Doctors are coming out in droves saying hydroxychloroquine works

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It didn't but we have the disease under control. If people were healthier we would have COVID under control too. We are too fat.
BTW, I don't believe any numbers coming out today. all bullshit. nothing of value or logic. if masks worked then the masks failed if the count went up. there isn't any other way to look at it. the compliance is by 90% of people. fk, the stay at home participation was worse. But yet, the numbers are rising with masks. How can that even be logically? start naming places people frequent where there have been reported outbreaks. none. zip, and the governors are still talking about stricter restrictions. fk them and their administrations. Fake numbers all of them. I say prove it. BTW, if masks work why is it my glasses fog up when I wear one? why do they stick a nine inch swab into one's head rather than a swab from the mouth? anyone else curious? just asking.
Masks are just there for optics. Disease is real. I had it.

If I were fat and or had diabetes, I'd be dead.
God I wish people would just stop pretending they know what they’re talking about.
So now you don't believe me? Excellent. I had firsthand experience. You're discussing theory.
What’s your experience that says masks are just for optics?

Go ahead.

My doctor. Unless you have surgical masks...they are just for show.

Sounds like he may not have been basing that statement on best evidence.

For example:

We can play link games all day.
Except my link shows that it works in practice. Links don’t work if you don’t read them.
you mean like the link I gave you from Dr Risch proving you wrong on all accounts of the topic at hand???
he has you and me on ignore. we beat his fugley ass. therefore, he didn't read your article, nor will he respond.
he responded a few comments ago, so he doesnt have me on ignore,,at least 20 minutes ago,,,
I don’t have you on ignore, I just don’t have much to say to you.
only because what I provided you proves you wrong,,,
that and that youre a liar most of the time,,,
only because what I provided you proves you wrong,,,
that and that youre a liar most of the time,,,
The proof is in the well controlled clinical trials that demonstrated no effect, not cherry picked observational trials.
what was cherry picked???

and those observations were hundreds if not thousands of cases being treated successfully,,,

thats called field trials and was the way things happened for thousands of yrs in medicine,,,
Cherry picking positive studies which have some questionable characteristics and are out of line with the best available data.
prove it,,,

and what was cherry picked???
its an overall observation not cherry picked,, in some cases there was 100% success,,,
Did he mention any of the negative trials in the article?
you tell me,,,

as I said it was an overall observation,,,
You didn’t read the article, did you.
it isnt about me,,so stop deflecting,,,
Why do you want me to comment on an article you didn’t even bother to read?
when did I say I didnt read it???

I wanted your comment because of all the lies you were telling about the doctors in the OP because it proved you wrong and a liar,,,
What lies? That lady Stella Immanuel is a little crazy.

It sure looks like you didn’t read the article because you don’t seem to have any knowledge of the information in it.
why are you singling her out and ignoring the rest of them including Dr risch???

youre doing that because it proves you wrong and a liar,,,
I’m not ignoring Dr Risch, I’ve responded why I don’t find his case compelling. You never read the article so I’m not sure what you’re looking for here.
I find it compelling.
View attachment 368204
Democrats get

Yep maybe she has cured hundreds with demon sperm.

Maybe Simone Gold the other doctor saved hundreds at a hospital she says she works at but left there over a year ago.
no, she's cured 350 patients using a known malaria drug. 100%. and what?
It didn't but we have the disease under control. If people were healthier we would have COVID under control too. We are too fat.
BTW, I don't believe any numbers coming out today. all bullshit. nothing of value or logic. if masks worked then the masks failed if the count went up. there isn't any other way to look at it. the compliance is by 90% of people. fk, the stay at home participation was worse. But yet, the numbers are rising with masks. How can that even be logically? start naming places people frequent where there have been reported outbreaks. none. zip, and the governors are still talking about stricter restrictions. fk them and their administrations. Fake numbers all of them. I say prove it. BTW, if masks work why is it my glasses fog up when I wear one? why do they stick a nine inch swab into one's head rather than a swab from the mouth? anyone else curious? just asking.
Masks are just there for optics. Disease is real. I had it.

If I were fat and or had diabetes, I'd be dead.
God I wish people would just stop pretending they know what they’re talking about.
So now you don't believe me? Excellent. I had firsthand experience. You're discussing theory.
What’s your experience that says masks are just for optics?

