Do You Still Believe Only The Rich Benefitted From The Bush Tax-cuts??

If the rich are the ones that benefited from the tax cuts, why not just raise the taxes on all, I mean, it's not like the middle class benefited from them from what I've been reading. :eusa_eh:

The proposal to extend the Bush era tax cut for the middle and low income brackets will still benefit the upper income folks. Doesn't it? So in reality it benefits 100% of the tax payers not just 98%.
Every slumlord I know who rents to welfare recipients talks about what lazy shiftless assholes their tenants are and bitches about how much money they get.

I don't ever rent to welfare recipients. Lazy shiftless assholes don't give a rat's ass about your property and cost you more money in damage, vermin, and cleaning, than they pay you. You want decent, hardworking people with self respect, and dignity. Those are the kinds of tenants who take care of their property and yours. Your real estate is the most valuable thing you own and a tenant can do a lot of damage. I rent to people who will take care of my investment and I treat the tenants well.

When Mike Harris cut welfare benefits in Ontario by 20%, low end rents in the City of Toronto dropped because assholes like mud who charge rents based on the maximum rent the province will pay welfare recipients couldn't get as much money from them. Man did the slumlords ever bitch and whine about that. You rent to these asshole parasites and now the government says you practically have to give the places to em.

First of all in my town if you overcharge your units stay empty. If there is a shortage of rentals in your area you can jack up the price.

Second of all, I have renters that have been there for years because I won't raise their rent as long as they take care of the place. Usually most of them come and go. Sometimes they pay one month's rent and that's it. They trash the place and leave me with a huge repair bill. I can't ask for a deposit that will cover it.

We all like good renters but sometimes they're tough to find, at least were I live.

So you have the option to sell your properties and move somewhere else, but you chose to stay and get government assistance (section 8 renters) to help you fill your vacancies.

Remind me again how you're in favor of small government.

I also have the option of putting my head in a chipper-shredder but I wouldn't recommend it.

I wish less people needed section 8. I wish our president didn't want more people on it. I wish all of the people that applied for Social Security disability could instead find jobs. But since we have a president that has made government everybody's easy way out my wish won't come true.

I was hoping that the housing market would improve so I could get a decent return on my investment, but for now keeping and managing my properties is the most sound decision. My beliefs remain the same regardless if it harelips every liberal at USMB.
Usually most of them come and go. Sometimes they pay one month's rent and that's it. They trash the place and leave me with a huge repair bill. I can't ask for a deposit that will cover it.

Wouldn't it just be cheaper NOT TO RENT TO THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE?

I realize that math and logic are not strong suits with the Faux News/Tea Party crowd, but renting to people who pay one's month's rent and then trash the place, means you lose money. Do it often enough and you're broke.

This is why you get (a) verification of income from their employer; (b) a credit report; (c) reference from their last landlord. Of the three, two and are the more important of the three things because it doesn't matter how much money you make or whether you're rich or poor, what matters is your character and your lifestyle.

I would have a decent honest low income family who works hard, and pays their rent, than a high-income type who doesn't pay his bills or causes grief for other tenants. The kind of person who thinks it's OK to trash a rental car or a hotel room because they paid for it and the corporation expects it.

Having money doesn't automatically mean you're a quality person. Character matters.
I wish less people needed section 8. I wish our president didn't want more people on it. I wish all of the people that applied for Social Security disability could instead find jobs. But since we have a president that has made government everybody's easy way out my wish won't come true.

Need I remind you that this whole ponzi scheme - earned tax credits, food stamps and Medicaid for the poor so their income doesn't go up, low taxes for the rich - was GEORGE W. BUSH's and the Republican Party's idea in the first place, so they could give tax breaks to their rich corporate buddies, who have certainly taken that ball and run with it.

Now Obama wants to end it, and making those who have increased their wealth and income pay their own damn employees, and the Republican Party want to keep this program of tax cuts going, but without the social safety net of food stamps and Medicaid necessary to keep it afloat. If you keep the tax cuts without the social safety net, the WHOLE SYSTEM COLLAPSES not further down the road, but RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

Think about it mud. Turn of Fox News, stop listening to Rush and out and talk to real live human beings who are going through tough times. Take a walk through you local downtown and see how many shops and restaurants are closed.
Usually most of them come and go. Sometimes they pay one month's rent and that's it. They trash the place and leave me with a huge repair bill. I can't ask for a deposit that will cover it.

Wouldn't it just be cheaper NOT TO RENT TO THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE?

I realize that math and logic are not strong suits with the Faux News/Tea Party crowd, but renting to people who pay one's month's rent and then trash the place, means you lose money. Do it often enough and you're broke.

