Does Anyone NOT Think Hillary is Corrupt?

the loons always think if they disagree with someone's politics, that person should be indicted or impeached. it's all the brain dead know. that's why the so-called "fiscal conservatives" wasted 70 million dollars of our money going after a blue dress.

they're mentally ill.

Bubba Clinton lied under oath. The subject of the lie doesn't matter. The crime is lying under oath. The impeachment was proper

For the record, Nixon lied but never under oath.

Hillary used an illegal unsecure personal server to send over 1000 emails containing classified data. She violated national security laws. She should be prosecuted.
Hope you are not too disappointed when it's proven she broke no laws and doesn't end up in Orange.

She violated federal security laws. The Clinton foundation is a corrupt organization that does nothing but enrich the Clintons.

I seriously doubt that the Obama justice dept will prosecute her, after all the Clintons are above the law. they are special people, right?
blah blah blah blah.... simply hogwash.... a broken record of nothingness....
you see, all you seem to care about is others being unable to prove that she broke laws. What I find curious is how you either ignore the fact or choose to accept the fact that if Hillary has not broken any laws, then she most definitely utilized loopholes in the laws in an effort to gain political expediency. That, in itself, would eliminate her as a viable candidate to anyone that truly cared about electing the right person.
I recall in a thread about Benghazi and her "deleted hard drive" where you claimed that there was not a thread of evidence that she was in anyway at fault and in anyway hiding anything......ignoring the fact, of course, that she, by choice, opted to eliminate the ability to find such evidence by having her hard drive wiped clean.
You really don't care about her possible would be happy if any evidence of her guilt was eliminated, be it illegally or otherwise.
That is why I have no issue referring to you as a fraud when you claim to be open minded.

well said, care4 is a typical brainwashed marginally intelligent liberal. They are programmed to love the Clintons even as they shit in the soup they are eating.

liberalism is a mental disease. the liberals on this message board prove that every day.
Bubba Clinton lied under oath. The subject of the lie doesn't matter. The crime is lying under oath. The impeachment was proper

For the record, Nixon lied but never under oath.

Hillary used an illegal unsecure personal server to send over 1000 emails containing classified data. She violated national security laws. She should be prosecuted.
Hope you are not too disappointed when it's proven she broke no laws and doesn't end up in Orange.

She violated federal security laws. The Clinton foundation is a corrupt organization that does nothing but enrich the Clintons.

I seriously doubt that the Obama justice dept will prosecute her, after all the Clintons are above the law. they are special people, right?
blah blah blah blah.... simply hogwash.... a broken record of nothingness....
you see, all you seem to care about is others being unable to prove that she broke laws. What I find curious is how you either ignore the fact or choose to accept the fact that if Hillary has not broken any laws, then she most definitely utilized loopholes in the laws in an effort to gain political expediency. That, in itself, would eliminate her as a viable candidate to anyone that truly cared about electing the right person.
I recall in a thread about Benghazi and her "deleted hard drive" where you claimed that there was not a thread of evidence that she was in anyway at fault and in anyway hiding anything......ignoring the fact, of course, that she, by choice, opted to eliminate the ability to find such evidence by having her hard drive wiped clean.
You really don't care about her possible would be happy if any evidence of her guilt was eliminated, be it illegally or otherwise.
That is why I have no issue referring to you as a fraud when you claim to be open minded.

well said, care4 is a typical brainwashed marginally intelligent liberal. They are programmed to love the Clintons even as they shit in the soup they are eating.

liberalism is a mental disease. the liberals on this message board prove that every day.
its like the new topic of how Bill Clintons affairs were not deemed abuse toward women because they were all consenting adults......seems they ignore the fact that having an affair is abuse to your wife seeing as you believe you can "fool" her into thinking you are true to your love..
Thinking a woman can be fooled by your lies is showing absolutely no respect for her intelligence. them the Clintons are gods.
She won't.

the loons always think if they disagree with someone's politics, that person should be indicted or impeached. it's all the brain dead know. that's why the so-called "fiscal conservatives" wasted 70 million dollars of our money going after a blue dress.

they're mentally ill.

Bubba Clinton lied under oath. The subject of the lie doesn't matter. The crime is lying under oath. The impeachment was proper

For the record, Nixon lied but never under oath.

Hillary used an illegal unsecure personal server to send over 1000 emails containing classified data. She violated national security laws. She should be prosecuted.
Hope you are not too disappointed when it's proven she broke no laws and doesn't end up in Orange.

