Do You Still Believe Only The Rich Benefitted From The Bush Tax-cuts??

Obama wants prices to go up. Maybe he doesn't have an evil purpose for this but since he believes in Keynesian economics dropping prices are the last thing he wants to see.

This is why he said that lower gas prices is the sign of a weak economy. He forgets how rising gas and diesel prices effects everything in our economy.

Obama wants higher prices and lower income. If you need help you can go to the government for help. If you're dependent on government then you're more prone to vote Democrat because they're Santa Claus. Problem is somebody eventually has to pay the bill. Well, you can always soak the rich.

Hey muddy. No one can force you to accept Sec 8 housing vouchers.
Read your states tenant landlord laws. You as a landlord have to register your houses, have them inspected, make repairs or improvements as required for acceptance, then you can accept sec 8 tenants. Isn't that correct muddy?

Don't fuking play the discrimination bullshit. I have been doing this a long time. You look for those tenants because you want to suck off the guvmint teat.
As long as Obama is in office.

A 47%er is by definition someone who votes Democrat because of, as G.T. said; 'All of the benefits and grants that are out there' that Obama has made available.

Obama is goosing up prices by raising excise taxes on products to consumers. He's changing regulations that are costly to the manufacturer who then has to pass that cost onto the little guy who buys it. This is great for him because then he can say that prices are going up but it's not something he can be blamed for directly. As long as he has a media that refuses to act as watchdogs nobody is going to blame Obama for the simple fact that it's getting harder every day to pay our bills. He can demonize the rich all the while he's screwing the rich who in turn are forced to screw the poor.

There are some who are doing just fine because they know how to take advantage of the system. They're happy with the status-quo. They don't want to change anything regardless how it effects the debt because they personally aren't hurting, at least for now. They could care less how much this is costing.

You mean like taking in section 8 tenants?

Where do you suggest that section 8 tenants live?

In a landlords house that isn't a fuking hypocrite saying that the recipients of guvmint money are a bunch of mooches all the while taking the sec 8 rent check to the bank.

You think that is out of line? Unreasonable?
As long as Obama is in office.

A 47%er is by definition someone who votes Democrat because of, as G.T. said; 'All of the benefits and grants that are out there' that Obama has made available.

Obama is goosing up prices by raising excise taxes on products to consumers. He's changing regulations that are costly to the manufacturer who then has to pass that cost onto the little guy who buys it. This is great for him because then he can say that prices are going up but it's not something he can be blamed for directly. As long as he has a media that refuses to act as watchdogs nobody is going to blame Obama for the simple fact that it's getting harder every day to pay our bills. He can demonize the rich all the while he's screwing the rich who in turn are forced to screw the poor.

There are some who are doing just fine because they know how to take advantage of the system. They're happy with the status-quo. They don't want to change anything regardless how it effects the debt because they personally aren't hurting, at least for now. They could care less how much this is costing.

You mean like taking in section 8 tenants?

Where do you suggest that section 8 tenants live?

Only in a Blue state.

RDD needs to go back to tonguing zeke's balls.
You mean like taking in section 8 tenants?

Where do you suggest that section 8 tenants live?

In a landlords house that isn't a fuking hypocrite saying that the recipients of guvmint money are a bunch of mooches all the while taking the sec 8 rent check to the bank.

You think that is out of line? Unreasonable?

What would you do if one of your renters got laid off and qualified for section 8 assistance? Didn't you say you wouldn't rent to a section 8 family?

I would rather rent to a moocher than leave the rent house empty. And, the purpose of owning rent property is to rent it.

The bottom line is, if you don't rent to a moocher, someone else will.
Hey muddys had his ass handed to him so many times his butt hurt is showing. Fuk you mukky.
Where do you suggest that section 8 tenants live?

In a landlords house that isn't a fuking hypocrite saying that the recipients of guvmint money are a bunch of mooches all the while taking the sec 8 rent check to the bank.

You think that is out of line? Unreasonable?

What would you do if one of your renters got laid off and qualified for section 8 assistance? Didn't you say you wouldn't rent to a section 8 family?

I would rather rent to a moocher than leave the rent house empty. And, the purpose of owning rent property is to rent it.

The bottom line is, if you don't rent to a moocher, someone else will.

Don't care. If you come to me and say that I have to accept sec 8 vouchers, I simply tell you that you need to find a new place to live.

And believe it or not (i don't know how far gone you are on right wing shit) but there are more people out there renting houses with jobs than there are sec 8 tenants.

All you got to do is run an add or post a "FOR RENT" sign. Gee that's not to hard.
And I don't care if someone else rents to sec 8 tenants. Just don't be a hypocrite about it.

