Do You Understand the Electoral College?

Here's another view of the electoral college....

Here's the ONLY thing you need to know about the electoral college.

Every time it's overruled the people, the resulting president has been a shit sandwich.

John Q. Adams- Well, the House did that one in the "Corrupt Deal".

Rutherford B. Hayes - Known as 'His Fradulency"- Ended Reconstruction in exchange for electors voting his way, resulting in a century of Jim Crow in the South.

Benjamin Harrison - Well, he was more forgettable than anything else... He did give us our first Billion Dollar Government

George W. Bush- Man, did that guy fuck up everything. Wars recessions, major cities being flooded.

And now you guys have Trump. The people didn't want him but now we have him.
As Joe won't answer the first, then I'll also ask. Would the progressives trade a popular vote to elect the president for the ability of the people to vote to overturn Supreme Court rulings? That creates the majority rule that Joe wants (if majority rule is such a great thing, who needs a Supreme Court anyway?) and adds another check and balance.
Boom! Pop23 delivers a knockout blow! Down goes JoeB131, down goes JoeB131!!! :lol:

Um, no. That's kind of retarded.

The people DO have the ability to overturn Supreme Court rulings. They can amend the constitution, or pass laws that pass constitutional muster.

It's retarded to want the majority to rule?

Got it

Joe's a hypocrite

Had enough of him this morning, I sent him to the cornfield
The entire board has had enough of him. Just look at how nobody supports him or agrees with him. He's arguing 24x7 with everyone.
He is a revolutionary new type of spambot...a STUPIDBOT. Joey is the leading edge of artificial stupidity!
All Joey Boi knows is he lost and has been crying ever since.

Only people I see being miserable are you Trumpkins... probably because you know your boy doens't have a clue.

If I was a Trumpkin you would have a point, I didn't vote for him, he is too liberal for me. I knew my guy was going to lose, so I am okay with all of it. You seem to be the one melting down and crying.

Maybe one day you will get something right but I doubt it, you will probably get fired again.
If I was a Trumpkin you would have a point, I didn't vote for him, he is too liberal for me. I knew my guy was going to lose, so I am okay with all of it. You seem to be the one melting down and crying.

Maybe one day you will get something right but I doubt it, you will probably get fired again.

I'm sure a lot of people are going to get fired when your hero gets done fucking up the economy.
If I was a Trumpkin you would have a point, I didn't vote for him, he is too liberal for me. I knew my guy was going to lose, so I am okay with all of it. You seem to be the one melting down and crying.

Maybe one day you will get something right but I doubt it, you will probably get fired again.

I'm sure a lot of people are going to get fired when your hero gets done fucking up the economy.

Then it happens, nothing I did, could or would have stopped it. If you would have had a better candidate, you might have avoided the whole mess. But you chose the worst candidate in the history of this country. Nice job skippy!
Then it happens, nothing I did, could or would have stopped it. If you would have had a better candidate, you might have avoided the whole mess. But you chose the worst candidate in the history of this country. Nice job skippy!

Uh, no, the Dems had a perfectly fine candidate... But you can't overcome misogyny.

If she wasn't a woman named Clinton, you guys wouldn't have lost your shit the way you did.
Dumb ass kids don't understand the EC. That's the truth of it. I was one. Those who are older and still don't appreciate the intent are dumb or they're lost souls. These are the same types of people who look at SB trophies to separate great quarterbacks from not. Their analysis of things is limited to the surface.

When Bush beat Gore, I thought it was an important factor that Gore "won" the popular vote. Unlike today's liberal, who have been poked and prodded by the socialist agenda, we moved on quite easily.

There are very important reasons for the EC, certainly that's been validated by today's liberal. Our founding fathers were wise, more honest, and they clearly had good intentions. Compare and contrast to the spectacles we are today.
Dumb ass kids don't understand the EC. That's the truth of it. I was one. Those who are older and still don't appreciate the intent are dumb or they're lost souls. These are the same types of people who look at SB trophies to separate great quarterbacks from not. Their analysis of things is limited to the surface.

