Do you think White Privilege is real?

I've asked people for years if they could give me an example of white far nobody has.

I've talked with people in person & on line...researched it, googled it, wiki'd it...I find no validity to white privilege what so ever.

However black privilege has been institutionalized & written into law. Affirmative action...easier admission standards into colleges for blacks...and many other things like the UNCF exists but you could never have the united white college fund. It would be declared "racist" and shut down.

Yet I'm still willing to listen. If you have an example of WP I would like to hear it.
Since whites have benefited the most from affirmative action your claim of black privilege is false. There are all kinds of United White college funds. They're call scholarships. White making up a claim of discrimination against them even when all the facts show different and that claim actually gets traction is a prime example of white privilege.
Not anymore.
Now it's just class "privilege"
Race creates class.
You read it right. Don't sit your white ass in this forum spewing racism with the others like you then claim that race doesn't matter or there is no white privilege. Race creates class. When you pay people less because of race, that affects class status. When you don't hire because of race, that affects class status. When you don't promote because of race, that affects class status. When rich blacks are profiled that means it's about race. When US Senator Tim Scott can say he's been profiled because he's driving a nice car, it is not about class.
Not anymore.
Now it's just class "privilege"
Race creates class.
You read it right. Don't sit your white ass in this forum spewing racism with the others like you then claim that race doesn't matter or there is no white privilege. Race creates class. When you pay people less because of race, that affects class status. When you don't hire because of race, that affects class status. When you don't promote because of race, that affects class status. When rich blacks are profiled that means it's about race. When US Senator Tim Scott can say he's been profiled because he's driving a nice car, it is not about class.
A racist complaining about racism. LOL love it
I think White Privilege is real. I think if you are white you have it easier.

kendrick lamar,nasir jones,shawn carter_2.jpg

stevie wonder, shawn carter child abuse.jpg
Since whites have benefited the most from affirmative action your claim of black privilege is false.

Speaking of false has affirmative action been a benefit to white people?
"White privilege" is a bastardization of the meaning of the word "privilege." Privilege is a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group. I think a better articulation of the concept is "advantage." Is it an advantage to be "white"? Certainly.

But let's look at other advantages in life that may even be more valuable than the "white" advantage.

Coming from an intact family with both parents in the house (and not hating each other) is an advantage.

Coming from money is an advantage. Even being "middle-class" is an advantage.

Having a parent or parents who are strict disciplinarians, or who highly value education, or who are deeply moral and religious, or who are entrepreneurial...these are all advantages.

On the other side of the coin, being poor is a DISadvantage. Being a bastard is a DISadvantage. Having parents who scorn work, education, religion, ethics, social norms, and sobriety are DISadvantages. Living in a culture where substance abuse, idleness, and petty criminality are the norm are DISadvantages.

And I submit that Black folks who care about themselves and their offspring can incorporate dramatic advantages into their lives through controllable strategies - advantages that can trump "white privilege" (advantage). Don't have kids out of wedlock, focus on education, parent with discipline and high expectations, etc. Take advantage of all the free public education you can get your hands on. Pursue jobs with agencies and companies that value "diversity." You get the idea.

Consider: according to the U.S. Census bureau, a "white" child living in a broken home is three times more likely to be living in poverty as a Black child living in an intact family. How is "white privilege" working out for that kid?
Not anymore.
Now it's just class "privilege"
Race creates class.
You read it right. Don't sit your white ass in this forum spewing racism with the others like you then claim that race doesn't matter or there is no white privilege. Race creates class. When you pay people less because of race, that affects class status. When you don't hire because of race, that affects class status. When you don't promote because of race, that affects class status. When rich blacks are profiled that means it's about race. When US Senator Tim Scott can say he's been profiled because he's driving a nice car, it is not about class.
A racist complaining about racism. LOL love it

I'm glad you recognize what you do.
Race creates class.

If that were do you explain oprah or obama or millions of rich, upper class black people?

Today there are 35,000 Black Millionaires in the U.S.

The share of white millionaires in the United States has doubled in the past quarter-century, with 1 in 7 white families now worth more than $1 million, according to new Federal Reserve data.

Since whites have benefited the most from affirmative action your claim of black privilege is false.