It's hypocrisy I have issue with. Not sec 8 tenants. That program (sec 8) is not for me.
Hey muddys had his ass handed to him so many times his butt hurt is showing. Fuk you mukky.


You're so stupid you haven't figured out G.T. walked right into it.

He said he does it, everybody smart does it. Take advantage of all of the free money that's available, so he's one of those 47%ers that can't be influenced by lower tax rates because they've got it too good to vote Republican. Problem is all of that gravy is driving up the debt.

I would rather have tenants with good paying jobs and good credit but in my housing market those types usually buy, not rent. In other states and cities buying isn't always an option. Try getting into a single-family home that costs $500k in San Diego, New York, or Chicago when you only make $20/ hour with a 750 credit score.
Hey muddys had his ass handed to him so many times his butt hurt is showing. Fuk you mukky.


You're so stupid you haven't figured out G.T. walked right into it.

He said he does it, everybody smart does it. Take advantage of all of the free money that's available, so he's one of those 47%ers that can't be influenced by lower tax rates because they've got it too good to vote Republican. Problem is all of that gravy is driving up the debt.

I would rather have tenants with good paying jobs and good credit but in my housing market those types usually buy, not rent. In other states and cities buying isn't always an option. Try getting into a single-family home that costs $500k in San Diego, New York, or Chicago when you only make $20/ hour with a 750 credit score.

I said no such thing that you accused me of, ya dope.

And I'm not sure why you think you know my finances. You've no clue. Again, you're just a bloviating dope.
No. I thought I made that clear.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. I can see why you're so easily fooled.

I won't go back and elaborate further because you're not listening anyway.

It's dumbshits like you that put a corrupt asshole like Obama in office because it's easy to trick you into believing nonsense due to your antipathy towards those with different ideological beliefs.

I'll take "Things Hypocrites say for $100"

You should be proud. You're a small government tea party conservative who hates moochers but has no problem taking big government money to house people who are doing the "mooching".

You're the definition of a raging hypocrite who is ALL talk and doesn't actually practice what you preach.

You can only come to that conclusion if your thought processes are paper thin.

I've already stated my position. You continue to distort it.

Personally I think you're a glutton for punishment. Sticking to this fallacious argument will only end up biting you in the ass. Keep talking.

There's a reason why you have ignored my question multiple times now and why you won't answer it again.

Do you think the government should subsidize the cost of housing for people who can't afford it?

When you don't answer you'll show how big of a hypocrite you are.......again.
As long as Obama is in office.

A 47%er is by definition someone who votes Democrat because of, as G.T. said; 'All of the benefits and grants that are out there' that Obama has made available.

Obama is goosing up prices by raising excise taxes on products to consumers. He's changing regulations that are costly to the manufacturer who then has to pass that cost onto the little guy who buys it. This is great for him because then he can say that prices are going up but it's not something he can be blamed for directly. As long as he has a media that refuses to act as watchdogs nobody is going to blame Obama for the simple fact that it's getting harder every day to pay our bills. He can demonize the rich all the while he's screwing the rich who in turn are forced to screw the poor.

There are some who are doing just fine because they know how to take advantage of the system. They're happy with the status-quo. They don't want to change anything regardless how it effects the debt because they personally aren't hurting, at least for now. They could care less how much this is costing.

You mean like taking in section 8 tenants?

Where do you suggest that section 8 tenants live?

Do you feel the government should subsidize the cost of housing for those that can't afford it?
Hey muddy. No one can force you to accept Sec 8 housing vouchers.
Read your states tenant landlord laws. You as a landlord have to register your houses, have them inspected, make repairs or improvements as required for acceptance, then you can accept sec 8 tenants. Isn't that correct muddy?

Don't fuking play the discrimination bullshit. I have been doing this a long time. You look for those tenants because you want to suck off the guvmint teat.

Bingo. It's exactly the reason why he refuses to answer questions about it. He knows he's a hypocrite and would like to continue the illusion that he is all about small government, when reality proves he's not.
Hey muddys had his ass handed to him so many times his butt hurt is showing. Fuk you mukky.


You're so stupid you haven't figured out G.T. walked right into it.

He said he does it, everybody smart does it. Take advantage of all of the free money that's available, so he's one of those 47%ers that can't be influenced by lower tax rates because they've got it too good to vote Republican. Problem is all of that gravy is driving up the debt.

I would rather have tenants with good paying jobs and good credit but in my housing market those types usually buy, not rent. In other states and cities buying isn't always an option. Try getting into a single-family home that costs $500k in San Diego, New York, or Chicago when you only make $20/ hour with a 750 credit score.

I said no such thing that you accused me of, ya dope.

And I'm not sure why you think you know my finances. You've no clue. Again, you're just a bloviating dope.

I even quoted you so stop whining pussy.