Conspiracy theories work just as well as credible facts for Republicans. They are not looking for an actual conviction, only a chance to keep the accusations going

Does the FBI work for the republicans? Does the NY Times? Does CNN? NO? then that's funny because all of them have brought out the corruption of the Clintons and the illegality of Hillary's private server.

What has the FBI found?

Here is your case against Hillary Clinton

FBI: Secretary Clinton, why did you use a private server for your email?
Sec Clinton: My agency told me it was allowable

Case closed
the loons always think if they disagree with someone's politics, that person should be indicted or impeached. it's all the brain dead know. that's why the so-called "fiscal conservatives" wasted 70 million dollars of our money going after a blue dress.

they're mentally ill.

Bubba Clinton lied under oath. The subject of the lie doesn't matter. The crime is lying under oath. The impeachment was proper

For the record, Nixon lied but never under oath.

Hillary used an illegal unsecure personal server to send over 1000 emails containing classified data. She violated national security laws. She should be prosecuted.
Hope you are not too disappointed when it's proven she broke no laws and doesn't end up in Orange.

Conspiracy theories work just as well as credible facts for Republicans. They are not looking for an actual conviction, only a chance to keep the accusations going

Does the FBI work for the republicans? Does the NY Times? Does CNN? NO? then that's funny because all of them have brought out the corruption of the Clintons and the illegality of Hillary's private server.

What has the FBI found?

Here is your case against Hillary Clinton

FBI: Secretary Clinton, why did you use a private server for your email?
Sec Clinton: My agency told me it was allowable

Case closed


Judge: Mrs Clinton, you violated federal law by sending classified data on an illegal personal non-secure server when you were secretary of state. YOU are responsible for your acts, YOU are responsible for knowing federal law and abiding by it.

You are guilty, you are sentenced to 10 years in federal prison.

case closed.
MYTH: Clinton Is The Subject Of A Federal Criminal Investigation
Fox's Chris Stirewalt: Clinton Might Be "The Subject Of A Federal Criminal Investigation." On the August 12 edition of Fox News' America's Newsroom, digital editor Chris Stirewalt claimed that Clinton might become "the first major party nominee that is the subject of a federal criminal investigation." [Fox News, America's Newsroom, 8/12/15]

FACT: IG Referral To Justice Department Was Not Criminal, And FBI Isn't Targeting Clinton Herself
Reuters: Inspector General Referral Is Not Criminal. Reuters reported on July 24 that there was "no criminal referral over [the] Clinton emails":

The Justice Department said Friday it has received a request to examine the handling of classified information related to the private emails from Hillary Clinton during her time as secretary of state, but it is not a criminal referral. [Reuters, 7/24/15]

AP: U.S. Official Said That Request Of DOJ "Doesn't Suggest Wrongdoing By Clinton Herself." The Associated Press quoted an anonymous U.S. official who noted that the referral did not implicate Clinton in any wrongdoing:

The New York Times first reported the referral. The Clinton campaign said Friday that she "followed appropriate practices in dealing with classified materials." Spokesman Nick Merrill said emails deemed classified by the administration were done so after the fact, not when they were sent.

One U.S. official said it was unclear whether classified information was mishandled and the referral doesn't suggest wrongdoing by Clinton herself. [Associated Press, 7/24/15]

Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:

Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.


The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.

The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system. [The Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Myths And Facts On Hillary Clinton's Email And Reports Of "Top Secret" Materials
the loons always think if they disagree with someone's politics, that person should be indicted or impeached. it's all the brain dead know. that's why the so-called "fiscal conservatives" wasted 70 million dollars of our money going after a blue dress.

they're mentally ill.

Bubba Clinton lied under oath. The subject of the lie doesn't matter. The crime is lying under oath. The impeachment was proper

For the record, Nixon lied but never under oath.

Hillary used an illegal unsecure personal server to send over 1000 emails containing classified data. She violated national security laws. She should be prosecuted.
Hope you are not too disappointed when it's proven she broke no laws and doesn't end up in Orange.

Conspiracy theories work just as well as credible facts for Republicans. They are not looking for an actual conviction, only a chance to keep the accusations going

Does the FBI work for the republicans? Does the NY Times? Does CNN? NO? then that's funny because all of them have brought out the corruption of the Clintons and the illegality of Hillary's private server.

What has the FBI found?

