Doctors are coming out in droves saying hydroxychloroquine works

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No, it’s just gibberish because you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Ain’t playing your game alice
Stop pretending like you have the foggiest idea what you’re talking about and you might learn something.
Ain’t playing your game Alice. Refute the data or move on
Refute what data? She has presented no data.
did you call and ask her for it???
I don't have to. Competent doctors who claim to have a cure for a disease present corroborating data to support their claims.
so your just mad they didnt tell you,,,

maybe mommy can give you a cookie to shut you up,,,

Why would I be mad at some quack who believes our government has reptilians from another planet?
there are more doctors than her making the claim,,,

why are you focusing on a black women to silence her???
Why are you injecting race into this? Are you racist?
Umm democrats are attacking a black woman, and her culture.. do you know your history?

Dumbfuck racist, which culture practices replacing government officials with reptilian humanoids?


but what about all the other doctors making the same claim???
They had good data to prove their claims, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
how do you know they dont???
did you call and ask them for it??
Are we supposed to believe they’re keeping it a secret for some reason?
who said they are??
You tell me. Either they have the data that proves it’s effective and they’re not showing anyone or they don’t have any data.

I will try and call them later and will let you know,,,

until then it seems to be helping,,,so I say let them keep using it helps

What do you mean?
The fda already approved it. It’s used for malaria for many a years
True. It’s used for malaria because it has a known scientifically demonstrated benefit.

But it’s not approved for COVID.
and yet it still helps,,,
How do you know?
I pay attention and dont have TDS,,,
All you do is repeat what Trump tells you to repeat. You don’t think for yourself.

Trump told you it works. You must agree.
What do you mean?
The fda already approved it. It’s used for malaria for many a years

Not only don't you read drug labels, you're seriously uninformed. The FDA approves drugs not no an absolute basis, but on the disease or condition it was meant to treat.
that doesnt mean it wont help on other illness's,,
in fact in a lot of cases it has several uses but focus on one,,,

and who really trusts trumps FDA,,,
What do you mean?
The fda already approved it. It’s used for malaria for many a years
True. It’s used for malaria because it has a known scientifically demonstrated benefit.

But it’s not approved for COVID.
and yet it still helps,,,
How do you know?
I pay attention and dont have TDS,,,
All you do is repeat what Trump tells you to repeat. You don’t think for yourself.

Trump told you it works. You must agree.
I listen to doctors and really cant stand listening to trump,,hes rather annoying to hear talk,,,
What do you mean?
The fda already approved it. It’s used for malaria for many a years
True. It’s used for malaria because it has a known scientifically demonstrated benefit.

But it’s not approved for COVID.
and yet it still helps,,,
How do you know?
I pay attention and dont have TDS,,,
All you do is repeat what Trump tells you to repeat. You don’t think for yourself.

Trump told you it works. You must agree.

Stop making everything about partisan politics. Some of us don't give a rat's @ss what Trump says. Tons of DOCTORS have said it works. I posted an article a little while ago which you totally ignored. I'll post it again.

As professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, I have authored over 300 peer-reviewed publications and currently hold senior positions on the editorial boards of several leading journals. I am usually accustomed to advocating for positions within the mainstream of medicine, so have been flummoxed to find that, in the midst of a crisis, I am fighting for a treatment that the data fully support but which, for reasons having nothing to do with a correct understanding of the science, has been pushed to the sidelines. As a result, tens of thousands of patients with COVID-19 are dying unnecessarily. Fortunately, the situation can be reversed easily and quickly.

The fact that some of you seem to not want any solutions, totally based on asinine partisan politics, is absolutely despicable.
Even black doctors can’t hold their nose to democrats.. this woman saved 100% of her patients with hydroxychloroquine

I wonder what Biden would do if his beloved son came down with a case of the Covids?

Would he agree to have the Trump Treatment administered to save the boy's life?

No he would not. He would get some remdesivir - the medication that SAVES lives. The one Trump ignored when he bought up all the hydroxychloroquine

When Trump gets the crud, I’d be more than happy to see him on hydroxychlooquine to speed his recovery.
Stop making everything about partisan politics. Some of us don't give a rat's @ass what Trump says. Tons of DOCTORS have said it works. I posted an article a little while ago which you totally ignored. I'll post it again.
I’m not making this about politics. Trump has warped this issue.

I’ve read this article and it’s got some problems.

This author quotes only positive studies, ignores all negative studies. That’s called confirmation bias. Furthermore, the studies he quoted are all observational and retrospective. Some come from questionable authors. This is a problem because since they aren’t controlled, they’re not great quality, but they’re good enough to warrant further investigation. So that’s what we did. We did a bigger, better, well designed prospective trial. That trial failed to show benefit.

The vast majority of the medical community moved on to other treatments with better data and hydroxychloroquine isn’t really used anymore. The medical community did this not because of politics but because that’s what the data showed.

Now, the medical community is not monolithic and there’s always dissenting voices and that’s okay. But the evidence as a whole is really not good for hydroxychloroquine.
that doesnt mean it wont help on other illness's,,
in fact in a lot of cases it has several uses but focus on one,,,

and who really trusts trumps FDA,,,
Actually many drugs were developed or certified to treat one thing, and when put into broader use, side effects in the limited study found other uses./

And the compound finasteride was first used in the drug Proscar, made by Merck, to treat swollen prostates, but was later approved to treat baldness under the name Propecia when patients reported they noticed hair changes after taking the drug.

Sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra, was originally developed to treat cardiovascular problems. It was meant to dilate the heart’s blood vessels by blocking a particular protein called PDE-5.

”A very observant nurse reported this, saying the men were embarrassed [because] they were getting erections.” It appeared that the blood vessels dilating were not in the heart, but rather the penis (dilating blood vessels is part of the process that leads to erections).
What do you mean?
The fda already approved it. It’s used for malaria for many a years
True. It’s used for malaria because it has a known scientifically demonstrated benefit.

But it’s not approved for COVID.
and yet it still helps,,,
How do you know?
I pay attention and dont have TDS,,,
All you do is repeat what Trump tells you to repeat. You don’t think for yourself.

Trump told you it works. You must agree.
I listen to doctors and really cant stand listening to trump,,hes rather annoying to hear talk,,,
The medical community is not short on kooky doctors making unsubstantiated claims as we can see.
What do you mean?
The fda already approved it. It’s used for malaria for many a years
True. It’s used for malaria because it has a known scientifically demonstrated benefit.

But it’s not approved for COVID.
and yet it still helps,,,
How do you know?
I pay attention and dont have TDS,,,
All you do is repeat what Trump tells you to repeat. You don’t think for yourself.

Trump told you it works. You must agree.
I listen to doctors and really cant stand listening to trump,,hes rather annoying to hear talk,,,
The medical community is not short on kooky doctors making unsubstantiated claims as we can see.
I know what you mean,,look at Fauci,,,

doesnt mean its effects didnt happen,,,
This author quotes only positive studies, ignores all negative studies. That’s called confirmation bias. Furthermore, the studies he quoted are all observational and retrospective. Some come from questionable authors. This is a problem because since they aren’t controlled, they’re not great quality, but they’re good enough to warrant further investigation. So that’s what we did. We did a bigger, better, well designed prospective trial. That trial failed to show benefit.

This is like the ads for Trump University. Citing the success stories, and never mentioning the failures.
What do you mean?
The fda already approved it. It’s used for malaria for many a years
True. It’s used for malaria because it has a known scientifically demonstrated benefit.

But it’s not approved for COVID.
and yet it still helps,,,
How do you know?
I pay attention and dont have TDS,,,
All you do is repeat what Trump tells you to repeat. You don’t think for yourself.

Trump told you it works. You must agree.
I listen to doctors and really cant stand listening to trump,,hes rather annoying to hear talk,,,
The medical community is not short on kooky doctors making unsubstantiated claims as we can see.
I know what you mean,,look at Fauci,,,

doesnt mean its effects didnt happen,,,
Fauci is not a kooky doctor. He’s extremely well respected. You don’t know much about him, do you?
This author quotes only positive studies, ignores all negative studies. That’s called confirmation bias. Furthermore, the studies he quoted are all observational and retrospective. Some come from questionable authors. This is a problem because since they aren’t controlled, they’re not great quality, but they’re good enough to warrant further investigation. So that’s what we did. We did a bigger, better, well designed prospective trial. That trial failed to show benefit.

This is like the ads for Trump University. Citing the success stories, and never mentioning the failures.
the benefit of the internet is you can show his failures for him,,
Even black doctors can’t hold their nose to democrats.. this woman saved 100% of her patients with hydroxychloroquine

I wonder what Biden would do if his beloved son came down with a case of the Covids?

Would he agree to have the Trump Treatment administered to save the boy's life?

No he would not. He would get some remdesivir - the medication that SAVES lives. The one Trump ignored when he bought up all the hydroxychloroquine

When Trump gets the crud, I’d be more than happy to see him on hydroxychlooquine to speed his recovery.

Remdesivir isn't approved either.

From the FDA website:

>>Q. Is remdesivir approved by the FDA to treat COVID-19?

A. No. Remdesivir is an investigational antiviral drug. It is not currently FDA-approved to treat or prevent any diseases, including COVID-19. <<

In addition, Unproven Remdesivir cost $3100 a pill, a whole lot more than popularly priced hydroxychloroquine.

BTW, President Trump - like MOST world leaders- is already taking it.
What do you mean?
The fda already approved it. It’s used for malaria for many a years
True. It’s used for malaria because it has a known scientifically demonstrated benefit.

But it’s not approved for COVID.
and yet it still helps,,,
How do you know?
I pay attention and dont have TDS,,,
All you do is repeat what Trump tells you to repeat. You don’t think for yourself.

Trump told you it works. You must agree.
I listen to doctors and really cant stand listening to trump,,hes rather annoying to hear talk,,,
The medical community is not short on kooky doctors making unsubstantiated claims as we can see.
I know what you mean,,look at Fauci,,,

doesnt mean its effects didnt happen,,,
Fauci is not a kooky doctor. He’s extremely well respected. You don’t know much about him, do you?
its a matter of perspective,,,but he is a politician that just happens to have a Drs license making medical decisions,,,
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