government, pro=government, proponents of big government and small government..... Whatever.

I'll talk to anybody about anything and actually listen.

Except dimocraps and obama.

They lie. Everything they say is a lie. Every promise they make, everything they do, every word out of their fucking diseased mouths is...

A lie.

dimocraps lie. dimocraps are the lyingest scumbags the Earth has ever seen.

Worse than Nazis, worse than Stalinists, worse than Fascists or Maoists or Anarchists or any other group of human beings in the history of Man.

dimocraps lie.

Their entire existence is based on lies.

No politician regardless of party ever tells the truth.

People who know that they have been lied to in the past....but are intellectually unable to tell when someone is or is not lying to them in the present, say things like that. It is an easy way out for an imbecile.

Everybody lies.

Those that don't believe that are too naive to be taken seriously.
No politician regardless of party ever tells the truth.

People who know that they have been lied to in the past....but are intellectually unable to tell when someone is or is not lying to them in the present, say things like that. It is an easy way out for an imbecile.

Everybody lies.

Those that don't believe that are too naive to be taken seriously.

Of course everybody lies. But that is not what you said. Would you like to try again?
People who know that they have been lied to in the past....but are intellectually unable to tell when someone is or is not lying to them in the present, say things like that. It is an easy way out for an imbecile.

Everybody lies.

Those that don't believe that are too naive to be taken seriously.

Of course everybody lies. But that is not what you said. Would you like to try again?

Everybody lies and politicians lie all the time.

there better now BooBoo.
Everybody lies.

Those that don't believe that are too naive to be taken seriously.

Of course everybody lies. But that is not what you said. Would you like to try again?

Everybody lies and politicians lie all the time.

there better now BooBoo.

Better? What.....are you admitting that you are an imbecile? Politicians do not lie every time they make a statement or a claim.

Again...if that is something that you believe, it is an indication that you are unable to discern fact from fiction. You have given up trying.

Fuck off, now......will ya?
Of course everybody lies. But that is not what you said. Would you like to try again?

Everybody lies and politicians lie all the time.

there better now BooBoo.

Better? What.....are you admitting that you are an imbecile? Politicians do not lie every time they make a statement or a claim.

Again...if that is something that you believe, it is an indication that you are unable to discern fact from fiction. You have given up trying.

Fuck off, now......will ya?

I have given up trusting politicians.

As anyone with any sense would.

Now run along little lamb it's almost supper time and you don't want to be dinner.
Every single American was VERY Proud when the first black person was elected!

We all totally felt America had turned a page in history.
BUT the operative word was we were PROUD the first Black.. sad that it was a perfect example of the black population as a whole.. again not the exceptional blacks like Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Allen West i.e. blacks that first learned from their parents the value of self-determination!

It was a great day but at the same to those of us NON-Racists that KNEW Obama's gross inexperience, his socialist ideology and his true hatred of wealthy people (like his white grandparents) felt very bad that such common, arrogant narcissistic person that voted against Obama.

Now our nation is learning what the majority of grossly low information, RACISTS that voted ONLY because he was black never knew.

People with Obama's background ONLY knew non-profit salary paying organizations. He obviously NEVER realized where those non-profits got their money to pay his salaries. A perfect example of Obama's total ignorance is this statement:
"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"

If it is a SINGLE PAYER that means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes including in some of your towns property taxes on office buildings,etc while laying off 400,000 health insurance employees!

So again Obama's ignorance of HOW NON-PROFITS get their money,i.e. from profit making organizations like the insurance companies that pay $100 billion in taxes with 400,000 employees that WILL BE REPLACED by a single Payer!

This is why we that are NON-RACISTS felt very comfortable in voting against Obama.. again WE KNEW better and we KNOW there are exceptional blacks that understand our economy, our country and at the MINIMUM LOVE our country and not hate it as Obama as shown he hates the USA.