Go ahead.

My doctor. Unless you have surgical masks...they are just for show.

Sounds like he may not have been basing that statement on best evidence.

For example:

We can play link games all day.
Except my link shows that it works in practice. Links don’t work if you don’t read them.
you mean like the link I gave you from Dr Risch proving you wrong on all accounts of the topic at hand???
he has you and me on ignore. we beat his fugley ass. therefore, he didn't read your article, nor will he respond.
he responded a few comments ago, so he doesnt have me on ignore,,at least 20 minutes ago,,,
I don’t have you on ignore, I just don’t have much to say to you.
only because what I provided you proves you wrong,,,
that and that youre a liar most of the time,,,
only because what I provided you proves you wrong,,,
that and that youre a liar most of the time,,,
The proof is in the well controlled clinical trials that demonstrated no effect, not cherry picked observational trials.
what was cherry picked???

and those observations were hundreds if not thousands of cases being treated successfully,,,

thats called field trials and was the way things happened for thousands of yrs in medicine,,,
Cherry picking positive studies which have some questionable characteristics and are out of line with the best available data.
prove it,,,

and what was cherry picked???
its an overall observation not cherry picked,, in some cases there was 100% success,,,
Did he mention any of the negative trials in the article?
you tell me,,,

as I said it was an overall observation,,,
You didn’t read the article, did you.
it isnt about me,,so stop deflecting,,,
Why do you want me to comment on an article you didn’t even bother to read?
when did I say I didnt read it???

I wanted your comment because of all the lies you were telling about the doctors in the OP because it proved you wrong and a liar,,,
What lies? That lady Stella Immanuel is a little crazy.

It sure looks like you didn’t read the article because you don’t seem to have any knowledge of the information in it.
why are you singling her out and ignoring the rest of them including Dr risch???

youre doing that because it proves you wrong and a liar,,,
I’m not ignoring Dr Risch, I’ve responded why I don’t find his case compelling. You never read the article so I’m not sure what you’re looking for here.
I find it compelling.
I find it compelling.
View attachment 368204
Democrats get

Yeah, you go with that nutcase...

I'll go with an informed doctor...

Fauci has been wrong on everything about this virus. No wonder you prove yourself a dumbass everyday.

Slobbers a trumptard.

Oh? What was he wrong about?
Everything he started with the mask.

What about masks? Haven't you heard? Even Impeched Trmp flip-flopped on masks.


View attachment 368297
That was early on before the pandemic was spreading here like it is. Since then, he's been on board with masks. Whereas Impeached Trump held a rally about a month ago where he not only refused to wear a mask, he encouraged attendees to not wear one either. And that was when he thought a million tickets were distributed to his event. And not surprisingly, about two weeks before a COVID outbreak in Tulsa.
View attachment 368319
So? He had just tested negative.

so if you test negative you dont have to obey the rules???
Putz, the purpose of wearing a mask is to prevent spreading it. If he's negative, he's not spreading it, mask or no mask. Despite that, he still wore one for most of the game, pulling it down on occasion, mostly to drink water.
It didn't but we have the disease under control. If people were healthier we would have COVID under control too. We are too fat.
BTW, I don't believe any numbers coming out today. all bullshit. nothing of value or logic. if masks worked then the masks failed if the count went up. there isn't any other way to look at it. the compliance is by 90% of people. fk, the stay at home participation was worse. But yet, the numbers are rising with masks. How can that even be logically? start naming places people frequent where there have been reported outbreaks. none. zip, and the governors are still talking about stricter restrictions. fk them and their administrations. Fake numbers all of them. I say prove it. BTW, if masks work why is it my glasses fog up when I wear one? why do they stick a nine inch swab into one's head rather than a swab from the mouth? anyone else curious? just asking.
Masks are just there for optics. Disease is real. I had it.

If I were fat and or had diabetes, I'd be dead.
God I wish people would just stop pretending they know what they’re talking about.
So now you don't believe me? Excellent. I had firsthand experience. You're discussing theory.
What’s your experience that says masks are just for optics?

Go ahead.

My doctor. Unless you have surgical masks...they are just for show.

