Do you support pre-emptive war with Iran?

Do you support pre-emptive war on Iran?

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  • No

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Blindly grouping someone with the misdoings of people that person has no responsibility for is the definition of prejudice. This is exactly what has been inflicted on Jewish people. It is something that naturally, and I can't explain why, has always viscerally disgusted me. It is something I have not tolerated in conversation. There is nothing that can be done about it here. But, in my eyes, a person who does this has no room for complaint when it is applied to him or her. It is a safe bet that the Jewish community in America would overwhelmingly agree with me.
Let's just get us all on record about this before the inevitable Trump invasion. Who here will admit right now to supporting an Iran invasion?

Trump is not going to invade Iran. The hysteria generated by the media is far worse than anything Trump has actually done and you people keep falling for it over and over.
Nope. If we just leave them alone they'll implode of their own accord. Keep the sanctions in place, unfortunately it's impossible to grab back the money that the obummer admin gave them like a bunch of fucking morons, but actually going to war with them is a loser.
Why would they implode now? They've been the heart of an ancient, powerful civilization for thousands of years. Iran isn't going anywhere. However, they do say they will only ever strike in self defense. So they will needle and poke until some country with an overinflated sense of importance decides Iran needs to be taught a lesson. Then they'll start lobbing missiles with a clear conscience. Is it any wonder Obama has ignored their poking?
I vote no.

Because the people of Iran have figured out that the country is being looted by the Imams. They understand that they have been played, and they want to be free again. They already had an insurrection that had the obummer admin fostered quietly, would have deposed them. Instead the obummer admin seem to have helped the Imams.
Iran is one of the leading sources of terrorism in the world and one of the leading sources of destabilization in the Middle East.

Iran also starts trouble and then attempts to fall back, using the self-defense / victim card.
One man's terrorist is another man's nationalist, rebel, patriot. What does Iran want? Can it be satisfied with something that would persuade it to stop funding "soldiers" who take the war to innocent civilians in a non-war zone?
Obama's policy was to kill as few civilians as possible in this war against terrorism, for that very reason. It was frustrating for the military but it took the teeth out of "payback" as a justification for terrorists' slaughter of innocents.
I sure hope Trump is taking his briefings very, very seriously these days. I was never more than lukewarm about Obama's stance in all this, but now we're talking war with Iran? Over speed boats and a few unarmed missiles? I would look to the UN for some additional backup if Iran has actually violated the treaty. I don't know what would come next, but we would have much more authority if we weren't rising to the bait alone.

Wrong. Nationalists target the people in power, the military targets etc. Terrorists target civilians. Huge difference.
Iran is one of the leading sources of terrorism in the world and one of the leading sources of destabilization in the Middle East.

Iran also starts trouble and then attempts to fall back, using the self-defense / victim card.
One man's terrorist is another man's nationalist, rebel, patriot. What does Iran want? Can it be satisfied with something that would persuade it to stop funding "soldiers" who take the war to innocent civilians in a non-war zone?
Obama's policy was to kill as few civilians as possible in this war against terrorism, for that very reason. It was frustrating for the military but it took the teeth out of "payback" as a justification for terrorists' slaughter of innocents.
I sure hope Trump is taking his briefings very, very seriously these days. I was never more than lukewarm about Obama's stance in all this, but now we're talking war with Iran? Over speed boats and a few unarmed missiles? I would look to the UN for some additional backup if Iran has actually violated the treaty. I don't know what would come next, but we would have much more authority if we weren't rising to the bait alone.

Wrong. Nationalists target the people in power, the military targets etc. Terrorists target civilians. Huge difference.
By some estimates, four million Iraqis have died since Doug Feith, Richard Perle, and Paul Wolfowitz duped us into cakewalking Iraq. That's two-thirds of a Holocaust. Surely, they weren't all members of parliament.
Alright there's one genocidal lunatic, supporting Trump and a pre-emptive Trump invasion of Iran. Anybody else?

It's no surprise a servile nanny state puke like you and the rest of the bed wetters support the islamification of the world. A single global government that tyrannically controls and arbitrarily kills it's own people in "allah's will".

Or Obozo's, or hitlery's, you pathetic parasites would be just as content with Kim Jung Un as long as you have a "leader"

BTW, just because you mindless zealots ignore the fact that islam was designed to, and is intent on conquering the world through whatever means necessary, doesn't mean it isn't reality. Ya'll bed wetters ought to go to the Middle East and "coexist"...

Wave little rainbow flags at people and demand gay weddings, or treat women forced to wear burquas the way you treat pro-lifers. Don't forget to preach to them about secular government and the logic behind atheism.

