Do you people not realize that both political parties are at fault?

Is it important to raise taxes? Then end the class warfare, get rid of the progressive tax and let every AMerican pay his or her share. 10% 15% or 20%

It's not fair that 50% of us Federal Income taxpayers have to cart the other 50% of you leeches around. you're just dead wood.
He wanted a "clean" debt ceiling increase as had been done for decades. How are republicans going to reverse this with a cuts only approach?

I'll try again, regarding the debt, why didn't he take the Simpson Plan, which he had ordered to come up with proposals. Indeed, it was well reviewed by the rating companies, had some support on left and right-you know, the beginning of actual compromise possibilities? $4T in 10 year of reductions. A deal that could have been finished in winter. But he never did, he tossed the problem to Biden and legislators, bringing us to the past 2 weeks.

He does own this problem.

Hey Annie...I guess you just 'forgot'

S&P explains the downgrade:

[...]Compared with previous projections, our revised base case scenario now assumes that the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, due to expire by the end of 2012, remain in place. We have changed our assumption on this because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues, a position we believe Congress reinforced by passing the act.


Fmr. GOP Sen. Alan Simpson Calls Republican Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’


Former GOP Sen. Alan Simpson blasted his intransigent GOP colleagues on the Hill today for failing to reach a deal on the deficit. The blunt-talking co-chairman of President Obama’s bipartisan fiscal reform commission slammed Republicans for kowtowing to Americans for Tax Reform head Grover Norquist (“Republicans can’t be in thrall to him”) and pushed Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to stand fast on the August 2 deadline.

Surveying the lay of the current fiscal land, Simpson said, “We’re at 15 percent revenue, and historically it’s been closer to 20 percent.”

He added, “We’ve never had a war without a tax, and now we’ve got two. … Absolute bullshit.”


and you, tool, spin and spin. I'm certain that you read the complete text? LOL! Can't even get fucking quotes right. :rolleyes:
Is it important to raise taxes? Then end the class warfare, get rid of the progressive tax and let every AMerican pay his or her share. 10% 15% or 20%

It's not fair that 50% of us Federal Income taxpayers have to cart the other 50% of you leeches around. you're just dead wood.
Says the entitlement junky.

Just eliminate the Bush tax cuts and that way everyone's taxes will go up. Also eliminate the mortgage deduction and several other loopholes.
Is it important to raise taxes? Then end the class warfare, get rid of the progressive tax and let every AMerican pay his or her share. 10% 15% or 20%

It's not fair that 50% of us Federal Income taxpayers have to cart the other 50% of you leeches around. you're just dead wood.
Says the entitlement junky.

Just eliminate the Bush tax cuts and that way everyone's taxes will go up. Also eliminate the mortgage deduction and several other loopholes.

fair flat tax. no excuses, no exceptions and no loopholes.
This back and forth blame game over the credit rating downgrade is just ridiculous. Democrats and Republicans in Congress, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama are all to blame. All Washington did was play the same "kick the can" bullshit that got us into this mess and now they point fingers at each other. Entitlements have to be reformed, revenue has to increase, tax loopholes need to be closed and everyone in DC knows this. But no one has the guts to take on their own side and fix it.

This board reflects the stupidity that takes place in Washington. The dozens of tit for tat threads are pointless. If we would have defaulted our credit rating would have been downgraded by everyone and the economy would sink even further. If we don't reform SS and Medicare we will sink even further. None of our political leaders are willing to do the hard work, they all just want to get reelected. I'm disgusted by the weakness of our "leaders" to fail to put America before Republican Party, Democratic Party or reelection.

Fuck them all!

.then why did you call the Tea Party terrorists? hostage takers, extremists? you lying forked tongued snake in the grass? suck it up, it's too late, the economy is in the shitter, we have been downgraded and all your bullshit attempts to blame it on President Bush and the Tea Party backfired.. so suck it up asshole.