Sounds like he may not have been basing that statement on best evidence.

For example:

We can play link games all day.
Except my link shows that it works in practice. Links don’t work if you don’t read them.
you mean like the link I gave you from Dr Risch proving you wrong on all accounts of the topic at hand???
he has you and me on ignore. we beat his fugley ass. therefore, he didn't read your article, nor will he respond.
he responded a few comments ago, so he doesnt have me on ignore,,at least 20 minutes ago,,,
I don’t have you on ignore, I just don’t have much to say to you.
only because what I provided you proves you wrong,,,
that and that youre a liar most of the time,,,
only because what I provided you proves you wrong,,,
that and that youre a liar most of the time,,,
The proof is in the well controlled clinical trials that demonstrated no effect, not cherry picked observational trials.
what was cherry picked???

and those observations were hundreds if not thousands of cases being treated successfully,,,

thats called field trials and was the way things happened for thousands of yrs in medicine,,,
Cherry picking positive studies which have some questionable characteristics and are out of line with the best available data.
prove it,,,

and what was cherry picked???
its an overall observation not cherry picked,, in some cases there was 100% success,,,
Did he mention any of the negative trials in the article?
you tell me,,,

as I said it was an overall observation,,,
You didn’t read the article, did you.
it isnt about me,,so stop deflecting,,,
Why do you want me to comment on an article you didn’t even bother to read?
when did I say I didnt read it???

I wanted your comment because of all the lies you were telling about the doctors in the OP because it proved you wrong and a liar,,,
What lies? That lady Stella Immanuel is a little crazy.

It sure looks like you didn’t read the article because you don’t seem to have any knowledge of the information in it.
why are you singling her out and ignoring the rest of them including Dr risch???

youre doing that because it proves you wrong and a liar,,,
I’m not ignoring Dr Risch, I’ve responded why I don’t find his case compelling. You never read the article so I’m not sure what you’re looking for here.

Nope they didn't read the article she practices that kind of shit.
and she treated 350 patients with the malaria drug and cured 100% of them. and that fking bothers you why?
View attachment 368204
Democrats get

Yeah, you go with that nutcase...

I'll go with an informed doctor...

Fauci has been wrong on everything about this virus. No wonder you prove yourself a dumbass everyday.

Slobbers a trumptard.

Oh? What was he wrong about?
Everything he started with the mask.

What about masks? Haven't you heard? Even Impeched Trmp flip-flopped on masks.


View attachment 368297
That was early on before the pandemic was spreading here like it is. Since then, he's been on board with masks. Whereas Impeached Trump held a rally about a month ago where he not only refused to wear a mask, he encouraged attendees to not wear one either. And that was when he thought a million tickets were distributed to his event. And not surprisingly, about two weeks before a COVID outbreak in Tulsa.
View attachment 368319
So? He had just tested negative.

so if you test negative you dont have to obey the rules???
Putz, the purpose of wearing a mask is to prevent spreading it. If he's negative, he's not spreading it, mask or no mask. Despite that, he still wore one for most of the game, pulling it down on occasion, mostly to drink water.
View attachment 368351
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
View attachment 368215are you calling her a liar?

No idea who she is or what she’s doing. I only know what the data shows, which in medicine is the only thing that should count.
She’s one of America’s front line doctors who treated 350 Covid patients with hydroxyC, If you watch the video there’s 20 other Frontline doctors 100% of their patients were cured because of the drug Trump discovered

Let their patients speak up.
how would you know anyone was her patient even if they said they were? you say fake shit just like now. you're useless as a debater.
Update: Facebook Deletes the Video! – US Frontline Doctors Hold Presser in Washington DC to Dispel Misinformation on COVID-19 – Including Attacks on Life-Saving HCQ Treatments

28 Jul 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
UPDATE: Since posting this video below by frontline US doctors and after over 17 million views Facebook has censored the video!!

Frontline doctors from across the US held a “White Coat Summit” on Monday in Washington DC to dispel the misinformation and myths surrounding the coronavirus.
The doctors are very concerned with the disinformation campaign being played out in the far left American media today.
From their website: “If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease.”
Here is a list of the doctors speaking at the event today.

