Doctor Says Joe Biden Is Fit For Office

I think this doctor needs a doctor, because physically he might be healthy,.. but mentally he's nearly at the point of being braindead.

His asshole is ok? Why is he shitting his pants?

And of course his asshole is ok. Because.....
I'll agree. Old people should get the hell out of politics. And by old, I mean 75+.

The democrats had an opportunity to elect a young woman of color. But she pissed off the old white woman. So they voted for the old white guy.
The democrats had an opportunity to elect a young woman of color. But she pissed off the old white woman. So they voted for the old white guy.
It would also help if those younger than 40 would get more engaged in politics.

It's glorious just how amazing his brain is.

But sure, biden is the idiot........LLLOOOLLOOLLOOLOL

If I was Pete Doocy in the press, I would ask Biden to count backwards from 57 to 42. Could you imagine the silence in the room?

His brain is on life support, hence the propaganda.

Could be. Dr. Marc Siegel, a Clinical Professor of Medicine and a practicing internist at NYU Langone Medical Center, said:

"If we're looking into neurological causes for the gait change, I don't think the way they characterize that in the physical is sufficient," Siegel said. "I want more information. I want to know what the MRIs show, and I want to know what the nerve conduction EMG shows to rule out things that are more extensive, that by the way, can be associated with cognitive changes like mental status, like dementia."

"This is not a fully characterized neurological assessment of somebody with a gait problem, and I want to know why," Siegel added, noting that normal pressure hydrocephalus, a condition relating to fluid on the brain, is a "possibility" for certain medical issues. "That can be associated with cognitive loss."

How can any doctor look at these and say he is fit for office?
Cute stuff you got there.
Still your President.

Every time trump's idiotic statements, stutters, gaffs, and profoundly incorrect LIES gets mentioned, All RWI's have as a comeback is...........

1). TDS, Post # 2334554433
2). Rent Free, 24/7
3). That's not what he meant.......... super cute with this one.

Yes, those are so cute.

But now you've added....."let's go Brandon."

But you can NEVER actually Properly Defend "Dotard Donnie."
Deflection is a must.
I think this doctor needs a doctor, because physically he might be healthy,.. but mentally he's nearly at the point of being braindead.

Same thing happened under Trump.

I wonder what you said about that? Probably that it was disrespectful to the president.

It's great to have a SANE president - who is also physically fit for office! Go Joe!

Also, I applaud the doctor who reported the detailed facts about Joe's health - unlike those quacks who lied for Trump. Now we have transparency!
We don't have a sane president in office. Nobody certified his mental condition.

Why make such an obvious lie? What do you have to gain?

Flatulent Joe is very unpopular and his popularity numbers continue to drop.
Even the Biden suckers at Vox have taken note of Biden's dive. Biden’s approval rating is very bad
First of all, show me a video where he's acting THIS stupid
That's simple. See Post #33, trump actually believes he is 'being smart using his very big brain.' You should be embarrassed, and you secretly probably are.

With 1,000's hours of trump blabbering, there are 1,000's of hours of dotard donnie acting "Extremely Stupid."

I challenge you to find 2 minutes, of unedited footage, of dotard donnie, not reading from a teleprompter (And he can't even do that) where dotard donnie spoke in an intelligent manner for 2 straight minutes.

You can't, because there is NO single case where that ^^^^^^ exists.
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and second of all why do you liberals have to bring Trump into every topic?
Because dotard donnie put's himself in the news, constantly, so there is ALWAYS something stupid to comment about.
Tell dotard donnie to disappear onto the back stage, like ALL other previous Presidents.
Hell, Hillary has disappeared, and you clowns STILL bring her up.

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