Doctor Ebola Arrives in the US

How Do You Feel About the CDC Allowing Ebola into the US?

  • Insanely stupid. Shut down the nuke plants now, we're in huge trouble.

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • Reckless. A terrible idea.

    Votes: 17 38.6%
  • Not my first choice but we probably can contain it.

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • I'm OK with it.

    Votes: 16 36.4%
  • It's fine, our technology can fix whatever happens.

    Votes: 4 9.1%

  • Total voters
Admit it stupid, you didn't know ebola could be passed through urine, feces, blood, semen, breast milk, tears, saliva or skin to skin contact until just today when I posted that information from the Iowa university on ebola. And you didn't know .......

...and on and on.....

Being able to hold these conversations entirely with yourself must help pass the time when they throw you in the isolation ward at the mental institute.

How's that denial of parents silently evacuating children from Tokyo going genius?

There is no such evacuation going on, you mental case. You've been told this many times, but you're in love with your asinine conspiracy theories.
How's that denial of parents silently evacuating children from Tokyo going genius?

There is no such evacuation going on, you mental case. You've been told this many times, but you're in love with your asinine conspiracy theories.

What, like you're my dad? :lmao: Are you talking about this again?

Weekly Asahi: 70% of children tested in Kanto (a region that includes Tokyo) have radioactive cesium in their urine -Journalist #Fukushima Weekly Asahi: 70% of children tested in Kanto (a region that includes Tokyo) have radioactive cesium in their urine -Journalist #Fukushima Weekly Asahi: 70% of children tested in Kanto (a region that includes Tokyo) have radioactive cesium in their urine -Journalist #Fukushima

..may remember when I came back from Tokyo back in February, I had 5 samples of dirt that I had taken just randomly around the city. They were all over 7,000 disintegrations per second in a two pound bag (Bq/kg). What that told me was that the releases from the accident were really severe even as far away as Tokyo. And I said then that if this were contaminated ground at a nuclear power plant it would have to be considered as nuclear waste. Well, we took a lot flack for that on the Fairewinds site, but we were right on the mark.

What happened just last week was that in a suburb of Tokyo another sample was taken by citizens and they brought it to the attention of the government that then sampled it. But basically they had a hot spot that was in excess of 10,000 disintegrations per second per kilogram of their sample. So here we are 9 months after I took my samples and citizens are still finding hot spots all over the Tokyo area. I think it speaks to one, the magnitude of the initial release. This was a serious release, not just for Fukushima Prefecture but for Tokyo and its suburbs as well. [...]

So if Tokyo could be highly contaminated to the point where its soil should be shipped to a nuclear waste dump [...] if Tokyo can have soil so hot that it should be shipped to a radioactive dump Gundersen: Tokyo soil so hot it should be sent to nuclear waste dump ? Gundersen: Tokyo soil so hot it should be sent to nuclear waste dump ? Really severe releases hit city (VIDEO)

Japanese Legal Expert: “Even residents of Tokyo are evacuating” — More and more people fleeing Fukushima (VIDEO) Japanese Legal Expert: ?Even residents of Tokyo are evacuating? ? More and more people fleeing Fukushima (VIDEO) Japanese Legal Expert: ?Even residents of Tokyo are evacuating? ? More and more people fleeing Fukushima (VIDEO)
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The "Legal Expert" does not say how many people are evacuating. Since he is suing the company responsible for the nuclear plant, it is to his advantage to exaggerate. He is not an unbiased observer.

Just as a side note, people don't "evacuate". Things and places are evacuated.

I'm sure Japan has its own share of nervous nellies such as we see in this topic. One guy comes back to the US with Ebola for treatment under quarantine conditions, and they are screaming about the end of America as we know it.

So while there are probably people who have taken their families out of Tokyo, it is not a mass movement. Tokyo is not being evacuated.

See what I did there? Tokyo. Evacuated. That's how you use it properly.