This is why you get (a) verification of income from their employer; (b) a credit report; (c) reference from their last landlord. Of the three, two and are the more important of the three things because it doesn't matter how much money you make or whether you're rich or poor, what matters is your character and your lifestyle.

I would have a decent honest low income family who works hard, and pays their rent, than a high-income type who doesn't pay his bills or causes grief for other tenants. The kind of person who thinks it's OK to trash a rental car or a hotel room because they paid for it and the corporation expects it.

Having money doesn't automatically mean you're a quality person. Character matters.

You're preaching to the choir.

The longer you stay in the business the more you learn what to watch out for. At least with section 8..... 80% is guaranteed.

It doesn't happen as often as it used to. I usually have to evict somebody every six months. Had one woman who was fine till she had her new boyfriend move in. He just laid around and watched TV. She stopped paying her rent on time and she was always on time for over 2 years. Now they've broke up and we haven't seen much of her so we have to send her a letter of eviction.
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For years Democrats lied about the effects of the Bush tax-cuts.

I guess their supporters aren't about to make them pay a price for that bold-faced lie.

Will any of you admit now that they were lying or are you going to ignore it?

CBO data - Federal individual income tax revenue trends from 2000-2009 (dollars and % GDP)

There was and is considerable controversy over who benefited from the tax cuts and whether or not they have been effective in spurring sufficient growth. Supporters of the proposal and proponents of lower taxes claimed that the tax cuts increased the pace of economic recovery and job creation. Further, proponents of the cuts asserted that lowering taxes on all citizens, including the rich, would benefit all and would actually increase receipts from the wealthiest Americans as their tax rates would decline without resort to tax shelters. The Wall Street Journal editorial page states that taxes paid by millionaire households more than doubled from $136 billion in 2003 to $274 billion in 2006 because of the JGTRRA.[2]

The Heritage Foundation concludes that the Bush tax cuts led to the rich shouldering more of the income tax burden and the poor shouldering less;[3] while the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) has concluded that the tax cuts have conferred the "largest benefits, by far on the highest income households." However that same publication indicates that more than 75% of tax savings (and cost to the treasury) went to households in the bottom 99% of income.[4] The underlying policy has been criticized by Democratic Party congressional opponents for giving tax cuts to the rich with capital gains tax breaks while acknowledging some benefit extended to middle and lower income brackets as well.[5]


Bush tax cuts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For 5 years now the dumb-down Obama sheeple have been told the Bush tax cuts were for the rich--but they're going to learn very quickly--that when the Bush tax cuts expire--on this Fiscal Cliff--that opps--Bush lowered the tax rates on the middle class TWICE--once during 2001 and the other in 2003.

It's clear that with Obama's recent outrageous proposal that he intends that we go over the cliff. Even Harry Reid won't bring it up for a vote on the senate floor as he knows democrats won't vote for it.

So the cliff is where we're headed--and it's going to be good. A whopping 90% of these sheeple that voted to reelect the worst President in this nations history are going to feel it first. That's the good news. Middle class federal income taxes go up anywhere from $2500--to $3500 per year--those making over $108 in income--are going to get slaughtered--11K to 14K more in Federal income tax--the child care tax credit is gone--the alternative minimum tax is gone and the earned income tax credit is gone.

They voted for higher taxes and they're going to get higher taxes.

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For 5 years now the dumb-down Obama sheeple have been told the Bush tax cuts were for the rich--but they're going to learn very quickly--that when the Bush tax cuts expire--on this Fiscal Cliff--that opps--Bush lowered the tax rates on the middle class TWICE--once during 2001 and the other in 2003.

We're quite aware of that, thanks.
The longer you stay in the business the more you learn what to watch out for. At least with section 8..... 80% is guaranteed.

So mud, what you're saying is that because of the economic conditions which resulted from the Bush tax cuts and the Republican fiscal policies of Bush and his Wall Street buddies, you are now forced to rely on government handouts, and that this was not the cash before the Bush tax cuts. So how much have you really benefitted from those tax cuts?

If you are currently paying federal income taxes, are you better off now than you were before the Republican fiscal policies sent the economy into freefall? And yet you voted to end the government handouts which are the only thing that keeps you solvent at the moment. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.

After you lose your properties to bankruptcy, and you have nothing left, you can always work for Walmart. At least Obama will make sure there's still a food stamp program in place so won't starve. HR will help you fill out the application.
For 5 years now the dumb-down Obama sheeple have been told the Bush tax cuts were for the rich--but they're going to learn very quickly--that when the Bush tax cuts expire--on this Fiscal Cliff--that opps--Bush lowered the tax rates on the middle class TWICE--once during 2001 and the other in 2003.

We're quite aware of that, thanks.