Obviously the followers of the Progressive Marxist Socialist Communist ideology within the Tech industry along with the biased media will not allow Physicians to speak freely on Facebook.
Disinformation spread by the biased Media and "Democrat" politicians are now trying to silencing the free speech of medical professionals that have dedecated their lives to medicine and the well being of people.
It may help when you are on a ventilator but not before they say now. Try and keep up
you obviously didn't read the link in the OP. and yet you comment. you are now a waste of everyone's time in this thread. bye.
View attachment 368204
Democrats get

Yep maybe she has cured hundreds with demon sperm.

Maybe Simone Gold the other doctor saved hundreds at a hospital she says she works at but left there over a year ago.
no, she's cured 350 patients using a known malaria drug. 100%. and what?
Prove it.
View attachment 368204
Democrats get

Yep maybe she has cured hundreds with demon sperm.

Maybe Simone Gold the other doctor saved hundreds at a hospital she says she works at but left there over a year ago.
no, she's cured 350 patients using a known malaria drug. 100%. and what?
Prove it.
prove she didnt,,,
They've been doing this for the entire so-called pandemic, the difference now is that the tech forums, facebook, twitter, ect ect are all coordinating the censorship! Look, you folks had better be armed, because this November when it all collapses, you're on your own, and the democratic party mob is coming, and not for Trump, its never been about Trump, its about you!
View attachment 368204
Democrats get

Yep maybe she has cured hundreds with demon sperm.

Maybe Simone Gold the other doctor saved hundreds at a hospital she says she works at but left there over a year ago.
no, she's cured 350 patients using a known malaria drug. 100%. and what?
Prove it.
prove she didnt,,,
I need not prove a negative. I accept your surrender.
View attachment 368204
Democrats get

Yep maybe she has cured hundreds with demon sperm.

Maybe Simone Gold the other doctor saved hundreds at a hospital she says she works at but left there over a year ago.
no, she's cured 350 patients using a known malaria drug. 100%. and what?
Prove it.
prove she didnt,,,
I need not prove a negative. I accept your surrender.
how would you like him to prove her claims???

your question is just as dumb if not dumber,,,

I accept your surrender
That's a lie.
It's crazy just how uninformed those who follow the Fake News MSM are ....
The actual studies continue to contradict breightbart's desire to have the orange turd be correct for once.
why do you feel your link somehow trump's the OP link? 6000 vs 504. not even fking close. go eat some bat shit.

Yeah, you go with that nutcase...

I'll go with an informed doctor...

LMAO @ the Daily Beast ...

You keep parroting the Fake News MSM ....

We ALL understand Leftist ARE NOT capable of independent thought !!!

SMH @ all crazy shit Leftist believe .....

Her sermons are publicly available.

You guys should be embarrassed.
Ok stick to the argument.. or can you? Lol
The argument is you’re glomming onto a fringe doctor without having any idea who she is.
are you saying she lied about her 350 patients? prove it.
View attachment 368204
Democrats get

Yep maybe she has cured hundreds with demon sperm.

Maybe Simone Gold the other doctor saved hundreds at a hospital she says she works at but left there over a year ago.
no, she's cured 350 patients using a known malaria drug. 100%. and what?
Prove it.
prove she didnt,,,
I need not prove a negative. I accept your surrender.
how would you like him to prove her claims???

your question is just as dumb if not dumber,,,

I accept your surrender

Imbecile, if she did as she claimed, there would be medical records. So yes, if it's true, it can be proven.

Are you ever not a mindlessly squawking parrot?

View attachment 368204
Democrats get

Yep maybe she has cured hundreds with demon sperm.

Maybe Simone Gold the other doctor saved hundreds at a hospital she says she works at but left there over a year ago.
no, she's cured 350 patients using a known malaria drug. 100%. and what?
Prove it.
prove she didnt,,,
I need not prove a negative. I accept your surrender.
how would you like him to prove her claims???

your question is just as dumb if not dumber,,,

I accept your surrender

Imbecile, if she did as she claimed, there would be medical records. So yes, if it's true, it can be proven.

Are you ever not a mindlessly squawking parrot?

so you want us to get medical records of hundreds of people we dont know???

like I said your question was just dumb and a deflection,,,
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