Do you really want to go to "Heaven" when you die?

Why would biological pleasures matter in the afterlife? It would be more interesting to enter a plane of existence unbounded by physical limits, time or space. Rewards in Heaven for acts during biological life are a carrot dangling on a stick. E.G. you get 72 Virgins if you die as a Martyr for Allah. I mean really, how stupid is that?

More stupid than believing that God is edible, became a human being, or that a person can become holy as God is holy by eating or abstaining from certain food?

Or just as stupid?
Well, the thread is about Heaven but yes there are many aspects of formal religion that seem odd. I know a lot of very devout people so I don't want to ridicule their faith.

Religion is full of odd rituals but the concept of Heaven and Hell has been used for centuries as a means to fill the pews and offering plates.

Would being honest be ridicule?
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No one knows their fate. Not me. Not you. Not anyone. We won't know our fate until judgement day. I worry about my soul everyday. You should do the same. We all should. It is the best way to get the most out of ourselves in this world.

The judgements of God have been revealed from the beginning. Do this, don't do that. If you do this you will live, do that and you will surely die.

If you worry about your soul every day maybe you should stop perjuring yourself in the name of God every day..
That would be your judgement of me.

Maybe you should judge others as you judge yourself.
Why would biological pleasures matter in the afterlife? It would be more interesting to enter a plane of existence unbounded by physical limits, time or space. Rewards in Heaven for acts during biological life are a carrot dangling on a stick. E.G. you get 72 Virgins if you die as a Martyr for Allah. I mean really, how stupid is that?

More stupid than believing that God is edible, became a human being, or that a person can become holy as God is holy by eating or abstaining from certain food?

Or just as stupid?
Well, the thread is about Heaven but yes there are many aspects of formal religion that seem odd. I know a lot of very devout people so I don't want to ridicule their faith.

Religion is full of odd rituals but the concept of Heaven and Hell has been used for centuries as a means to fill the pews and offering plates.

Would being honest be offensive?
Do you understand the difference between being objective and being subjective?

Do you understand how objective truth is arrived at?

Do you even believe that objective truth exists?
Everything was planted by him. Extirpate means to root out; to completely destroy. You contradicted yourself.

He answered, "Any plant that my heavenly Father did not plant will be uprooted. matthew 15:13
1. You don't believe in scripture.
2. Uprooted does not mean destroy.
3. God does not destroy what he created.
4. Everything God created was good.
5. Evil is not extant.
6. Evil is the absence of good.
God has nothing whatever to do with the creation of your dogma. There in no trinity, Jesus was not God in the flesh.

Idolatry lead to death not eternal life.

To uproot is to extirpate, to completely destroy.
No one knows their fate. Not me. Not you. Not anyone. We won't know our fate until judgement day. I worry about my soul everyday. You should do the same. We all should. It is the best way to get the most out of ourselves in this world.

The judgements of God have been revealed from the beginning. Do this, don't do that. If you do this you will live, do that and you will surely die.

If you worry about your soul every day maybe you should stop perjuring yourself in the name of God every day..
That would be your judgement of me.

Maybe you should judge others as you judge yourself.

Idolatry leads to death, not eternal life.

You worship the work of human hands as if could grant spiritual life to all those who worship and eat it.

You are condemning yourself.

I am just pointing out the obvious.
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There's no such thing as afterlife, obviously, even if there were, heaven? Really?


Afterlife, heaven, hell are all man made constructs intended to get the great unwashed to hand over their 10%.

But dang, look at who says they've got a seat on that bus. No way would I want to spend eternity with the likes of Sarah Palin, Anita Bryant, Pat Robertson .......... You get the idea.

Bizarre that people believe this stuff.
Everything was planted by him. Extirpate means to root out; to completely destroy. You contradicted yourself.

He answered, "Any plant that my heavenly Father did not plant will be uprooted. matthew 15:13
1. You don't believe in scripture.
2. Uprooted does not mean destroy.
3. God does not destroy what he created.
4. Everything God created was good.
5. Evil is not extant.
6. Evil is the absence of good.
God has nothing whatever to do with the creation of your dogma. There in no trinity, Jesus was not God in the flesh.

Idolatry lead to death not eternal life.

To uproot is to extirpate, to completely destroy.
1. Idolatry is when one worships created things rather than the Creator.
2. I believe that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are the Creator as they are consubstantial. Therefore, I am worshiping the Creator.
3. Rejecting God's love leads to eternal separation from God.
4. Energy and matter cannot be destroyed. It merely changes form. Uprooting something does not destroy it. It causes it to change form.
Everything was planted by him. Extirpate means to root out; to completely destroy. You contradicted yourself.

He answered, "Any plant that my heavenly Father did not plant will be uprooted. matthew 15:13
1. You don't believe in scripture.
2. Uprooted does not mean destroy.
3. God does not destroy what he created.
4. Everything God created was good.
5. Evil is not extant.
6. Evil is the absence of good.
God has nothing whatever to do with the creation of your dogma. There in no trinity, Jesus was not God in the flesh.

Idolatry lead to death not eternal life.

