Do You Still Believe Only The Rich Benefitted From The Bush Tax-cuts??

Hey muddy. No one can force you to accept Sec 8 housing vouchers.
Read your states tenant landlord laws. You as a landlord have to register your houses, have them inspected, make repairs or improvements as required for acceptance, then you can accept sec 8 tenants. Isn't that correct muddy?

Don't fuking play the discrimination bullshit. I have been doing this a long time. You look for those tenants because you want to suck off the guvmint teat.

I don't look for them. They walk in the door. I advertise and put up signs and all that happy horse-shit. I go with what's available at the moment. One of my best renters is section 8 because at least she takes care of the place. That is my number one prerequisite.

I am listening to an ad on the radio right now about discrimination. The government is going all out alerting the public to landlords like you so you'd better watch your ass.

Income verification isn't discrimination, you jackass.

Shit, you can even - believe it or not - NOT rent to people with bad credit.

Just about every Section 8 I've rented to has had a disability. Figure out the angle they could take in court if I told them I don't rent to Section 8.

And zeke tried to tell me I can't rent to soldiers ether because they get their money from the government.

Heck, if I waited for someone with good credit I wouldn't rent any of my units.

You say you do this all of the time? What planet do you live on?

I think both of you are lying assholes.
Bingo. It's exactly the reason why he refuses to answer questions about it. He knows he's a hypocrite and would like to continue the illusion that he is all about small government, when reality proves he's not.

Give it up mukky. Your shit is getting more ragged by the hour. Hypocrite. These folks have figured you out mukky. You can't even get one of your right wing whack jobs to defend you.

I hope you didn't confuse me with a right wing whack job.[/QUOTE]

Not hardly. And accept my sincere apologies if I gave you that impression. I know a right wing whack job when I read one. You ain't it.:lol:
I don't look for them. They walk in the door. I advertise and put up signs and all that happy horse-shit. I go with what's available at the moment. One of my best renters is section 8 because at least she takes care of the place. That is my number one prerequisite.

I am listening to an ad on the radio right now about discrimination. The government is going all out alerting the public to landlords like you so you'd better watch your ass.

Income verification isn't discrimination, you jackass.

Shit, you can even - believe it or not - NOT rent to people with bad credit.

Just about every Section 8 I've rented to has had a disability. Figure out the angle they could take in court if I told them I don't rent to Section 8.

And zeke tried to tell me I can't rent to soldiers ether because they get their money from the government.

Heck, if I waited for someone with good credit I wouldn't rent any of my units.

You say you do this all of the time? What planet do you live on?

I think both of you are lying assholes.

I say "I do this all the time?"

Do me a favor?

Stop claiming I'm saying things I'm not saying - it's disgusting to see a grown assed man act like that big of a pussy.

I think the underlying point nthat you're missing is that you, are a hypocrit. You, take advantage of the programs your ideaology despises.

It's not about what *I* do, that which you - DONT EVEN KNOW, dumbass.
I don't look for them. They walk in the door. I advertise and put up signs and all that happy horse-shit. I go with what's available at the moment. One of my best renters is section 8 because at least she takes care of the place. That is my number one prerequisite.

I am listening to an ad on the radio right now about discrimination. The government is going all out alerting the public to landlords like you so you'd better watch your ass.

Income verification isn't discrimination, you jackass.

Shit, you can even - believe it or not - NOT rent to people with bad credit.

Just about every Section 8 I've rented to has had a disability. Figure out the angle they could take in court if I told them I don't rent to Section 8.

And zeke tried to tell me I can't rent to soldiers ether because they get their money from the government.

Heck, if I waited for someone with good credit I wouldn't rent any of my units.

You say you do this all of the time? What planet do you live on?

I think both of you are lying assholes.

The gift that keeps on giving. Muddy. So now are you not only sucking off the government teat for your Sec 8 money, you are looking for tenants with that SSDI income as well.

You really need to rethink your attitude toward government money. You love it, live off it and go out looking for it. Hypocrit.

Hey and point out the post where I said anything about not renting to military members.
I did say it is to fuking bad that military members are paid so little that they qualify for food stamps and sec 8 housing assistance. And I stand by that. Pay them enough to live off of. Without additional government assistance.
Income verification isn't discrimination, you jackass.

Shit, you can even - believe it or not - NOT rent to people with bad credit.

Just about every Section 8 I've rented to has had a disability. Figure out the angle they could take in court if I told them I don't rent to Section 8.

