Do You Still Believe Only The Rich Benefitted From The Bush Tax-cuts??


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

For years Democrats lied about the effects of the Bush tax-cuts.

I guess their supporters aren't about to make them pay a price for that bold-faced lie.

Will any of you admit now that they were lying or are you going to ignore it?

CBO data - Federal individual income tax revenue trends from 2000-2009 (dollars and % GDP)

There was and is considerable controversy over who benefited from the tax cuts and whether or not they have been effective in spurring sufficient growth. Supporters of the proposal and proponents of lower taxes claimed that the tax cuts increased the pace of economic recovery and job creation. Further, proponents of the cuts asserted that lowering taxes on all citizens, including the rich, would benefit all and would actually increase receipts from the wealthiest Americans as their tax rates would decline without resort to tax shelters. The Wall Street Journal editorial page states that taxes paid by millionaire households more than doubled from $136 billion in 2003 to $274 billion in 2006 because of the JGTRRA.[2]

The Heritage Foundation concludes that the Bush tax cuts led to the rich shouldering more of the income tax burden and the poor shouldering less;[3] while the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) has concluded that the tax cuts have conferred the "largest benefits, by far on the highest income households." However that same publication indicates that more than 75% of tax savings (and cost to the treasury) went to households in the bottom 99% of income.[4] The underlying policy has been criticized by Democratic Party congressional opponents for giving tax cuts to the rich with capital gains tax breaks while acknowledging some benefit extended to middle and lower income brackets as well.[5]


Bush tax cuts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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I wonder what is taking the Republican House so long to pass an extension for the Bush tax cuts for the middle class.

I guess their printer must be broken.

I've never heard of anyone who said they didn't benefit, tax-wise, from the Bush tax cuts - unless their income was too low to pay taxes.
I wonder what is taking the Republican House so long to pass an extension for the Bush tax cuts for the middle class.

I guess their printer must be broken.


I think they're looking for a compromise...
What percentage of total income do the top two percent earn?

What percentage of total income tax do the top two percent pay?

The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank whose mandate is to produce position papers to promote conservative values. Hardly an unbiased source.
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The Bush tax cuts are a very large part of the reason that 47% pay no income taxes.
The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank whose mandate is to produce position papers to promote conservative values. Hardly an unbiased source.

My favorite Heritage Foundation moment is when they tackled flat wages. They reported that wages weren't flat because wages hadn't decreased! :lol::lol::lol:
What percentage of total income do the top two percent earn?

What percentage of total income tax do the top two percent pay?


I'll much?

One percent of taxpayers reported almost 17% of all taxable income. But that same tiny group also kicked in 37% of all the taxes paid.

So the top one percent are paying a lot more than their "fair share".

Fall below that level and you are in the bottom half, along with nearly 70 million of your fellow taxpayers. All told, that group earned just 13% of the income reported on 2009 tax returns. And they coughed up 2.25% of all the income taxes paid.

The bottom half of Americans are paying far less than their "fair share".

The unnatural concentration of wealth is not being caused by the tax rates.

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More fantacy articals. How about getting the facts straight for once from the tax collectors who actually have the correct data.

Facts from the IRS: From 2001 to 2007 the people with the highest income got the biggest percentage cuts in their actual tax payments. The middle class had to subsidize the rich even more than before. It is time to end the tax subsidy to the rich. The middle class is tired of carrying your fat ass. BTW the poor are also paying taxes.

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More fantacy articals. How about getting the facts straight for once from the tax collectors who actually have the correct data.

Facts from the IRS: From 2001 to 2007 the people with the highest income got the biggest percentage cuts in their actual tax payments. The middle class had to subsidize the rich even more than before. It is time to end the tax subsidy to the rich. The middle class is tired of carrying your fat ass. BTW the poor are also paying taxes.

The facts are that the rich pay more than their fair share.

The top one percent earn 17% of all income and pay 37% of all income taxes. Is this too difficult for you to comprehend?

The fact they earn 17% of income is what should be worrying. This is the highest rate in a long time. Wealth is being concentrated unnaturally, and it has nothing to do with taxes.

Your attention is being misdirected to keep you from seeing what is really going on.

Wakey wakey.

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when my parents passed away I got the inheritance tax free. yes I benefited from gop policies :D
All this back and forth about "fair share" and "job creators".

Brilliant misdirection!

Both sides are being played. :lol:

The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank whose mandate is to produce position papers to promote conservative values. Hardly an unbiased source.

Even the CBPP had to admit that the poor received benefits from the tax-cut. Many of the lower income folks completely stopped having to pay income-taxes. That's 100% for those who can't figure that out on their own. So I don't care what charts you come up with.

I see everyone dancing around the issue but not answering the question.

Were the Bush Tax-cuts only beneficial to the rich?

Yes or no?
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More fantacy articals. How about getting the facts straight for once from the tax collectors who actually have the correct data.

Facts from the IRS: From 2001 to 2007 the people with the highest income got the biggest percentage cuts in their actual tax payments. The middle class had to subsidize the rich even more than before. It is time to end the tax subsidy to the rich. The middle class is tired of carrying your fat ass. BTW the poor are also paying taxes.

The facts are that the rich pay more than their fair share.

The top one percent earn 17% of all income and pay 37% of all income taxes. Is this too difficult for you to comprehend?

The fact they earn 17% of income is what should be worrying. This is the highest rate in a long time. Wealth is being concentrated unnaturally, and it has nothing to do with taxes.

Your attention is being misdirected to keep you from seeing what is really going on.

Wakey wakey.

I posted the facts straight from the tax collector. Your fictional fantasy is irrelevant.

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