Does Anyone NOT Think Hillary is Corrupt?

Does the FBI work for the republicans? Does the NY Times? Does CNN? NO? then that's funny because all of them have brought out the corruption of the Clintons and the illegality of Hillary's private server.

What has the FBI found?

Here is your case against Hillary Clinton

FBI: Secretary Clinton, why did you use a private server for your email?
Sec Clinton: My agency told me it was allowable

Case closed
yes, to a moron case closed.

But a thinking person would recognize that "my agency told me it was allowable" does not answer the question of "WHY did you use a private server".
It simply answers the question of "why did you think it was OK to use a private server"

Which brings us back to the question of "why did you WANT to use a private server"

And that question was answered with several answers that were proven to be untrue

But, of course, that doesn't matter to you.

FBI: Sec Clinton, why did you use a private server?
Sec Clinton: I was given the option and thought having one server would be easier

Your case is against the policies of the State Department at that time. Seems they have changed since that time. Kind of a red herring on your part are pathetic and Clinton knows her ass sniffers will support her no matter how foolish her excuses are.

"I thought it would be easier"

Easier to have a server that is not linked with the people you oversee, interact with and report to.

I am sure her tech people said "of course that would be easier"

You are worthless.

Seems the burden of proof is on you

You have zero proof that Sec Clinton was told a private server was not allowable. In fact, all proof points to her having an option.
You have zero proof that Sec Clinton sent marked classified information to an unclassified user. No foul
I have never said it was not allowable.

I never said she sent marked classified information to an unclassified user.

I simply ask why she would opt to use a private server when, in fact, it would prove to be more complicated for her tech people, open the door to someone accidentally sending classified information to an insecure server and....most importantly...offer her absolutely NO ADVANTAGES as it pertains to her actions serving the American people as Secretary of State.

But, of course, you ignore that.
What has the FBI found?

Here is your case against Hillary Clinton

FBI: Secretary Clinton, why did you use a private server for your email?
Sec Clinton: My agency told me it was allowable

Case closed
yes, to a moron case closed.

But a thinking person would recognize that "my agency told me it was allowable" does not answer the question of "WHY did you use a private server".
It simply answers the question of "why did you think it was OK to use a private server"

Which brings us back to the question of "why did you WANT to use a private server"

And that question was answered with several answers that were proven to be untrue

But, of course, that doesn't matter to you.

FBI: Sec Clinton, why did you use a private server?
Sec Clinton: I was given the option and thought having one server would be easier

Your case is against the policies of the State Department at that time. Seems they have changed since that time. Kind of a red herring on your part are pathetic and Clinton knows her ass sniffers will support her no matter how foolish her excuses are.

"I thought it would be easier"

Easier to have a server that is not linked with the people you oversee, interact with and report to.

I am sure her tech people said "of course that would be easier"

You are worthless.

Seems the burden of proof is on you

You have zero proof that Sec Clinton was told a private server was not allowable. In fact, all proof points to her having an option.
You have zero proof that Sec Clinton sent marked classified information to an unclassified user. No foul

her own state dept has verified that 1000 emails containing classified data were sent via her illegal personal unsecure server.

It doesn't matter if she was told it was OK, it was a violation of law, she was SecState, She is required to know and follow federal law.
but all that aside, it still does not answer the question of WHY she would opt for a private server.
yes, to a moron case closed.

But a thinking person would recognize that "my agency told me it was allowable" does not answer the question of "WHY did you use a private server".
It simply answers the question of "why did you think it was OK to use a private server"

Which brings us back to the question of "why did you WANT to use a private server"

And that question was answered with several answers that were proven to be untrue

But, of course, that doesn't matter to you.

FBI: Sec Clinton, why did you use a private server?
Sec Clinton: I was given the option and thought having one server would be easier

Your case is against the policies of the State Department at that time. Seems they have changed since that time. Kind of a red herring on your part are pathetic and Clinton knows her ass sniffers will support her no matter how foolish her excuses are.

