Doctors are coming out in droves saying hydroxychloroquine works

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they arent telling us, they are forcing us at the barrel of a gun,,,
They do that every time the country as in dire peril.

The New York City draft riots (July 13–16, 1863), sometimes referred to as the Manhattan draft riots and known at the time as Draft Week, were violent disturbances in Lower Manhattan, widely regarded as the culmination of white working-class discontent with new laws passed by Congress that year to draft men to fight in .
so you support fascist tactics,,,


I dont because I'm not a fascist,,,
No, it’s just gibberish because you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Ain’t playing your game alice
Stop pretending like you have the foggiest idea what you’re talking about and you might learn something.
Ain’t playing your game Alice. Refute the data or move on
Refute what data? She has presented no data.
did you call and ask her for it???
I don't have to. Competent doctors who claim to have a cure for a disease present corroborating data to support their claims.
so your just mad they didnt tell you,,,

maybe mommy can give you a cookie to shut you up,,,

Why would I be mad at some quack who believes our government has reptilians from another planet?
there are more doctors than her making the claim,,,

why are you focusing on a black women to silence her???
Why are you injecting race into this? Are you racist?
Umm democrats are attacking a black woman, and her culture.. do you know your history?

Dumbfuck racist, which culture practices replacing government officials with reptilian humanoids?


but what about all the other doctors making the same claim???
They had good data to prove their claims, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
how do you know they dont???
did you call and ask them for it??
Are we supposed to believe they’re keeping it a secret for some reason?
who said they are??
You tell me. Either they have the data that proves it’s effective and they’re not showing anyone or they don’t have any data.

I will try and call them later and will let you know,,,

until then it seems to be helping,,,so I say let them keep using it helps

Why would they say it works if it didn’t? Are these fks calling them dishonest? I’m truly trying to rationalize these demofks issue.
No, it’s just gibberish because you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Ain’t playing your game alice
Stop pretending like you have the foggiest idea what you’re talking about and you might learn something.
Ain’t playing your game Alice. Refute the data or move on
Refute what data? She has presented no data.
did you call and ask her for it???
I don't have to. Competent doctors who claim to have a cure for a disease present corroborating data to support their claims.
so your just mad they didnt tell you,,,

maybe mommy can give you a cookie to shut you up,,,

Why would I be mad at some quack who believes our government has reptilians from another planet?
there are more doctors than her making the claim,,,

why are you focusing on a black women to silence her???
Why are you injecting race into this? Are you racist?
Umm democrats are attacking a black woman, and her culture.. do you know your history?

Dumbfuck racist, which culture practices replacing government officials with reptilian humanoids?


but what about all the other doctors making the same claim???
They had good data to prove their claims, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
how do you know they dont???
did you call and ask them for it??
Are we supposed to believe they’re keeping it a secret for some reason?
who said they are??
You tell me. Either they have the data that proves it’s effective and they’re not showing anyone or they don’t have any data.

I will try and call them later and will let you know,,,

until then it seems to be helping,,,so I say let them keep using it helps

Why would they say it works if it didn’t? Are these fks calling them dishonest? I’m truly trying to rationalize these demofks issue.
dont try to hard,,,their agenda is clear,,,
What do you mean?
The fda already approved it. It’s used for malaria for many a years
True. It’s used for malaria because it has a known scientifically demonstrated benefit.

But it’s not approved for COVID.
and yet it still helps,,,
How do you know?
I pay attention and dont have TDS,,,
All you do is repeat what Trump tells you to repeat. You don’t think for yourself.

Trump told you it works. You must agree.
I listen to doctors and really cant stand listening to trump,,hes rather annoying to hear talk,,,
The medical community is not short on kooky doctors making unsubstantiated claims as we can see.
I know what you mean,,look at Fauci,,,

doesnt mean its effects didnt happen,,,
Fauci is not a kooky doctor. He’s extremely well respected. You don’t know much about him, do you?
its a matter of perspective,,,but he is a politician that just happens to have a Drs license making medical decisions,,,
No, he’s a medical doctor who has risen to the top of his field because his work. You don’t know much about him and it’s hard to explain to people who don’t know how respected he is.

