Document: Hunter Listed $49,910 Monthly Rent Payments While Living at Joe Biden’s Residence -- Did Joe Show Rental Income On His Taxes?

Since you think no ones sees or knows what Trump and his Republicans are up to, think again. The entire world is watching this gaslighting of the American right by the right wing billionaire owned media.

The rest of the world also knew Donald Trump was a conman and a crook too, and we're still laughing at Y0U for being dumb enough to vote for him.

Bad case of TDS. ^^^

No they do not. You've been investigating Hunter Biden since 2019. The Senate had a BIG investigation of all things Biden in the Senate in 2020. There's been a D0J investigation into Hunter Biden's taxes and other matters since 2020. And not one charge from anyone.

5 years of investigations of Hunter Biden and you have N0THING. At this point, you just look petty and vicious continuing this witch hunt. Especially when you've haven't said one word about the $2 billion that Jared Kuchner got from the Saudi's. Why are you 0K with this?????

What's the problem? Can't you take what you dish out?
Why are you so obsessed with Hunter Biden? It's a sickness with you idiots. And it's making YOU look like disgusting creeps. we're "obsessed" with Hunter Biden? Gee, you think it might be because he's a crack addict whore monger who's been taking millions from the enemies of our country and passing it along to his father? Care to take a crack at explaining Hunter paying almost $50,000 a month "rent" to his father? we're "obsessed" with Hunter Biden? Gee, you think it might be because he's a crack addict whore monger who's been taking millions from the enemies of our country and passing it along to his father? Care to take a crack at explaining Hunter paying almost $50,000 a month "rent" to his father?
You gave me a "fake news", Care? Is Hunter NOT a crack addict? Is he NOT a whoremonger? Has he NOT taken millions from the enemies of our country? Did he NOT fill out a rental application where he stated he paid $50,000 a month rent to his father? What was "fake" in any of that? It is what it is!
I'm amused by all of you on the left hitting that "fake news" button now instead of presenting a rebuttal to views that you don't like! I'm sorry but it's not fake's embarrassing news! we're "obsessed" with Hunter Biden? Gee, you think it might be because he's a crack addict whore monger who's been taking millions from the enemies of our country and passing it along to his father? Care to take a crack at explaining Hunter paying almost $50,000 a month "rent" to his father?


WHY OH WHY, are you and other right wingers so EASILY DUPED by your media handlers?

Are you incapable of deductive reasoning? Have you lost all LOGIC? Does you insides fester and rot from your pure hatred of Democrats that you have to CREATE shitty made up fake stories to support your inside hatred?




Explain this away, cult fucks.


Not Hunter paying Joe for staying at his place.
The truth is...the Biden family launders money coming in from people trying to buy political favors. Hunter's $50,000 a month rent is absurd. Him getting $500,000 from "anonymous" buyers of his artwork is an insult to our intelligence! They're laundering money and they don't really care if you know it!
Yep. I'm doing very well. Your party is turning on your President. Better fall in line.
They are investigating, as they should. Unlike Rs who never investigated Trump for all of his precarious shinola!
They are investigating, as they should. Unlike Rs who never investigated Trump for all of his precarious shinola!
You've become a joke on this forum, Care! Your head is buried so deep in the sand when it comes to the Biden's and corruption it's funny to watch. This has nothing to do with Trump. This is straight up influence peddling on an epic scale. The Biden's are dirty. They always have been. But you're so obsessed with Donald Trump that you can't see that...can you?
You've become a joke on this forum, Care! Your head is buried so deep in the sand when it comes to the Biden's and corruption it's funny to watch. This has nothing to do with Trump. This is straight up influence peddling on an epic scale. The Biden's are dirty. They always have been. But you're so obsessed with Donald Trump that you can't see that...can you?
What is straight up influence peddling?

Put up, or shut up.

Where on this form does it say hunter paid Joe for rent?

ANSWER THAT please, before you continue with your blathering, thoughtless, bull crud! THINK!
In a spot that says COMPANY
Why do you embarrass yourself defending the Biden's, Care? Deep down you know that they are dirty. You can't be THAT stupid! You KNOW that Hunter getting $80,000 a month to sit on the board of an energy company in Ukraine was a bribe! You KNOW that Hunter getting $500,000 for one piece of "art" was a bribe! You KNOW that Hunter paying Joe $50,000 a month rent is money laundering! Yet here you are...stubbornly pretending that it's all "fake news"!
You look at UPenn paying Joe Biden nearly a million dollars for an essentially no show job while they take in millions from the Chinese Communist Party but don't see that as a pay you?
The Chinese give millions to UPenn. UPenn give's almost a million to Joe Biden. Joe Biden gives the position of Ambassador to Germany to UPenn's President. That's the way that the Biden's roll, Care but you don't SEE that do you? All you can see is TRUMP...TRUMP...TRUMP!

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