The estimated cancer risk is highest in the locations with the highest estimated radiation doses in Fukushima prefecture. Outside those most affected areas, no increase in cancer risk above variation in background rates is anticipated in the less affected areas of Fukushima Prefecture, neighbouring prefectures and the rest of Japan, or countries other than Japan.

WHO | Frequently asked questions on health risk assessment
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The "Legal Expert" does not say how many people are evacuating. Since he is suing the company responsible for the nuclear plant, it is to his advantage to exaggerate. He is not an unbiased observer.

Just as a side note, people don't "evacuate". Things and places are evacuated..

You forgot the kids showing up with cesium in their urine in Tokyo. And the nuclear waste levels of radiation in the soils around Tokyo's suburbs...

Those two things add credence to what the "Legal expert" was saying. He should be suing Tepco and GE. In fact, Japan should be suing GE for designing and selling to them nuclear plants to be located on one of the most tectonically/volcanically active nations in the world, with the highest rate of regular tsunamis. The Fukushima plant was at sea level. It's backup generators didn't stand a chance in even a mild tsunami. There's your lawsuit.

GE pitched to Japan "don't develop your geothermal steam! It will make all your parks look yukky". So they sold Japan on boiling water with radiation instead. As boiling water was everywhere beneath their feet naturally.

Good for him. Sue Tepco/GE.
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If ebola is transferrable in bat or rat or goat or antelope or whatever animal tissue, feces or urine and its 90% fatal, 10% of the world's population left to tend the nuclear fleet could quite easily result in an extinction event.

The OP is not farfetched at all. You'd be stunned at how fast our situation could devolve from where we are now to the Dark Ages. Could you fashion a hinge or a spoon or a nuclear control shutoff valve from the materials you find in the bushes near your back yard? No? Then if an infrastucture's necessary components [humans highly skilled in their unique field] suddenly die, then say goodbye to the world. The nuclear fleet is our complete inability to recover. At least the Dark Ages had a chance...
Japanese Legal Expert: “Even residents of Tokyo are evacuating” — More and more people fleeing Fukushima (VIDEO) Japanese Legal Expert: ?Even residents of Tokyo are evacuating? ? More and more people fleeing Fukushima (VIDEO) Japanese Legal Expert: ?Even residents of Tokyo are evacuating? ? More and more people fleeing Fukushima (VIDEO)

There is at least as much irresponsible, sensationalist 'journalism' in Japan as there is in the US. Do you believe that Elvis and Batboy are living together on Mars because it said so on the cover of a 'newspaper' in the checkout line at the supermarket? Don't be such an idiot, you idiot. The population of Tokyo is growing.

I believe I have asked you before if you've ever so much as spoken to a Japanese person in your life. You didn't answer. Have you ever been to Tokyo? Know anyone who lives there? Just being a sucker and talking out your ass again because you are a mental defective? Yeeeeaaaaah...thought so.
Let's expand that: one mistake and a whole town is quickly screwed...

Sounds like headcase is getting ready to proffer another nonsense "evacuation" theory.


Admit it stupid, you didn't know ebola could be passed through urine, feces, blood, semen, breast milk, tears, saliva or skin to skin contact until just today

I have a pretty good idea that anyone who calls themselves Unkotare is well-versed in feces.
Sounds like headcase is getting ready to proffer another nonsense "evacuation" theory.


Admit it stupid, you didn't know ebola could be passed through urine, feces, blood, semen, breast milk, tears, saliva or skin to skin contact until just today

I have a pretty good idea that anyone who calls themselves Unkotare is well-versed in feces.

All joking aside, did you know until today that ebola is passed through urine, feces, blood, tears, saliva, breast milk, semen & skin to skin contact? And that bats get it and some antelope beast in Africa and other primates [and one assumes primate's closest cousins the rats and pigs of the world..]?
Admit it stupid, you didn't know ebola could be passed through urine, feces, blood, semen, breast milk, tears, saliva or skin to skin contact until just today

I have a pretty good idea that anyone who calls themselves Unkotare is well-versed in feces.

