do you support reparations for blacks?

California is broke? Do you know how much they make each year?
Do you have any idea how much their unfunded liabilities are? According to Moody's California has eight hundred and eighty-two BILLION dollars in unfunded liabilities. That's just the state government. add in the cities and counties and it's nearly two TRILLION.
Do you have any idea how much their unfunded liabilities are? According to Moody's California has eight hundred and eighty-two BILLION dollars in unfunded liabilities. That's just the state government. add in the cities and counties and it's nearly two TRILLION.

You don't get reparations for dying to right a wrong that you created.
I didn't gather blacks on the Continent of Africa and sell those captured to the owners of slave ships (most of which were Dutch). Did the northerners who paid with their blood own slaves? Maybe only southern Californians should pay the California Mafia and not the northern Californians.
Do you have any idea how much their unfunded liabilities are? According to Moody's California has eight hundred and eighty-two BILLION dollars in unfunded liabilities. That's just the state government. add in the cities and counties and it's nearly two TRILLION.
Yup, and their gdp is 3-4 trillion a year. Right?
I didn't gather blacks on the Continent of Africa and sell those captured to the owners of slave ships (most of which were Dutch). Did the northerners who paid with their blood own slaves? Maybe only southern Californians should pay the California Mafia and not the northern Californians.

California was never a slave state or territory
What does that have to do with anything??

My state was never a slave state and sent thousands to free the slaves. My family lost two in the Civil War.

We owe blacks nothing.

It's an agenda and you low info loons buy into it
This is far from being implemented in California. All that happened Newsome agreed to let these black groups get together and research on paper work to be sent in to the government. Blacks can make up all research they want push through all they want but it has to go through state voting and all of us during voting season. boy do I see a civil riot coming out over this at capitol if it gets to this. California is at the breaking point were in so much debt here. It will come your tax payer money so these blacks are essentially getting tax refunds. Their own money back. This whole state is racism from California towards most of its citizens. If you got roof over your head., food in your belly each day, your bills paid, and health then you should be happy. most do not even have that. Be great full.

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