Here is your case against Hillary Clinton

FBI: Secretary Clinton, why did you use a private server for your email?
Sec Clinton: My agency told me it was allowable

Case closed
yes, to a moron case closed.

But a thinking person would recognize that "my agency told me it was allowable" does not answer the question of "WHY did you use a private server".
It simply answers the question of "why did you think it was OK to use a private server"

Which brings us back to the question of "why did you WANT to use a private server"

And that question was answered with several answers that were proven to be untrue

But, of course, that doesn't matter to you.
Bubba Clinton lied under oath. The subject of the lie doesn't matter. The crime is lying under oath. The impeachment was proper

For the record, Nixon lied but never under oath.

Hillary used an illegal unsecure personal server to send over 1000 emails containing classified data. She violated national security laws. She should be prosecuted.
Hope you are not too disappointed when it's proven she broke no laws and doesn't end up in Orange.

Conspiracy theories work just as well as credible facts for Republicans. They are not looking for an actual conviction, only a chance to keep the accusations going

Does the FBI work for the republicans? Does the NY Times? Does CNN? NO? then that's funny because all of them have brought out the corruption of the Clintons and the illegality of Hillary's private server.

What has the FBI found?

Here is your case against Hillary Clinton

FBI: Secretary Clinton, why did you use a private server for your email?
Sec Clinton: My agency told me it was allowable

Case closed


Judge: Mrs Clinton, you violated federal law by sending classified data on an illegal personal non-secure server when you were secretary of state. YOU are responsible for your acts, YOU are responsible for knowing federal law and abiding by it.

You are guilty, you are sentenced to 10 years in federal prison.

case closed.

Where is your smoking gun?

All these investigations and you have failed to provide anyone from the State Department to testify that Sec Clinton was warned against having a private server and chose to have one anyway

You have also failed to show where Sec Clinton sent classified information to a unclassified destination

Weak case, wouldn't you agree?
A case that would normally be resolved in a couple of weeks. But this investigation will go on to....let me guess....Nov 2016
MYTH: Clinton Is The Subject Of A Federal Criminal Investigation
Fox's Chris Stirewalt: Clinton Might Be "The Subject Of A Federal Criminal Investigation." On the August 12 edition of Fox News' America's Newsroom, digital editor Chris Stirewalt claimed that Clinton might become "the first major party nominee that is the subject of a federal criminal investigation." [Fox News, America's Newsroom, 8/12/15]

FACT: IG Referral To Justice Department Was Not Criminal, And FBI Isn't Targeting Clinton Herself
Reuters: Inspector General Referral Is Not Criminal. Reuters reported on July 24 that there was "no criminal referral over [the] Clinton emails":

The Justice Department said Friday it has received a request to examine the handling of classified information related to the private emails from Hillary Clinton during her time as secretary of state, but it is not a criminal referral. [Reuters, 7/24/15]

AP: U.S. Official Said That Request Of DOJ "Doesn't Suggest Wrongdoing By Clinton Herself." The Associated Press quoted an anonymous U.S. official who noted that the referral did not implicate Clinton in any wrongdoing:

The New York Times first reported the referral. The Clinton campaign said Friday that she "followed appropriate practices in dealing with classified materials." Spokesman Nick Merrill said emails deemed classified by the administration were done so after the fact, not when they were sent.

One U.S. official said it was unclear whether classified information was mishandled and the referral doesn't suggest wrongdoing by Clinton herself. [Associated Press, 7/24/15]

Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:

Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.


The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.

The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system. [The Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Myths And Facts On Hillary Clinton's Email And Reports Of "Top Secret" Materials
if the FBI is investigating......then the investigation revolves around the potential of a federal crime being committed.

Your blindness to reality and insistence to find loopholes is amusing.
Hope you are not too disappointed when it's proven she broke no laws and doesn't end up in Orange.

Conspiracy theories work just as well as credible facts for Republicans. They are not looking for an actual conviction, only a chance to keep the accusations going

Does the FBI work for the republicans? Does the NY Times? Does CNN? NO? then that's funny because all of them have brought out the corruption of the Clintons and the illegality of Hillary's private server.

What has the FBI found?

Here is your case against Hillary Clinton

FBI: Secretary Clinton, why did you use a private server for your email?
Sec Clinton: My agency told me it was allowable

Case closed


Judge: Mrs Clinton, you violated federal law by sending classified data on an illegal personal non-secure server when you were secretary of state. YOU are responsible for your acts, YOU are responsible for knowing federal law and abiding by it.

