Do You Understand the Electoral College?

Only because it gives the smaller states a voice, and the big states dont' like that

Many of the states that benefit from the electoral college are large. Florida for example.

Basically the system necessitates that a presidential candidate spend all their time in six states making promises only to six states.
Here;s an idea...

do the election, total the votes, highest total wins the state.

State gets one vote each.

Candidate with the most states wins the election

That was one of the original systems proposed.

Half the congressional congress believed that presidential elections should be decided by popular vote, and the other half thought that presidential elections should be decided by state votes. The electoral college was the compromise between the two.

If you go with your idea, then the 500,000 people that live in Alaska have equal representation to the ten million people that live in Michigan, which gives the potential to elect a president that is vastly unpopular with the majority of Americans.

It would also make candidates work harder in the smaller states
Actually certain cities in those states. Most counties in California and New York are RED.

Most counties have no people in them.

You all do not get the danger of mob rule. You fools tote the bag for the commie left who hate the fact that they cannot control the country.

Mob Rule is what we got with Trump, buddy. An angry mob voted for him beause they were mad at the govenrment, not because they thought about the consequences.

The electoral college does not allow them to control it. Why? Cause the power is in the states and not concentrated in just a few cities. Which, would be far easier for the commies to control.

You don't get it, cause you cannot see the long term ramifications of mobacracy. Which is what makes you a tool.

Every other Democracy elects through parliaments or by popular vote. Nobody else does something as crazy as giving an out sized vote to smaller states because 200 years ago, a bunch of guys who crapped in chamber-pots didn't trust each other.

That is why we are a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy.
The Constitution stops the Government from being in complete control over the people.
That's what pisses the left off - they want the government having complete control over the people.

The Constitution IS the government. Goddam you people sometimes...

Which guarantees us a Republic form of government, not a Social Democracy.

But there is nothing specific or unique to the definition of a Republic that demands that small states within a Republic be given power disproportionate to their size and/or population.
Most counties have no people in them.

Mob Rule is what we got with Trump, buddy. An angry mob voted for him beause they were mad at the govenrment, not because they thought about the consequences.

Every other Democracy elects through parliaments or by popular vote. Nobody else does something as crazy as giving an out sized vote to smaller states because 200 years ago, a bunch of guys who crapped in chamber-pots didn't trust each other.

That is why we are a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy.
The Constitution stops the Government from being in complete control over the people.
That's what pisses the left off - they want the government having complete control over the people.

The Constitution IS the government. Goddam you people sometimes...

Which guarantees us a Republic form of government, not a Social Democracy.

But there is nothing specific or unique to the definition of a Republic that demands that small states within a Republic be given power disproportionate to their size and/or population.
Where'd you learn about the American government, public school or something? Go educate yourself.
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Only because it gives the smaller states a voice, and the big states dont' like that

Many of the states that benefit from the electoral college are large. Florida for example.

Basically the system necessitates that a presidential candidate spend all their time in six states making promises only to six states.
Yet another ignoramus who didn't bother to watch the video or read the transcript.
That is why we are a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy.
The Constitution stops the Government from being in complete control over the people.
That's what pisses the left off - they want the government having complete control over the people.

The Constitution IS the government. Goddam you people sometimes...

Which guarantees us a Republic form of government, not a Social Democracy.

But there is nothing specific or unique to the definition of a Republic that demands that small states within a Republic be given power disproportionate to their size and/or population.
Where'd you learn about the American government, public school or something. Go educate yourself.

If you can prove that a Republic, to be a republic, MUST give small states disproportionate power,

then prove it.
The concept behind the electoral college is sound and just. Lets assume for a moment that the major population base of the country was the hart land of the country how would those whose residence is in NYC, LA, SF, ....etc. feel if they were ruled by Kansas?
Maybe its time to read up on your history and discover why the electoral college was so important to the founding fathers before you disclose your ignorance.
One final thought to ponder, if in fact it was as you wish based purely on just the popular vote why would those in Texas, California... remain in the Union?
Actually certain cities in those states. Most counties in California and New York are RED.

Most counties have no people in them.

You all do not get the danger of mob rule. You fools tote the bag for the commie left who hate the fact that they cannot control the country.

Mob Rule is what we got with Trump, buddy. An angry mob voted for him beause they were mad at the govenrment, not because they thought about the consequences.

The electoral college does not allow them to control it. Why? Cause the power is in the states and not concentrated in just a few cities. Which, would be far easier for the commies to control.

You don't get it, cause you cannot see the long term ramifications of mobacracy. Which is what makes you a tool.