When Bush beat Gore, I thought it was an important factor that Gore "won" the popular vote. Unlike today's liberal, who have been poked and prodded by the socialist agenda, we moved on quite easily.

There are very important reasons for the EC, certainly that's been validated by today's liberal. Our founding fathers were wise, more honest, and they clearly had good intentions. Compare and contrast to the spectacles we are today.

They were smart guys, but they weren't gods. They made many, many mistakes, and none of the Framers were happy with all of the Constitution.

I think you're one of these people who puts a halo around the Founding Fathers purely because they lived centuries ago. Not so. They included very pernicious, undemocratic clauses, and screwed up a great deal of the Constitution (hence we have 27 amendments).

The EC is very much one of those mistakes.
Tara Ross does an excellent job of displaying the brilliance of why the Founding Fathers established the Electoral College. Share with your friends to educate them.

Progressives can't understand the EC because they want mob rule… Fact
Dumb ass kids don't understand the EC. That's the truth of it. I was one. Those who are older and still don't appreciate the intent are dumb or they're lost souls. These are the same types of people who look at SB trophies to separate great quarterbacks from not. Their analysis of things is limited to the surface.

When Bush beat Gore, I thought it was an important factor that Gore "won" the popular vote. Unlike today's liberal, who have been poked and prodded by the socialist agenda, we moved on quite easily.

There are very important reasons for the EC, certainly that's been validated by today's liberal. Our founding fathers were wise, more honest, and they clearly had good intentions. Compare and contrast to the spectacles we are today.

They were smart guys, but they weren't gods. They made many, many mistakes, and none of the Framers were happy with all of the Constitution.

I think you're one of these people who puts a halo around the Founding Fathers purely because they lived centuries ago. Not so. They included very pernicious, undemocratic clauses, and screwed up a great deal of the Constitution (hence we have 27 amendments).

The EC is very much one of those mistakes.

No, you're just butt-hurt and/or dumb. There's a fucking good reason we don't allow a shit hole like southern ca. to dictate how the rest of the country is run. Our founding fathers knew that. You don't, take a wild guess whose opinion I respect most?

You ever heard of separation of states? Try to follow the connections for how that logic applies to the EC. It's bad enough Southern Ca. dictates how the entirely of Ca. is run. Just ask them. Additionally, what MOST lost on liberals is if Trump intended to win the popular vote then he'd have campaigned for it. You know what a goal is? I know this is all difficult for many to comprehend, and I'm wise enough to realize you cannot force a horse to drink.
Tara Ross does an excellent job of displaying the brilliance of why the Founding Fathers established the Electoral College. Share with your friends to educate them.

Yeah, this has been floating on facebook. Complete and utter bullshit. Apologetics for people who trying to rationalize their apathy to change, employing historical ignorance that borders that borders on outright falsehood.

The framers created the EC because the southern states refused a plan for the people to elect the President, because of slavery. The Electoral College is really no different than the 3/5s rule. It's existence and only application is to protect the influence of slavery allowing states who did not want the people to be the source of said state's power.
Tara Ross does an excellent job of displaying the brilliance of why the Founding Fathers established the Electoral College. Share with your friends to educate them.

Yeah, this has been floating on facebook. Complete and utter bullshit. Apologetics for people who trying to rationalize their apathy to change, employing historical ignorance that borders that borders on outright falsehood.

The framers created the EC because the southern states refused a plan for the people to elect the President, because of slavery. The Electoral College is really no different than the 3/5s rule. It's existence and only application is to protect the influence of slavery allowing states who did not want the people to be the source of said state's power.

OK, let's put homosexual marriage, abortion, and immigration up for a vote since you think pure Democracy works.
Tara Ross does an excellent job of displaying the brilliance of why the Founding Fathers established the Electoral College. Share with your friends to educate them.

Yeah, this has been floating on facebook. Complete and utter bullshit. Apologetics for people who trying to rationalize their apathy to change, employing historical ignorance that borders that borders on outright falsehood.