The tea party is everything I called them and more. They helped create this mess, read S&P's statement, and now they feign shock. You and your ilk, on both sides of the aisle are the reason this country is in the mess it's in. Party before Country, that's your way. Disgusting.
The tea party is everything I called them and more. They helped create this mess, read S&P's statement, and now they feign shock. You and your ilk, on both sides of the aisle are the reason this country is in the mess it's in. Party before Country, that's your way. Disgusting.
Failure to realize and total lack of introspection all wrapped up in one self-serving post. :doubt:

Physician, heal thyself.
The OP is crapola. You'll hear leftwingers pushing this "it's both parties fault" mantra as the 2012 election nears - the purpose is to try to diffuse blame for the total failure of the obama administration.
I would include a consumption tax too, in addition to the flat tax for times like now when the income tax revenues are too low. Besides, why allow the illegals and drug dealers to get away with paying nothing? But mostly we gotta get spending down to 19% or so of GDP, and find ways to cap or control healthcare costs. Hint: price controls don't and won't work.
This back and forth blame game over the credit rating downgrade is just ridiculous. Democrats and Republicans in Congress, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama are all to blame. All Washington did was play the same "kick the can" bullshit that got us into this mess and now they point fingers at each other. Entitlements have to be reformed, revenue has to increase, tax loopholes need to be closed and everyone in DC knows this. But no one has the guts to take on their own side and fix it.

This board reflects the stupidity that takes place in Washington. The dozens of tit for tat threads are pointless. If we would have defaulted our credit rating would have been downgraded by everyone and the economy would sink even further. If we don't reform SS and Medicare we will sink even further. None of our political leaders are willing to do the hard work, they all just want to get reelected. I'm disgusted by the weakness of our "leaders" to fail to put America before Republican Party, Democratic Party or reelection.

Fuck them all!

.then why did you call the Tea Party terrorists? hostage takers, extremists? you lying forked tongued snake in the grass? suck it up, it's too late, the economy is in the shitter, we have been downgraded and all your bullshit attempts to blame it on President Bush and the Tea Party backfired.. so suck it up asshole.

The tea party is everything I called them and more. They helped create this mess, read S&P's statement, and now they feign shock. You and your ilk, on both sides of the aisle are the reason this country is in the mess it's in. Party before Country, that's your way. Disgusting.

The outrage, Imagine representatives doing what they were sent to do. They were sent to get our finances in order. They met opposition from both sides. BUT ITS THEIR FAULT.

I would include a consumption tax too, in addition to the flat tax for times like now when the income tax revenues are too low. Besides, why allow the illegals and drug dealers to get away with paying nothing?

The answer to a failed federal police state policy is not to pile another one on top of it.
The tea party is everything I called them and more. They helped create this mess, read S&P's statement, and now they feign shock. You and your ilk, on both sides of the aisle are the reason this country is in the mess it's in. Party before Country, that's your way. Disgusting.
Failure to realize and total lack of introspection all wrapped up in one self-serving post. :doubt:

Physician, heal thyself.

Party before country, that's your motto.
.then why did you call the Tea Party terrorists? hostage takers, extremists? you lying forked tongued snake in the grass? suck it up, it's too late, the economy is in the shitter, we have been downgraded and all your bullshit attempts to blame it on President Bush and the Tea Party backfired.. so suck it up asshole.

The tea party is everything I called them and more. They helped create this mess, read S&P's statement, and now they feign shock. You and your ilk, on both sides of the aisle are the reason this country is in the mess it's in. Party before Country, that's your way. Disgusting.

The outrage, Imagine representatives doing what they were sent to do. They were sent to get our finances in order. They met opposition from both sides. BUT ITS THEIR FAULT.


Party before country, that's your motto.
The OP is crapola. You'll hear leftwingers pushing this "it's both parties fault" mantra as the 2012 election nears - the purpose is to try to diffuse blame for the total failure of the obama administration.

Party before country, that's your motto.
The tea party is everything I called them and more. They helped create this mess, read S&P's statement, and now they feign shock. You and your ilk, on both sides of the aisle are the reason this country is in the mess it's in. Party before Country, that's your way. Disgusting.
Failure to realize and total lack of introspection all wrapped up in one self-serving post. :doubt:

Physician, heal thyself.

Party before country, that's your motto.

spend spend spend spend, tax and spend is your's well buddy I got news for you we're tired of your tax and spend bullshit.
The tea party is everything I called them and more. They helped create this mess, read S&P's statement, and now they feign shock. You and your ilk, on both sides of the aisle are the reason this country is in the mess it's in. Party before Country, that's your way. Disgusting.
Failure to realize and total lack of introspection all wrapped up in one self-serving post. :doubt:

Physician, heal thyself.

Party before country, that's your motto.

I'm not a republican, fool.

Nor am I the one who is here going "YEAHBUT! YEAHBUT!" every time it is pointed out that it's your party that is currently in charge and your party doubling and tripling down on the idiotic spending and policies of GEORGE BOOOOOOOOOOSH!