You are guilty, you are sentenced to 10 years in federal prison.

case closed.

Where is your smoking gun?

All these investigations and you have failed to provide anyone from the State Department to testify that Sec Clinton was warned against having a private server and chose to have one anyway

You have also failed to show where Sec Clinton sent classified information to a unclassified destination

Weak case, wouldn't you agree?
A case that would normally be resolved in a couple of weeks. But this investigation will go on to....let me guess....Nov 2016
and you still have no idea WHY she opted to use a private server.
Bubba Clinton lied under oath. The subject of the lie doesn't matter. The crime is lying under oath. The impeachment was proper

For the record, Nixon lied but never under oath.

Hillary used an illegal unsecure personal server to send over 1000 emails containing classified data. She violated national security laws. She should be prosecuted.
Hope you are not too disappointed when it's proven she broke no laws and doesn't end up in Orange.

Conspiracy theories work just as well as credible facts for Republicans. They are not looking for an actual conviction, only a chance to keep the accusations going

Does the FBI work for the republicans? Does the NY Times? Does CNN? NO? then that's funny because all of them have brought out the corruption of the Clintons and the illegality of Hillary's private server.

What has the FBI found?

Here is your case against Hillary Clinton

FBI: Secretary Clinton, why did you use a private server for your email?
Sec Clinton: My agency told me it was allowable

Case closed


Judge: Mrs Clinton, you violated federal law by sending classified data on an illegal personal non-secure server when you were secretary of state. YOU are responsible for your acts, YOU are responsible for knowing federal law and abiding by it.

You are guilty, you are sentenced to 10 years in federal prison.

case closed.
Government Secrecy Expert: "There's No Case" Against Clinton If She Didn't Knowingly Misuse Classified Information. William Jeffress, an attorney who has handled government secrecy cases, told Time:

Legally, the question is pretty clear-cut. If Clinton knowingly used her private server to handle classified information she could have a problem. But if she didn't know the material was classified when she sent or received it she's safe.


Clinton has explicitly and repeatedly said she didn't knowingly send or receive any classified information. "The facts are pretty clear," she said last weekend in Iowa, "I did not send nor receive anything that was classified at the time." Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III, disagrees, saying some of the material was in fact classified at the time it was sent. But in his letter last week to Congressional intelligence committee leaders, McCullough reported that, "None of the emails we reviewed had classification or dissemination markings." And there has been no indication Clinton knew she was sending and receiving anything classified.

The public doesn't yet know the content of the classified emails, and the State Department and the inspectors general have tens of thousands still to review. If evidence emerges that Clinton knew she was handling secrets on her private server, "She could have a problem," says William Jeffress, a leading criminal trial lawyer at Baker Botts who has represented government officials in secrecy cases. Barring that, says Jeffress, "there's no way in the world [prosecutors] could ever make a case" against her. [Time, 7/29/15]
Myths And Facts On Hillary Clinton's Email And Reports Of "Top Secret" Materials
Bubba Clinton lied under oath. The subject of the lie doesn't matter. The crime is lying under oath. The impeachment was proper

For the record, Nixon lied but never under oath.

Hillary used an illegal unsecure personal server to send over 1000 emails containing classified data. She violated national security laws. She should be prosecuted.
Hope you are not too disappointed when it's proven she broke no laws and doesn't end up in Orange.

Conspiracy theories work just as well as credible facts for Republicans. They are not looking for an actual conviction, only a chance to keep the accusations going

Does the FBI work for the republicans? Does the NY Times? Does CNN? NO? then that's funny because all of them have brought out the corruption of the Clintons and the illegality of Hillary's private server.

What has the FBI found?

Here is your case against Hillary Clinton

FBI: Secretary Clinton, why did you use a private server for your email?
Sec Clinton: My agency told me it was allowable

Case closed
yes, to a moron case closed.

But a thinking person would recognize that "my agency told me it was allowable" does not answer the question of "WHY did you use a private server".
It simply answers the question of "why did you think it was OK to use a private server"

Which brings us back to the question of "why did you WANT to use a private server"

And that question was answered with several answers that were proven to be untrue

But, of course, that doesn't matter to you.

