Do You Understand the Electoral College?

Every anti EC leftard is incapable of rebutting the video or the transcript. They are stuck on stupid anti-American morons incapable of even attempting to educate themselves.
That is why they vote Democrat

Except I just did... and the point was irrelevent anyway.

Here's the thing, the EC as envisioned by the founders was discarded with the 11th Amendment. Then the system you love so much caused a civil war when Lincoln becamse president with only 30% of the vote. Then we got the corrupt deal of 1876, which has brought us a century of trouble.

Then the EC became kind of like the House of Lords. Yeah, it was there, but it didn't actually mean anything. Until today, where twice in 16 years we've selected presidents based on an anachronism instead of the will of the people.
The fact remains a pure popular vote is Just mob rule… progressives are too little minded to understand there is a reason this is a Republic - not a shit eating democracy… Lol
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The Founding fathers debated how to pick a President.

There was a big movement to have the President picked by Congress. They even considered having the state governors pick the President.

The Electoral College was the compromise between that and popular vote. Nothing more sinister than that.
Tara Ross does an excellent job of displaying the brilliance of why the Founding Fathers established the Electoral College. Share with your friends to educate them.

Why? Its actually a kind of stupid idea. I guess it kind of worked when you had 13 states that didn't really want to be in the same country... and they expected Congress to select the president, not the EC.

But today, when you can accurately count all the votes in one day... No so much.

Let's look at what's wrong with it.

1) Some asshole who the people didn't want can win if he marginally wins enough states.

2) If you state is demographically homogeneous, your vote doesn't count and no one spends a lot of time in your state.

3) A very small group can hold a state hostage- Yes, I'm looking at you, Cuban Americans in Florida.

4) It makes it impossible for third parties to grow. - Hey, remember when everyone spent all their time telling us how much they hated BOTH of these candidates. Yet a third party never gained any traction.

Let me ask this Joe.

Do you want majority rule, or just in the presidential election
Tara Ross does an excellent job of displaying the brilliance of why the Founding Fathers established the Electoral College. Share with your friends to educate them.

Why? Its actually a kind of stupid idea. I guess it kind of worked when you had 13 states that didn't really want to be in the same country... and they expected Congress to select the president, not the EC.

But today, when you can accurately count all the votes in one day... No so much.

Let's look at what's wrong with it.

1) Some asshole who the people didn't want can win if he marginally wins enough states.

2) If you state is demographically homogeneous, your vote doesn't count and no one spends a lot of time in your state.

3) A very small group can hold a state hostage- Yes, I'm looking at you, Cuban Americans in Florida.

4) It makes it impossible for third parties to grow. - Hey, remember when everyone spent all their time telling us how much they hated BOTH of these candidates. Yet a third party never gained any traction.

Let me ask this Joe.

Do you want majority rule, or just in the presidential election
Don't bother. Tell the piece of shit to fuck off and move on.
There is no good reason to make someone president when the people clearly wanted someone else.
We the people have spoken you whiny bitch. The entire map of the US was covered in red. The entire damn thing. It was an epic ass-kicking coast-to-coast. Deal with it. Show an ounce of class for once in your life. Hell, even Candycorn and Wrongwinger have shown a tremendous amount of class. You're the only one who can't.
Tara Ross does an excellent job of displaying the brilliance of why the Founding Fathers established the Electoral College. Share with your friends to educate them.

Why? Its actually a kind of stupid idea. I guess it kind of worked when you had 13 states that didn't really want to be in the same country... and they expected Congress to select the president, not the EC.

But today, when you can accurately count all the votes in one day... No so much.

Let's look at what's wrong with it.

1) Some asshole who the people didn't want can win if he marginally wins enough states.

2) If you state is demographically homogeneous, your vote doesn't count and no one spends a lot of time in your state.

3) A very small group can hold a state hostage- Yes, I'm looking at you, Cuban Americans in Florida.

4) It makes it impossible for third parties to grow. - Hey, remember when everyone spent all their time telling us how much they hated BOTH of these candidates. Yet a third party never gained any traction.