All joking aside, did you know until today that ebola is passed through urine, feces, blood, tears, saliva, breast milk, semen & skin to skin contact? And that bats get it and some antelope beast in Africa and other primates [and one assumes primate's closest cousins the rats and pigs of the world..]?

Yes. I've known that since that info has been around. Although I'm not sure about skin to skin.
I have a pretty good idea that anyone who calls themselves Unkotare is well-versed in feces.

All joking aside, did you know until today that ebola is passed through urine, feces, blood, tears, saliva, breast milk, semen & skin to skin contact? And that bats get it and some antelope beast in Africa and other primates [and one assumes primate's closest cousins the rats and pigs of the world..]?

Yes. I've known that since that info has been around. Although I'm not sure about skin to skin.

See, that's the point. Experts aren't really sure either but they have reasons to suspect it. The point being that if you don't know a virulent virus capable of travelling through so many it does that or if it really does that...with a 90% fatality rate and the ability to spread quickly via "unknowns", what the hell are you doing importing it into the New World?

Especially without consulting with our neighbors first? I'm sure what few true allies we have left even in this Hemisphere are saying "gee, thanks for the heads-up America..."
One of those secret evacuations where nobody leaves it appears.

Like one of those 'nuclear meltdowns' due to all the workers being dead for ebola that never actually happened. And all the 'exinction level events' that wipe out the human race because someone with ebola got on mass transit that also never happened.

But Silhouette generally has a difficult time differentiating between elaborate fantasy, and what's actually happening. And thus the shrill, hysteric fear mongering.
One of those secret evacuations where nobody leaves it appears.

Like one of those 'nuclear meltdowns' due to all the workers being dead for ebola that never actually happened. And all the 'exinction level events' that wipe out the human race because someone with ebola got on mass transit that also never happened.

But Silhouette generally has a difficult time differentiating between elaborate fantasy, and what's actually happening. And thus the shrill, hysteric fear mongering.

Well unlike you, I can use common sense and past models like the influenza outbreak at the turn of last Century, of which one of my family members got and survived unlike millions who did not, and I can extrapolate into the future. You just use logic. If a healthy well-tended public can allow something like Chernobyl or Fukushima to happen through poor engineering/act of god, what will happen with only 10% of us left, struggling to strike two rocks together to make fire? Depending on who survives that event, will any of them even know how to smelt ore to make metal?

Maybe in the Old World there are still these artisans in numbers. But in the US? We have a population that cannot even wipe its own ass without a new "Apple computer ass-wiping App". I've met people who have never planted a seed in the ground and wouldn't know how to grow even a potato plant, much less wheat and when to sew, reap, thresh etc. You're convinced that a disease that's 90% fatal that we don't fully understand but already know is passed on many different ways, won't somehow be a problem. I'm using my brain, common sense and memories of older epidemics and thinking it could be a problem...

The scouting program for the US has a motto: "be prepared". I suppose you think they're all paranoids?..
All joking aside, did you know until today that ebola is passed through urine, feces, blood, tears, saliva, breast milk, semen & skin to skin contact? And that bats get it and some antelope beast in Africa and other primates [and one assumes primate's closest cousins the rats and pigs of the world..]?

Yes. I've known that since that info has been around. Although I'm not sure about skin to skin.

See, that's the point. Experts aren't really sure either but they have reasons to suspect it. The point being that if you don't know a virulent virus capable of travelling through so many it does that or if it really does that...with a 90% fatality rate and the ability to spread quickly via "unknowns", what the hell are you doing importing it into the New World?

Especially without consulting with our neighbors first? I'm sure what few true allies we have left even in this Hemisphere are saying "gee, thanks for the heads-up America..."

That's what you say. The experts seem pretty clear on the topic:

WH: First things first. How is Ebola spread?
Dr. Basler:
All the available information is that it spreads from person to person through contact with bodily fluids from an infected individual. It doesn’t seem to spread by being in close proximity, or by casual contact. The recommendations are that you avoid contact with infected individuals’ blood, feces, or other bodily fluids.