And zeke tried to tell me I can't rent to soldiers ether because they get their money from the government.

Heck, if I waited for someone with good credit I wouldn't rent any of my units.

You say you do this all of the time? What planet do you live on?

I think both of you are lying assholes.

The gift that keeps on giving. Muddy. So now are you not only sucking off the government teat for your Sec 8 money, you are looking for tenants with that SSDI income as well.

You really need to rethink your attitude toward government money. You love it, live off it and go out looking for it. Hypocrit.

Hey and point out the post where I said anything about not renting to military members.
I did say it is to fuking bad that military members are paid so little that they qualify for food stamps and sec 8 housing assistance. And I stand by that. Pay them enough to live off of. Without additional government assistance.

Both you and G.T. had to backtrack.

It's fucking hilarious.
Just about every Section 8 I've rented to has had a disability. Figure out the angle they could take in court if I told them I don't rent to Section 8.

And zeke tried to tell me I can't rent to soldiers ether because they get their money from the government.

Heck, if I waited for someone with good credit I wouldn't rent any of my units.

You say you do this all of the time? What planet do you live on?

I think both of you are lying assholes.

The gift that keeps on giving. Muddy. So now are you not only sucking off the government teat for your Sec 8 money, you are looking for tenants with that SSDI income as well.

You really need to rethink your attitude toward government money. You love it, live off it and go out looking for it. Hypocrit.

Hey and point out the post where I said anything about not renting to military members.
I did say it is to fuking bad that military members are paid so little that they qualify for food stamps and sec 8 housing assistance. And I stand by that. Pay them enough to live off of. Without additional government assistance.

Both you and G.T. had to backtrack.

It's fucking hilarious.

no, you cant read and are a moron, and that's truly what's hilarious.
There are more benefits and grants for small businesses out there than ever before.

So you claim now you didn't say this?

no, I'm claiming I didnt say "He said he does it, everybody smart does it. Take advantage of all of the free money that's available, so he's one of those 47%ers that can't be influenced by lower tax rates because they've got it too good to vote Republican. Problem is all of that gravy is driving up the debt. "

first of all, it's not free money when small business owners are TAX PAYERS, dumbass. It's an effective tax break, off taxes YOURE PAYING.

Second of all, I dont "do it," and never said I did, so you lied.

So keep digging, dumbfuck. You're getting hammed on worse than Easter.

Just about every Section 8 I've rented to has had a disability. Figure out the angle they could take in court if I told them I don't rent to Section 8.

And zeke tried to tell me I can't rent to soldiers ether because they get their money from the government.

Heck, if I waited for someone with good credit I wouldn't rent any of my units.

You say you do this all of the time? What planet do you live on?

I think both of you are lying assholes.

The gift that keeps on giving. Muddy. So now are you not only sucking off the government teat for your Sec 8 money, you are looking for tenants with that SSDI income as well.

You really need to rethink your attitude toward government money. You love it, live off it and go out looking for it. Hypocrit.

Hey and point out the post where I said anything about not renting to military members.
I did say it is to fuking bad that military members are paid so little that they qualify for food stamps and sec 8 housing assistance. And I stand by that. Pay them enough to live off of. Without additional government assistance.

Both you and G.T. had to backtrack.

It's fucking hilarious.

Yea that's it mukky Declare yourself the "whiner". Hypocrit. Ah well, to much fun but I gotta go and do some work so I can pay some more taxes so Mukky can get his sec 8 housing money and his SSDI money.

People like me (tax paying workers) we will carry your ass mukky. Don't worry.
Income verification isn't discrimination, you jackass.

Shit, you can even - believe it or not - NOT rent to people with bad credit.

Just about every Section 8 I've rented to has had a disability. Figure out the angle they could take in court if I told them I don't rent to Section 8.

And zeke tried to tell me I can't rent to soldiers ether because they get their money from the government.

Heck, if I waited for someone with good credit I wouldn't rent any of my units.

You say you do this all of the time? What planet do you live on?

I think both of you are lying assholes.

I say "I do this all the time?"

Do me a favor?

Stop claiming I'm saying things I'm not saying - it's disgusting to see a grown assed man act like that big of a pussy.

I think the underlying point nthat you're missing is that you, are a hypocrit. You, take advantage of the programs your ideaology despises.

It's not about what *I* do, that which you - DONT EVEN KNOW, dumbass.

Don't cry G.T.

You stepped in a pile of crap of your own making now you have to deal with the smell.