The framers created the EC because the southern states refused a plan for the people to elect the President, because of slavery. The Electoral College is really no different than the 3/5s rule. It's existence and only application is to protect the influence of slavery allowing states who did not want the people to be the source of said state's power.

OK, let's put homosexual marriage, abortion, and immigration up for a vote since you think pure Democracy works.

What a fucking stupid responds, and demonstrative of the 10 pounds of shit inside your head in lieu of a brain. Who said anything about "pure" democracy? What does that even mean, anyway? This is about the method of for choosing a President. Stay on topic.
Tara Ross does an excellent job of displaying the brilliance of why the Founding Fathers established the Electoral College. Share with your friends to educate them.

Yeah, this has been floating on facebook. Complete and utter bullshit. Apologetics for people who trying to rationalize their apathy to change, employing historical ignorance that borders that borders on outright falsehood.

The framers created the EC because the southern states refused a plan for the people to elect the President, because of slavery. The Electoral College is really no different than the 3/5s rule. It's existence and only application is to protect the influence of slavery allowing states who did not want the people to be the source of said state's power.

Dude, give it up. Today's liberal is a narrative. They've been poked and prodded so much over the last eight years that they don't know which end is up. They're emotionally fucking lost. Meanwhile, I work with a woman SO FUCKED UP by the liberals narrative she can't stand to look at me in the eye post election. I never said shit other than I don't support the Hilderbeast. She looks like she's been crying every day since. She would otherwise be intelligent. She's convinced Hillary was rejected because the USA rejects women.
Tara Ross does an excellent job of displaying the brilliance of why the Founding Fathers established the Electoral College. Share with your friends to educate them.

Yeah, this has been floating on facebook. Complete and utter bullshit. Apologetics for people who trying to rationalize their apathy to change, employing historical ignorance that borders that borders on outright falsehood.

The framers created the EC because the southern states refused a plan for the people to elect the President, because of slavery. The Electoral College is really no different than the 3/5s rule. It's existence and only application is to protect the influence of slavery allowing states who did not want the people to be the source of said state's power.

Dude, give it up. Today's liberal is a narrative. They've been poked and prodded so much over the last eight years that they don't know which end is up. They're emotionally fucking lost. Meanwhile, I work with a woman SO FUCKED UP by the liberals narrative she can't stand to look at me in the eye post election. I never said shit other than I don't support the Hilderbeast. She looks like she's been crying every day since. She would otherwise be intelligent. She's convinced Hillary was rejected because the USA rejects women.

Dumb ass kids don't understand the EC. That's the truth of it. I was one. Those who are older and still don't appreciate the intent are dumb or they're lost souls. These are the same types of people who look at SB trophies to separate great quarterbacks from not. Their analysis of things is limited to the surface.

When Bush beat Gore, I thought it was an important factor that Gore "won" the popular vote. Unlike today's liberal, who have been poked and prodded by the socialist agenda, we moved on quite easily.

There are very important reasons for the EC, certainly that's been validated by today's liberal. Our founding fathers were wise, more honest, and they clearly had good intentions. Compare and contrast to the spectacles we are today.

They were smart guys, but they weren't gods. They made many, many mistakes, and none of the Framers were happy with all of the Constitution.

I think you're one of these people who puts a halo around the Founding Fathers purely because they lived centuries ago. Not so. They included very pernicious, undemocratic clauses, and screwed up a great deal of the Constitution (hence we have 27 amendments).

The EC is very much one of those mistakes.

No, you're just butt-hurt and/or dumb. There's a fucking good reason we don't allow a shit hole like southern ca. to dictate how the rest of the country is run. Our founding fathers knew that. You don't, take a wild guess whose opinion I respect most?

You ever heard of separation of states? Try to follow the connections for how that logic applies to the EC. It's bad enough Southern Ca. dictates how the entirely of Ca. is run. Just ask them. Additionally, what MOST lost on liberals is if Trump intended to win the popular vote then he'd have campaigned for it. You know what a goal is? I know this is all difficult for many to comprehend, and I'm wise enough to realize you cannot force a horse to drink.

Yeah. Fuck you, Trump!


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