Dr. Lahey:
Even sitting next to a person with Ebola is thought not to be enough to transmit the disease, you need contact with body fluids. If that person sneezes on you, or bleeds on you, or a lot of sweat gets on you, then there is risk of transmission because body fluids have transferred from one person to the other, but Ebola is not airborne. So it requires those visibly obvious things to happen for transmission to occur.

That’s also why Ebola doesn’t typically spread like wildfire through communities, because how many people do you have that kind of contact with?

Questions About the Ebola Virus That You've Probably Googled This Week | Women's Health Magazine

Ebola is in major cities of Africa, with over a million people each....and there are still only 1000 deaths. Your 'doomsday scenario' isn't plausible because of the method of transmission. Its not casual contact. And its not transmitted through air. They'd have to sweat all over you, vomit on you, bleed on you, pretty obvious stuff.

Simply being in your proximity doesn't do it.

Which is why the worst outbreak of Ebola in human history has left about 1000 victims. And the typical flu season in the US costs about 25,000. Method of transmission matters.

And of course, you keep completely missing the fact that the patient is in isolation. Do you know what isolation means? It means that he's not in physical contact with anyone. Even the air he breaths is separate from the folks treating him. Preventing any transmission.

But still you give us this chaw slawing, cow pie kicking, buck wheat chewing rancher batshyte perspective about livestock.....and pretend you have the slightest clue what you're talking about regarding Ebola.

You don't. Your 'extinction level event' hysteria demonstrates you don't get how Ebola is transmitted. You don't get how infectious diseases in general work. You don't comprehend how the doctor in NY is being treated. And I'm not entirely sure you get the distinction between human beings and livestock. You don't know what you're talking about.

The CDC does. Why on God's green earth would I ignore teams of some of the most expert and experienced epidemiologists on the planet and instead believe some rancher posting on the internet who thinks he knows better?

There is no reason.
Captain Evacuation there gets a tingle every time he types "extinction level event!" Drama queens gotta have their drama.
You forgot the kids showing up with cesium in their urine in Tokyo.

Most likely caused by contaminated food as a result of the radiation in the soil.

Nevertheless, despite these things, it is not expected the people of Tokyo will experience increased levels of cancer. If any country has expertise on radiation poisoning, it is Japan.

It is undoubtedly a gigantic mess that will take many years to resolve.

I see absolutely no connection to the Ebola problem, though, and am wondering why we are even talking about Tokyo.
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You forgot the kids showing up with cesium in their urine in Tokyo.

Most likely caused by contaminated food as a result of the radiation in the soil.

Nevertheless, despite these things, it is not expected the people of Tokyo will experience increased levels of cancer. If any country has expertise on radiation poisoning, it is Japan.

It is undoubtedly a gigantic mess that will take many years to resolve.

I see absolutely no connection to the Ebola problem, though, and am wondering why we are even talking about Tokyo.

It is just another example of Headcase happening upon a speck of information - accurate or not, in or out of context - and exaggerating it to spin his little conspiracy hysteria of the day. He's as dumb as a stump and has other 'issues' as well.
You forgot the kids showing up with cesium in their urine in Tokyo.

Most likely caused by contaminated food as a result of the radiation in the soil.

Nevertheless, despite these things, it is not expected the people of Tokyo will experience increased levels of cancer. If any country has expertise on radiation poisoning, it is Japan.

It is undoubtedly a gigantic mess that will take many years to resolve.

I see absolutely no connection to the Ebola problem, though, and am wondering why we are even talking about Tokyo.

So now you carefully omit the OTHER article cited which said that soils in the suburbs of Tokyo were showing up with radiation levels high enough to be classified as nuclear waste and warrant that type of disposal...

Many of those soil samples BTW were taken from children's playgrounds. But the Cult of Money is asking us to suspend logic and common sense and say that it was contamination from food radiated. Food grows in and around the soil. Round and round you go with the spin. Anything but show that human error, human oversight or a natural disaster like a plague could leave the planet in the same condition or worse as what we find around Tokyo today.

The children tested with high levels of cesium were from suburbs of Tokyo Japan.
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