Doctor Ebola Arrives in the US

How Do You Feel About the CDC Allowing Ebola into the US?

  • Insanely stupid. Shut down the nuke plants now, we're in huge trouble.

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • Reckless. A terrible idea.

    Votes: 17 38.6%
  • Not my first choice but we probably can contain it.

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • I'm OK with it.

    Votes: 16 36.4%
  • It's fine, our technology can fix whatever happens.

    Votes: 4 9.1%

  • Total voters
Did you quarantine the sick chicken and only approach it while wearing a hazmat suit?

Didn't think so, Chicken Little.

Making light of a disease coming to the New World that is 90% fatal may feel fun now... I'm old enough to remember when "that weird disease that came from Africa" was circulating in the gay community back in the 1970s & 80s. Nobody took it for much. Same thing happening here.
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Did you quarantine the sick chicken and only approach it while wearing a hazmat suit?

Didn't think so, Chicken Little.

Making light of a disease coming to the New World that is 90% fatal may feel fun now... I'm old enough to remember when "that weird disease that came from Africa" was circulating in the gay community back in the 1970s & 80s. Nobody took it for much. Same thing happening here.

There have been several Ebola outbreaks, and none of them have met the fantastical expectations yet, thanks in large part to selfless people like the guy you assholes are calling "Doctor Ebola."

The only thing I am making fun of are the Chicken Littles with some satire.
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There have been several Ebola outbreaks, and none of them have met the fantastical expectations yet, thanks in large part to selfless people like the guy you assholes are calling "Doctor Ebola."

The only thing I am making fun of are the Chicken Littles with some satire.
Well, one of them is growing alarmingly in West Africa.

And from the polling data it looks like about half the people hearing the news on Dr. Ebola coming into the US are thinking it's the worst idea ever. Common sense dictates that. You can try hard to spin common sense but most people come intact with a basic survival instinct that overrides wanting to not be shamed and belong to the "cool people who aren't worried about ebola" group..
You know those science fiction movies and shows where the monster feeds on the emotion of fear?

Yeah. You nervous nellies who are shitting your pants are keeping the monsters at your favorite fearmongering media outlets well fed. What with all the fear you have over little Honduran children, and Ebola, and terrorists under every bed, they are becoming downright obese on your sweat and runny diarrhea!

What delicious credulous prey you are!

This isn't a discussion of fear. It's a discussion of logic.

You claimed this was an extinction level event and folded in nuclear meltdowns. And shit yourself with hysterics about Ebola being transmitted through the air through breath.

There's no logic in either claim. As Ebola isn't transmitted by air. The worst outbreak in human history of Ebola is less than 1000 dead. Compare that to say, 500,000,000 that were killed by the Spanish flu. And we're still here.

You're peddling hysteric fear with an argument void of logic or reason or even useful information. And you simply don't know what you're talking about.

I'm a rancher. I've lost half my herd in a week before. I bought one sick chicken once and watched over three days as all but one of my poults that year died from the disease that chicken carried into the coop. I know what disease does.

You don't know shit about Ebola, as demonstrated by the ignorant rants you offered us on how Ebola will be transmitted via air. That's not how Ebola is transmitted. You didn't know that, because you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

The CDC does. And they explicitly contradict you. What rational person would take the ignorant opinion of a rancher over teams of trained and experienced epidemiologists?

None would.

Most of you intellectuals are nicely sequestered from the grim, boring reality your grandparents and great grandparents knew all too well. I even know a guy who came down with polio just a month or two before the vaccine was released. Walks with a terrible limp. He's one of the lucky ones.

Most of us recognize that you're clueless, that you're peddling ignorant fear, and that your claims are laughably inaccurate. Your entire hysteric screed is based on false assumptions founded in your own startling lack of an even basic understanding of the issues you're attempting to discuss.

Ebola isn't airborne. You don't get this. Any 'logical' person would educate themselves on the disease before they commented on it. You never did.

The doctor is in isolation. Which means that even airborne pathogens can't be transmitted. You don't get this. Any 'logical' person would educate themselves on the conditions of his treatment before they commented on it. You never did.

If a state found out that a given livestock species had a disease that was 90% fatal, that type of animal would NOT under ANY circumstances be allowed past state boundaries either in or out.

Here's the difference: people aren't cattle. And when our people get sick, we put them in hospitals. You're demanding that we treat humans as livestock.

