Do you realize that Trump will be the ONLY world leader who denies Climate Change?


YOU think Global Warming is a scam. I don't. Trump is and has always been about the bottom line. Always.

I was an Environmental Engineer for 30 years and taught a few college level course in retirement. I was involved in the first implementation of the CAA, CWA, RCRA, SDWA, NPDES and others. I have probably cleaned up more pollution in one month of my career than you and a thousand environmental wackos will see in your lifetimes. I am not an expert on climate change but I am well read and I do have the technical background to know a scam when I see one.

There is absolutely no proof that man is significantly changing the climate. Man is polluting the environment but that is different than changing the climate. Most environmental wackos don't even know the difference.

We all are are about the bottom line in one way another. It would be the epitome of hypocrisy to suggest that you are not.

I am glad that Trump is about improving the economy. That Crooked Hillary bitch would have been a disaster with her agenda to pay back the contributors to her money laundering foundation.

Sorry, I mean no disrespect, but I'm going to believe the 99.9% of scientists who say that climate change is real before I believe you.

Cleaning up a bunch of pollution does not give you any additional credibility on this matter.

Those scientists are all world wide university scientist's, funded by government grants. Go against what they are looking for and you don't get the money next year.
The real scientists funded by private funding says there is not enough data yet to make a certain conclusion.
What about the scientists that work in industry? Are they part of the "government plot"?

Tell me son......
Who funds the "scientists"?
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.

It's actually not hilarious, it's terrifying.
The terror of the MMGW lie will be over January 21. 2017......
You only believe it's a lie because republicans told you it is.

We believe it because;
They also lied to us in the seventies with the hoax of we were going into an iceage.
That is a huge false equivalency. The data on this "ice age" theory is small fraction of the data on climate change being man made. That is the key difference.
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.
What do you expect from a guy who thinks that Cruz's father was part of the JFK assassination conspiracy?
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accord

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.
Smart people expect him to call out MMGW for the hoax it is.....
Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll | The Huffington Post

I believe that number is much, much too high.
ROFLMAO... Really...the Huffington Post?

2 jokes for the price of one, how special!

Global warming is the sham, not climate change!

Ummm, you do realize the earth ages like everything else, no?

You do recall the 2011 massive earthquake/tsunami in Japan, yes?
That earthquake shifted Earth on its axis of rotation,
by redistributing mass, shortening the length of a day by a microsec?

That earthquake moved Japan's main island, Honshu,
eastward, 8 ft...maritime maps have to be

Do you realize the significance of the Earth shifting on its axis?

Global warming is a farce, climate change is real and nothing new.

But, what about cancer, let's talk about that.
Scientists have been bribed to support the fraudulent global warming theory, which is a conspiracy to shut down industrialization in capitalist countries, and centralize all power in the hands of a small elite of oligarchs who will dictate to the rest of us how we are allowed to live.

That is some uber epic conspiracy theory!
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.

It's actually not hilarious, it's terrifying.
The terror of the MMGW lie will be over January 21. 2017......
You only believe it's a lie because republicans told you it is.

We believe it because;
They also lied to us in the seventies with the hoax of we were going into an iceage.
That is a huge false equivalency. The data on this "ice age" theory is small fraction of the data on climate change being man made. That is the key difference.

You obviously did not live in the 70's. :)
It's actually not hilarious, it's terrifying.
The terror of the MMGW lie will be over January 21. 2017......
You only believe it's a lie because republicans told you it is.

We believe it because;
They also lied to us in the seventies with the hoax of we were going into an iceage.
That is a huge false equivalency. The data on this "ice age" theory is small fraction of the data on climate change being man made. That is the key difference.

You obviously did not live in the 70's. :)
I don't have to. The evidence is in print.
The terror of the MMGW lie will be over January 21. 2017......
You only believe it's a lie because republicans told you it is.

We believe it because;
They also lied to us in the seventies with the hoax of we were going into an iceage.
That is a huge false equivalency. The data on this "ice age" theory is small fraction of the data on climate change being man made. That is the key difference.

You obviously did not live in the 70's. :)
I don't have to. The evidence is in print.

