Does anyone know what Romney's foreign policies are?

Does anyone know what Romney's foreign policies are?

Anyone or does being a business man cover everything with being POTUS?

Being a ‘businessman’ renders one among the least qualified to be president.

Otherwise, yes – Romney’s is the same failed Bush Era/neo-con policies.
What are Obama's foreign policies? See China, North Korea, Russia, Iran, Syria I don't see drone strikes working here nor do I see these regimes being overthrown with the minimal effort from the U.S. that overthrew a two bit Gaddafi.
Romney learned everything he thinks he needs to know about foreign policy playing Risk in college.
He's surrounded himself with foreign policy advisors that are basically leftovers and re-runs from the Bush-Cheney era.

So, if you enjoyed that fare, Romney will thaw it out and warm up a heaping plate of it for you.
He's surrounded himself with foreign policy advisors that are basically leftovers and re-runs from the Bush-Cheney era.

So, if you enjoyed that fare, Romney will thaw it out and warm up a heaping plate of it for you.
That would be the case with domestic policy as well; the same failed policies, at home and abroad.
Does anyone know what Romney's foreign policies are?

Anyone or does being a business man cover everything with being POTUS?

Being a ‘businessman’ renders one among the least qualified to be president.

Otherwise, yes – Romney’s is the same failed Bush Era/neo-con policies.

so he'll maintain the status quo as obama has.

He's surrounded himself with foreign policy advisors that are basically leftovers and re-runs from the Bush-Cheney era.

So, if you enjoyed that fare, Romney will thaw it out and warm up a heaping plate of it for you.

Actually, I think it would be more accurate to say Romney will emulate Reagan Foreign Policy: Here is the text of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s speech on foreign policy as prepared for delivery (Oct. 2011) at The Citadel in Charleston, S.C.:

Ronald Reagan called it “Peace through Strength” and he was never more right than today:

When I look around the world, I see a handful of major forces that vie with America and free nations, to shape the world in an image of their choosing. These are not exclusively military threats. Rather, they are determined, powerful forces that may threaten freedom, prosperity, and America’s national interests.

First, Islamic fundamentalism with which we have been at war since Sept. 11, 2001.

Second, the struggle in the greater Middle East between those who yearn for freedom, and those who seek to crush it.

The dangerous and destabilizing ripple effects of failed and failing states, from which terrorists may find safe haven.

The anti-American visions of regimes in Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, and Cuba—two of which are seeking nuclear weapons.

And these forces include rising nations with hidden and emerging aspirations, like China, determined to be a world superpower, and a resurgent Russia, led by a man who believes the Soviet Union was great, not evil.

There is no one approach to these challenges. There is no Wall that the next President can demand to be torn down. But there is one unifying thread that connects each of these possible threats: when America is strong, the world is safer

Pretty Basic Stuff.
The fact that Romney has no "foreign policy" background with regards to presidential leadership is bad because why-?

What we can and do know about his views at this time is not unusual or extraordinary-

Here are some background statements and positions he has espoused
Anyone or does being a business man cover everything with being POTUS?

I still haven't figured out what Obama's foreign policy is other than to apologize to our enemies and treat our allies like crap. Can Romney be any worse? In the upcoming months, I expect he'll be asked way more questions than Obama has been asked to this day.
What is Romney's Foreign policy? Read his book ya bunch of illiterates!
He's surrounded himself with foreign policy advisors that are basically leftovers and re-runs from the Bush-Cheney era.

So, if you enjoyed that fare, Romney will thaw it out and warm up a heaping plate of it for you.

Actually, I think it would be more accurate to say Romney will emulate Reagan Foreign Policy: Here is the text of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s speech on foreign policy as prepared for delivery (Oct. 2011) at The Citadel in Charleston, S.C.:

Ronald Reagan called it “Peace through Strength” and he was never more right than today:

When I look around the world, I see a handful of major forces that vie with America and free nations, to shape the world in an image of their choosing. These are not exclusively military threats. Rather, they are determined, powerful forces that may threaten freedom, prosperity, and America’s national interests.

First, Islamic fundamentalism with which we have been at war since Sept. 11, 2001.

Second, the struggle in the greater Middle East between those who yearn for freedom, and those who seek to crush it.

The dangerous and destabilizing ripple effects of failed and failing states, from which terrorists may find safe haven.

The anti-American visions of regimes in Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, and Cuba—two of which are seeking nuclear weapons.

And these forces include rising nations with hidden and emerging aspirations, like China, determined to be a world superpower, and a resurgent Russia, led by a man who believes the Soviet Union was great, not evil.

There is no one approach to these challenges. There is no Wall that the next President can demand to be torn down. But there is one unifying thread that connects each of these possible threats: when America is strong, the world is safer

Pretty Basic Stuff.

America is always strong...when hasn't it been...

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