What makes Herman Cain a better man than Barack Obama?
A)Unlike Obama's Mom who was white... Herman's parents were black.
B) Unlike Obama's Dad who left his wife in Africa.When Obama left for America, he left behind his young wife, Kezia, and their baby son, Malik. Kezia was also pregnant, and their daughter, Auma, was born while her father was in Hawaii.[30]

Herman Cain was born in Memphis, Tennessee to Lenora (Davis) Cain, a cleaning woman and domestic worker, and Luther Cain, Jr., who was raised on a farm and worked as a barber and janitor, as well as a chauffeur for Coca-Cola Company president Robert W. Woodruff.

C)Unlike Obama Cain WORKED for for-profit evil capital companies that made for shame profits!!!

Cain grew up in Georgia and graduated from Morehouse College in 1967 with a Bachelor of Science in mathematics.
Cain pursued graduate studies at Purdue University, and graduated with a Master of Science in computer science in 1971, while also working full-time for the U.S. Department of the Navy. In 1977, he joined Pillsbury Company in Minneapolis where he later became vice president. During the 1980s, his success as a business executive at Burger King prompted Pillsbury Company to appoint him as chairman and CEO of Godfather's Pizza, in which capacity he served from 1986 to 1996.
I have given up trusting politicians.

As anyone with any sense would.

Now run along little lamb it's almost supper time and you don't want to be dinner.

Partisan ideologues on one side absolutely HATE being compared to partisan ideologues on the other side. They can't being equated to any degree with those they despise.

I couldn't agree more about not trusting politicians. They are narcissistic liars, they prove it with astonishing consistency, and their "followers" will defend them forever. "Sure, that guy from the other party is a liar, but my guy is honest". Holy crap.

What I truly don't understand is why so many place such faith in such people.


If you are unable to tell fact from will naturally call everything fiction.

This is a "you problem".
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Do you Obama supporters KNOW why we are Obama critics?

For many reasons, most of them illegitimate. If you guys would tell the truth, this would go much better for the GOP next year.
Legitimate criticism of a given president is perfectly appropriate.

But the bulk of the ‘criticism’ from most on the right has been petty, partisan, and inane – there can be no ‘legitimate’ criticism by conservatives of a president perceived to have done 100 percent of everything ‘wrong.’

Legitimate criticism must come with acknowledgement of success and accomplishment, not the tedious drone from the right that ‘everything Obama is always wrong.’
Legitimate criticism of a given president is perfectly appropriate.

But the bulk of the ‘criticism’ from most on the right has been petty, partisan, and inane – there can be no ‘legitimate’ criticism by conservatives of a president perceived to have done 100 percent of everything ‘wrong.’

Legitimate criticism must come with acknowledgement of success and accomplishment, not the tedious drone from the right that ‘everything Obama is always wrong.’

Not to mention everything that goes Obama's doing. He closed Mt. Rushmore, you know.
Every single American was VERY Proud when the first black person was elected!

We all totally felt America had turned a page in history.
BUT the operative word was we were PROUD the first Black.. sad that it was a perfect example of the black population as a whole.. again not the exceptional blacks like Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Allen West i.e. blacks that first learned from their parents the value of self-determination!

It was a great day but at the same to those of us NON-Racists that KNEW Obama's gross inexperience, his socialist ideology and his true hatred of wealthy people (like his white grandparents) felt very bad that such common, arrogant narcissistic person that voted against Obama.

Now our nation is learning what the majority of grossly low information, RACISTS that voted ONLY because he was black never knew.

People with Obama's background ONLY knew non-profit salary paying organizations. He obviously NEVER realized where those non-profits got their money to pay his salaries. A perfect example of Obama's total ignorance is this statement:
"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"

If it is a SINGLE PAYER that means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes including in some of your towns property taxes on office buildings,etc while laying off 400,000 health insurance employees!

So again Obama's ignorance of HOW NON-PROFITS get their money,i.e. from profit making organizations like the insurance companies that pay $100 billion in taxes with 400,000 employees that WILL BE REPLACED by a single Payer!