FBI: Sec Clinton, why did you use a private server?
Sec Clinton: I was given the option and thought having one server would be easier

Your case is against the policies of the State Department at that time. Seems they have changed since that time. Kind of a red herring on your part
MYTH: Clinton Is The Subject Of A Federal Criminal Investigation
Fox's Chris Stirewalt: Clinton Might Be "The Subject Of A Federal Criminal Investigation." On the August 12 edition of Fox News' America's Newsroom, digital editor Chris Stirewalt claimed that Clinton might become "the first major party nominee that is the subject of a federal criminal investigation." [Fox News, America's Newsroom, 8/12/15]

FACT: IG Referral To Justice Department Was Not Criminal, And FBI Isn't Targeting Clinton Herself
Reuters: Inspector General Referral Is Not Criminal. Reuters reported on July 24 that there was "no criminal referral over [the] Clinton emails":

The Justice Department said Friday it has received a request to examine the handling of classified information related to the private emails from Hillary Clinton during her time as secretary of state, but it is not a criminal referral. [Reuters, 7/24/15]

AP: U.S. Official Said That Request Of DOJ "Doesn't Suggest Wrongdoing By Clinton Herself." The Associated Press quoted an anonymous U.S. official who noted that the referral did not implicate Clinton in any wrongdoing:

The New York Times first reported the referral. The Clinton campaign said Friday that she "followed appropriate practices in dealing with classified materials." Spokesman Nick Merrill said emails deemed classified by the administration were done so after the fact, not when they were sent.

One U.S. official said it was unclear whether classified information was mishandled and the referral doesn't suggest wrongdoing by Clinton herself. [Associated Press, 7/24/15]

Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:

Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.


The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.

The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system. [The Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Myths And Facts On Hillary Clinton's Email And Reports Of "Top Secret" Materials
if the FBI is investigating......then the investigation revolves around the potential of a federal crime being committed.

Your blindness to reality and insistence to find loopholes is amusing.
No Jarhead,

The FBI is investigating how FOIA requests are handled among all the different agencies, on the Clinton emails having FOIA requests.

only right wing rags have spread the lie that this COULD be a criminal inquiry, HOWEVER the FBI said itself that this was NOT a criminal investigation, but a procedural handling of FOIA requests.
Hope you are not too disappointed when it's proven she broke no laws and doesn't end up in Orange.

Conspiracy theories work just as well as credible facts for Republicans. They are not looking for an actual conviction, only a chance to keep the accusations going

Does the FBI work for the republicans? Does the NY Times? Does CNN? NO? then that's funny because all of them have brought out the corruption of the Clintons and the illegality of Hillary's private server.

What has the FBI found?

Here is your case against Hillary Clinton

FBI: Secretary Clinton, why did you use a private server for your email?
Sec Clinton: My agency told me it was allowable

Case closed
yes, to a moron case closed.

But a thinking person would recognize that "my agency told me it was allowable" does not answer the question of "WHY did you use a private server".
It simply answers the question of "why did you think it was OK to use a private server"

Which brings us back to the question of "why did you WANT to use a private server"

And that question was answered with several answers that were proven to be untrue

But, of course, that doesn't matter to you.

FBI: Sec Clinton, why did you use a private server?
Sec Clinton: I was given the option and thought having one server would be easier

Your case is against the policies of the State Department at that time. Seems they have changed since that time. Kind of a red herring on your part are pathetic and Clinton knows her ass sniffers will support her no matter how foolish her excuses are.

"I thought it would be easier"

Easier to have a server that is not linked with the people you oversee, interact with and report to.

I am sure her tech people said "of course that would be easier"

You are worthless.
MYTH: Clinton Is The Subject Of A Federal Criminal Investigation
Fox's Chris Stirewalt: Clinton Might Be "The Subject Of A Federal Criminal Investigation." On the August 12 edition of Fox News' America's Newsroom, digital editor Chris Stirewalt claimed that Clinton might become "the first major party nominee that is the subject of a federal criminal investigation." [Fox News, America's Newsroom, 8/12/15]

FACT: IG Referral To Justice Department Was Not Criminal, And FBI Isn't Targeting Clinton Herself
Reuters: Inspector General Referral Is Not Criminal. Reuters reported on July 24 that there was "no criminal referral over [the] Clinton emails":

The Justice Department said Friday it has received a request to examine the handling of classified information related to the private emails from Hillary Clinton during her time as secretary of state, but it is not a criminal referral. [Reuters, 7/24/15]

AP: U.S. Official Said That Request Of DOJ "Doesn't Suggest Wrongdoing By Clinton Herself." The Associated Press quoted an anonymous U.S. official who noted that the referral did not implicate Clinton in any wrongdoing:

The New York Times first reported the referral. The Clinton campaign said Friday that she "followed appropriate practices in dealing with classified materials." Spokesman Nick Merrill said emails deemed classified by the administration were done so after the fact, not when they were sent.