Let me ask this Joe.

Do you want majority rule, or just in the presidential election
Don't bother. Tell the piece of shit to fuck off and move on.

As Joe won't answer the first, then I'll also ask.

Would the progressives trade a popular vote to elect the president for the ability of the people to vote to overturn Supreme Court rulings?

That creates the majority rule that Joe wants (if majority rule is such a great thing, who needs a Supreme Court anyway?) and adds another check and balance.
As Joe won't answer the first, then I'll also ask. Would the progressives trade a popular vote to elect the president for the ability of the people to vote to overturn Supreme Court rulings? That creates the majority rule that Joe wants (if majority rule is such a great thing, who needs a Supreme Court anyway?) and adds another check and balance.
Boom! Pop23 delivers a knockout blow! Down goes JoeB131, down goes JoeB131!!! :lol:
the problem wh the EC is that in today's world the prez election revolves around like 5 states .
No it doesn't. It evolves around ALL 50 states. If California voted Republican tomorrow, do you think that would have a MAJOR difference on the elections? Of course it would.
Yet another ignoramus who didn't bother to watch the video or read the transcript.

The fact that you keep crying for us to watch the video rather than relaying its arguments, tells me that either you did not watch the video yourself, or did not understand it.
The fact that you're afraid to watch it tells me you are ignorant and lazy. But we all knew that already...
Tara Ross does an excellent job of displaying the brilliance of why the Founding Fathers established the Electoral College. Share with your friends to educate them.

Why? Its actually a kind of stupid idea. I guess it kind of worked when you had 13 states that didn't really want to be in the same country... and they expected Congress to select the president, not the EC.

But today, when you can accurately count all the votes in one day... No so much.

Let's look at what's wrong with it.

1) Some asshole who the people didn't want can win if he marginally wins enough states.

2) If you state is demographically homogeneous, your vote doesn't count and no one spends a lot of time in your state.

3) A very small group can hold a state hostage- Yes, I'm looking at you, Cuban Americans in Florida.

4) It makes it impossible for third parties to grow. - Hey, remember when everyone spent all their time telling us how much they hated BOTH of these candidates. Yet a third party never gained any traction.

Let me ask this Joe.

Do you want majority rule, or just in the presidential election
Don't bother. Tell the piece of shit to fuck off and move on.

As Joe won't answer the first, then I'll also ask.

Would the progressives trade a popular vote to elect the president for the ability of the people to vote to overturn Supreme Court rulings?

That creates the majority rule that Joe wants and adds another check and balance.
They do not know and they don't care. They represent every fucking day that they hate the country. They hate ALL aspects of it. From its founding to the free market that creates competition. They hate the entire notion of profits and people being rewarded for hard work.

They despise ALL of it. They want the rural voice to be silenced. Even if that silencing means mass genocide. Not kidding either.
Watch this. Watch what Bill Ayers says. He flat out says it.

If only I could get the chance to send that fuck to hell. If only.

It is beyond the point of trying to have debates. They have represented that they do not give one shit about whatever you have to say, no matter how logical. We are at the point where blood needs to be spilled and we may very well need to physically fight for it or lose it.

That is where we are at. I am not even attempting to treat any of them with any respect. They have drawn the line in the sand and so have I.

I will tell you this. I am ready for it and I am waiting for one of these motherfuckers to approach me with bad intentions. The itch that I have not been able to scratch, will be scratched.

You see any of them being reasonable? Who? They are all losers and ALL scumbags. I am done with trying to convince them of a thing. Not wasting my breath and pushing that rock up the hill again. No fucking way.
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The Founders had no intention of creating a pure majority-rule democracy. They knew from careful study of history what most have forgotten today, or never learned: pure democracies do not work.

They implode.

Really? Name one! Name a pure democracy that "imploded".
Venezuela you dumb-fuck. Pure Democracy. Pure election for socialism. Pure implosion. They now have to get freaking toilet paper off of the black market. You continue to illustrate your ignorance for the world.

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