Take it like a man.
The gift that keeps on giving. Muddy. So now are you not only sucking off the government teat for your Sec 8 money, you are looking for tenants with that SSDI income as well.

You really need to rethink your attitude toward government money. You love it, live off it and go out looking for it. Hypocrit.

Hey and point out the post where I said anything about not renting to military members.
I did say it is to fuking bad that military members are paid so little that they qualify for food stamps and sec 8 housing assistance. And I stand by that. Pay them enough to live off of. Without additional government assistance.

Both you and G.T. had to backtrack.

It's fucking hilarious.

Yea that's it mukky Declare yourself the "whiner". Hypocrit. Ah well, to much fun but I gotta go and do some work so I can pay some more taxes so Mukky can get his sec 8 housing money and his SSDI money.

People like me (tax paying workers) we will carry your ass mukky. Don't worry.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

You got pwn'd and now you have to leave.

Hey muddy. No one can force you to accept Sec 8 housing vouchers.
Read your states tenant landlord laws. You as a landlord have to register your houses, have them inspected, make repairs or improvements as required for acceptance, then you can accept sec 8 tenants. Isn't that correct muddy?

Don't fuking play the discrimination bullshit. I have been doing this a long time. You look for those tenants because you want to suck off the guvmint teat.

Bingo. It's exactly the reason why he refuses to answer questions about it. He knows he's a hypocrite and would like to continue the illusion that he is all about small government, when reality proves he's not.

Give it up mukky. Your shit is getting more ragged by the hour. Hypocrite. These folks have figured you out mukky. You can't even get one of your right wing whack jobs to defend you.

Probably because they know I don't need any help.

Can't say the same about you idiots.
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Every slumlord I know who rents to welfare recipients talks about what lazy shiftless assholes their tenants are and bitches about how much money they get.

I don't ever rent to welfare recipients. Lazy shiftless assholes don't give a rat's ass about your property and cost you more money in damage, vermin, and cleaning, than they pay you. You want decent, hardworking people with self respect, and dignity. Those are the kinds of tenants who take care of their property and yours. Your real estate is the most valuable thing you own and a tenant can do a lot of damage. I rent to people who will take care of my investment and I treat the tenants well.

When Mike Harris cut welfare benefits in Ontario by 20%, low end rents in the City of Toronto dropped because assholes like mud who charge rents based on the maximum rent the province will pay welfare recipients couldn't get as much money from them. Man did the slumlords ever bitch and whine about that. You rent to these asshole parasites and now the government says you practically have to give the places to em.
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For years Democrats lied about the effects of the Bush tax-cuts.

I guess their supporters aren't about to make them pay a price for that bold-faced lie.

Will any of you admit now that they were lying or are you going to ignore it?

CBO data - Federal individual income tax revenue trends from 2000-2009 (dollars and % GDP)

There was and is considerable controversy over who benefited from the tax cuts and whether or not they have been effective in spurring sufficient growth. Supporters of the proposal and proponents of lower taxes claimed that the tax cuts increased the pace of economic recovery and job creation. Further, proponents of the cuts asserted that lowering taxes on all citizens, including the rich, would benefit all and would actually increase receipts from the wealthiest Americans as their tax rates would decline without resort to tax shelters. The Wall Street Journal editorial page states that taxes paid by millionaire households more than doubled from $136 billion in 2003 to $274 billion in 2006 because of the JGTRRA.[2]

The Heritage Foundation concludes that the Bush tax cuts led to the rich shouldering more of the income tax burden and the poor shouldering less;[3] while the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) has concluded that the tax cuts have conferred the "largest benefits, by far on the highest income households." However that same publication indicates that more than 75% of tax savings (and cost to the treasury) went to households in the bottom 99% of income.[4] The underlying policy has been criticized by Democratic Party congressional opponents for giving tax cuts to the rich with capital gains tax breaks while acknowledging some benefit extended to middle and lower income brackets as well.[5]


Bush tax cuts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I never believed only the rich benefited from them.
If the rich are the ones that benefited from the tax cuts, why not just raise the taxes on all, I mean, it's not like the middle class benefited from them from what I've been reading. :eusa_eh:

For years Democrats lied about the effects of the Bush tax-cuts.

I guess their supporters aren't about to make them pay a price for that bold-faced lie.

Will any of you admit now that they were lying or are you going to ignore it?

