Do You Understand the Electoral College?

Then it happens, nothing I did, could or would have stopped it. If you would have had a better candidate, you might have avoided the whole mess. But you chose the worst candidate in the history of this country. Nice job skippy!

Uh, no, the Dems had a perfectly fine candidate... But you can't overcome misogyny.

If she wasn't a woman named Clinton, you guys wouldn't have lost your shit the way you did.

The reason she lost was she was a "fine" candidate? LMAO!!

Poor Joey Boi, still has no idea why the Dems lost. Up until the votes were counted Tuesday, all you nut jobs had buried the Republican Party. The working class disagreed.
Tara Ross does an excellent job of displaying the brilliance of why the Founding Fathers established the Electoral College. Share with your friends to educate them.

Yeah, this has been floating on facebook. Complete and utter bullshit. Apologetics for people who trying to rationalize their apathy to change, employing historical ignorance that borders that borders on outright falsehood.

The framers created the EC because the southern states refused a plan for the people to elect the President, because of slavery. The Electoral College is really no different than the 3/5s rule. It's existence and only application is to protect the influence of slavery allowing states who did not want the people to be the source of said state's power.

OK, let's put homosexual marriage, abortion, and immigration up for a vote since you think pure Democracy works.

What a fucking stupid responds, and demonstrative of the 10 pounds of shit inside your head in lieu of a brain. Who said anything about "pure" democracy? What does that even mean, anyway? This is about the method of for choosing a President. Stay on topic.

Ignoramouses like you have zero knowledge.
You prove it with every post.

Youre the moron screaming for a popular vote because you can cheat better.
Tara Ross does an excellent job of displaying the brilliance of why the Founding Fathers established the Electoral College. Share with your friends to educate them.

Yeah, this has been floating on facebook. Complete and utter bullshit. Apologetics for people who trying to rationalize their apathy to change, employing historical ignorance that borders that borders on outright falsehood.

The framers created the EC because the southern states refused a plan for the people to elect the President, because of slavery. The Electoral College is really no different than the 3/5s rule. It's existence and only application is to protect the influence of slavery allowing states who did not want the people to be the source of said state's power.

Dude, give it up. Today's liberal is a narrative. They've been poked and prodded so much over the last eight years that they don't know which end is up. They're emotionally fucking lost. Meanwhile, I work with a woman SO FUCKED UP by the liberals narrative she can't stand to look at me in the eye post election. I never said shit other than I don't support the Hilderbeast. She looks like she's been crying every day since. She would otherwise be intelligent. She's convinced Hillary was rejected because the USA rejects women.


Poor shitforbrains snowflake needs a safe zone.

Tara Ross does an excellent job of displaying the brilliance of why the Founding Fathers established the Electoral College. Share with your friends to educate them.

Yeah, this has been floating on facebook. Complete and utter bullshit. Apologetics for people who trying to rationalize their apathy to change, employing historical ignorance that borders that borders on outright falsehood.

The framers created the EC because the southern states refused a plan for the people to elect the President, because of slavery. The Electoral College is really no different than the 3/5s rule. It's existence and only application is to protect the influence of slavery allowing states who did not want the people to be the source of said state's power.

OK, let's put homosexual marriage, abortion, and immigration up for a vote since you think pure Democracy works.

What a fucking stupid responds, and demonstrative of the 10 pounds of shit inside your head in lieu of a brain. Who said anything about "pure" democracy? What does that even mean, anyway? This is about the method of for choosing a President. Stay on topic.

Ignoramouses like you have zero knowledge.
You prove it with every post.

Youre the moron screaming for a popular vote because you can cheat better.
View attachment 98625

Tara Ross does an excellent job of displaying the brilliance of why the Founding Fathers established the Electoral College. Share with your friends to educate them.

Yeah, this has been floating on facebook. Complete and utter bullshit. Apologetics for people who trying to rationalize their apathy to change, employing historical ignorance that borders that borders on outright falsehood.

The framers created the EC because the southern states refused a plan for the people to elect the President, because of slavery. The Electoral College is really no different than the 3/5s rule. It's existence and only application is to protect the influence of slavery allowing states who did not want the people to be the source of said state's power.

OK, let's put homosexual marriage, abortion, and immigration up for a vote since you think pure Democracy works.

What a fucking stupid responds, and demonstrative of the 10 pounds of shit inside your head in lieu of a brain. Who said anything about "pure" democracy? What does that even mean, anyway? This is about the method of for choosing a President. Stay on topic.