Um, no. We'll treat people as people.

If an epidemic was 90% fatal and the virus mutated to spread through aerosol, sneezing, zoonotic through rats and so forth, who would take care of our nuclear fleet? Don't worry. Don't shake in your boots. It's a simple, boring, logical question. Who would do it?

Again, for the 10th time, Ebola isn't transmitted by air. Rendering your entire panty shitting scenario a mere fantasy. There's nothing logical about ignoring the facts about the disease and instead basing our decision making on *your* imagination.

Worse, the doctor is in complete isolation. Meaning that even if Ebola were transmitted by air, which again: it isn't, the disease couldn't be trasmitted. There is no air to air contact. There is no flesh to flesh contact. The man is in a plastic bubble.

And improving.

Remember, and this point is quite important: You don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.
..But once the Ebola disease reaches more-modern cities, with mass transit, a catastrophic pandemic could spread quickly around the world. THIS COULD BE A NEAR EXTINCTION EVENT.

Never before in human history during a serious epidemic have humans had the capacity — available to a large proportion of all humans — to travel significantly more rapidly than the development of deadly disease. Never before has a serious epidemic broken out when humans can move around the planet faster than the symptoms of disease can be noticed. And our modern mode of travel — unlike ships or trains or covered wagons — heavily concentrate infected people for hours at a time with other humans traveling from widely diverse points of origin to widely diverse destinations. Thus, modern travel creates a mixing bowl capable of spinning disease around the globe at an astonishing potential rate... Ebola Already in the USA, Across Mexican Border, Doctor Alleges | AUN-TV

The incubation rate from exposure to illness with ebola is between 2-21 days. Isolated villiages in Africa and the quick onset have been the saving grace thusfar. If this illness reaches cities...well....we're done.

We have a nuclear power plant and waste situation to monitor. With a 60-90% fatality rate, who will be left to babysit them?

We could recover as a society but can anyone who survives in a semi-neolithic existence monitor and keep radiation from killing anyone who was left as core after core melts down from lack of maintenance?

This isn't a Hollywood script. This is a real life, actual, no-nonsense scenario of what will happen if Ebola spreads.

And look what we just did. As idiot Americans we just knowingly allowed an infected doctor into US territory. And the people attending him? We don't even know how the disease spreads. "Bodily fluids" is what I hear. Well that's in a person's exhaled moisture & breath as well as other sources.

As a livestock manager, I am S-T-U-N-N-E-D at the sheer recklessness. How did the CDC allow this???? :eek: I can only hope that when ebola breaks out in a town in the US from one of these attendants of this infected doctor, we have the balls to drop everyone in that town and not look back. Then burn all the buildings to the ground.

What a selfish prick that doctor is. Unbelievable.

I voted that we could contain it because we are much more advanced in the health care field than Africa and those other third world countries where they have serious epidemics. I heard this morning that it has spread to other countries too, but I have a lot of faith in our doctors and our medical professionals, so I am HOPEFUL that you are just freaking out a little bit.

What we probably should have done with our sick people is to send one of those hospital ships for them. That way, they can be out in the ocean and not infecting other people.

Thankfully, Ebola is not an airborne disease. YET.
You know those science fiction movies and shows where the monster feeds on the emotion of fear?

Yeah. You nervous nellies who are shitting your pants are keeping the monsters at your favorite fearmongering media outlets well fed. What with all the fear you have over little Honduran children, and Ebola, and terrorists under every bed, they are becoming downright obese on your sweat and runny diarrhea!

What delicious credulous prey you are!

This isn't a discussion of fear. It's a discussion of logic.

You claimed this was an extinction level event and folded in nuclear meltdowns. And shit yourself with hysterics about Ebola being transmitted through the air through breath.

There's no logic in either claim. As Ebola isn't transmitted by air. The worst outbreak in human history of Ebola is less than 1000 dead. Compare that to say, 500,000,000 that were killed by the Spanish flu. And we're still here.

You're peddling hysteric fear with an argument void of logic or reason or even useful information. And you simply don't know what you're talking about.

You don't know shit about Ebola, as demonstrated by the ignorant rants you offered us on how Ebola will be transmitted via air. That's not how Ebola is transmitted. You didn't know that, because you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

The CDC does. And they explicitly contradict you. What rational person would take the ignorant opinion of a rancher over teams of trained and experienced epidemiologists?