It was pushed heavily in news and magizines, like time mag.. National Geo and on and on, including Al Gore.
You only believe it's a lie because republicans told you it is.

We believe it because;
They also lied to us in the seventies with the hoax of we were going into an iceage.
That is a huge false equivalency. The data on this "ice age" theory is small fraction of the data on climate change being man made. That is the key difference.

You obviously did not live in the 70's. :)
I don't have to. The evidence is in print.

It was pushed heavily in news and magizines, like time mag.. National Geo and on and on, including Al Gore.
Global cooling? No. Oh and news and magazines aren't evidence of anything scientific. You'll find scientific articles in scientific journals.
Even Putin believes in climate change.

Even North Korea signed the Paris accords.

Trump, the ONLY world leader who believes climate change is a hoax. And we know America has more science deniers than any other country when it comes to climate change.

I find that hilarious.
Do you realize Americans are concerned about REAL ISSUES?
We believe it because;
They also lied to us in the seventies with the hoax of we were going into an iceage.
That is a huge false equivalency. The data on this "ice age" theory is small fraction of the data on climate change being man made. That is the key difference.

You obviously did not live in the 70's. :)
I don't have to. The evidence is in print.

It was pushed heavily in news and magizines, like time mag.. National Geo and on and on, including Al Gore.
Global cooling? No. Oh and news and magazines aren't evidence of anything scientific. You'll find scientific articles in scientific journals.

The point I was making went over your head I suppose.
They pushed Al Gores lie of global cooling like there doing right now with global warming.
You only believe it's a lie because republicans told you it is.

We believe it because;
They also lied to us in the seventies with the hoax of we were going into an iceage.
That is a huge false equivalency. The data on this "ice age" theory is small fraction of the data on climate change being man made. That is the key difference.

You obviously did not live in the 70's. :)
I don't have to. The evidence is in print.

It was pushed heavily in news and magizines, like time mag.. National Geo and on and on, including Al Gore.
He's a useful tool of the left.

In my lifetime we went from normal cyclical changes to ice age impending to Florida & California will disappear under the water to "climate change"
That is a huge false equivalency. The data on this "ice age" theory is small fraction of the data on climate change being man made. That is the key difference.

You obviously did not live in the 70's. :)
I don't have to. The evidence is in print.

It was pushed heavily in news and magizines, like time mag.. National Geo and on and on, including Al Gore.
Global cooling? No. Oh and news and magazines aren't evidence of anything scientific. You'll find scientific articles in scientific journals.

The point I was making went over your head I suppose.
They pushed Al Gore's lie of global cooling like their doing right now with global warming.
The John Q public back then were not able to get those scientifc journals as easily as we can today.
Why are "Conservatives" so skeptical about science? Is it because their information comes from energy producers who are driven by profit and stock prices rather than reducing greenhouse gases? Is it because they "Conservatives" have no love for our one and only planet? Is it because money is a greater motivator than the health of our one and only planet? Is it because they actually believe that mankind cannot screw up the environment?

The skepticism and disdain for science is baffling to those of us who paid attention in school.
Why are "Conservatives" so skeptical about science? Is it because their information comes from energy producers who are driven by profit and stock prices rather than reducing greenhouse gases? Is it because they "Conservatives" have no love for our one and only planet? Is it because money is a greater motivator than the health of our one and only planet? Is it because they actually believe that mankind cannot screw up the environment?

The skepticism and disdain for science is baffling to those of us who paid attention in school.
Once upon a time science told us we had a doomsday hole in the ozone.

Whatever happened to that hole?
Why are "Conservatives" so skeptical about science? Is it because their information comes from energy producers who are driven by profit and stock prices rather than reducing greenhouse gases? Is it because they "Conservatives" have no love for our one and only planet? Is it because money is a greater motivator than the health of our one and only planet? Is it because they actually believe that mankind cannot screw up the environment?

The skepticism and disdain for science is baffling to those of us who paid attention in school.
Once upon a time science told us we had a doomsday hole in the ozone.

Whatever happened to that hole?
The limitation of CFCs in aerosol propellants helped reduce that hole.

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