One U.S. official said it was unclear whether classified information was mishandled and the referral doesn't suggest wrongdoing by Clinton herself. [Associated Press, 7/24/15]

Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:

Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.


The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.

The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system. [The Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Myths And Facts On Hillary Clinton's Email And Reports Of "Top Secret" Materials
if the FBI is investigating......then the investigation revolves around the potential of a federal crime being committed.

Your blindness to reality and insistence to find loopholes is amusing.
No Jarhead,

The FBI is investigating how FOIA requests are handled among all the different agencies, on the Clinton emails having FOIA requests.

only right wing rags have spread the lie that this COULD be a criminal inquiry, HOWEVER the FBI said itself that this was NOT a criminal investigation, but a procedural handling of FOIA requests.
uh...the FBI does not investigate how things are done.....

The FBI investigate to see if a federal crime has been committed....and if they believe one has been, they recommend prosecution to the AG.

Do you not know what the FBI does?
MYTH: Clinton Is The Subject Of A Federal Criminal Investigation
Fox's Chris Stirewalt: Clinton Might Be "The Subject Of A Federal Criminal Investigation." On the August 12 edition of Fox News' America's Newsroom, digital editor Chris Stirewalt claimed that Clinton might become "the first major party nominee that is the subject of a federal criminal investigation." [Fox News, America's Newsroom, 8/12/15]

FACT: IG Referral To Justice Department Was Not Criminal, And FBI Isn't Targeting Clinton Herself
Reuters: Inspector General Referral Is Not Criminal. Reuters reported on July 24 that there was "no criminal referral over [the] Clinton emails":

The Justice Department said Friday it has received a request to examine the handling of classified information related to the private emails from Hillary Clinton during her time as secretary of state, but it is not a criminal referral. [Reuters, 7/24/15]

AP: U.S. Official Said That Request Of DOJ "Doesn't Suggest Wrongdoing By Clinton Herself." The Associated Press quoted an anonymous U.S. official who noted that the referral did not implicate Clinton in any wrongdoing:

The New York Times first reported the referral. The Clinton campaign said Friday that she "followed appropriate practices in dealing with classified materials." Spokesman Nick Merrill said emails deemed classified by the administration were done so after the fact, not when they were sent.

One U.S. official said it was unclear whether classified information was mishandled and the referral doesn't suggest wrongdoing by Clinton herself. [Associated Press, 7/24/15]

Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:

Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.


The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.

The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system. [The Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Myths And Facts On Hillary Clinton's Email And Reports Of "Top Secret" Materials
if the FBI is investigating......then the investigation revolves around the potential of a federal crime being committed.

Your blindness to reality and insistence to find loopholes is amusing.
No Jarhead,

The FBI is investigating how FOIA requests are handled among all the different agencies, on the Clinton emails having FOIA requests.

only right wing rags have spread the lie that this COULD be a criminal inquiry, HOWEVER the FBI said itself that this was NOT a criminal investigation, but a procedural handling of FOIA requests.
uh...the FBI does not investigate how things are done.....

The FBI investigate to see if a federal crime has been committed....and if they believe one has been, they recommend prosecution to the AG.

Do you not know what the FBI does?
Take it up with the FBI....

THEY ARE THE ONES who said the case WAS NOT CRIMINAL....

The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.
Conspiracy theories work just as well as credible facts for Republicans. They are not looking for an actual conviction, only a chance to keep the accusations going

Does the FBI work for the republicans? Does the NY Times? Does CNN? NO? then that's funny because all of them have brought out the corruption of the Clintons and the illegality of Hillary's private server.

What has the FBI found?

Here is your case against Hillary Clinton

FBI: Secretary Clinton, why did you use a private server for your email?
Sec Clinton: My agency told me it was allowable

Case closed
yes, to a moron case closed.

But a thinking person would recognize that "my agency told me it was allowable" does not answer the question of "WHY did you use a private server".
It simply answers the question of "why did you think it was OK to use a private server"

Which brings us back to the question of "why did you WANT to use a private server"

And that question was answered with several answers that were proven to be untrue

But, of course, that doesn't matter to you.

