do you support reparations for blacks?

Wait and see. When I get my check I'll come by your trailer park community to pick you up and take you out to lunch. You like McDonald's?
never happen. in your dreams. black s are selfish its always give me give me. no matter if they bankrupt the country and kill it. they have to have their michael jordans shoes not matter what.
because they had slaves right in their own counmtry. inslaved there own plus whited for over 500 years. and still practice it today. oh and how did they get their white slaves hmm? country was all black. whites dont. most slaved went to islands and south american non white folks. american did nothing they shut it
Did you graduate 8th grade? I struggle to read your posts; your spelling and sentence structure are horrible. Aren't you folks supposed to have the high IQ numbers? :auiqs.jpg:
nothing is happening government wise., be along time before anything does. nothing emplimented at all.
Did you graduate 8th grade? I struggle to read your posts; your spelling and sentence structure are horrible. Aren't you folks supposed to have the high IQ numbers? :auiqs.jpg:
I have dysgraphia bully stop thinking about yourself. biggot. racist trash. i.q has nothing to do with idiot. typical black. doesn't read a damn thing.
You mentioned 14 year olds, I responded you fckn dope.

You struggle in life don't you?
No, I do very well in life. It would help if you stuck to the subject at hand. And what is that I smell? It smells like dead, rotten fish coming from your direction. Is it your breath? Or somewhere else on your body? UGH! :omg:
No, I do very well in life. It would help if you stuck to the subject at hand. And what is that I smell? It smells like dead, rotten fish coming from your direction. Is it your breath? Or somewhere else on your body? UGH! :omg:

Gfy, you're another left loon too stupid to live

You're dumb.

If you want to pay blacks take some of that "successful money" and do it.

Until you do, fck off
Thank you all for the conversation. I must run. Have a nice day, folks. SassyIrishLass, please take care of that horrible odor. 🐷
Wait and see. When I get my check I'll come by your trailer park community to pick you up and take you out to lunch. You like McDonald's?
P.S. Please take a bath before we go to lunch. Thank you. :slap:

What are you axting me?
The way to end reparations in California is to award each black person 500 million dollars. Declare that the expenditure would bankrupt the state so no reparations will be paid.

Blacks are constantly being agitated by nonsense talk of reparations. They chew this bone of ancient wrong to give them lifelong indigestion. Not one black person alive today suffers any effect of slavery at all. Many use past injustice as an excuse for their own failure. That's all it is.

Hurt feelings has no price. Blacks don't even have hurt feelings. They have stolen the pain of the long dead to ruminate on hurt feelings. The pain is incalculable. It grows daily. Nothing more than the total annihilation of every non black will soothe this savage beast.
The way to end reparations in California is to award each black person 500 million dollars. Declare that the expenditure would bankrupt the state so no reparations will be paid.

Blacks are constantly being agitated by nonsense talk of reparations. They chew this bone of ancient wrong to give them lifelong indigestion. Not one black person alive today suffers any effect of slavery at all. Many use past injustice as an excuse for their own failure. That's all it is.

Hurt feelings has no price. Blacks don't even have hurt feelings. They have stolen the pain of the long dead to ruminate on hurt feelings. The pain is incalculable. It grows daily. Nothing more than the total annihilation of every non black will soothe this savage beast.
you are correct
The reparations issue is pure politics, pandering to the black community knowing full well that such payments are never going to happen. First, there are questions about the constitutionality of such a program at the state or national level. How could you possibly verify who should receive such benefits? Just being black is enough? How about part black?

I thought the precedent was that the gov't cannot favor any one group and second, the cost would far exceed the ability to pay for it. I daresay that most economists are predicting a recession within the next year if we are not already in one, so is this the time to spend so much money that will not increase the productivity of this country? That's called inflation, folks. I tell you, this idea is sheer fiscal lunacy.
The reparations issue is pure politics, pandering to the black community knowing full well that such payments are never going to happen. First, there are questions about the constitutionality of such a program at the state or national level. How could you possibly verify who should receive such benefits? Just being black is enough? How about part black?

I thought the precedent was that the gov't cannot favor any one group and second, the cost would far exceed the ability to pay for it. I daresay that most economists are predicting a recession within the next year if we are not already in one, so is this the time to spend so much money that will not increase the productivity of this country? That's called inflation, folks. I tell you, this idea is sheer fiscal lunacy.
  • Repeal or amend Proposition 209, a measure approved by California voters that banned affirmative action in 1996.
  • Analyze laws, policies and ordinances from the local to the state level for racial impact prior to passage and after implementation.
  • Amend the California Constitution to prohibit involuntary servitude.
  • Pay fair market value for jail and prison labor.
  • Abolish the death penalty.
  • Fund community wellness centers in African American communities.
  • Strengthen the Bane Act by eliminating the requirement that a victim of police violence show that the officer “specifically intended” to commit misconduct.
  • Declare election day a paid state holiday.
  • Restore voting rights to all formerly and currently incarcerated people.
  • Implement rent caps for historically redlined ZIP Codes.
  • Increase grants and financial assistance to improve homeownership rates among African Americans, including subsidized down payments and mortgage payments to those who reside in formerly redlined neighborhoods
  • Allow descendants who reside in formerly redlined neighborhoods to transfer the assessed value of their primary home to a newly purchased or constructed primary residence.
  • Provide free college tuition for all California residents eligible for monetary reparations.
  • Build more parks in African American communities.
  • Identify and remove Confederate monuments, markers and memorials.
  • Create a guaranteed income program for descendants of an enslaved person.
  • Automatically increase minimum wage on a regular basis to adjust for increases to the cost of living, including inflation.
  • Provide interest-free loans to owners of small businesses in African American commercial areas.
  • End the cash bail system.
  • Repeal the “three strikes” law.
  • Adopt universal single-payer healthcare coverage and a healthcare cost control system.
  • Increase Medi-Cal reimbursement rates to match reimbursement rates of private insurance.
these demands there making on top of it. do you want prisons to vote for your rights? erasing history buy knocking down statues. this shit wont happen either. it never stops with greedy blacks.

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