To uproot is to extirpate, to completely destroy.
1. Idolatry is when one worships created things rather than the Creator.
2. I believe that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are the Creator as they are consubstantial. Therefore, I am worshiping the Creator.
3. Rejecting God's love leads to eternal separation from God.
4. Energy and matter cannot be destroyed. It merely changes form. Uprooting something does not destroy it. It causes it to change form.

Nonsense. You openly subscribe to the beliefs and practices of a church openly dedicated to desecrating the teachings of Jesus and defying the law of God through celebrating idolatry.

Every time the people in a church get on their knees in some sort of deranged adoration when the priest lifts up the eucharist and proclaims This matzo ( made by human hands) is the body of Christ, the very word of God, they commit idolatry, desecrate the teachings of Jesus and defy the law of God.

Any plant pulled up by the roots withers and dies. It doesn't change forms it dies.

If ever there was a plant worthy of extirpation it is your church completely devoid of truth, the holy spirit of God and the flesh of Jesus. A trifecta of abominations.

Three strikes and you're OUT.
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There's no such thing as afterlife, obviously, even if there were, heaven? Really?


Afterlife, heaven, hell are all man made constructs intended to get the great unwashed to hand over their 10%.

But dang, look at who says they've got a seat on that bus. No way would I want to spend eternity with the likes of Sarah Palin, Anita Bryant, Pat Robertson .......... You get the idea.

Bizarre that people believe this stuff.
No. Religion teaches morality and civility. It is about living life, not earning a reward or punishment. You want to focus on the destination, when it is the journey that is important. That is the value of religion.
No one knows their fate. Not me. Not you. Not anyone. We won't know our fate until judgement day. I worry about my soul everyday. You should do the same. We all should. It is the best way to get the most out of ourselves in this world.

The judgements of God have been revealed from the beginning. Do this, don't do that. If you do this you will live, do that and you will surely die.

If you worry about your soul every day maybe you should stop perjuring yourself in the name of God every day..
That would be your judgement of me.

Maybe you should judge others as you judge yourself.
I thought only your god could judge.
Everything was planted by him. Extirpate means to root out; to completely destroy. You contradicted yourself.

He answered, "Any plant that my heavenly Father did not plant will be uprooted. matthew 15:13
1. You don't believe in scripture.
2. Uprooted does not mean destroy.
3. God does not destroy what he created.
4. Everything God created was good.
5. Evil is not extant.
6. Evil is the absence of good.
God has nothing whatever to do with the creation of your dogma. There in no trinity, Jesus was not God in the flesh.

Idolatry lead to death not eternal life.

To uproot is to extirpate, to completely destroy.
1. Idolatry is when one worships created things rather than the Creator.
2. I believe that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are the Creator as they are consubstantial. Therefore, I am worshiping the Creator.
3. Rejecting God's love leads to eternal separation from God.
4. Energy and matter cannot be destroyed. It merely changes form. Uprooting something does not destroy it. It causes it to change form.

Nonsense. You openly subscribe to the beliefs and practices of a church openly dedicated to desecrating the teachings of Jesus and defying the law of God through celebrating idolatry.

Every time the people in a church get on their knees in some sort of deranged adoration when the priest lifts up the eucharist and proclaims This matzo ( made by human hands) is the body of Christ, the very word of God, they commit idolatry, desecrate the teachings of Jesus and defy the law of God.

Any plant pulled up by the roots withers and dies. It doesn't change forms it dies.

Nonsense. You openly subscribe to the beliefs and practices of a church openly dedicated to desecrating the teachings of Jesus and defying the law of God through celebrating idolatry.

Not true. I left the Church after high school. I came to my beliefs on my own through my own observations.

I have already explained to you that idolatry is when one worships the created rather than the Creator. I worship the Creator. Your problem is that my understanding of who and what the Creator is offends you. You want everyone to believe as you do. I'm happy enough to let others see God as they see fit. Just as the Founding Fathers or freedom and liberty intended.

Every time the people in a church get on their knees in some sort of deranged adoration when the priest lifts up the eucharist and proclaims This matzo is the body of Christ, the very word of God, they commit idolatry.

No. They believe the living Christ is present in the Eucharist. The interesting thing is that you are more offended by Catholics who worship God than you are by militant atheists who mock God.

Any plant pulled up by the roots withers and dies. It doesn't change forms it dies.
You have no concept of the First Law of Thermodynamics. Energy and matter cannot be destroyed. If you uproot that plant it does die, but the matter and the energy (i.e. the atoms and subatomic particles) are not destroyed. They still exist. Just in a different form.
No one knows their fate. Not me. Not you. Not anyone. We won't know our fate until judgement day. I worry about my soul everyday. You should do the same. We all should. It is the best way to get the most out of ourselves in this world.

The judgements of God have been revealed from the beginning. Do this, don't do that. If you do this you will live, do that and you will surely die.

If you worry about your soul every day maybe you should stop perjuring yourself in the name of God every day..
That would be your judgement of me.