But I've become very accustomed to the complete lack of introspection from the hard left, so yours comes as no shock.
The OP is crapola. You'll hear leftwingers pushing this "it's both parties fault" mantra as the 2012 election nears - the purpose is to try to diffuse blame for the total failure of the obama administration.

Party before country, that's your motto.

Lie, distort, disinform - anything to "save" obama - that's your mantra. And conservatives are creating revolution within the GOP.
Last edited:
bump. Old Salt seems to be a party before country kind of guy. :eusa_shhh:

I'll try again, regarding the debt, why didn't he take the Simpson Plan, which he had ordered to come up with proposals. Indeed, it was well reviewed by the rating companies, had some support on left and right-you know, the beginning of actual compromise possibilities? $4T in 10 year of reductions. A deal that could have been finished in winter. But he never did, he tossed the problem to Biden and legislators, bringing us to the past 2 weeks.

He does own this problem.

Because the left wouldn't have voted for it nor the right and we would be in the same boat we are today. He thought the right wouldn't stick to their no tax plan at the expense of the country. He was foolish to believe in them. Bowles-Simpson didn't even get the 14 votes needed to send it to congress. Why didn't the bipartisan commission get the required votes?

Answer: No one wants to fix the problem, they just want to score points.

So, the President and the legislators of his party believed that if they waited long enough, they'd get their way. Got it.

They didn't want to be serious, they didn't want to compromise, they just assumed that the other side would cave. When they didn't? Oh yeah, called 'uncompromising terrorists.'

People aren't buying it. Indeed, Paul Ryan's plan also cut 4T over decade. One or both could have been the base of compromises, but that never was in the cards.
Failure to realize and total lack of introspection all wrapped up in one self-serving post. :doubt:

Physician, heal thyself.

Party before country, that's your motto.

I'm not a republican, fool.

Nor am I the one who is here going "YEAHBUT! YEAHBUT!" every time it is pointed out that it's your party that is currently in charge and your party doubling and tripling down on the idiotic spending and policies of GEORGE BOOOOOOOOOOSH!

But I've become very accustomed to the complete lack of introspection from the hard left, so yours comes as no shock.

Where have I said that Obama and democrats aren't at fault for this mess? It's not just the policies of George Bush; McConnell, Boehner, DeMint, Cantor, Bachmann, Santorum, Hatch et al all voted for Bush's policies. All are libel for the destruction of America and they share equal blame along with Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Frank et al.
The tea party is everything I called them and more. They helped create this mess, read S&P's statement, and now they feign shock. You and your ilk, on both sides of the aisle are the reason this country is in the mess it's in. Party before Country, that's your way. Disgusting.

Considering the TEA party was created from the ruins of the Bush/Obama failed policies, I'm finding it difficult to fathom how "this mess" could be their fault...
bump. Old Salt seems to be a party before country kind of guy. :eusa_shhh:

Because the left wouldn't have voted for it nor the right and we would be in the same boat we are today. He thought the right wouldn't stick to their no tax plan at the expense of the country. He was foolish to believe in them. Bowles-Simpson didn't even get the 14 votes needed to send it to congress. Why didn't the bipartisan commission get the required votes?

Answer: No one wants to fix the problem, they just want to score points.

So, the President and the legislators of his party believed that if they waited long enough, they'd get their way. Got it.

They didn't want to be serious, they didn't want to compromise, they just assumed that the other side would cave. When they didn't? Oh yeah, called 'uncompromising terrorists.'

People aren't buying it. Indeed, Paul Ryan's plan also cut 4T over decade. One or both could have been the base of compromises, but that never was in the cards.

The name is Salt Jones, OldSalt is another poster.

So, the President and the legislators of his party believed that if they waited long enough, they'd get their way. Got it.
They didn't want to be serious, they didn't want to compromise, they just assumed that the other side would cave. When they didn't? Oh yeah, called 'uncompromising terrorists.'
People aren't buying it. Indeed, Paul Ryan's plan also cut 4T over decade. One or both could have been the base of compromises, but that never was in the cards.

Did the republicans support the revenue increases in Bowles-Simpson?

After they voted for it, did republicans in Congress defend Ryan's plan? Did the republican presidential candidates embrace it?

You can revise history but statements by republicans concerning Ryan's budget plan can easily be retrieved. Are you going to be serious or still play the game?

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