If the West is being Islamified it isn't because we haven't bombed the Middle East enough, for crying out loud. It's because we are letting them pour in. And they are coming, by the way, from precisely those countries we keep bombing (plus Africa). We need to take our golly-gee asses home. Shut down AIPAC. Eliminate dual citizenship. End immigration like we ended homesteading. And incarcerate lobbyists.
Blindly grouping someone with the misdoings of people that person has no responsibility for is the definition of prejudice. This is exactly what has been inflicted on Jewish people. It is something that naturally, and I can't explain why, has always viscerally disgusted me. It is something I have not tolerated in conversation. There is nothing that can be done about it here. But, in my eyes, a person who does this has no room for complaint when it is applied to him or her. It is a safe bet that the Jewish community in America would overwhelmingly agree with me.
Why has Trump promised to move the American embassy to Jerusalem?
da jooos tend to be anti-war in general-----always were-----seeking OTHER ways of dealing with the EVIL K'NEEVALS of the world-
Yes, instead of fighting themselves, they get stupid goyim to spend their treasure and shed their blood to satisfy their blood lust. Smart. But not lovable.
Only an absolute idiot would support a war with iran
Uh... look who's in the White House right now bro
Spineless McCain and crossdresser graham would start a war with iran, Russia and anyone else at a drop of a hat...

Doesn't your statement sort of contradict that they are "spineless?"

I agree with you they both suck and they would start a war with Iran. Though when you go to Russia you sort of left reality behind. No they wouldn't
Let's just get us all on record about this before the inevitable Trump invasion. Who here will admit right now to supporting an Iran invasion?

An "invasion"?
Nobody is talking about invading're showing both your lack of understanding and your desire to promote some kind of half-assed scenario you think you can defeat. A strike on Iran is an AIR STRIKE. The only boots on the ground will be forward-recon and target-spotting teams to pinpoint strikes. First their radar is blinded to disorient their AA missiles. Next you crater their AF base runways so they can't fly. Then you use heavy bombers to take out their buried facilities. No need to penetrate more than is necessary to cave them in on the personnel below. Cruise missile strikes on above-ground facilities, trying to avoid any russian advisors, but collateral damage will be inevitable. Probably a joint-task force of U.S. Saudi, Jordanian, possibly IDF if Iraq will allow overflight refueling. May as well behead the government while we're at it..the Iranian people hate the mullahs and are ripe for a new, democratic government. 48 hours of intense strikes and nuclear Iran is destroyed.
Iran is one of the leading sources of terrorism in the world and one of the leading sources of destabilization in the Middle East.

Iran also starts trouble and then attempts to fall back, using the self-defense / victim card.
One man's terrorist is another man's nationalist, rebel, patriot. What does Iran want? Can it be satisfied with something that would persuade it to stop funding "soldiers" who take the war to innocent civilians in a non-war zone?
Obama's policy was to kill as few civilians as possible in this war against terrorism, for that very reason. It was frustrating for the military but it took the teeth out of "payback" as a justification for terrorists' slaughter of innocents.
I sure hope Trump is taking his briefings very, very seriously these days. I was never more than lukewarm about Obama's stance in all this, but now we're talking war with Iran? Over speed boats and a few unarmed missiles? I would look to the UN for some additional backup if Iran has actually violated the treaty. I don't know what would come next, but we would have much more authority if we weren't rising to the bait alone.

Wrong. Nationalists target the people in power, the military targets etc. Terrorists target civilians. Huge difference.
By some estimates, four million Iraqis have died since Doug Feith, Richard Perle, and Paul Wolfowitz duped us into cakewalking Iraq. That's two-thirds of a Holocaust. Surely, they weren't all members of parliament.

Estimates pushed forward by globalists who have no factual evidence for their wild claims.
Gee! Who'd have thought it would be so easy? Why, they'll doubtless welcome their liberators. The very thought gives one those warm feelings we had when that happened in Iraq!
Wild claims would rather be that Iran would be less than doggedly determined to resist the powers that inflicted the '53 coup and then pushed and supplied Saddam in the attack on Iran in the 80's.
Why don't they love America? It is just so difficult to understand!
Gee! Who'd have thought it would be so easy? Why, they'll doubtless welcome their liberators. The very thought gives one those warm feelings we had when that happened in Iraq!
As an American with cable TV, I have access to the opinions of people who read the New York Times, so I am pretty much an expert in military science, geopolitics, and world history. Iran will be a cakewalk.
Iran is one of the leading sources of terrorism in the world and one of the leading sources of destabilization in the Middle East.

Iran also starts trouble and then attempts to fall back, using the self-defense / victim card.
Iran is ZERO threat to the United States, warmonger.
da jooos tend to be anti-war in general-----always were-----seeking OTHER ways of dealing with the EVIL K'NEEVALS of the world-
Yes, instead of fighting themselves, they get stupid goyim to spend their treasure and shed their blood to satisfy their blood lust. Smart. But not lovable.

try again-----I was referring to the jews of ancient Israel -----REMEMBER ANCIENT ISRAEL (as in the kingdome of....) There was no time in history that any people went to war against anyone for the sake of jews.

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