Every other Democracy elects through parliaments or by popular vote. Nobody else does something as crazy as giving an out sized vote to smaller states because 200 years ago, a bunch of guys who crapped in chamber-pots didn't trust each other.

That is why we are a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy.
The Constitution stops the Government from being in complete control over the people.
That's what pisses the left off - they want the government having complete control over the people.

The Constitution IS the government. Goddam you people sometimes...
Dumbass straw man from a dumbass moron.
That's what pisses the left off - they want the government having complete control over the people.

The Constitution IS the government. Goddam you people sometimes...

Which guarantees us a Republic form of government, not a Social Democracy.

But there is nothing specific or unique to the definition of a Republic that demands that small states within a Republic be given power disproportionate to their size and/or population.
Where'd you learn about the American government, public school or something. Go educate yourself.

If you can prove that a Republic, to be a republic, MUST give small states disproportionate power,

then prove it.
Either watch the video or go back to your coloring book.
Most counties have no people in them.

Mob Rule is what we got with Trump, buddy. An angry mob voted for him beause they were mad at the govenrment, not because they thought about the consequences.

Every other Democracy elects through parliaments or by popular vote. Nobody else does something as crazy as giving an out sized vote to smaller states because 200 years ago, a bunch of guys who crapped in chamber-pots didn't trust each other.

That is why we are a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy.
The Constitution stops the Government from being in complete control over the people.
That's what pisses the left off - they want the government having complete control over the people.

The Constitution IS the government. Goddam you people sometimes...

Which guarantees us a Republic form of government, not a Social Democracy.

But there is nothing specific or unique to the definition of a Republic that demands that small states within a Republic be given power disproportionate to their size and/or population.

It is totally spelled out what type of Republic and it sure isn't what you just descibed.
Actually certain cities in those states. Most counties in California and New York are RED.

Most counties have no people in them.

You all do not get the danger of mob rule. You fools tote the bag for the commie left who hate the fact that they cannot control the country.

Mob Rule is what we got with Trump, buddy. An angry mob voted for him beause they were mad at the govenrment, not because they thought about the consequences.

The electoral college does not allow them to control it. Why? Cause the power is in the states and not concentrated in just a few cities. Which, would be far easier for the commies to control.

You don't get it, cause you cannot see the long term ramifications of mobacracy. Which is what makes you a tool.

Every other Democracy elects through parliaments or by popular vote. Nobody else does something as crazy as giving an out sized vote to smaller states because 200 years ago, a bunch of guys who crapped in chamber-pots didn't trust each other.

That is why we are a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy.
The Constitution stops the Government from being in complete control over the people.
That's what pisses the left off - they want the government having complete control over the people.

The Constitution IS the government. Goddam you people sometimes...
Dumbass straw man from a dumbass moron.

I'd say arrogant dillweed. :)
Yet another ignoramus who didn't bother to watch the video or read the transcript.

The fact that you keep crying for us to watch the video rather than relaying its arguments, tells me that either you did not watch the video yourself, or did not understand it.
Yet another ignoramus who didn't bother to watch the video or read the transcript.

The fact that you keep crying for us to watch the video rather than relaying its arguments, tells me that either you did not watch the video yourself, or did not understand it.
If posted the transcript and you're replying to my comment where I said I posted the transcript, dufus.
I sit corrected on NC.
As to the Cuban thing, that's tit for tat.

If I say that Hispanics should come ere legally I'm a racist.
If I say that folks with a penis should pee in the men's room I am a Homophobe, see how that works?

No, that's kind of stupid. But if I explained to you why it was stupid, you probably still wouldn't understand.
Tara Ross does an excellent job of displaying the brilliance of why the Founding Fathers established the Electoral College. Share with your friends to educate them.

Why? Its actually a kind of stupid idea. I guess it kind of worked when you had 13 states that didn't really want to be in the same country... and they expected Congress to select the president, not the EC.

But today, when you can accurately count all the votes in one day... No so much.

Let's look at what's wrong with it.

1) Some asshole who the people didn't want can win if he marginally wins enough states.

2) If you state is demographically homogeneous, your vote doesn't count and no one spends a lot of time in your state.

3) A very small group can hold a state hostage- Yes, I'm looking at you, Cuban Americans in Florida.

4) It makes it impossible for third parties to grow. - Hey, remember when everyone spent all their time telling us how much they hated BOTH of these candidates. Yet a third party never gained any traction.
More people and more states voted for Donald Trump than for Hildabeast... snowflake
Tara Ross does an excellent job of displaying the brilliance of why the Founding Fathers established the Electoral College. Share with your friends to educate them.

