Do You Understand the Electoral College?

The last thing the founding fathers wanted was equal representation and democracy, just like you.
huh? what is not equal?
What isn't equal is the weight of citizen's votes. The electoral system is supposedly based upon the population census. This election was based upon the 2010 census. To give you an example, take a large state - California, and a small state - Montana. California has a population around 37,253,956 people and 55 electoral college votes. That is approximately 1 electoral vote per 677,345 people. Montana on the other hand has less than 1 million people - 989,415 people in the 2010 census. Montana has 3 electoral votes. That is 1 electoral vote per 329,805 people. A person living in Montana has a vote that is over twice as much representation in the electoral college than a person living in California. Texas is another big state with 25,145,561 people and 38 electoral votes. That's 1 electoral vote per 661,725 people. Wyoming is the smallest state population wise with 563,626 people. Wyoming has 3 electoral votes. That's 1 electoral vote per 187,875 people. A person living in Wyoming has over 3.5 times the electoral college representation than a person living in Texas. Does any of that seem equitable or make any sort of sense?
I believe the states set up the count. Same as the number of representatives. right? How many representatives are in congress from California vs Montana?
The point is, you wouldn't practice 18th century medicine when you were sick (which mostly involved bleeding people.) You wouldn't use 18th century plumbing (which involved shitting in chamber pots) or 18th century law (which still allowed spectral evidence). But you think using an 18th century anachronism is just fine! Even when it selects a buffoon that 53% of the people didn't want.
Just caught lil Joey in another egregious lie. Hitlery Clinton captured 47.7% of the popular vote Which means 53% of the voters didn't want her.
Lets take a quick look at some of Joey's greatest hits...shall we?

No, I think our constitution is badly flawed
the Founding Fathers were a bunch of slave raping assholes who didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes
We should have written a new constitution decades ago
the Founding Slave Rapists wrote in the Electoral College
So to recap - he hates our founders, he hates the U.S. Constitution, he hates our electoral process, and he hates our country. But yet he doesn't leave. Bizarre.

He should leave because he's never getting what he desires and he knows it. But he also knows if he goes to Cuba which have everything he desires, he won't have conservatives to mooch off of. He also knows that stealing from him employers (as he has done here in the U.S.) has much worse consequences.
The last thing the founding fathers wanted was equal representation and democracy, just like you.
This is the ultimate "equal representation". The entire mid-west shouldn't be made irrelevant because NY and LA vote one way, you nitwit.

One hominid, one vote is equal representation lad.
Sorry lad...that is ignorant and our founders knew it. Two cities should not dictate leadership to the entire United States. Deal with it.
Those who want pure majority rule democracy to get rid of the EC really should think long and hard on this, because roughly 75% of this nation is Christian.
Do you all want the mob rule of christians votes?
Mob rule never works out in the end.

If Christians thought in a monolithic block, then it wouldn't matter one way or the other.

But you guys can't even agree if Naked Dude on a Stick as made of Wafers or not.

We aren't talking about "Mob Rule", anyway. We are talking about whether or not we should make someone president that a majority did not want.
So to recap - he hates our founders, he hates the U.S. Constitution, he hates our electoral process, and he hates our country. But yet he doesn't leave. Bizarre.

Guy, I don't hate my country. You seem to, the way you constantly whine about the government. Oh, yeah, and which one of us has a DD214? Oh, that's right. I do.

He should leave because he's never getting what he desires and he knows it. But he also knows if he goes to Cuba which have everything he desires, he won't have conservatives to mooch off of. He also knows that stealing from him employers (as he has done here in the U.S.) has much worse consequences.

Actually, Trump is the death rattle of conservatism. He's proven that all you have to do is spew racism, and you don't have to talk about LIbertarian, Conservative or Christian bullshit. Which works well until the dumb-ass white crackers figure out their lives don't get better.
The last thing the founding fathers wanted was equal representation and democracy, just like you.
This is the ultimate "equal representation". The entire mid-west shouldn't be made irrelevant because NY and LA vote one way, you nitwit.

One hominid, one vote is equal representation lad.
Sorry lad...that is ignorant and our founders knew it. Two cities should not dictate leadership to the entire United States. Deal with it.