"I thought it would be easier"

Easier to have a server that is not linked with the people you oversee, interact with and report to.

I am sure her tech people said "of course that would be easier"

You are worthless.

Seems the burden of proof is on you

You have zero proof that Sec Clinton was told a private server was not allowable. In fact, all proof points to her having an option.
You have zero proof that Sec Clinton sent marked classified information to an unclassified user. No foul

her own state dept has verified that 1000 emails containing classified data were sent via her illegal personal unsecure server.

It doesn't matter if she was told it was OK, it was a violation of law, she was SecState, She is required to know and follow federal law.
but all that aside, it still does not answer the question of WHY she would opt for a private server.

Its quite obvious. to make it more difficult for anyone to access her e-mails.
Rightwinger and care4 "officer, no one told me that the speed limit was 35 so I thought it was OK to go 80"
actually, its more like this.............

Officer, I saw the sign that says 35 but I was not sure if it meant 35MPH or 35KPH so I opted to assume it meant 35KPH even though I am well aware that we do not use KPH in the United States.
FBI: Sec Clinton, why did you use a private server?
Sec Clinton: I was given the option and thought having one server would be easier

Your case is against the policies of the State Department at that time. Seems they have changed since that time. Kind of a red herring on your part are pathetic and Clinton knows her ass sniffers will support her no matter how foolish her excuses are.

"I thought it would be easier"

Easier to have a server that is not linked with the people you oversee, interact with and report to.

I am sure her tech people said "of course that would be easier"

You are worthless.

Seems the burden of proof is on you

You have zero proof that Sec Clinton was told a private server was not allowable. In fact, all proof points to her having an option.
You have zero proof that Sec Clinton sent marked classified information to an unclassified user. No foul

her own state dept has verified that 1000 emails containing classified data were sent via her illegal personal unsecure server.

It doesn't matter if she was told it was OK, it was a violation of law, she was SecState, She is required to know and follow federal law.
but all that aside, it still does not answer the question of WHY she would opt for a private server.

Its quite obvious. to make it more difficult for anyone to access her e-mails.

So then the question.....why?

After all, those emails are the property of her employers....the American People.,
Conspiracy theories work just as well as credible facts for Republicans. They are not looking for an actual conviction, only a chance to keep the accusations going

Does the FBI work for the republicans? Does the NY Times? Does CNN? NO? then that's funny because all of them have brought out the corruption of the Clintons and the illegality of Hillary's private server.

What has the FBI found?

Here is your case against Hillary Clinton

FBI: Secretary Clinton, why did you use a private server for your email?
Sec Clinton: My agency told me it was allowable

Case closed
yes, to a moron case closed.

But a thinking person would recognize that "my agency told me it was allowable" does not answer the question of "WHY did you use a private server".
It simply answers the question of "why did you think it was OK to use a private server"

Which brings us back to the question of "why did you WANT to use a private server"

And that question was answered with several answers that were proven to be untrue

But, of course, that doesn't matter to you.

FBI: Sec Clinton, why did you use a private server?
Sec Clinton: I was given the option and thought having one server would be easier

Your case is against the policies of the State Department at that time. Seems they have changed since that time. Kind of a red herring on your part

sending classified government data over an unsecure server is a violation of federal law. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Once again, any crime would be on the agency for policies which allow it.

You have no proof that Sec Clinton sent classified information. At best, you have proof that she received unmarked emails that were later considered classified

Weak case, don't you think?
A case that should have been closed years ago.......How long do you think Republicans will keep the investigation going?

Any guesses?
Rightwinger and care4 "officer, no one told me that the speed limit was 35 so I thought it was OK to go 80"
actually, its more like this.............

Officer, I saw the sign that says 35 but I was not sure if it meant 35MPH or 35KPH so I opted to assume it meant 35KPH even though I am well aware that we do not use KPH in the United States.

You don't even know what a KPH is you?