None would.

Most of us recognize that you're clueless, that you're peddling ignorant fear, and that your claims are laughably inaccurate. Your entire hysteric screed is based on false assumptions founded in your own startling lack of an even basic understanding of the issues you're attempting to discuss.

Ebola isn't airborne. You don't get this. Any 'logical' person would educate themselves on the disease before they commented on it. You never did.

The doctor is in isolation. Which means that even airborne pathogens can't be transmitted. You don't get this. Any 'logical' person would educate themselves on the conditions of his treatment before they commented on it. You never did.

If a state found out that a given livestock species had a disease that was 90% fatal, that type of animal would NOT under ANY circumstances be allowed past state boundaries either in or out.

Here's the difference: people aren't cattle. And when our people get sick, we put them in hospitals. You're demanding that we treat humans as livestock.

Um, no. We'll treat people as people.

If an epidemic was 90% fatal and the virus mutated to spread through aerosol, sneezing, zoonotic through rats and so forth, who would take care of our nuclear fleet? Don't worry. Don't shake in your boots. It's a simple, boring, logical question. Who would do it?

Again, for the 10th time, Ebola isn't transmitted by air. Rendering your entire panty shitting scenario a mere fantasy. There's nothing logical about ignoring the facts about the disease and instead basing our decision making on *your* imagination.

Worse, the doctor is in complete isolation. Meaning that even if Ebola were transmitted by air, which again: it isn't, the disease couldn't be trasmitted. There is no air to air contact. There is no flesh to flesh contact. The man is in a plastic bubble.

And improving.

Remember, and this point is quite important: You don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

I agree with many of your points, and right you are that it isn't an airborne virus. It is spread through bodily fluids.
You claimed this was an extinction level event and folded in nuclear meltdowns.

An epidemic with 90% fatality if spread quickly enough would be an extinction level event. Why the hysterics when confronted with mundane facts like that? It's very simple. An unmanned nuclear fleet around the world would result in mass extinction. So if an epidemic only left 10% of the world's population, the chances of that 10% having the materials and infrastructure to maintain our nuclear fleet is nil.

No hysterics needed. That's just basic math.
You claimed this was an extinction level event and folded in nuclear meltdowns.

An epidemic with 90% fatality if spread quickly enough would be an extinction level event. Why the hysterics when confronted with mundane facts like that? It's very simple. An unmanned nuclear fleet around the world would result in mass extinction. So if an epidemic only left 10% of the world's population, the chances of that 10% having the materials and infrastructure to maintain our nuclear fleet is nil.

No hysterics needed. That's just basic math.

That is not my quote.
You claimed this was an extinction level event and folded in nuclear meltdowns.

An epidemic with 90% fatality if spread quickly enough would be an extinction level event.

Well, then it's a good thing that Ebola doesn't have a 90% fatality rate, nor does it spread quickly.

Why the hysterics when confronted with mundane facts like that? It's very simple. An unmanned nuclear fleet around the world would result in mass extinction.

How is Ebola going to get on to a submarine?

So if an epidemic only left 10% of the world's population, the chances of that 10% having the materials and infrastructure to maintain our nuclear fleet is nil.

No hysterics needed. That's just basic math.

No, making shit up is not called "math".
Yanno...................Ebola tends to burn itself out quite quickly, and that is because of the way it is transmitted (only via bodily fluids).

If you have enough of a decent infrastructure, and enough of a decent health care plan, you can take care of this and make sure that everyone is safe.

It's the news channels that are trying to scare you. Same as when the last president scared you into a war we didn't need in Iraq.
Yanno...................Ebola tends to burn itself out quite quickly, and that is because of the way it is transmitted (only via bodily fluids).

If you have enough of a decent infrastructure, and enough of a decent health care plan, you can take care of this and make sure that everyone is safe.

It's the news channels that are trying to scare you. Same as when the last president scared you into a war we didn't need in Iraq.