Your founders were terrified of the masses and made sure there would be no equality in the voices of the aristicracy versus the underclass.
What is gained? The interest of the entire country is taken into account - instead of two densely populated cities (NY and LA). That's what is gained. The entire country should not revolve around two cities.

Poodle, even if those cities voted in a monolithic block, they could not win the presidency all by themselves.

The first thing that lil Joey ever said that was true! Right now, we are stuck with a President that most of us didn't want - Barack Obama. But thankfully though, the American people corrected that and elected the better of the two choices.

Uh, Poodle, Obama was elected by majorities- TWICE.

Trump got less votes than Romney did...
And the people DO have the ability to elect Hitlery Clinton. They failed to do it. So deal with it you whiny little bitch!

The majority voted for her, and she didn't win. The will of the people is being ignored.

Which means Trump will enter office with most people being against him before he fucks up everything, when Everyone will be against him.

President Liz Warren? Has a nice ring to it.
But here's the thing - you think you know something. The American people know that you are badly flawed. That's why we disregard you.... You avoided paying taxes on cash side jobs. You lie about our founders. You're just a miserable, ignorant person. It's people like you that created Donald Trump.

Still spreading lies, Poodle?

Incidently, I do pay full tax on my side job. Fill out schedule C.

No, I'm not the person who told a bunch of dumb crackers like you brown people are making their lives unhappy. Again.. to sum it up.

Your founders were terrified of the masses and made sure there would be no equality in the voices of the aristicracy versus the underclass.
Our founders were terrified of tyranny because they had experienced it first hand. You're too spoiled and too ignorant to comprehend it. It's people like you that facilitate tyranny across the globe and create people like Adolf Hitler. It's people like me that prevent it.
The last thing the founding fathers wanted was equal representation and democracy, just like you.

I guess you didn't bother to watch the video.

We don't live in a direct Democracy, we live in a Republic. The founders were trying to protect against of the 'tyranny of the majority'.
the problem wh the EC is that in today's world the prez election revolves around like 5 states .

If this election proved anything is that map changes over time. Slowler than people might wish--but remember purple states have to choose a color at the end of the night.

Urban centers are more densely populated. Their majorities can not trample on the rural population.
The last thing the founding fathers wanted was equal representation and democracy, just like you.
This is the ultimate "equal representation". The entire mid-west shouldn't be made irrelevant because NY and LA vote one way, you nitwit.

One hominid, one vote is equal representation lad.
Sorry lad...that is ignorant and our founders knew it. Two cities should not dictate leadership to the entire United States. Deal with it.

Your founders were terrified of the masses and made sure there would be no equality in the voices of the aristicracy versus the underclass.
Let's use majority vote then.
Homosexual marriage
Homosexuals in womens bathrooms and showers.
Welfare check qualifications
The last thing the founding fathers wanted was equal representation and democracy, just like you.
This is the ultimate "equal representation". The entire mid-west shouldn't be made irrelevant because NY and LA vote one way, you nitwit.

One hominid, one vote is equal representation lad.
Sorry lad...that is ignorant and our founders knew it. Two cities should not dictate leadership to the entire United States. Deal with it.

Your founders were terrified of the masses and made sure there would be no equality in the voices of the aristicracy versus the underclass.
Let's use majority vote then.
Homosexual marriage
Homosexuals in womens bathrooms and showers.
Welfare check qualifications

You're a pretty good argument as to why some people were shut out.
The last thing the founding fathers wanted was equal representation and democracy, just like you.

I guess you didn't bother to watch the video.

We don't live in a direct Democracy, we live in a Republic. The founders were trying to protect against of the 'tyranny of the majority'.

They were protecting the aristocracy as all governments do, yes.
Our founders were terrified of tyranny because they had experienced it first hand. You're too spoiled and too ignorant to comprehend it. It's people like you that facilitate tyranny across the globe and create people like Adolf Hitler. It's people like me that prevent it.

Guy, the founders rebelled against a Parlimentary democracy. Please. They saved us from being "Canadians". That's kind of underwealming.

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