CBO data - Federal individual income tax revenue trends from 2000-2009 (dollars and % GDP)

There was and is considerable controversy over who benefited from the tax cuts and whether or not they have been effective in spurring sufficient growth. Supporters of the proposal and proponents of lower taxes claimed that the tax cuts increased the pace of economic recovery and job creation. Further, proponents of the cuts asserted that lowering taxes on all citizens, including the rich, would benefit all and would actually increase receipts from the wealthiest Americans as their tax rates would decline without resort to tax shelters. The Wall Street Journal editorial page states that taxes paid by millionaire households more than doubled from $136 billion in 2003 to $274 billion in 2006 because of the JGTRRA.[2]

The Heritage Foundation concludes that the Bush tax cuts led to the rich shouldering more of the income tax burden and the poor shouldering less;[3] while the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) has concluded that the tax cuts have conferred the "largest benefits, by far on the highest income households." However that same publication indicates that more than 75% of tax savings (and cost to the treasury) went to households in the bottom 99% of income.[4] The underlying policy has been criticized by Democratic Party congressional opponents for giving tax cuts to the rich with capital gains tax breaks while acknowledging some benefit extended to middle and lower income brackets as well.[5]


Bush tax cuts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I never believed only the rich benefited from them.

I have to give you credit least you're honest about it.

Pos rep coming your way.
Because employment and loss of real income has affected the middle class the most. They've had no raises for years, and they've lost even more buying power due to inflation. The net worth has all been shifted to the wealthy, the only group who has seen both income and wealth increase. THEY got the biggest breaks and they can afford to pay more.

If the poor and middle class lose any more buying power, the economy will contract further and plunge the country back into recession. If the rich pay a bit more, (a) their buying power is not impacted because they have had large income increases and increases in their buying power over the past 10 years and can afford it; (b) there are not enough of them to impact the economy to the same extent as the middle class and poor.
Every slumlord I know who rents to welfare recipients talks about what lazy shiftless assholes their tenants are and bitches about how much money they get.

I don't ever rent to welfare recipients. Lazy shiftless assholes don't give a rat's ass about your property and cost you more money in damage, vermin, and cleaning, than they pay you. You want decent, hardworking people with self respect, and dignity. Those are the kinds of tenants who take care of their property and yours. Your real estate is the most valuable thing you own and a tenant can do a lot of damage. I rent to people who will take care of my investment and I treat the tenants well.

When Mike Harris cut welfare benefits in Ontario by 20%, low end rents in the City of Toronto dropped because assholes like mud who charge rents based on the maximum rent the province will pay welfare recipients couldn't get as much money from them. Man did the slumlords ever bitch and whine about that. You rent to these asshole parasites and now the government says you practically have to give the places to em.

First of all in my town if you overcharge your units stay empty. If there is a shortage of rentals in your area you can jack up the price.

Second of all, I have renters that have been there for years because I won't raise their rent as long as they take care of the place. Usually most of them come and go. Sometimes they pay one month's rent and that's it. They trash the place and leave me with a huge repair bill. I can't ask for a deposit that will cover it.

We all like good renters but sometimes they're tough to find, at least were I live.
Every slumlord I know who rents to welfare recipients talks about what lazy shiftless assholes their tenants are and bitches about how much money they get.

I don't ever rent to welfare recipients. Lazy shiftless assholes don't give a rat's ass about your property and cost you more money in damage, vermin, and cleaning, than they pay you. You want decent, hardworking people with self respect, and dignity. Those are the kinds of tenants who take care of their property and yours. Your real estate is the most valuable thing you own and a tenant can do a lot of damage. I rent to people who will take care of my investment and I treat the tenants well.

When Mike Harris cut welfare benefits in Ontario by 20%, low end rents in the City of Toronto dropped because assholes like mud who charge rents based on the maximum rent the province will pay welfare recipients couldn't get as much money from them. Man did the slumlords ever bitch and whine about that. You rent to these asshole parasites and now the government says you practically have to give the places to em.

First of all in my town if you overcharge your units stay empty. If there is a shortage of rentals in your area you can jack up the price.

Second of all, I have renters that have been there for years because I won't raise their rent as long as they take care of the place. Usually most of them come and go. Sometimes they pay one month's rent and that's it. They trash the place and leave me with a huge repair bill. I can't ask for a deposit that will cover it.

We all like good renters but sometimes they're tough to find, at least were I live.

So you have the option to sell your properties and move somewhere else, but you chose to stay and get government assistance (section 8 renters) to help you fill your vacancies.

Remind me again how you're in favor of small government.

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