For example, this is the seminal textbook on internal medicine. Look at the authors:
View attachment 368779

Medicine is by and large a meritocracy. Fauci is at the top because he deserves it.

If I needed complicated surgery, Tony Fauci is the last quack I would go to. If you think he's so brilliant, you can have a different opinion on this.
Well, Fauci isn’t a surgeon so I wouldn’t go to him either.

Kramer had an infectious disease and went to him because he is an infectious disease expert, which is why he’s important right now.
He isn’t in a lab, nor is he doing any research
You're just repeating what the TV has indoctrinated you to repeat. What you can't seem to grasp is that they don't care about any actual solutions, because this is not about health, it's about control and keeping the public in constant fear, because that is precisely how they bring about their numerous agendas.

You think their agenda telling people to wear masks, so as to control the spread of the coronavirus, is about control, and not about stemming a pandemic?

Especially since they didn't say you had to "buy" a mask, you could make one of your own from rags or a scarf. Taking the economics out of it.

I didn't say that the masks were about economics. It's about control and keeping this whole scam going, keeping the public in continual fear, so that they can bring about their numerous agendas. One of their agendas is mandating intrusive medical procedures such as vaccination. Once that precedent is set, it opens the door for controlling all of your medical decisions thereafter.

Anyone who has been paying attention can see where this is all heading. Don't take my word for it, Gates has openly stated that people will not be able to live a normal life (do things like travel, go to public events, etc) unless they are vaccinated. And that is just one of their agendas, there are numerous others that are in the works, of course using this "pandemic" as their catchall pretext.
so you support fascist tactics,,,


I dont because I'm not a fascist,,,
Actually nobody is holding a gun to your head. The most they threaten is the same thing they do when you don't obey the speed limit.

I would hardly call the police enforcing traffic laws to be fascists.
What do you mean?
The fda already approved it. It’s used for malaria for many a years
True. It’s used for malaria because it has a known scientifically demonstrated benefit.

But it’s not approved for COVID.
and yet it still helps,,,
How do you know?
I pay attention and dont have TDS,,,
All you do is repeat what Trump tells you to repeat. You don’t think for yourself.

Trump told you it works. You must agree.
I listen to doctors and really cant stand listening to trump,,hes rather annoying to hear talk,,,
The medical community is not short on kooky doctors making unsubstantiated claims as we can see.
I know what you mean,,look at Fauci,,,

doesnt mean its effects didnt happen,,,
Fauci is not a kooky doctor. He’s extremely well respected. You don’t know much about him, do you?
its a matter of perspective,,,but he is a politician that just happens to have a Drs license making medical decisions,,,
No, he’s a medical doctor who has risen to the top of his field because his work. You don’t know much about him and it’s hard to explain to people who don’t know how respected he is.

For example, this is the seminal textbook on internal medicine. Look at the authors:
View attachment 368779

Medicine is by and large a meritocracy. Fauci is at the top because he deserves it.

If I needed complicated surgery, Tony Fauci is the last quack I would go to. If you think he's so brilliant, you can have a different opinion on this.
Well, Fauci isn’t a surgeon so I wouldn’t go to him either.

Kramer had an infectious disease and went to him because he is an infectious disease expert, which is why he’s important right now.
He isn’t in a lab, nor is he doing any research
Why do you say things without having any idea I’d it’s true?
Democrats just erased a black doctor from the Internet and trashed her. Lol IS THIS THE TWILIGHT ZONE? Lol

She is still out there talking about the reptilians disguised as humans, illnesses being caused by dream sex with demons and witches, and vaccines being made with alien DNA.

But as far as her being an authority on covid-19? Yeah, she is gone. You can try and make it about race if you want. But crazy is crazy.
Wow attacking a board-certified doctor.. is this because she’s African so she has to be a witch?
You can't stop spouting racist shit, can ya?