Speaking of false has affirmative action been a benefit to white people?
I posted the explanation here a while back but if you're like most of the low education white racists on this board, you won't want to, or be able to read it so I'll summarize here. The information comes from CLEAR - the Clearinghouse for Labor Evaluation and Research which is an agency within the U.S. Department of Labor. If you think they're posting "false claims" I guess you can exercise your first amendment right to petition the government for a redress of grievances

  • The study found that compliance reviews initiated against an establishment in the 1970s significantly increased the share of women and African Americans it employed as managers, not only in the 1970s but also through the 1980s and 1990s. A first compliance review in the 1970s increased the odds of white women in management by an estimated 34 percent, of African American women by 18 percent, and of African American men by 28 percent.
  • Compliance reviews initiated in the 1970s led to significantly greater increases in female and African American employment shares than did reviews conducted in the 1980s.
  • Larger numbers of lawsuits significantly increased employment shares for women and African Americans.
In summary, white women benefited the most from affirmative action - more than black men and black women.
"White privilege" is a bastardization of the meaning of the word "privilege." Privilege is a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group. I think a better articulation of the concept is "advantage." Is it an advantage to be "white"? Certainly.

But let's look at other advantages in life that may even be more valuable than the "white" advantage.

Coming from an intact family with both parents in the house (and not hating each other) is an advantage.

Coming from money is an advantage. Even being "middle-class" is an advantage.

Having a parent or parents who are strict disciplinarians, or who highly value education, or who are deeply moral and religious, or who are entrepreneurial...these are all advantages.

On the other side of the coin, being poor is a DISadvantage. Being a bastard is a DISadvantage. Having parents who scorn work, education, religion, ethics, social norms, and sobriety are DISadvantages. Living in a culture where substance abuse, idleness, and petty criminality are the norm are DISadvantages.

And I submit that Black folks who care about themselves and their offspring can incorporate dramatic advantages into their lives through controllable strategies - advantages that can trump "white privilege" (advantage). Don't have kids out of wedlock, focus on education, parent with discipline and high expectations, etc. Take advantage of all the free public education you can get your hands on. Pursue jobs with agencies and companies that value "diversity." You get the idea.

Consider: according to the U.S. Census bureau, a "white" child living in a broken home is three times more likely to be living in poverty as a Black child living in an intact family. How is "white privilege" working out for that kid?

Nothing like reading white folk trying to tell us how we should do things like we haven't done them.
"White privilege" is a bastardization of the meaning of the word "privilege." Privilege is a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group. I think a better articulation of the concept is "advantage." Is it an advantage to be "white"? Certainly.
There is no bastardization involved. You correctly defined the word privilege and then correctly concluded that there is an advantage to being born into the white race "in the United States".

What you neglected to mention however is how it came to be that being white had all of these advantages while being black, negro, essentially "of African descent" was such a disadvantage that cannot be overcome by blending in with other whites such as people of other origins were able to do. This advantage didn't just happen, if was carefully crafted through centuries of laws, policies, practices and procedures that benefits white society at the expense of those of African descent and eforced at the barrel of a gun, on the end of a rope or threat of a lifetime of hard labor for crimes which for all intents and purposes were not crimes when committed by whites (the immunity grant portion of the definition of privilege).

While the laws which fostered an atmosphere of animus, hostility, bias and unlawful discrimination may no longer be valid, the sentiments and vestiges of these laws remain, as demonstrated by the ongoing cases brought by the government for civil rights abuses both civil and criminal.

If you can't acknowledge even this then I would suspect you of simply being either in denial or a dishonest person because the facts are there for anyone with an internet connection & search engine to see.
Teflon Theory of History
Sat Oct 9th 2010 by abagond

The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.

Few sit on a mountain top to come up with their beliefs all on their own. Instead most people pretty much go along with what everyone else already believes with maybe a few twists here and there. Such beliefs come from the past.

So then why is Teflon Theory believed?

  • Because of how American history is taught:
    • American history is taught as dates and people and facts that have little to do with each other. Sometimes the Effects of the the Civil War or Industrialization are studied, for example, but not so for the evil stuff – like how slavery and genocide led to present-day White American wealth, power and racism.
    • American history as taught rarely comes up to the present day. History becomes something in the past, in a book, not something we live in right now.
  • Because of the needs of White American self-image:
    • White Americans want to think they are Basically Good and their society is Basically Just. Without Teflon Theory that becomes laughable since it flies in the face of history, common sense and human nature.
    • White Americans avoid honestly facing up to their past because deep down they know it is ugly. Teflon Theory acts as a guard against having to take it seriously.
  • Because middle-class whites are protected from the ugly present:
    • Those who live in Apple-pie America rarely see first-hand the injustice that their comfortable lives are built on. And what injustice they do see on occasion, like black ghettos or wars on television fought overseas in their name, they have already learned to not see as injustice. But being protected from the ugly present makes the ugly past seem like another world, like it truly is ancient history with no bearing on the present.
See also:

  • Thanks
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