If you did, you would realize how silly your analogy is
MYTH: Clinton Is The Subject Of A Federal Criminal Investigation
Fox's Chris Stirewalt: Clinton Might Be "The Subject Of A Federal Criminal Investigation." On the August 12 edition of Fox News' America's Newsroom, digital editor Chris Stirewalt claimed that Clinton might become "the first major party nominee that is the subject of a federal criminal investigation." [Fox News, America's Newsroom, 8/12/15]

FACT: IG Referral To Justice Department Was Not Criminal, And FBI Isn't Targeting Clinton Herself
Reuters: Inspector General Referral Is Not Criminal. Reuters reported on July 24 that there was "no criminal referral over [the] Clinton emails":

The Justice Department said Friday it has received a request to examine the handling of classified information related to the private emails from Hillary Clinton during her time as secretary of state, but it is not a criminal referral. [Reuters, 7/24/15]

AP: U.S. Official Said That Request Of DOJ "Doesn't Suggest Wrongdoing By Clinton Herself." The Associated Press quoted an anonymous U.S. official who noted that the referral did not implicate Clinton in any wrongdoing:

The New York Times first reported the referral. The Clinton campaign said Friday that she "followed appropriate practices in dealing with classified materials." Spokesman Nick Merrill said emails deemed classified by the administration were done so after the fact, not when they were sent.

One U.S. official said it was unclear whether classified information was mishandled and the referral doesn't suggest wrongdoing by Clinton herself. [Associated Press, 7/24/15]

Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:

Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.


The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.

The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system. [The Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Myths And Facts On Hillary Clinton's Email And Reports Of "Top Secret" Materials
if the FBI is investigating......then the investigation revolves around the potential of a federal crime being committed.

Your blindness to reality and insistence to find loopholes is amusing.
No Jarhead,

The FBI is investigating how FOIA requests are handled among all the different agencies, on the Clinton emails having FOIA requests.

only right wing rags have spread the lie that this COULD be a criminal inquiry, HOWEVER the FBI said itself that this was NOT a criminal investigation, but a procedural handling of FOIA requests.
uh...the FBI does not investigate how things are done.....

The FBI investigate to see if a federal crime has been committed....and if they believe one has been, they recommend prosecution to the AG.

Do you not know what the FBI does?
Take it up with the FBI....

THEY ARE THE ONES who said the case WAS NOT CRIMINAL....

The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.
and exactly who's quote was that?
Here, this link might help you understand....

This is all about FOIA requests....Freedom of Information Act requests and how the present Kerry State department has and is handling the release of Hillary's emails and what content is being released.

Departments within the various agencies that determine after the fact, what is being released to the public through these FOIA requests and what these different agencies feel should be classified and not released or blacked out.

The IG (inspector general) felt that the Kerry State department was not taking the proper precautions....

The argument is between these agencies regarding the procedural release of Clinton emails, but NOT about Clinton herself.

Please INFORM YOURSELF.... you won't be "had" by the right wing spinners.
Rightwinger and care4 "officer, no one told me that the speed limit was 35 so I thought it was OK to go 80"
actually, its more like this.............

Officer, I saw the sign that says 35 but I was not sure if it meant 35MPH or 35KPH so I opted to assume it meant 35KPH even though I am well aware that we do not use KPH in the United States.

You don't even know what a KPH is you?

If you did, you would realize how silly your analogy is
actually, I do.....and you are correct...the analogy is reversed....but the point is the point.....but go ahead...find fault in the words....ignore the point.
Does the FBI work for the republicans? Does the NY Times? Does CNN? NO? then that's funny because all of them have brought out the corruption of the Clintons and the illegality of Hillary's private server.

What has the FBI found?

Here is your case against Hillary Clinton

FBI: Secretary Clinton, why did you use a private server for your email?
Sec Clinton: My agency told me it was allowable

Case closed
yes, to a moron case closed.

But a thinking person would recognize that "my agency told me it was allowable" does not answer the question of "WHY did you use a private server".
It simply answers the question of "why did you think it was OK to use a private server"

Which brings us back to the question of "why did you WANT to use a private server"

And that question was answered with several answers that were proven to be untrue

But, of course, that doesn't matter to you.

