Do You Understand the Electoral College?

It's retarded to want the majority to rule?

Got it

Joe's a hypocrite

And when the number of people in each state are counted, the census bureau counts everyone, not just citizens. That is why California and a few other states have so many electoral votes. The illegals should not be counted. They are not citizens and not entitled to representation in this country.
I have a very simple question how many of you bitching about the Electoral College would be doing so If Hillary had won the Electoral vote and Trump the popular vote? Let me state for the record if this had benn the result I would not be out protesting and demanding the Electoral College be abolished for the simple reason it has worked very well for over 200 years. Try admitting the truth it's not the system or the EC that has your collective nuts in a knot it's the fact that your candidate that most of the media and experts assured you would win lost.

Inversely, you are trying to use the same fallacies of those people to claim that the EC is justified. And that is equally as fallacious. A few days ago someone posted a thread crying about how it's "time" to abolish the EC. I pointed out that they were correct about the EC needing to go, but that they were only crying about it now because of the election results.

Liberals suddenly aware of the failings of the EC now.....that's bias.
You trying to point out bias and turn it around into an argument in favor of the EC......that's just fucking stupidity.

And what's worse is that your own political bias prevents you from being willing to even understand the facts and truth of the Electoral College, why it exists, and its failings. Because you're afraid that doing that could be akin to saying that Clinton should have won. You're sitting here and crying about political biases, but you're just as devoted to being biased yourself.
I have a very simple question how many of you bitching about the Electoral College would be doing so If Hillary had won the Electoral vote and Trump the popular vote? Let me state for the record if this had benn the result I would not be out protesting and demanding the Electoral College be abolished for the simple reason it has worked very well for over 200 years. Try admitting the truth it's not the system or the EC that has your collective nuts in a knot it's the fact that your candidate that most of the media and experts assured you would win lost.

Didn't vote for Hillary, Trump won fair and square by the rules, however the electoral college should be abolished (or at least altered).

The electoral college makes my vote (I live in Florida) worth more than the vote of most posters on this website. Is that equity?

It also makes it much more difficult for 3rd parties to gain traction (which I suspect is the reason behind why it will never change).
And when the number of people in each state are counted, the census bureau counts everyone, not just citizens. That is why California and a few other states have so many electoral votes. The illegals should not be counted. They are not citizens and not entitled to representation in this country.

And that is exactly why the EC exists. The Framers were so busy arguing over whether black slaves should be counted, and the southern state would sooner have run back to King George than have slaves voting or treated like citizens, but they sure as well wanted to count them when it was time dole out electors.

Congratulations, cvnt, you've brought the slavers position into full manifestation.
I have a very simple question how many of you bitching about the Electoral College would be doing so If Hillary had won the Electoral vote and Trump the popular vote? Let me state for the record if this had benn the result I would not be out protesting and demanding the Electoral College be abolished for the simple reason it has worked very well for over 200 years. Try admitting the truth it's not the system or the EC that has your collective nuts in a knot it's the fact that your candidate that most of the media and experts assured you would win lost.

My position would still be the same. The Electoral College is a horrible idea. I've really been pretty consistent on that for the last five years I've been here.

No, it hasn't worked well for the last 200 years. Besides giving us some of our worst presidents (GW Bush, JQ Adams, Rutherford B. Hayes) over the objections of the people, it distorts democracy. This election was only carried out in a handful of states. Most of the rest got ignored because they were considered in the bag for one candidate or another.

I also think that because people in Michigan, WI and PA were told that their states weren't actually in play, a lot of them cast a "fuck you" protest vote not thinking Trump would actually win. Others voted for a third party clown figuring that their state wasn't in play, so why not.

It also encourages voter suppression laws to prevent minorities from voting, which is what happened in NC and WI.

A much better system would be what they have in France. You have a general election, if no one gets 50% you have a run off.

What do you think the result of a run off in December would be if we took Stein and Johnson off the ballot and people realized that Trump could actually become president.
The last thing the founding fathers wanted was equal representation and democracy, just like you.
What they wanted was to ensure that small states with less population also had sufficient representation. If it was simply handled like the state elections of one person, one vote, only those states with significantly large city populations would win every time.

Yes, and many in those large cities, especially sanctuary cities in California, have large populations of illegals. Obama told them they could vote and not get caught. If those people tended to vote Republican, not only would the Dems have helped stop illegal immigration, but we wouldn't have sanctuary cities and they wouldn't be bitching about electoral votes.

The left has worked hard to bring in illegals and make promises to them. It's all about the votes. And they are whining because the plan didn't work. All that effort to bring in illegals and ensure that much of the population was dependent on government was designed to keep libs in power.

There are two different sets of rules as far as the Dems are concerned. They were against popular voting when it didn't benefit them. They were against the nuclear option when it didn't help them. They immediately seek to change the rules when things don't go their way.

The reason they are worried about Trump is because many Dem voters could get deported. And many of their dependents could be urged to become independent. It will set them back and they are sad because it took many years to create an uneducated, dependent class of people to ensure their power.

The paid rioters are a last ditch effort to salvage their dream. Sadly, they are short on crybabies and had to hire thugs to do the dirty work.

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There would be no "illegals" here if your "job creator" class hadn't pushed and lobbied for their presence, and they still do.

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