Do you support pre-emptive war with Iran?

Do you support pre-emptive war on Iran?

  • Yes

  • No

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Nope. If we just leave them alone they'll implode of their own accord. Keep the sanctions in place, unfortunately it's impossible to grab back the money that the obummer admin gave them like a bunch of fucking morons, but actually going to war with them is a loser.
Why would they implode now? They've been the heart of an ancient, powerful civilization for thousands of years. Iran isn't going anywhere. However, they do say they will only ever strike in self defense. So they will needle and poke until some country with an overinflated sense of importance decides Iran needs to be taught a lesson. Then they'll start lobbing missiles with a clear conscience. Is it any wonder Obama has ignored their poking?
I vote no.
Iran is one of the leading sources of terrorism in the world and one of the leading sources of destabilization in the Middle East.

Iran also starts trouble and then attempts to fall back, using the self-defense / victim card.
Nope. If we just leave them alone they'll implode of their own accord. Keep the sanctions in place, unfortunately it's impossible to grab back the money that the obummer admin gave them like a bunch of fucking morons, but actually going to war with them is a loser.
Why would they implode now? They've been the heart of an ancient, powerful civilization for thousands of years. Iran isn't going anywhere. However, they do say they will only ever strike in self defense. So they will needle and poke until some country with an overinflated sense of importance decides Iran needs to be taught a lesson. Then they'll start lobbing missiles with a clear conscience. Is it any wonder Obama has ignored their poking?
I vote no.

I do think, however, that it would be perfectly reasonable for any country who has a signed agreement with another country to consider that agreement null & void if the other party breaks it.

This would be something I would point out to them quietly and behind doors, and not in a fucking "tweet", however.
Iran has also INVADED lots of countries----via its Hezbollah goons
Iran presents no threat to the United States AT ALL. We need to take our golly-gee asses home. Are they a threat to Israel? Who cares? Anyway, Israel has 400 nuclear warheads and the means to drop them in downtown Tehran tomorrow morning. Let Israel take care of itself. Iran has a border with four nuclear-armed powers: Russia, Pakistan, India, and (Turkey?) too lazy to look it up. Iran has zero nuclear weapons, so where do we, the only country that's ever actually USED a nuclear weapon against another nation, get off telling Iran that they can't have nuclear weapons? Who is beating this stupid war drum. (Hint: the Jews). Who are the people so stupid as to rise to the bait? (Hint: ignorant stupid easily-manipulated Americans)

Most wingnuts don't want preemptive war, but they would support some Gulf of Tonkin type of war in which lies about Iran's behavior give Chump and his Chimps a chance to bomb Iran.
Alright there's one genocidal lunatic, supporting Trump and a pre-emptive Trump invasion of Iran. Anybody else?

It's no surprise a servile nanny state puke like you and the rest of the bed wetters support the islamification of the world. A single global government that tyrannically controls and arbitrarily kills it's own people in "allah's will".

Or Obozo's, or hitlery's, you pathetic parasites would be just as content with Kim Jung Un as long as you have a "leader"

BTW, just because you mindless zealots ignore the fact that islam was designed to, and is intent on conquering the world through whatever means necessary, doesn't mean it isn't reality. Ya'll bed wetters ought to go to the Middle East and "coexist"...

Wave little rainbow flags at people and demand gay weddings, or treat women forced to wear burquas the way you treat pro-lifers. Don't forget to preach to them about secular government and the logic behind atheism.

Let's just get us all on record about this before the inevitable Trump invasion. Who here will admit right now to supporting an Iran invasion?

Only a moron or a political hack would pose the question as yes/no. In either case, it is still a stupid question.
Iran is one of the leading sources of terrorism in the world and one of the leading sources of destabilization in the Middle East.

Iran also starts trouble and then attempts to fall back, using the self-defense / victim card.
One man's terrorist is another man's nationalist, rebel, patriot. What does Iran want? Can it be satisfied with something that would persuade it to stop funding "soldiers" who take the war to innocent civilians in a non-war zone?
Obama's policy was to kill as few civilians as possible in this war against terrorism, for that very reason. It was frustrating for the military but it took the teeth out of "payback" as a justification for terrorists' slaughter of innocents.
I sure hope Trump is taking his briefings very, very seriously these days. I was never more than lukewarm about Obama's stance in all this, but now we're talking war with Iran? Over speed boats and a few unarmed missiles? I would look to the UN for some additional backup if Iran has actually violated the treaty. I don't know what would come next, but we would have much more authority if we weren't rising to the bait alone.
The entire premise of this asinine thread is a typical libturd logic failure.

There would be nothing "pre-emptive" about wiping out Iranian capacity to wage war.

They are at war with us. Ignore it at your own peril, but the only reason they do not agitate more and actually engage in open combat is because we can wipe them out. For 8 years we had a meat puppet faggot who undermined our interests in their favor and what are the results?

Rather than pussy foot around with those zealots, until they finally manage to do something worth engaging in a "counter attack" we should be gearing up to turn the God forsaken shit hole to into a radiant glass bowl if need be, before they start making their own craters.

Let's just get us all on record about this before the inevitable Trump invasion. Who here will admit right now to supporting an Iran invasion?
Well it's Obama's failed deal that is fueling it. So Obama is to blame if we do.

That's how the right will try to make it look, but it will fail. The GOP is salivating for war with Iran, and the world knows it.