Why? Its actually a kind of stupid idea. I guess it kind of worked when you had 13 states that didn't really want to be in the same country... and they expected Congress to select the president, not the EC.

But today, when you can accurately count all the votes in one day... No so much.

Let's look at what's wrong with it.

1) Some asshole who the people didn't want can win if he marginally wins enough states.

2) If you state is demographically homogeneous, your vote doesn't count and no one spends a lot of time in your state.

3) A very small group can hold a state hostage- Yes, I'm looking at you, Cuban Americans in Florida.

4) It makes it impossible for third parties to grow. - Hey, remember when everyone spent all their time telling us how much they hated BOTH of these candidates. Yet a third party never gained any traction.

And if the Popular Vote was the final word then California is the only state that would matter at the end of the day...

Clinton was losing the popular vote until California threw her over the top...

The Electoral College work but never for the Democratic Nominee ( well not since Andrew Jackson )...

Also you were never suppose to vote for the President, so let cut the shit and remember the voice of the people was suppose to be the Congress...
Actually certain cities in those states. Most counties in California and New York are RED.

Most counties have no people in them.

You all do not get the danger of mob rule. You fools tote the bag for the commie left who hate the fact that they cannot control the country.

Mob Rule is what we got with Trump, buddy. An angry mob voted for him beause they were mad at the govenrment, not because they thought about the consequences.

The electoral college does not allow them to control it. Why? Cause the power is in the states and not concentrated in just a few cities. Which, would be far easier for the commies to control.

You don't get it, cause you cannot see the long term ramifications of mobacracy. Which is what makes you a tool.

Every other Democracy elects through parliaments or by popular vote. Nobody else does something as crazy as giving an out sized vote to smaller states because 200 years ago, a bunch of guys who crapped in chamber-pots didn't trust each other.
Snowflake, you seem butthurt...
The Founders had no intention of creating a pure majority-rule democracy. They knew from careful study of history what most have forgotten today, or never learned: pure democracies do not work.

They implode.

Really? Name one! Name a pure democracy that "imploded".

Democracy has been colorfully described as two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner. In a pure democracy, bare majorities can easily tyrannize the rest of a country. The Founders wanted to avoid this at all costs.

We need the Founding Slave Rapists like they were so lofty that they shit marble. They were a bunch of assholes who didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes. They prevented us from being Canadians. That's a bit under-wealming

Because the system encourages coalition-building and national campaigning. In order to win, a candidate must have the support of many different types of voters, from various parts of the country.

But it does the exact opposite of that. We don't have a presidental candidates who campaign "nationally". Trump ignored California and Illinois, Hillary ignored Texas. They knew they weren't going to win those states, so they didn't bother.

Most people think that George W. Bush won the 2000 election because of Florida. Well, sort of. But he really won the election because he managed to flip one state which the Democrats thought was safe: West Virginia. Its 4 electoral votes turned out to be decisive.

So what Did WV get for that?

The Electoral College also makes it harder to steal elections. Votes must be stolen in the right state in order to change the outcome of the Electoral College. With so many swing states, this is hard to predict and hard to do.

But without the Electoral College, any vote stolen in any precinct in the country could affect the national outcome -- even if that vote was easily stolen in the bluest California precinct or the reddest Texas one.

Uh, actually, it would probably be harder, because one stolen precinct i a swing state is going to have more of an effect than one nationally.

But if someone had 53% of the electorate vote against them and we still make him President, that's kind of messed up.

Now, what the French do is kind of neat. They have an initial election, and the top two vote getters go to a run-off. Sometime you get a LePen like radical get to the final round, but it works out as most people reject such creatures.

This system, Trump, who 60% of Republicans thought was an awful candidate, who 53% of Americans opposed, will still win.
And if the Popular Vote was the final word then California is the only state that would matter at the end of the day...

Clinton was losing the popular vote until California threw her over the top...

so what? Point is, more Americans voted for her, not Trumpenfuhrer.

The Electoral College work but never for the Democratic Nominee ( well not since Andrew Jackson )...

No, when you put shitheads like Bush adn Trump in the White House most americans didn't want, it isn't working.

Also you were never suppose to vote for the President, so let cut the shit and remember the voice of the people was suppose to be the Congress...

Again, when you guys shit in chamber pots and use bleeding to treat colds, then I will take your devotion to the Founding Slave Rapists seriously.

Here's the real problem with the EC. For most of our history, it was an afterthought.

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