You speak about ebola as if you have a clear handle on its etiology. Here, let's educate ourselves:

Ebola and Marburg hemorrhagic fevers are severe zoonotic diseases seen in humans and non-human primates. Most species of ebolavirus and the only known species of marburgvirus occur in Africa. Primates are infected sporadically from an unknown source; current evidence suggests that the reservoir hosts are probably bats. Humans seem to become infected directly from bats in caves, as well as when they contact tissues from infected apes and other species. Once the virus has entered the population, it can spread from person to person. Some epidemics affect hundreds of people and decimate entire villages, particularly where hospital facilities and medical supplies are inadequate and nosocomial spread occurs. Although the mortality rate varies, the most pathogenic viruses kill up to 90% of those who become infected. No vaccine is available, and the only treatment is supportive. Epizootics in gorillas and chimpanzees are equally serious, and appear to threaten the survival of these species in the wild. Other wild mammals including duikers also seem to be killed during outbreaks.

So it can occur in flying rodent-like bats. I wonder about the kind that crawl on the ground. It spreads quickly and can wipe out entire villages. Even mammals like duikers which are these small antelope-like deer things.

Touching corpses that died of ebola is one way to get it. Just being in a bat cave is problematic. So the question is if feces of bats are transmitting it?

Let's read more:

At least 13 strains of these viruses have been identified. A fifth species, tentatively named Bundibugyo ebolavirus, was isolated from a recent outbreak in Uganda. Marburgvirus contains a single species, Lake Victoria marburgvirus (formerly Marburg virus). Six strains of Lake Victoria marburgvirus had been recognized as of 1990; at least nine genetically distinct strains were identified from a more recent outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

13 strains. Wonder if the all adhere rigidly to "body fluid only" transmission?

Bats that are experimentally infected with ebolavirus become viremic for up to four weeks but remain asymptomatic. How viruses are transmitted from bats to primates or other mammals is unknown. In addition to bats, there may be other reservoir and/or amplifying hosts.

Pay attention because the word "unknown" shows up a lot when professionals like this university discuss ebola...

Humans often become infected with ebolaviruses after handling the carcasses of animals found in the forest, particularly nonhuman primates and duikers (forest antelope). The virus is thought to enter the body through mucous membranes and broken skin. Filoviruses are probably also transmitted directly from bats to humans. Some marburgviruses infections have been acquired by exposure to primate tissues, while others were associated with transmission within caves, possibly from infected bats. Filoviruses can be spread from person to person. High viral titers occur in blood, which can contaminate the environment during the hemorrhagic stage of the disease. These viruses are also found in many secretions and excretions that are not visibly contaminated with blood, including saliva, tears, breast milk, semen and feces. Urine may be a source of virus

So skin to skin contact, an environment polluted by patient blood [or urine, feces, semen, breastmilk], tears, saliva, breast milk, semen, feces and urine. But I'm sure the aerosol droplets from sneezing are completely excluded from that list. Ever see a time-lapse photography of a human sneeze? Droplets I think can travel up to 30 feet away...


Filoviruses disappear from blood and most tissues after the acute stage of the disease, but some body fluids can contain these viruses for a few months. In one patient, Lake Victoria marburgvirus was transmitted sexually 13 weeks after the onset of disease. Zaire ebolavirus was also isolated from the semen of a convalescent patient up to 82 days after the onset of clinical signs, and detected by RT-PCR up to 91 days. The latter virus was recovered from the breast milk of a convalescing patient, 15 days after the onset of disease. Filoviruses have been reported to survive for some time in blood and tissues at room temperature. Fomites, particularly those contaminated by blood, can transmit these viruses. Aerosol transmission has been reported in nonhuman primates

So if a person has ebola and gets over it, they can still give it to you. Nice to know. So even if the good doctor survives, will he carry a potentially infectious payload for months to come? Years? Remember, the word "unknown" is used a lot in this 90% fatal disease...

No specific treatment is available. Supportive therapy generally consists of intravenous fluid replacement to maintain blood volume and electrolyte balance, as well as analgesics and standard nursing care. Although more specific treatments have been attempted, most have apparently had little effect on the outcome. Some techniques being tested in laboratory animals are promising when used early in the incubation period, but none have entered human clinical trials. The antiviral drug ribavirin does not seem to be effective. Strict infection control measures and barrier nursing precautions must be used during treatment, to prevent infection of medical staff.

Well I know which hospital I won't be going to from now on...
Has the Dr figured out how he became infected?

It is believed a member of the cleaning crew is responsible. They are the ones who change the infected sheets and clean the hazmat suits and so forth. One mistake, and you're screwed.
When this is all over in a couple months, the nervous nellies will have forgotten their credulity over Ebola and will have their panties in a bunch over some new Fox News generated fear mongering.