Iran is laughing at the new sanctions, hold military exercises as I type this. They aren't afraid of the US under GOP rule. They saw how the GOP screwed up the Iraq War. They are confidant in victory over Chump, and will probably get a nuke because of Trump.
No, we are very close to being that country that your mother warned you about.
One man's terrorist is another man's nationalist, rebel, patriot. What does Iran want? Can it be satisfied with something that would persuade it to stop funding "soldiers" who take the war to innocent civilians in a non-war zone?
Obama's policy was to kill as few civilians as possible in this war against terrorism, for that very reason. It was frustrating for the military but it took the teeth out of "payback" as a justification for terrorists' slaughter of innocents.
I sure hope Trump is taking his briefings very, very seriously these days. I was never more than lukewarm about Obama's stance in all this, but now we're talking war with Iran? Over speed boats and a few unarmed missiles? I would look to the UN for some additional backup if Iran has actually violated the treaty. I don't know what would come next, but we would have much more authority if we weren't rising to the bait alone.

The UN would give the effort less credibility and do nothing but undermine the effort.

The UN is nothing more than a gaggle of leftist sociopaths from around the world with a simple objectives, marginalize the US, and promote collectivist global governance.

Iran is one of the leading sources of terrorism in the world and one of the leading sources of destabilization in the Middle East.

Iran also starts trouble and then attempts to fall back, using the self-defense / victim card.
One man's terrorist is another man's nationalist, rebel, patriot. What does Iran want? Can it be satisfied with something that would persuade it to stop funding "soldiers" who take the war to innocent civilians in a non-war zone?
Obama's policy was to kill as few civilians as possible in this war against terrorism, for that very reason. It was frustrating for the military but it took the teeth out of "payback" as a justification for terrorists' slaughter of innocents.
I sure hope Trump is taking his briefings very, very seriously these days. I was never more than lukewarm about Obama's stance in all this, but now we're talking war with Iran? Over speed boats and a few unarmed missiles? I would look to the UN for some additional backup if Iran has actually violated the treaty. I don't know what would come next, but we would have much more authority if we weren't rising to the bait alone.

"One man's terrorist is another man's nationalist, rebel, patriot."
Sooo, logically, there is no difference between Al-Queda and the Women who marched in Washington two weeks ago? Are you sure you want to adopt relativism to that degree?
That's how the right will try to make it look, but it will fail. The GOP is salivating for war with Iran, and the world knows it.

Iran is laughing at the new sanctions, hold military exercises as I type this. They aren't afraid of the US under GOP rule. They saw how the GOP screwed up the Iraq War. They are confidant in victory over Chump, and will probably get a nuke because of Trump.

Typical mindless bed wetter.

Iran wants the conflict, but they want to look like the victim, and no matter what you'll be programmed to believe they are.

The entire premise of this asinine thread is a typical libturd logic failure.

There would be nothing "pre-emptive" about wiping out Iranian capacity to wage war.

They are at war with us. Ignore it at your own peril, but the only reason they do not agitate more and actually engage in open combat is because we can wipe them out. For 8 years we had a meat puppet faggot who undermined our interests in their favor and what are the results?

Rather than pussy foot around with those zealots, until they finally manage to do something worth engaging in a "counter attack" we should be gearing up to turn the God forsaken shit hole to into a radiant glass bowl if need be, before they start making their own craters.

Why are you whining about Obama then? He's out. Your boy Chump is in. He replied to an Iranian missle test with a finger wag and some paltry sanctions. Iran laughed. What a joke this "tough guy" act of Chump's is. If you want war with Iran, whine about the GOP not doing it now. The GOP is in charge now. Didn't you know that?
That's how the right will try to make it look, but it will fail. The GOP is salivating for war with Iran, and the world knows it.

Iran is laughing at the new sanctions, hold military exercises as I type this. They aren't afraid of the US under GOP rule. They saw how the GOP screwed up the Iraq War. They are confidant in victory over Chump, and will probably get a nuke because of Trump.

Typical mindless bed wetter.

Iran wants the conflict, but they want to look like the victim, and no matter what you'll be programmed to believe they are.

They are the victim. We are the aggressors. There are no Iranian naval ships near the US coastline. We have ships on their coastline. People like you are the root cause of Iran's nuclear program. If the GOP and Israel would stop the saber rattling, then Iran wouldn't care about nukes.
Previous pre-emptive behavior got us here. Repetitively applying a false solution is an indication of what....?
Let's just get us all on record about this before the inevitable Trump invasion. Who here will admit right now to supporting an Iran invasion?

If someone want war with Iran then let them go or send their love ones to fight it!

Another Proxy War is on it way once ISIS\ISIL are defeated but there will be no invasion of Iran...
That Israel might be for it does not extend to 'Jews' in favor. Israel is a nation with a nation's 'fish to fry', and like most nations has its own errors to deal with. Israel may equal Zionism, but Zionism does not equal 'Jews', no matter who says otherwise. In any case, it is not Israel's policy that should determine that of the U.S. A safe bet is that Jewish people in America would not vote for a pre-emptive war with Iran, or anyone else.
I wish you were right. But there is a reason Congress votes the Israeli ticket 435-0, and it isn't the power of evangelicals.

I am intrigued-----You seem to know that "the jewish people in America would not vote for a pre-emptive war with Iran OR ANYONE ELSE" I am amazed-----in fact I agree----da jooos tend to be anti-war in general-----always were-----seeking OTHER ways of dealing with the EVIL K'NEEVALS of the world--------other ways. ------but not just
LAISSEZ FAIRE (use a wide definition of laissez faire) Of course action against Iran----of whatever nature is certainly not PRE-EMPTIVE even now------Iran has already DONE IT just as Germany had already DONE IT in SPADES by 1938 when your kith and kin were licking Adolf's ass. For that matter----SADDAM had already DONE IT by 1980-----whilst your kith and kin were still licking his ass. ---------rome had already done when the Druids finally woke up too------too late.

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