You're so stupid you haven't figured out G.T. walked right into it.

He said he does it, everybody smart does it. Take advantage of all of the free money that's available, so he's one of those 47%ers that can't be influenced by lower tax rates because they've got it too good to vote Republican. Problem is all of that gravy is driving up the debt.

I would rather have tenants with good paying jobs and good credit but in my housing market those types usually buy, not rent. In other states and cities buying isn't always an option. Try getting into a single-family home that costs $500k in San Diego, New York, or Chicago when you only make $20/ hour with a 750 credit score.

I said no such thing that you accused me of, ya dope.

And I'm not sure why you think you know my finances. You've no clue. Again, you're just a bloviating dope.

I even quoted you so stop whining pussy.

No, no you didn't. Ypou made it up out of whole cloth.

I said that Obama passed 18 different tax cuts for small businesses.

You turned that to "gt said you should take advantage of all of the big gubbamint handouts, and says that he does that very thing."

You have the reading comprehension of a fucking toddler, and people who know how to read - are the ones telling you you got your ass kicked, and the fact that your comprehension is so poor is why you cannot understand "why."
Hey muddy. No one can force you to accept Sec 8 housing vouchers.
Read your states tenant landlord laws. You as a landlord have to register your houses, have them inspected, make repairs or improvements as required for acceptance, then you can accept sec 8 tenants. Isn't that correct muddy?

Don't fuking play the discrimination bullshit. I have been doing this a long time. You look for those tenants because you want to suck off the guvmint teat.

I don't look for them. They walk in the door. I advertise and put up signs and all that happy horse-shit. I go with what's available at the moment. One of my best renters is section 8 because at least she takes care of the place. That is my number one prerequisite.

I am listening to an ad on the radio right now about discrimination. The government is going all out alerting the public to landlords like you so you'd better watch your ass.
Hey muddy. No one can force you to accept Sec 8 housing vouchers.
Read your states tenant landlord laws. You as a landlord have to register your houses, have them inspected, make repairs or improvements as required for acceptance, then you can accept sec 8 tenants. Isn't that correct muddy?

Don't fuking play the discrimination bullshit. I have been doing this a long time. You look for those tenants because you want to suck off the guvmint teat.

Bingo. It's exactly the reason why he refuses to answer questions about it. He knows he's a hypocrite and would like to continue the illusion that he is all about small government, when reality proves he's not.

Give it up mukky. Your shit is getting more ragged by the hour. Hypocrite. These folks have figured you out mukky. You can't even get one of your right wing whack jobs to defend you.
Hey muddy. No one can force you to accept Sec 8 housing vouchers.
Read your states tenant landlord laws. You as a landlord have to register your houses, have them inspected, make repairs or improvements as required for acceptance, then you can accept sec 8 tenants. Isn't that correct muddy?

Don't fuking play the discrimination bullshit. I have been doing this a long time. You look for those tenants because you want to suck off the guvmint teat.

I don't look for them. They walk in the door. I advertise and put up signs and all that happy horse-shit. I go with what's available at the moment. One of my best renters is section 8 because at least she takes care of the place. That is my number one prerequisite.

I am listening to an ad on the radio right now about discrimination. The government is going all out alerting the public to landlords like you so you'd better watch your ass.

Income verification isn't discrimination, you jackass.

Shit, you can even - believe it or not - NOT rent to people with bad credit.
Hey muddy. No one can force you to accept Sec 8 housing vouchers.
Read your states tenant landlord laws. You as a landlord have to register your houses, have them inspected, make repairs or improvements as required for acceptance, then you can accept sec 8 tenants. Isn't that correct muddy?

Don't fuking play the discrimination bullshit. I have been doing this a long time. You look for those tenants because you want to suck off the guvmint teat.

Bingo. It's exactly the reason why he refuses to answer questions about it. He knows he's a hypocrite and would like to continue the illusion that he is all about small government, when reality proves he's not.

Give it up mukky. Your shit is getting more ragged by the hour. Hypocrite. These folks have figured you out mukky. You can't even get one of your right wing whack jobs to defend you.

I hope you didn't confuse me with a right wing whack job.
There are more benefits and grants for small businesses out there than ever before.

So you claim now you didn't say this?

no, I'm claiming I didnt say "He said he does it, everybody smart does it. Take advantage of all of the free money that's available, so he's one of those 47%ers that can't be influenced by lower tax rates because they've got it too good to vote Republican. Problem is all of that gravy is driving up the debt. "

first of all, it's not free money when small business owners are TAX PAYERS, dumbass. It's an effective tax break, off taxes YOURE PAYING.

Second of all, I dont "do it," and never said I did, so you lied.

So keep digging, dumbfuck. You're getting hammed on worse than Easter.

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