This is why we that are NON-RACISTS felt very comfortable in voting against Obama.. again WE KNEW better and we KNOW there are exceptional blacks that understand our economy, our country and at the MINIMUM LOVE our country and not hate it as Obama as shown he hates the USA.

Obama's not a socialist and none of you have been able to prove it. It's the charge against Obama you people have heard so often you now believe it. Every first world country has national healthcare in one form or other but ours. Obama hates America. Now you know that's a matter of opinion which can't be proven. Do you believe everything you hear? I say there's evidence that Boehner is a drunk. That's easy to prove. I don't want him running the Congress till he passes a sobriety test. He also won't allow congress vote up and down on obamacare or that would be the end of the shutdown.
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Every single American was VERY Proud when the first black person was elected!

We all totally felt America had turned a page in history.
BUT the operative word was we were PROUD the first Black.. sad that it was a perfect example of the black population as a whole.. again not the exceptional blacks like Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Allen West i.e. blacks that first learned from their parents the value of self-determination!

It was a great day but at the same to those of us NON-Racists that KNEW Obama's gross inexperience, his socialist ideology and his true hatred of wealthy people (like his white grandparents) felt very bad that such common, arrogant narcissistic person that voted against Obama.

Now our nation is learning what the majority of grossly low information, RACISTS that voted ONLY because he was black never knew.

People with Obama's background ONLY knew non-profit salary paying organizations. He obviously NEVER realized where those non-profits got their money to pay his salaries. A perfect example of Obama's total ignorance is this statement:
"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"

If it is a SINGLE PAYER that means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes including in some of your towns property taxes on office buildings,etc while laying off 400,000 health insurance employees!

So again Obama's ignorance of HOW NON-PROFITS get their money,i.e. from profit making organizations like the insurance companies that pay $100 billion in taxes with 400,000 employees that WILL BE REPLACED by a single Payer!

This is why we that are NON-RACISTS felt very comfortable in voting against Obama.. again WE KNEW better and we KNOW there are exceptional blacks that understand our economy, our country and at the MINIMUM LOVE our country and not hate it as Obama as shown he hates the USA.

What makes Herman Cain a better man than Barack Obama?

He is a descendant of slaves who rose above the white Democrat policies to keep black men down. Also, Cain has turned a profit.
Every single American was VERY Proud when the first black person was elected!

We all totally felt America had turned a page in history.
BUT the operative word was we were PROUD the first Black.. sad that it was a perfect example of the black population as a whole.. again not the exceptional blacks like Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Allen West i.e. blacks that first learned from their parents the value of self-determination!

It was a great day but at the same to those of us NON-Racists that KNEW Obama's gross inexperience, his socialist ideology and his true hatred of wealthy people (like his white grandparents) felt very bad that such common, arrogant narcissistic person that voted against Obama.

Now our nation is learning what the majority of grossly low information, RACISTS that voted ONLY because he was black never knew.

People with Obama's background ONLY knew non-profit salary paying organizations. He obviously NEVER realized where those non-profits got their money to pay his salaries. A perfect example of Obama's total ignorance is this statement:
"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"

If it is a SINGLE PAYER that means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes including in some of your towns property taxes on office buildings,etc while laying off 400,000 health insurance employees!

So again Obama's ignorance of HOW NON-PROFITS get their money,i.e. from profit making organizations like the insurance companies that pay $100 billion in taxes with 400,000 employees that WILL BE REPLACED by a single Payer!

This is why we that are NON-RACISTS felt very comfortable in voting against Obama.. again WE KNEW better and we KNOW there are exceptional blacks that understand our economy, our country and at the MINIMUM LOVE our country and not hate it as Obama as shown he hates the USA.

Good post. I've nothing to add.
Every single American was VERY Proud when the first black person was elected!

We all totally felt America had turned a page in history.
BUT the operative word was we were PROUD the first Black.. sad that it was a perfect example of the black population as a whole.. again not the exceptional blacks like Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Allen West i.e. blacks that first learned from their parents the value of self-determination!