Good I am glad that you're one out of a million of the dumb downs that know it---

BTW--extended unemployment benefits are gone too---:badgrin:--along with a lot of the other free shit.


For 5 years now the dumb-down Obama sheeple have been told the Bush tax cuts were for the rich--but they're going to learn very quickly--that when the Bush tax cuts expire--on this Fiscal Cliff--that opps--Bush lowered the tax rates on the middle class TWICE--once during 2001 and the other in 2003.

We're quite aware of that, thanks.

Good I am glad that you're one out of a million of the dumb downs that know it---

Obama was quite clear during the campaign he wanted to extend the Bush tax cuts for the middle class.
The longer you stay in the business the more you learn what to watch out for. At least with section 8..... 80% is guaranteed.

So mud, what you're saying is that because of the economic conditions which resulted from the Bush tax cuts and the Republican fiscal policies of Bush and his Wall Street buddies, you are now forced to rely on government handouts, and that this was not the cash before the Bush tax cuts. So how much have you really benefitted from those tax cuts?

If you are currently paying federal income taxes, are you better off now than you were before the Republican fiscal policies sent the economy into freefall? And yet you voted to end the government handouts which are the only thing that keeps you solvent at the moment. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.

After you lose your properties to bankruptcy, and you have nothing left, you can always work for Walmart. At least Obama will make sure there's still a food stamp program in place so won't starve. HR will help you fill out the application.

When Obama came into office he lowered the qualifications for food stamps resulting in another 15 million added to the rolls. You'll see that cut back to normal standards when the Fiscal cliff hits--a long with the extension of unemployment benefits being dramatically cut back--which is definitely in the fiscal cliff.

So these people are not going to be happy campers when that all ends.
The longer you stay in the business the more you learn what to watch out for. At least with section 8..... 80% is guaranteed.

So mud, what you're saying is that because of the economic conditions which resulted from the Bush tax cuts and the Republican fiscal policies of Bush and his Wall Street buddies, you are now forced to rely on government handouts, and that this was not the cash before the Bush tax cuts. So how much have you really benefitted from those tax cuts?

If you are currently paying federal income taxes, are you better off now than you were before the Republican fiscal policies sent the economy into freefall? And yet you voted to end the government handouts which are the only thing that keeps you solvent at the moment. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.

After you lose your properties to bankruptcy, and you have nothing left, you can always work for Walmart. At least Obama will make sure there's still a food stamp program in place so won't starve. HR will help you fill out the application.

Oh, Lord.

Things were fine till 2007. Who ran the US Congress starting Jan 2007?

By 2008 our economy was in the tank.

Who ran congress in 2009 and 2010?

Things have gotten better the last couple of years but who ran congress in 2011 and 2012?

The GOP only has the house so they can minimize the damage by preventing more bad legislation but they can't solve anything. They need cooperation from the Senate and the President.
The longer you stay in the business the more you learn what to watch out for. At least with section 8..... 80% is guaranteed.

So mud, what you're saying is that because of the economic conditions which resulted from the Bush tax cuts and the Republican fiscal policies of Bush and his Wall Street buddies, you are now forced to rely on government handouts, and that this was not the cash before the Bush tax cuts. So how much have you really benefitted from those tax cuts?

If you are currently paying federal income taxes, are you better off now than you were before the Republican fiscal policies sent the economy into freefall? And yet you voted to end the government handouts which are the only thing that keeps you solvent at the moment. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.

After you lose your properties to bankruptcy, and you have nothing left, you can always work for Walmart. At least Obama will make sure there's still a food stamp program in place so won't starve. HR will help you fill out the application.

Oh, Lord.

Things were fine till 2007. Who ran the US Congress starting Jan 2007?

By 2008 our economy was in the tank.
The housing bubble had already started to burst.
We're quite aware of that, thanks.

Good I am glad that you're one out of a million of the dumb downs that know it---

Obama was quite clear during the campaign he wanted to extend the Bush tax cuts for the middle class.

Yes--it's very clear what he campaigned on. He has been campaigning on raising taxes on the wealthy for the last five years-BUT--if he were serious--he would have delivered a RATIONAL proposal to house republicans on what he campaigned on--which he also campaigned on which was a balanced approach--meaning higher taxes and spending cuts.

Instead he gave them a proposal that doubled the taxes to 1.6 trillion--(he campaigned on 850 billion) added in more spending than cuts--and then had the audacity to state that he wanted the sole POWER over the debt limit--which was totally outrageous.

This proposal is so ridiculous that Democrat majority leader Harry Reid refuses to bring it up for a vote--because he knows he couldn't get one single democrat in the senate to vote for it.

This is very typical of the Democrat party. Jimmy Carter did the same thing. He promised he would not raise taxes on the middle class--and as soon as he became President he lowered the amount that a home-owner could deduct on home mortgage interest rate--which in effect was a huge tax increase on the middle class.