Ignoramouses like you have zero knowledge.
You prove it with every post.

Youre the moron screaming for a popular vote because you can cheat better.
View attachment 98625


Poor baby.
The party that brought us Super Delegates is now whining about the Electoral College.

Let's say for the hell of it we started electing Presidents by the popular vote some states NewYork, Texas, California and couple of others would get a lot of attention as would the more densely populated regions of these states. What about the rual areas of these states? What about the smaller states with much smaller populations? People say it's not fair to have a few states in the electoral college decide the Presidency how would having just a few states in the popular vote decide it be anymore fair?
Tara Ross does an excellent job of displaying the brilliance of why the Founding Fathers established the Electoral College. Share with your friends to educate them.

Progressives can't understand the EC because they want mob rule… Fact

Stop arguing with James Madison. He condemned the EC.

Not quite. James Madison was against the winner-take-all model which awarded all of a state's electors to the candidate who won the most votes in that state.

Madison proposed a Constitutional amendment whereby electors would be awarded to candidates by Congressional district.

Now stop and think about the effect that would have today. Trump would have an even bigger victory. And Romney would have won in 2012.

Here, read this: Article 2, Section 1, Clauses 2 and 3: James Madison to George Hay
Prager University is pretty much the equivalent of Trump University.
Let's say for the hell of it we started electing Presidents by the popular vote some states NewYork, Texas, California and couple of others would get a lot of attention as would the more densely populated regions of these states

If you're arguing FOR the electoral college, you're arguing AGAINST James Madison. Good luck!

Fuck James Madison. Another dead slave rapist we can best ignore.

Look, you wouldn't practice 18th century medicine or 18th century law or 18th century agriculture...

Why in the name of C'thulhu would you want to practice 18th century government?
Let's say for the hell of it we started electing Presidents by the popular vote some states NewYork, Texas, California and couple of others would get a lot of attention as would the more densely populated regions of these states. What about the rual areas of these states? What about the smaller states with much smaller populations? People say it's not fair to have a few states in the electoral college decide the Presidency how would having just a few states in the popular vote decide it be anymore fair?

Why would that make more sense than people paying all sorts of attention to New Hampshire?

Look, the smaller states already have disproportionate representation in the Senate. That's more than enough.

To let every presidential election be decided by a handful of small states is insane.
If you're arguing FOR the electoral college, you're arguing AGAINST James Madison. Good luck!

Fuck James Madison. Another dead slave rapist we can best ignore.

Look, you wouldn't practice 18th century medicine or 18th century law or 18th century agriculture...

Why in the name of C'thulhu would you want to practice 18th century government?

The Electoral College is a good idea, but it's poorly executed (at least in today's environment). I think the better solution is if every stated adopted Maine/Nebraska's outlook. Not perfect-but better than what we have.
I have a very simple question how many of you bitching about the Electoral College would be doing so If Hillary had won the Electoral vote and Trump the popular vote? Let me state for the record if this had benn the result I would not be out protesting and demanding the Electoral College be abolished for the simple reason it has worked very well for over 200 years. Try admitting the truth it's not the system or the EC that has your collective nuts in a knot it's the fact that your candidate that most of the media and experts assured you would win lost.
The last thing the founding fathers wanted was equal representation and democracy, just like you.
What they wanted was to ensure that small states with less population also had sufficient representation. If it was simply handled like the state elections of one person, one vote, only those states with significantly large city populations would win every time.

Yes, and many in those large cities, especially sanctuary cities in California, have large populations of illegals. Obama told them they could vote and not get caught. If those people tended to vote Republican, not only would the Dems have helped stop illegal immigration, but we wouldn't have sanctuary cities and they wouldn't be bitching about electoral votes.

The left has worked hard to bring in illegals and make promises to them. It's all about the votes. And they are whining because the plan didn't work. All that effort to bring in illegals and ensure that much of the population was dependent on government was designed to keep libs in power.

There are two different sets of rules as far as the Dems are concerned. They were against popular voting when it didn't benefit them. They were against the nuclear option when it didn't help them. They immediately seek to change the rules when things don't go their way.

The reason they are worried about Trump is because many Dem voters could get deported. And many of their dependents could be urged to become independent. It will set them back and they are sad because it took many years to create an uneducated, dependent class of people to ensure their power.

The paid rioters are a last ditch effort to salvage their dream. Sadly, they are short on crybabies and had to hire thugs to do the dirty work.


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