It was a great day but at the same to those of us NON-Racists that KNEW Obama's gross inexperience, his socialist ideology and his true hatred of wealthy people (like his white grandparents) felt very bad that such common, arrogant narcissistic person that voted against Obama.

Now our nation is learning what the majority of grossly low information, RACISTS that voted ONLY because he was black never knew.

People with Obama's background ONLY knew non-profit salary paying organizations. He obviously NEVER realized where those non-profits got their money to pay his salaries. A perfect example of Obama's total ignorance is this statement:
"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"

If it is a SINGLE PAYER that means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes including in some of your towns property taxes on office buildings,etc while laying off 400,000 health insurance employees!

So again Obama's ignorance of HOW NON-PROFITS get their money,i.e. from profit making organizations like the insurance companies that pay $100 billion in taxes with 400,000 employees that WILL BE REPLACED by a single Payer!

This is why we that are NON-RACISTS felt very comfortable in voting against Obama.. again WE KNEW better and we KNOW there are exceptional blacks that understand our economy, our country and at the MINIMUM LOVE our country and not hate it as Obama as shown he hates the USA.

What makes Herman Cain a better man than Barack Obama?

He is a descendant of slaves who rose above the white Democrat policies to keep black men down. Also, Cain has turned a profit.

You geniuses. Cain had 999 that he couldn't explain and romney had it locked up.
Every single American was VERY Proud when the first black person was elected!

We all totally felt America had turned a page in history.
BUT the operative word was we were PROUD the first Black.. sad that it was a perfect example of the black population as a whole.. again not the exceptional blacks like Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Allen West i.e. blacks that first learned from their parents the value of self-determination!

It was a great day but at the same to those of us NON-Racists that KNEW Obama's gross inexperience, his socialist ideology and his true hatred of wealthy people (like his white grandparents) felt very bad that such common, arrogant narcissistic person that voted against Obama.

Now our nation is learning what the majority of grossly low information, RACISTS that voted ONLY because he was black never knew.

People with Obama's background ONLY knew non-profit salary paying organizations. He obviously NEVER realized where those non-profits got their money to pay his salaries. A perfect example of Obama's total ignorance is this statement:
"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"

If it is a SINGLE PAYER that means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes including in some of your towns property taxes on office buildings,etc while laying off 400,000 health insurance employees!

So again Obama's ignorance of HOW NON-PROFITS get their money,i.e. from profit making organizations like the insurance companies that pay $100 billion in taxes with 400,000 employees that WILL BE REPLACED by a single Payer!

This is why we that are NON-RACISTS felt very comfortable in voting against Obama.. again WE KNEW better and we KNOW there are exceptional blacks that understand our economy, our country and at the MINIMUM LOVE our country and not hate it as Obama as shown he hates the USA.

Obama's not a socialist and none of you have been able to prove it. It's the charge against Obama you people have heard so often you now believe it. Every first world country has national healthcare in one form or other but ours. Obama hates America. Now you know that's a matter of opinion which can't be proven. Do you believe everything you hear? I say there's evidence that Boehner is a drunk. That's easy to prove. I don't want him running the Congress till he passes a sobriety test. He also won't allow congress vote up and down on obamacare or that would be the end of the shutdown.

So in spite of Obama saying he wants a single payer health system that in the process destroys $100 billion in Federal/state/local income taxes explain how
that is NOT a socialist ideology?
single payer means destroying 1,300 companies.
"A socialist economic system consists of a system of production and distribution organised to directly satisfy economic demands and human needs, so that goods and services are produced directly for use instead of for private profit driven by the accumulation of capital.

A socialist like Obama wants to destroy all for profit and accumulation of capital by health insurance companies.
I always believe something quacks like a duck, walks like a duck looks like a duck... pretty good idea is a DUCK!

A socialist does not want private capital ownership. Therefore by wanting a single payer Obama wants private health insurance companies destroyed!
He is a socialist!

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