Do you support pre-emptive war with Iran?

Do you support pre-emptive war on Iran?

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One man's terrorist is another man's nationalist, rebel, patriot. What does Iran want? Can it be satisfied with something that would persuade it to stop funding "soldiers" who take the war to innocent civilians in a non-war zone?
Obama's policy was to kill as few civilians as possible in this war against terrorism, for that very reason. It was frustrating for the military but it took the teeth out of "payback" as a justification for terrorists' slaughter of innocents.
I sure hope Trump is taking his briefings very, very seriously these days. I was never more than lukewarm about Obama's stance in all this, but now we're talking war with Iran? Over speed boats and a few unarmed missiles? I would look to the UN for some additional backup if Iran has actually violated the treaty. I don't know what would come next, but we would have much more authority if we weren't rising to the bait alone.

Wrong. Nationalists target the people in power, the military targets etc. Terrorists target civilians. Huge difference.
National Socialists were not Nationalists? Did they not target civilians?

Yes, they were. But they were primarily a TOTALITARIAN government. Thus they can't be terrorists. They were far more efficient killers than any terrorist group could ever hope to be, but then that is also true of the Soviet Union and any other authoritarian government. Which is why ANY regulation on firearms, and the corresponding decrease in the civilian populations ability to defend itself, is a step towards authoritarianism.
O.k., I see your point about firearms to a certain extent and agree with it.

But: I don't think ISIS has any regulations on firearms, they are a totalitarian government, and they are terrorists.

They have the simple regulation that they kill you if you are not one of them. Thus, the first thing they do, is disarm the populace upon arrival.

Say what?!?! Bbbut they are peaceful and tolerant
It is my hope that Iran realizes President Trump isn't fucking around and stops testing - kind of what other nations do when we get a new president, maybe ya'll just didn't notice it cause the media shrugged at it instead of making a big point out of it.

Iran does not violate any treaties. He has the right to do the tests.
It seems that Trump is just another Zionist shill, he wants to please Zionists.

Iran does not support any terrorism, he is not threat to the interests of the USA.

In fact Iran is fighting ISIS, and Zionists are de facto supporting ISIS.
It is my hope that Iran realizes President Trump isn't fucking around and stops testing - kind of what other nations do when we get a new president, maybe ya'll just didn't notice it cause the media shrugged at it instead of making a big point out of it.

Iran does not violate any treaties. He has the right to do the tests.
It seems that Trump is just another Zionist shill, he wants to please Zionists.

Iran does not support any terrorism, in fact Iran is fighting ISIS, and Zionists are de facto supporting ISIS.

BS, Iran is the world's leader in promoting terrorism, they do it through proxies
I cant answer that poll. As of right now, no. But my mind could change if they do some fucked up shit.
I will say it would be hard to get me to supporting a war!
Hamas and Hezbollah for starters

The enemies of Zionists?
How pathetic!

Hamas, its military wing, together with several charities it runs, has been designated as a terrorist organization by Israel (1989), the United States (1996), Canada (2002), the European Union (2001/2003), Japan (2006) and Egypt (2015), and was outlawed in Jordan (1999).[45] It is not regarded as a terrorist organization by Iran, Russia, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, China, and Brazil. An EU court found the EU's earlier designation flawed, but its decision has been appealed by the European Council.[46] It is a point of debate in political and academic circles over whether or not to classify Hamas as a terrorist group.[47]
Hamas - Wikipedia

Hezbollah's status as a legitimate political party, a terrorist group, a resistance movement, or some combination thereof is a contentious issue.[45] The Arab League,[46] United States,[47] France,[48] the Gulf Cooperation Council,[49][50] Australia,[51] Canada,[52] the Netherlands,[53] and Israel[54] have classified Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. The European Union, New Zealand and the United Kingdom[55] have proscribed Hezbollah's military wing as a terrorist organization, while making a distinction with Hezbollah's political wing.[56][57] Russia considers Hezbollah a legitimate sociopolitical organization.[58] China remains neutral, and maintains contacts with Hezbollah.[59]
Hezbollah - Wikipedia

As we see, only Zionists and Western governments, controlled by Zionists, regard Hezbollah and Hamas as terrorist organisations.

Trump seems to be just another Zionist shill. He talked about "America first", but in reality he is just another "Israel firster".
No wonder, he has Jewish grandchildren!

Very sad!
Hamas and Hezbollah for starters

The enemies of Zionists?
How pathetic!

Hamas, its military wing, together with several charities it runs, has been designated as a terrorist organization by Israel (1989), the United States (1996), Canada (2002), the European Union (2001/2003), Japan (2006) and Egypt (2015), and was outlawed in Jordan (1999).[45] It is not regarded as a terrorist organization by Iran, Russia, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, China, and Brazil. An EU court found the EU's earlier designation flawed, but its decision has been appealed by the European Council.[46] It is a point of debate in political and academic circles over whether or not to classify Hamas as a terrorist group.[47]
Hamas - Wikipedia

Hezbollah's status as a legitimate political party, a terrorist group, a resistance movement, or some combination thereof is a contentious issue.[45] The Arab League,[46] United States,[47] France,[48] the Gulf Cooperation Council,[49][50] Australia,[51] Canada,[52] the Netherlands,[53] and Israel[54] have classified Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. The European Union, New Zealand and the United Kingdom[55] have proscribed Hezbollah's military wing as a terrorist organization, while making a distinction with Hezbollah's political wing.[56][57] Russia considers Hezbollah a legitimate sociopolitical organization.[58] China remains neutral, and maintains contacts with Hezbollah.[59]
Hezbollah - Wikipedia

As we see, only Zionists and Western governments, subverted by Zionists, regard Hezbollah and Hamas as terrorist organisations.

Trump seems to be just another Zionist shill.
Very sad!

What's sad is your anti gone I have no use for your ilk
Yeah, go for it fools and we'll stick a boot up your ass.

Iran Threatens To Bomb U.S. Base In Bahrain If America Makes A “Mistake”

On Saturday, a senior member of the Iranian parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, Mojtaba Zonour, threatened to retaliate against the United States and Israel if “the enemy” made any “mistake.” The threat comes after the Trump administration officially put Iran on notice for test firing ballistic missiles, which they are forbidden to do.

Iran Threatens To Bomb U.S. Base In Bahrain If America Makes A “Mistake”
What's sad is your anti gone I have no use for your ilk

Bla, bla. Instigate hate against the native Semites of Palestine is "kosher".

To expose the crimes of Zionists, who are not Semites, but Eropean-Khazarian mongrels, is labelled "anti-Semitism" by the Zionists and their puppets.

Zionists are the biggest Semite-Haters, they hate the native Semitic population of Palestine.
America cannot bomb Iran into submission as Iran is too big a country. America does not have the will to send more than 500,000 servicemen to Iran, to conquer and occupy it. America is financially weak, with a national debt of over $20 trillion and cannot afford another war that would spill over to the entire Muslim World.

Iran is no threat to the USA, everybody knows that.

How will another "war for Israel" make America great again?

It will be the end of America and only promote the globalist Agenda.

Is Trump just another pro-Zionist shill that cares more about Israel, than about the interests of Americans?

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