'When democrats start talking about raising taxes on the wealthy--the middle class needs to run for cover.'

Now I hope you didn't really believe that 5% of the population in this country--aka the 250k crowd and over--were going to be able to pay down the current 16 trillion in red ink--with another 64 trillion in unfunded liabilities for future pay-outs of social security and medicare and Obamacare too--did you?---


One trillion dollars--$100.00 bills stacked on pallets. We are currently 16 trillion in red ink--with another 64 trillion in unfunded liabilities--along with trillions more for Obamacare.
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The United States has both the lowest rates of taxation for the wealthy, and the lowest rates of social spending for the poor of any G20 and they also have the economy which is in the worst shape of any G20 nation. That the Republican Party who has lead the nation and the world into the worst fiscal crisis in the history of the world, wants to cut both taxation and social spending even further. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Democratic social policies have produced more jobs and stronger economies, but you Tea Party types are so fixated on social programs as the root of all evil you're prepared to let the wealthy pay nothing if it means that lazy people are left to fend for themselves.
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The United States has both the lowest rates of taxation for the wealthy, and the lowest rates of social spending for the poor of any G20 and they also have the economy which is in the worst shape of any G20 nation. That the Republican Party who has lead the nation and the world into the worst fiscal crisis in the history of the world, wants to cut both taxation and social spending even further. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

You are out of your mind if you think tax cuts and less spending lead us into the recession, or that the recession was soley due to the GOP. The economy did quite well after the Bush tax cuts for about a 5 year period until the housing bubble and resulting credit collapse screwed us all. As for spending, Bush43 spent a lot more than Clinton did, but that didn't save us, did it?

Democratic social policies have produced more jobs and stronger economies, but you Tea Party types are so fixated on social programs as the root of all evil you're prepared to let the wealthy pay nothing if it means that lazy people are left to fend for themselves.

Seems odd that after 4 years of Obama's ridiculous spending that we're barely getting by economically, if what you say is true. And nobody has ever said anything about the rich paying nothing. You are an ideological tool.
Howard Dean admitted that taxes have to go up on everybody, not just the rich.

HOWARD DEAN: I make the argument that going off the — as you call it the curb, I call it the slope, the press calls it the cliff, is actually the best deal progressive Democrats are going to get. And here’s why. One, we get the Clinton tax rates on everybody. Will it cause a problem? Yes. There will be a short recession, and it will be painful. But two, we get defense cuts. Republicans are never going to agree to that. And three, there are some human services cuts, which we’re not going to like. But it’s the least possible damage.

Now what do we get in exchange? A serious down payment of the deficit. The Wall Street people, who wringing their hands of this, are really full of it because what they’re going to see is a big drop on Wall Street while all the hype comes and then it’s going to be roaring back because finally somebody has done something serious about the deficit.

So, I think the fiscal curb, as you call it, is the best deal that progressive Democrats are going to get. And I think it’s the best deal in the long run, not the short run


Howard Dean: Fiscal Cliff Is The Best Deal Progressives Will Get | RedState
The Bush tax cuts are a very large part of the reason that 47% pay no income taxes.

No one should be exempt from paying some amount of income taxes. 10% of a dollar is 10 cent and that is fair.
This is insanity.

Latest Scam: Illegal Aliens Getting Bigger Tax Refund Checks
Not only are illegal aliens getting bigger tax refunds this year… They’re claiming the tax credit for kids who live in Mexico – lots of kids in Mexico.
Bob Segall, of WTHR reports finding a massive tax loophole that provides billions of dollars in tax credits to undocumented workers and, in many cases, people who have never stepped foot in the United States. And you are paying for it.
“We’ve seen sometimes 10 or 12 dependents, most times nieces and nephews, on these tax forms,” the whistleblower said. “The more you put on there, the more you get back.”
Even the Romans Artistocrats and the Feudal Lords had the good sense to know that they ruled at the pleasure of the headcount. The Romans gave free bread to the poor and entertained them with lavish games at the coliseum and went about waging wars and taxing the wealth of the world. But when all of the armies where defeated and they ruled the world as they knew it, they were left with a large standing army, each of whom, was owed a piece of land in Rome, and quite frankly, Rome didn't have that much land left.

If they failed to keep their promises to the troops, they could combine forces with the headcount and overwhelm the aristocracy and then where would they be? Since the military is how the headcount hoped to become members of the middle class knights and improve their lot in life, if the headcount lost their food, the heads of the aristocracy generally ended up on sticks in the Senate Forum.

You might want to keep in the mind that the troops are coming home and are about to be discharged. They're part of the 47% who are going to lose their "entitlements".

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