There will be some overlap. Last month, it was Honduran kids joining gangs. This month it is Ebola. Throw them in the mental midget mixer, and we have this bogus shit about Honduran kids carrying Ebola. :lol:

It's the way of things these days. Panicked rubes running to and fro in mass herds.

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Has the Dr figured out how he became infected?

It is believed a member of the cleaning crew is responsible. They are the ones who change the infected sheets and clean the hazmat suits and so forth. One mistake, and you're screwed.

Let's expand that: one mistake and a whole town is quickly screwed...

The virus that is 90% fatal can incubate up to 21 days before the person becomes sick. During that time they can have it in their blood, feces, urine, semen, breastmilk, saliva, tears and sneeze aerosol. It can be contracted skin to skin also. It also can be gotten from the animals it infects if you eat the meat, etc. They are not sure how many animals it infects or if it infects blood sucking insects like bedbugs, ticks, fleas and lice. They know it infects bats. Bats are everywhere. And they are closely related to rats and mice.

There is every reason to believe that this thing could get out of control and very few reasons to think it won't.

"one mistake and you're screwed". Correct g5000. :eusa_clap:

Do they have plans to quarantine each and every person who came into contact with Dr. Ebola for at least a month? No?

"one mistake and you're screwed..."
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Has the Dr figured out how he became infected?

It is believed a member of the cleaning crew is responsible. They are the ones who change the infected sheets and clean the hazmat suits and so forth. One mistake, and you're screwed.

Let's expand that: one mistake and a whole town is quickly screwed...

The virus that is 90% fatal can incubate up to 21 days before the person becomes sick. During that time they can have it in their blood, feces, urine, semen, breastmilk, saliva, tears and sneeze aerosol. It can be contracted skin to skin also. It also can be gotten from the animals it infects if you eat the meat, etc. They are not sure how many animals it infects or if it infects blood sucking insects like bedbugs, ticks, fleas and lice. They know it infects bats. Bats are everywhere. And they are closely related to rats and mice.

There is every reason to believe that this thing could get out of control and very few reasons to think it won't.

"one mistake and you're screwed". Correct g5000. :eusa_clap:

And yet this selfless man and woman took that risk to save other people's lives and to prevent a worldwide pandemic.

They are heroes.
It is believed a member of the cleaning crew is responsible. They are the ones who change the infected sheets and clean the hazmat suits and so forth. One mistake, and you're screwed.

Let's expand that: one mistake and a whole town is quickly screwed...

The virus that is 90% fatal can incubate up to 21 days before the person becomes sick. During that time they can have it in their blood, feces, urine, semen, breastmilk, saliva, tears and sneeze aerosol. It can be contracted skin to skin also. It also can be gotten from the animals it infects if you eat the meat, etc. They are not sure how many animals it infects or if it infects blood sucking insects like bedbugs, ticks, fleas and lice. They know it infects bats. Bats are everywhere. And they are closely related to rats and mice.

There is every reason to believe that this thing could get out of control and very few reasons to think it won't.

"one mistake and you're screwed". Correct g5000. :eusa_clap:

And yet this selfless man and woman took that risk to save other people's lives and to prevent a worldwide pandemic.

They are heroes.

And you are an idiot if you think an intellectual concept like "heroic" cancells out common sense...
Let's expand that: one mistake and a whole town is quickly screwed...

Sounds like headcase is getting ready to proffer another nonsense "evacuation" theory.


Admit it stupid, you didn't know ebola could be passed through urine, feces, blood, semen, breast milk, tears, saliva or skin to skin contact until just today when I posted that information from the Iowa university on ebola. And you didn't know bats carried it either, apparently spread through their feces...which drop everywhere at night friend.... Or that antelope like creatures got it. Or that monkeys pass it via aerosol. Guess what animal is most closely related to primates, us and the bat? A: the common house rat. And their urine and feces show up in our food supply every single day, everywhere, rich and poor.

Now you're all like "I'm going to hurl some insults at Sil so I can not look like as much of a dumbass".

I notice you didn't have much to say about the information on high levels of radioactive cesium found in kids from Tokyo. How's that denial of parents silently evacuating children from Tokyo going genius?
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