No man............PROG-rules & race-cards, you know how it's played.

PROGS don't like her cuz she failed to mansplain the situation properly. They make fun of fat people too, and they ignore science when it conflicts with their religion (i.e., PROG). Oh forgot one, she's from another country, so PROGS are xenophobic as well.
No, we don't like her cause she's batshit insane. Righties like her because she's promoting a drug Impeached Trump promoted.

lil faun = racist
^^^ conspiracy nut
A conspiracy nut that destroys your lame attempts at rebuttal.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!! Huffing-puffington Post with the far left extremist Nick Robin- Early that also comes across as an angry queer?

Well played, Progressive sure laid down some serious debunking info with serious "street cred".

Your ad homonyms do not exactly make you sound smart or credible. Refute it or shut the hell up
Pro homo, the three leftard commie fucks that collaborated on that pile of shit are not doctors or physicians. So you can STFU, " Queenie".
so you support fascist tactics,,,


I dont because I'm not a fascist,,,
Actually nobody is holding a gun to your head. The most they threaten is the same thing they do when you don't obey the speed limit.

I would hardly call the police enforcing traffic laws to be fascists.
youre kidding right???

thats a privilege I agreed to,,,
This is like the ads for Trump University. Citing the success stories, and never mentioning the failures.
the benefit of the internet is you can show his failures for him,,
Hydroxychloroquine studies showed more harm than good. They ended the studies before patients suffered permanent harm, which would have been conclusive proof of their findings. But there are medical ethics involved.

There is always the possibility of a bad result with any drug.

But that being said, hydroxychloroquine has been prescribed to people for decades with few bad reactions.
Why all the oxy codine death then? You’re really confused
Oxycodine users had to break the law in order to overdose. They either bought it illegally on the black market, or illegally got a prescription (s).
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I didn't say that the masks were about economics. It's about control and keeping this whole scam going, keeping the public in continual fear, so that they can bring about their numerous agendas. One of their agendas is mandating intrusive medical procedures such as vaccination. Once that precedent is set, it opens the door for controlling all of your medical decisions thereafter.

If people wore masks, then the vaccine wouldn't be needed.

If they were pushing vaccination, they would tell people not to wear masks, so that the number of cases would get large enough to scare people into running for a vaccine.

Instead they advocate masks, which would minimize the need for a vaccine.
There is always the possibility of a bad result with any drug.

But that being said, hydroxychloroquine has been prescribed to people for decades with few bad reactions.

Actuallyo there have been many bad reactions. They were just deemed acceptable based on the benefit from preventing malaria, or treating lupus.

It's no different from the drugs prescribed to reduce the risk of stroke, or heart attack. Most of them have produced fatalities, but at a low enough level to be an acceptable cost vs benefit.
You're just repeating what the TV has indoctrinated you to repeat. What you can't seem to grasp is that they don't care about any actual solutions, because this is not about health, it's about control and keeping the public in constant fear, because that is precisely how they bring about their numerous agendas.

You think their agenda telling people to wear masks, so as to control the spread of the coronavirus, is about control, and not about stemming a pandemic?

Especially since they didn't say you had to "buy" a mask, you could make one of your own from rags or a scarf. Taking the economics out of it.

I didn't say that the masks were about economics. It's about control and keeping this whole scam going, keeping the public in continual fear, so that they can bring about their numerous agendas. One of their agendas is mandating intrusive medical procedures such as vaccination. Once that precedent is set, it opens the door for controlling all of your medical decisions thereafter.

Anyone who has been paying attention can see where this is all heading. Don't take my word for it, Gates has openly stated that people will not be able to live a normal life (do things like travel, go to public events, etc) unless they are vaccinated. And that is just one of their agendas, there are numerous others that are in the works, of course using this "pandemic" as their catchall pretext.
Still waiting for someone to answer why I can’t wear glasses with a mask?
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