Maybe you should judge others as you judge yourself.
I thought only your god could judge.
That was sort of the point of what I said.
Why would biological pleasures matter in the afterlife? It would be more interesting to enter a plane of existence unbounded by physical limits, time or space. Rewards in Heaven for acts during biological life are a carrot dangling on a stick. E.G. you get 72 Virgins if you die as a Martyr for Allah. I mean really, how stupid is that?

More stupid than believing that God is edible, became a human being, or that a person can become holy as God is holy by eating or abstaining from certain food?

Or just as stupid?
Well, the thread is about Heaven but yes there are many aspects of formal religion that seem odd. I know a lot of very devout people so I don't want to ridicule their faith.

Religion is full of odd rituals but the concept of Heaven and Hell has been used for centuries as a means to fill the pews and offering plates.
Christianity is not a religion. It's a personal relationship with God.
Christianity is not a religion. It's a personal relationship with God.

By definition Christianity falls into the category of religion. It also includes coming to know and love God, gaining the realization He dwells among us, and is involved in our everyday lives.
Why would biological pleasures matter in the afterlife? It would be more interesting to enter a plane of existence unbounded by physical limits, time or space. Rewards in Heaven for acts during biological life are a carrot dangling on a stick. E.G. you get 72 Virgins if you die as a Martyr for Allah. I mean really, how stupid is that?

More stupid than believing that God is edible, became a human being, or that a person can become holy as God is holy by eating or abstaining from certain food?

Or just as stupid?
Almost as dumb as writing about a worldwide flood that everyone now says never happened.

Obviously everyone doesn't say it never happened, because hundreds of millions of believers think it did. Mathematics, the only true science, says it may well have happened.

Using any reasonable rate of growth for human population, it is almost impossible to take that growth back over 6,000 years. That means that something catastrophic happened about 6,000 years ago.
Christianity is not a religion. It's a personal relationship with God.
Christianity is the very definition of a cult.

It developed with a small group of people with a charismatic leader who is the object of worship. Cult, all the way.
A leader who lived a sinless life, performed miracles, died and rose again. Name one other cult leader who did all that. Call it cult. I don't care. Doesn't change the fact that you are going to hell.
Why would biological pleasures matter in the afterlife? It would be more interesting to enter a plane of existence unbounded by physical limits, time or space. Rewards in Heaven for acts during biological life are a carrot dangling on a stick. E.G. you get 72 Virgins if you die as a Martyr for Allah. I mean really, how stupid is that?

More stupid than believing that God is edible, became a human being, or that a person can become holy as God is holy by eating or abstaining from certain food?

Or just as stupid?
Almost as dumb as writing about a worldwide flood that everyone now says never happened.

Obviously everyone doesn't say it never happened, because hundreds of millions of believers think it did. Mathematics, the only true science, says it may well have happened.

Using any reasonable rate of growth for human population, it is almost impossible to take that growth back over 6,000 years. That means that something catastrophic happened about 6,000 years ago.
Geology says that the worldwide flood never happened, ever, not even 6000 years ago. 6000 years ago, there were already humans in North America. And no flood.
Why would biological pleasures matter in the afterlife? It would be more interesting to enter a plane of existence unbounded by physical limits, time or space. Rewards in Heaven for acts during biological life are a carrot dangling on a stick. E.G. you get 72 Virgins if you die as a Martyr for Allah. I mean really, how stupid is that?

More stupid than believing that God is edible, became a human being, or that a person can become holy as God is holy by eating or abstaining from certain food?

Or just as stupid?
Almost as dumb as writing about a worldwide flood that everyone now says never happened.

Obviously everyone doesn't say it never happened, because hundreds of millions of believers think it did. Mathematics, the only true science, says it may well have happened.

Using any reasonable rate of growth for human population, it is almost impossible to take that growth back over 6,000 years. That means that something catastrophic happened about 6,000 years ago.
Geology says that the worldwide flood never happened, ever, not even 6000 years ago. 6000 years ago, there were already humans in North America. And no flood.
The flood myth motif is found among many cultures as seen in the Mesopotamian flood stories, Deucalion and Pyrrhain Greek mythology, the Genesis flood narrative, Manu in Hinduism, the Gun-Yu in Chinese mythology, Bergelmir in Norse mythology, in the lore of the K'iche' and Maya peoples in Mesoamerica, the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa tribe of Native Americans in North America, the Muisca, and Cañari Confederation, in South America, and the Aboriginal tribesin southern Australia.

Burckle Crater - Wikipedia

An impact crater under 12,500 feet of the indian ocean 25 times the size of meteor crater in AZ could easily account for the worldwide flood stories from every continent. Billions of metric tons of water would have been instantly vaporized into the atmosphere causing mega tsunamis and a deluge of unrelenting torrential rain and superstorms that would have lasted for weeks and swept away coastal civilizations and every city town and village or tent near rivers streams and dry washes in the deserts.
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A leader who lived a sinless life, performed miracles, died and rose again. Name one other cult leader who did all that. Call it cult. I don't care. Doesn't change the fact that you are going to hell.

Do you mean Helle, the Norse pagan realm of the dead?

Or, do you mean Hades, the Greek pagan realm of the dead?

What place are you talking about?

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