Doc drop: Bidens received $20 million from Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan while Joe was VP

Your first “sentence” wasn’t even a sentence. We can all see how that can happen to you, Spayed.320.
I’m sorry if you had a hard time understanding. Just ask me next time you’re confused and I can help explain it to you.
Slade is deeply embedded in his Cult.
No reasonable person can reach him.
I don’t need to be reached. The funny thing is none of you can debate me. As soon as I try and drill down on facts yall divert and change the subject or avoid me. If you’re on the right side of the argument then you should be able to defend it.
I don’t need to be reached. The funny thing is none of you can debate me. As soon as I try and drill down on facts yall divert and change the subject or avoid me. If you’re on the right side of the argument then you should be able to defend it.

Since you dodged it last time: What is the Biden's business? What did Russia and China get for the millions they paid?
You are smarter than a third grader. Give it up. It is harassment. It started in 2017 with Russian BS. Now under the 2020 takeover the harassment has jacked up to phony Criminal charges made out of twisting facts.
That’s what happens when you break the law. You get harassed. I’m sorry if that an inconvenience to you. The 2017 investigation was started by Trumps own team because he and his people lied. All this harassment is brought on by Trump because he can’t help but to lie
I was using that as a generalized principle which I do believe. Whether that applies to the Bidens I have no clue. Which was why I was asking for specifics

The investigation will reveal the specifics. You do support the investigation, right?
Come on, Trump cult losers. Put some effort into it. At least make up some new propaganda. China isn't paying you to recycle 3 month-old-lies from Comer. You need to up your game.
you assholes have been recycling the same lies for 7 years, and it will never work. Each new lie or accusation makes Trump's support stronger. the american people see through your bullshit.
Since you dodged it last time: What is the Biden's business? What did Russia and China get for the millions they paid?
I have no clue what their business is and who paid who and how much. I certainly don’t blindly believe the accusation y’all are throwing out and NOT backing up. If law enforcement finds something then action will be made. They dug into Hunters finances for years and only came up with tax evasion and lying on a gun form. I trust that much more than partisan hacks connecting invisible dots
I have no clue what their business is and who paid who and how much. I certainly don’t blindly believe the accusation y’all are throwing out and NOT backing up. If law enforcement finds something then action will be made. They dug into Hunters finances for years and only came up with tax evasion and lying on a gun form. I trust that much more than partisan hacks connecting invisible dots

Do you think tax evasion and lying on a federal background check form to illegally purchase a gun are minor infractions?
Spade is a paid
I’m honored that you find my posts valuable enough to be paid for, but alas, I’m simply making arguments looking for worthy debate. Wish more of you would spend time engaging that way instead of the personal insults, which are meaningless
Do you think tax evasion and lying on a federal background check form to illegally purchase a gun are minor infractions?
Depends on the specifics around them. I don’t think Trump or Hinter should go to Jain for the tax charges against them. Fines and community service/probation should do
Depends on the specifics around them. I don’t think Trump or Hinter should go to Jain for the tax charges against them. Fines and community service/probation should do

What about lying on a federal background check to illegally purchase a gun?
I’m honored that you find my posts valuable enough to be paid for, but alas, I’m simply making arguments looking for worthy debate. Wish more of you would spend time engaging that way instead of the personal insults, which are meaningless
It’s not an honorum.
You are a deadbeat racist, angry at the world that they “prevented” you from achieving your hopes and wishes. In fact you just don’t possess the skill set to do well with others
I’m sorry if you had a hard time understanding. Just ask me next time you’re confused and I can help explain it to you.
I’m not the one who was confused. If you wish, I could probably teach even a lump o’ shit like you all about “verbs.” 👍

No need to thank me. Thank me very much. 😎
Show it. In public. Under oath. With legally admissible evidence.

Its embarrassing, you have this whole world of "proven" stuff that isn't proven. When called on it you just circle jerk around.
STFU retard. The evidence is a mile high and you just lie and ignore it. Like a good little lemming who has ZERO clue about reality. You are an embarrassment so go back to your leftist circle jerk. Grown ups are talking boy.
You conflate what happened during the second (retarded) Democrap Party impeachment with what is likely to happen to Potato. You dumbass.

I was. The Senate decided: “enough of this bullshit.”

Fucksticks like you can’t imagine that there might be some Democrat Parody Senators with enough fidelity left to our Constitution to actually contemplate the impeachment evidence against Potato.

Wrong. They reviewed the bullshit second impeachment charges brought by the scumbag Democraps and decided to give it the justified heave Ho.

I won’t be. I’m not a member of the House, you diseased old used tampon.

Only according to a shitstain like you. So, it’s meaningless.

Go suck another bag of dicks, ya dickless scumbag. 👍
Should the House go for impeachment, that could open the door for the DNC to go to Joe and tell him to quit. Otherwise, they’ll ensure enough Dem support to remove him. Solving their issue of getting him off the ticket. Not like they’ll need to flip too many of them.

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