Do you support pre-emptive war with Iran?

Do you support pre-emptive war on Iran?

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  • No

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If Iran insists on working on nukes and refuses to stop arming and paying terrorists then it is not a preemptive attack now is it?
Anything other than a direct attack by Iran against the US would be preemptive.
The pre-emptive act of aggression already happened in 1953. We are dealing with the consequences.
I support the eradication of islam from the face of the earth.

Iran is collateral damage.

Alright there's one genocidal lunatic, supporting Trump and a pre-emptive Trump invasion of Iran. Anybody else?

I support responsible response to Iran's imperialistic aggression and to its support of
terrorism. The US should not wait FOREVER
Iran's imperialistic aggression
Unlike the United States, which can't seem to go 20 minutes without invading someone, Iran hasn't invaded another country in 2000 years. But hey, why stick to reality when there is warmongering to be done, huh?
Yes vote equals volunteering to go, or, if too old, sending someone dear.
The pre-emptive act of aggression already happened in 1953. We are dealing with the consequences.

Still clinging to that idiot notion of---THE USA FORCED THE SHAH ON IRAN. In the course of my weird life----I came into contact with LOTS of Iranians----many became close friends. ----very close friends. ----all of them educated people ---. The SHAH was the choice of the Iranian people----especially the SOPHISTICATED AND EDUCATED Iranians (in Iran that means Teheran) He as NO DOUBT a bit despotic----but still favored by the educated Iranians. The move to put the Ayatoilets in power came out of the vast sewers of the illiterate and hypershiite shit. (I got my information from muslim Iranians)
Great question, 'oldie! Them Iranis is a damn sight smarter than the idiot in the WH, and they've had generations of argy-bargy just stayin' alive in that Hell-hole, 'the Middle East'.
Created by Britain and France in 1916, the current borders are a very obvious powder-keg, best left alone...
Imperialism is a very pernicious system, paternalism at its worst.

Why border lines drawn with a ruler in WW1 still rock the Middle East - BBC News

right---muslims are SOOO stupid that they kill each other simply because of the way borders are drawn and have no idea how to fix the situation
Historical fact is an 'idiot notion'? Did Kellyanne supply this?
Iran has also INVADED lots of countries----via its Hezbollah goons
Iran presents no threat to the United States AT ALL. We need to take our golly-gee asses home. Are they a threat to Israel? Who cares? Anyway, Israel has 400 nuclear warheads and the means to drop them in downtown Tehran tomorrow morning. Let Israel take care of itself. Iran has a border with four nuclear-armed powers: Russia, Pakistan, India, and (Turkey?) too lazy to look it up. Iran has zero nuclear weapons, so where do we, the only country that's ever actually USED a nuclear weapon against another nation, get off telling Iran that they can't have nuclear weapons? Who is beating this stupid war drum. (Hint: the Jews). Who are the people so stupid as to rise to the bait? (Hint: ignorant stupid easily-manipulated Americans)
Iran has also INVADED lots of countries----via its Hezbollah goons
Iran presents no threat to the United States AT ALL. We need to take our golly-gee asses home. Are they a threat to Israel? Who cares? Anyway, Israel has 400 nuclear warheads and the means to drop them in downtown Tehran tomorrow morning. Let Israel take care of itself. Iran has a border with four nuclear-armed powers: Russia, Pakistan, India, and (Turkey?) too lazy to look it up. Iran has zero nuclear weapons, so where do we, the only country that's ever actually USED a nuclear weapon against another nation, get off telling Iran that they can't have nuclear weapons? Who is beating this stupid war drum. (Hint: the Jews). Who are the people so stupid as to rise to the bait? (Hint: ignorant stupid easily-manipulated Americans)

------you are repeating the Nazi propaganda of circa 1938.
I read that stuff starting at about age ten----because I grew up in a town that was in the midst of Nazi enclaves in the Northeast part of the USA (well known----even adolf knew).
thousands of tattered yellowed pamphlet type booklets-------littered the town----especially near the railroads, truck stops and brothels
That Israel might be for it does not extend to 'Jews' in favor. Israel is a nation with a nation's 'fish to fry', and like most nations has its own errors to deal with. Israel may equal Zionism, but Zionism does not equal 'Jews', no matter who says otherwise. In any case, it is not Israel's policy that should determine that of the U.S. A safe bet is that Jewish people in America would not vote for a pre-emptive war with Iran, or anyone else.
Iran has also INVADED lots of countries----via its Hezbollah goons
Iran presents no threat to the United States AT ALL. We need to take our golly-gee asses home. Are they a threat to Israel? Who cares? Anyway, Israel has 400 nuclear warheads and the means to drop them in downtown Tehran tomorrow morning. Let Israel take care of itself. Iran has a border with four nuclear-armed powers: Russia, Pakistan, India, and (Turkey?) too lazy to look it up. Iran has zero nuclear weapons, so where do we, the only country that's ever actually USED a nuclear weapon against another nation, get off telling Iran that they can't have nuclear weapons? Who is beating this stupid war drum. (Hint: the Jews). Who are the people so stupid as to rise to the bait? (Hint: ignorant stupid easily-manipulated Americans)

------you are repeating the Nazi propaganda of circa 1938.
I read that stuff starting at about age ten----because I grew up in a town that was in the midst of Nazi enclaves in the Northeast part of the USA (well known----even adolf knew).
thousands of tattered yellowed pamphlet type booklets-------littered the town----especially near the railroads, truck stops and brothels
Oh, you are one of those...
Edwin, I need you to come home right now. There are Nazis in the basement. I can hear them.
Geez, Dorothy, again? Can't you call your mother and badger her this time?
Edwin, if you'll remember. Nazis kidnapped Mother last year and replaced her with a Nazi double.
Dorothy, come on. Why would Nazis want to impersonate your mother.
They know I'm on to them, Edwin. They are gathering intelligence for their propaganda. They are everywhere. Why won't you see tha--- wait, I know why you always take their side. You are one of them, aren't you? OH MY GOD!! Edddwwwiiiinnnnn!
That Israel might be for it does not extend to 'Jews' in favor. Israel is a nation with a nation's 'fish to fry', and like most nations has its own errors to deal with. Israel may equal Zionism, but Zionism does not equal 'Jews', no matter who says otherwise. In any case, it is not Israel's policy that should determine that of the U.S. A safe bet is that Jewish people in America would not vote for a pre-emptive war with Iran, or anyone else.
I wish you were right. But there is a reason Congress votes the Israeli ticket 435-0, and it isn't the power of evangelicals.
Tell Israel to hunker down and obliterate the middle east. France, Germany and Sweden and many other European countries may want to bolster defenses for the terrorist uprising within.

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If 'you' had known that launching a pre-emptive strike on Japan would have prevented the attack on Pearl Harbor, would 'you' have?

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