FBI: Sec Clinton, why did you use a private server?
Sec Clinton: I was given the option and thought having one server would be easier

Your case is against the policies of the State Department at that time. Seems they have changed since that time. Kind of a red herring on your part

sending classified government data over an unsecure server is a violation of federal law. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Once again, any crime would be on the agency for policies which allow it.

You have no proof that Sec Clinton sent classified information. At best, you have proof that she received unmarked emails that were later considered classified

Weak case, don't you think?
A case that should have been closed years ago.......How long do you think Republicans will keep the investigation going?

Any guesses?[/QUOTE

data does not have to be marked classified in order to be classified, its the content that makes it classified. The state dept has identified 1000 emails sent on her server that contained classified materal.

the republicans are not doing the investigation, the FBI is doing it.
if the FBI is investigating......then the investigation revolves around the potential of a federal crime being committed.

Your blindness to reality and insistence to find loopholes is amusing.
No Jarhead,

The FBI is investigating how FOIA requests are handled among all the different agencies, on the Clinton emails having FOIA requests.

only right wing rags have spread the lie that this COULD be a criminal inquiry, HOWEVER the FBI said itself that this was NOT a criminal investigation, but a procedural handling of FOIA requests.
uh...the FBI does not investigate how things are done.....

The FBI investigate to see if a federal crime has been committed....and if they believe one has been, they recommend prosecution to the AG.

Do you not know what the FBI does?
Take it up with the FBI....

THEY ARE THE ONES who said the case WAS NOT CRIMINAL....

The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.
and exactly who's quote was that?
Here, this link might help you understand....

This is all about FOIA requests....Freedom of Information Act requests and how the present Kerry State department has and is handling the release of Hillary's emails and what content is being released.

Departments within the various agencies that determine after the fact, what is being released to the public through these FOIA requests and what these different agencies feel should be classified and not released or blacked out.

The IG (inspector general) felt that the Kerry State department was not taking the proper precautions....

The argument is between these agencies regarding the procedural release of Clinton emails, but NOT about Clinton herself. are reaching.

They are two completely different investigations.

an IG investigation is not an FBI investigation
if the FBI is investigating......then the investigation revolves around the potential of a federal crime being committed.

Your blindness to reality and insistence to find loopholes is amusing.
No Jarhead,

The FBI is investigating how FOIA requests are handled among all the different agencies, on the Clinton emails having FOIA requests.

only right wing rags have spread the lie that this COULD be a criminal inquiry, HOWEVER the FBI said itself that this was NOT a criminal investigation, but a procedural handling of FOIA requests.
uh...the FBI does not investigate how things are done.....

The FBI investigate to see if a federal crime has been committed....and if they believe one has been, they recommend prosecution to the AG.

Do you not know what the FBI does?
Take it up with the FBI....

THEY ARE THE ONES who said the case WAS NOT CRIMINAL....

The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.
and exactly who's quote was that?
Here, this link might help you understand....

This is all about FOIA requests....Freedom of Information Act requests and how the present Kerry State department has and is handling the release of Hillary's emails and what content is being released.

Departments within the various agencies that determine after the fact, what is being released to the public through these FOIA requests and what these different agencies feel should be classified and not released or blacked out.

The IG (inspector general) felt that the Kerry State department was not taking the proper precautions....

The argument is between these agencies regarding the procedural release of Clinton emails, but NOT about Clinton herself.

Please INFORM YOURSELF.... you won't be "had" by the right wing spinners.
you have not been paying attention.

I wonder if it is intentional
No Jarhead,

The FBI is investigating how FOIA requests are handled among all the different agencies, on the Clinton emails having FOIA requests.

only right wing rags have spread the lie that this COULD be a criminal inquiry, HOWEVER the FBI said itself that this was NOT a criminal investigation, but a procedural handling of FOIA requests.
uh...the FBI does not investigate how things are done.....

The FBI investigate to see if a federal crime has been committed....and if they believe one has been, they recommend prosecution to the AG.

