Doctors are coming out in droves saying hydroxychloroquine works

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There is always the possibility of a bad result with any drug.

But that being said, hydroxychloroquine has been prescribed to people for decades with few bad reactions.

Actuallyo there have been many bad reactions. They were just deemed acceptable based on the benefit from preventing malaria, or treating lupus.

It's no different from the drugs prescribed to reduce the risk of stroke, or heart attack. Most of them have produced fatalities, but at a low enough level to be an acceptable cost vs benefit.
what are your qualifications to make that claim???

or are you just repeating what you hear on MSM???
There is always the possibility of a bad result with any drug.

But that being said, hydroxychloroquine has been prescribed to people for decades with few bad reactions.

Actuallyo there have been many bad reactions. They were just deemed acceptable based on the benefit from preventing malaria, or treating lupus.

It's no different from the drugs prescribed to reduce the risk of stroke, or heart attack. Most of them have produced fatalities, but at a low enough level to be an acceptable cost vs benefit.
No difference to any other drug! None, zippola
I didn't say that the masks were about economics. It's about control and keeping this whole scam going, keeping the public in continual fear, so that they can bring about their numerous agendas. One of their agendas is mandating intrusive medical procedures such as vaccination. Once that precedent is set, it opens the door for controlling all of your medical decisions thereafter.

If people wore masks, then the vaccine wouldn't be needed.

If they were pushing vaccination, they would tell people not to wear masks, so that the number of cases would get large enough to scare people into running for a vaccine.

Instead they advocate masks, which would minimize the need for a vaccine.

You're starting off with a number of wrong assumptions, so your conclusion is inevitably going to be incorrect. They don't necessarily need people to actually be sick to push for their vaccine, they just need people to believe this whole thing is what they claim it is. They need people to be in continual fear.

So masks are not only for keeping the scam going in people's minds, but they're also going to be used as leverage, to get non-compliant people to take the vaccine, as this nurse states in this short video:

What about tickets for jay-walking? Did you agree to that?
do you hear me complaining???
Mask wearing is being forced upon you the same as jay-walking.

Why complain about the former and not the latter. Same penalty.
you ever heard of "CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED"?

and it goes far beyond just masks,,,

it has only effected 1% of the people negatively and we have destroyed over 50% of some business's,, not to mention what its done to peoples livelihoods,,,
thats not acceptable
It's no different from the drugs prescribed to reduce the risk of stroke, or heart attack. Most of them have produced fatalities, but at a low enough level to be an acceptable cost vs benefit.
what are your qualifications to make that claim???

or are you just repeating what you hear on MSM???
I can google

Death and Disability from Warfarin-Associated Intracranial and ...

Of the 40 patients who died from warfarin-associated hemorrhage, 35 (88%) died of intracranial hemorrhage (annualized mortality rate of 0.23% [95% CI, 0.16%–0.32%]) and only 5 died of major extracranial hemorrhage (annualized mortality rate 0.03% [95% CI, 0.01%–0.08%])
I didn't say that the masks were about economics. It's about control and keeping this whole scam going, keeping the public in continual fear, so that they can bring about their numerous agendas. One of their agendas is mandating intrusive medical procedures such as vaccination. Once that precedent is set, it opens the door for controlling all of your medical decisions thereafter.

If people wore masks, then the vaccine wouldn't be needed.

If they were pushing vaccination, they would tell people not to wear masks, so that the number of cases would get large enough to scare people into running for a vaccine.

Instead they advocate masks, which would minimize the need for a vaccine.

You're starting off with a number of wrong assumptions, so your conclusion is inevitably going to be incorrect. They don't necessarily need people to actually be sick to push for their vaccine, they just need people to believe this whole thing is what they claim it is. They need people to be in continual fear.

So masks are not only for keeping the scam going in people's minds, but they're also going to be used as leverage, to get non-compliant people to take the vaccine, as this nurse states in this short video:

Hop on that boxcar when they mandate that right?
It's no different from the drugs prescribed to reduce the risk of stroke, or heart attack. Most of them have produced fatalities, but at a low enough level to be an acceptable cost vs benefit.
what are your qualifications to make that claim???

or are you just repeating what you hear on MSM???
I can google

Death and Disability from Warfarin-Associated Intracranial and ...

Of the 40 patients who died from warfarin-associated hemorrhage, 35 (88%) died of intracranial hemorrhage (annualized mortality rate of 0.23% [95% CI, 0.16%–0.32%]) and only 5 died of major extracranial hemorrhage (annualized mortality rate 0.03% [95% CI, 0.01%–0.08%])
so you have none,,,
So masks are not only for keeping the scam going in people's minds, but they're also going to be used as leverage, to get non-compliant people to take the vaccine, as this nurse states in this short video:
If people wore masks, the spread of coronavirus would be much lower. So low it would no longer be a pandemic, and could actually reduce it to the point a vaccine would no longer be needed.
it has only effected 1% of the people negatively and we have destroyed over 50% of some business's,, not to mention what its done to peoples livelihoods,,,
thats not acceptable

Just like WWII effected 0.2% of americans, yet the economic impact was much more than the coronavirus shutdowns.
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