Do you not know what the FBI does?
Take it up with the FBI....

THEY ARE THE ONES who said the case WAS NOT CRIMINAL....

The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.
and exactly who's quote was that?
Here, this link might help you understand....

This is all about FOIA requests....Freedom of Information Act requests and how the present Kerry State department has and is handling the release of Hillary's emails and what content is being released.

Departments within the various agencies that determine after the fact, what is being released to the public through these FOIA requests and what these different agencies feel should be classified and not released or blacked out.

The IG (inspector general) felt that the Kerry State department was not taking the proper precautions....

The argument is between these agencies regarding the procedural release of Clinton emails, but NOT about Clinton herself. are reaching.

They are two completely different investigations.

an IG investigation is not an FBI investigation

the desperation of the Hillary worshipers is quite obvious in this thread.
the Clinton corruption is well documented, you are free to ignore it if you choose.

Well documented, and yet you haven't been able to produce one single case where she has been found guilty of anything. Why is that?

Democrats in the White House and Justice Department.


Aren't you the lefty that claimed that Bush and Cheney orchestrated 9/11 as an excuse to go to war? speaking of conspiracy theories

That is a proven fact.

Proven? Ridiculous! I'll just go ahead and put you out of my misery. No one should have to suffer that level of stupidity.

Try to have a nice life anyway! People like you often find out that stupid can be painful.
Well documented, and yet you haven't been able to produce one single case where she has been found guilty of anything. Why is that?

Democrats in the White House and Justice Department.


Aren't you the lefty that claimed that Bush and Cheney orchestrated 9/11 as an excuse to go to war? speaking of conspiracy theories

That is a proven fact.

Proven? Ridiculous! I'll just go ahead and put you out of my misery. No one should have to suffer that level of stupidity.

Try to have a nice life anyway! People like you often find out that stupid can be painful.

Yeah, bulldog saw Bush and Cheney in the stairwells of the WTC planting bombs and running detonator wires.

and the libtards accuse others of conspiracy theories
Does the FBI work for the republicans? Does the NY Times? Does CNN? NO? then that's funny because all of them have brought out the corruption of the Clintons and the illegality of Hillary's private server.

What has the FBI found?

Here is your case against Hillary Clinton

FBI: Secretary Clinton, why did you use a private server for your email?
Sec Clinton: My agency told me it was allowable

Case closed
yes, to a moron case closed.

But a thinking person would recognize that "my agency told me it was allowable" does not answer the question of "WHY did you use a private server".
It simply answers the question of "why did you think it was OK to use a private server"

Which brings us back to the question of "why did you WANT to use a private server"

And that question was answered with several answers that were proven to be untrue

But, of course, that doesn't matter to you.

FBI: Sec Clinton, why did you use a private server?
Sec Clinton: I was given the option and thought having one server would be easier

Your case is against the policies of the State Department at that time. Seems they have changed since that time. Kind of a red herring on your part

sending classified government data over an unsecure server is a violation of federal law. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Once again, any crime would be on the agency for policies which allow it.

You have no proof that Sec Clinton sent classified information. At best, you have proof that she received unmarked emails that were later considered classified

Weak case, don't you think?
A case that should have been closed years ago.......How long do you think Republicans will keep the investigation going?

Any guesses?
as you continue to ignore the question of WHY she would undertake such an unusual action of setting up her own server and risking someone hacking it or someone sending her something classified and GAINING absolutely nothing as it pertains to her service to the American People.

Totally ignoring it. Post after post, you ignore it.
the loons always think if they disagree with someone's politics, that person should be indicted or impeached. it's all the brain dead know. that's why the so-called "fiscal conservatives" wasted 70 million dollars of our money going after a blue dress.

they're mentally ill.

Bubba Clinton lied under oath. The subject of the lie doesn't matter. The crime is lying under oath. The impeachment was proper

For the record, Nixon lied but never under oath.

Hillary used an illegal unsecure personal server to send over 1000 emails containing classified data. She violated national security laws. She should be prosecuted.
Hope you are not too disappointed when it's proven she broke no laws and doesn't end up in Orange.

Conspiracy theories work just as well as credible facts for Republicans. They are not looking for an actual conviction, only a chance to keep the accusations going

Does the FBI work for the republicans? Does the NY Times? Does CNN? NO? then that's funny because all of them have brought out the corruption of the Clintons and the illegality of Hillary's private server.

What has the FBI found?

Here is your case against Hillary Clinton

FBI: Secretary Clinton, why did you use a private server for your email?
Sec Clinton: My agency told me it was allowable

Case closed

FBI: Really Secretary Clinton? Where is the authorization from your agency stating you could use a private server? Were you not the head of that agency and responsible for its operations?
MYTH: Clinton Is The Subject Of A Federal Criminal Investigation
Fox's Chris Stirewalt: Clinton Might Be "The Subject Of A Federal Criminal Investigation." On the August 12 edition of Fox News' America's Newsroom, digital editor Chris Stirewalt claimed that Clinton might become "the first major party nominee that is the subject of a federal criminal investigation." [Fox News, America's Newsroom, 8/12/15]

FACT: IG Referral To Justice Department Was Not Criminal, And FBI Isn't Targeting Clinton Herself
Reuters: Inspector General Referral Is Not Criminal. Reuters reported on July 24 that there was "no criminal referral over [the] Clinton emails":

The Justice Department said Friday it has received a request to examine the handling of classified information related to the private emails from Hillary Clinton during her time as secretary of state, but it is not a criminal referral. [Reuters, 7/24/15]

AP: U.S. Official Said That Request Of DOJ "Doesn't Suggest Wrongdoing By Clinton Herself." The Associated Press quoted an anonymous U.S. official who noted that the referral did not implicate Clinton in any wrongdoing:

The New York Times first reported the referral. The Clinton campaign said Friday that she "followed appropriate practices in dealing with classified materials." Spokesman Nick Merrill said emails deemed classified by the administration were done so after the fact, not when they were sent.

One U.S. official said it was unclear whether classified information was mishandled and the referral doesn't suggest wrongdoing by Clinton herself. [Associated Press, 7/24/15]

Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:

Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.


The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.

The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system. [The Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Myths And Facts On Hillary Clinton's Email And Reports Of "Top Secret" Materials
if the FBI is investigating......then the investigation revolves around the potential of a federal crime being committed.

Your blindness to reality and insistence to find loopholes is amusing.
No Jarhead,

The FBI is investigating how FOIA requests are handled among all the different agencies, on the Clinton emails having FOIA requests.

only right wing rags have spread the lie that this COULD be a criminal inquiry, HOWEVER the FBI said itself that this was NOT a criminal investigation, but a procedural handling of FOIA requests.

That is hilarious!
No Jarhead,

The FBI is investigating how FOIA requests are handled among all the different agencies, on the Clinton emails having FOIA requests.

only right wing rags have spread the lie that this COULD be a criminal inquiry, HOWEVER the FBI said itself that this was NOT a criminal investigation, but a procedural handling of FOIA requests.
uh...the FBI does not investigate how things are done.....

The FBI investigate to see if a federal crime has been committed....and if they believe one has been, they recommend prosecution to the AG.

Do you not know what the FBI does?
Take it up with the FBI....

THEY ARE THE ONES who said the case WAS NOT CRIMINAL....

The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.
and exactly who's quote was that?
Here, this link might help you understand....

This is all about FOIA requests....Freedom of Information Act requests and how the present Kerry State department has and is handling the release of Hillary's emails and what content is being released.

Departments within the various agencies that determine after the fact, what is being released to the public through these FOIA requests and what these different agencies feel should be classified and not released or blacked out.

The IG (inspector general) felt that the Kerry State department was not taking the proper precautions....

The argument is between these agencies regarding the procedural release of Clinton emails, but NOT about Clinton herself. are reaching.

They are two completely different investigations.

an IG investigation is not an FBI investigation
the IG is who turned it over to the FBI....

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