FBI: Sec Clinton, why did you use a private server?
Sec Clinton: I was given the option and thought having one server would be easier

Your case is against the policies of the State Department at that time. Seems they have changed since that time. Kind of a red herring on your part are pathetic and Clinton knows her ass sniffers will support her no matter how foolish her excuses are.

"I thought it would be easier"

Easier to have a server that is not linked with the people you oversee, interact with and report to.

I am sure her tech people said "of course that would be easier"

You are worthless.

Seems the burden of proof is on you

You have zero proof that Sec Clinton was told a private server was not allowable. In fact, all proof points to her having an option.
You have zero proof that Sec Clinton sent marked classified information to an unclassified user. No foul
Speaking of not being bright enough, how are you and your lib friends going to handle when Hillary gets indicted?

She won't.

the loons always think if they disagree with someone's politics, that person should be indicted or impeached. it's all the brain dead know. that's why the so-called "fiscal conservatives" wasted 70 million dollars of our money going after a blue dress.

they're mentally ill.

Bubba Clinton lied under oath. The subject of the lie doesn't matter. The crime is lying under oath. The impeachment was proper

For the record, Nixon lied but never under oath.

Hillary used an illegal unsecure personal server to send over 1000 emails containing classified data. She violated national security laws. She should be prosecuted.
Hope you are not too disappointed when it's proven she broke no laws and doesn't end up in Orange.

There are people in this country that are powerful and connected, and will never wear orange. Political party doesn't matter. The justice system is corrupt. Whether they broke the law or not, it is irrelevant.

That is America.
MYTH: Clinton Is The Subject Of A Federal Criminal Investigation
Fox's Chris Stirewalt: Clinton Might Be "The Subject Of A Federal Criminal Investigation." On the August 12 edition of Fox News' America's Newsroom, digital editor Chris Stirewalt claimed that Clinton might become "the first major party nominee that is the subject of a federal criminal investigation." [Fox News, America's Newsroom, 8/12/15]

FACT: IG Referral To Justice Department Was Not Criminal, And FBI Isn't Targeting Clinton Herself
Reuters: Inspector General Referral Is Not Criminal. Reuters reported on July 24 that there was "no criminal referral over [the] Clinton emails":

The Justice Department said Friday it has received a request to examine the handling of classified information related to the private emails from Hillary Clinton during her time as secretary of state, but it is not a criminal referral. [Reuters, 7/24/15]

AP: U.S. Official Said That Request Of DOJ "Doesn't Suggest Wrongdoing By Clinton Herself." The Associated Press quoted an anonymous U.S. official who noted that the referral did not implicate Clinton in any wrongdoing:

The New York Times first reported the referral. The Clinton campaign said Friday that she "followed appropriate practices in dealing with classified materials." Spokesman Nick Merrill said emails deemed classified by the administration were done so after the fact, not when they were sent.

One U.S. official said it was unclear whether classified information was mishandled and the referral doesn't suggest wrongdoing by Clinton herself. [Associated Press, 7/24/15]

Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:

Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.


The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.

The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system. [The Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Myths And Facts On Hillary Clinton's Email And Reports Of "Top Secret" Materials
if the FBI is investigating......then the investigation revolves around the potential of a federal crime being committed.

Your blindness to reality and insistence to find loopholes is amusing.
No Jarhead,

The FBI is investigating how FOIA requests are handled among all the different agencies, on the Clinton emails having FOIA requests.

only right wing rags have spread the lie that this COULD be a criminal inquiry, HOWEVER the FBI said itself that this was NOT a criminal investigation, but a procedural handling of FOIA requests.
uh...the FBI does not investigate how things are done.....

The FBI investigate to see if a federal crime has been committed....and if they believe one has been, they recommend prosecution to the AG.

Do you not know what the FBI does?
Take it up with the FBI....

THEY ARE THE ONES who said the case WAS NOT CRIMINAL....

The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.
and exactly who's quote was that?
Hope you are not too disappointed when it's proven she broke no laws and doesn't end up in Orange.

Conspiracy theories work just as well as credible facts for Republicans. They are not looking for an actual conviction, only a chance to keep the accusations going

Does the FBI work for the republicans? Does the NY Times? Does CNN? NO? then that's funny because all of them have brought out the corruption of the Clintons and the illegality of Hillary's private server.

What has the FBI found?

Here is your case against Hillary Clinton

FBI: Secretary Clinton, why did you use a private server for your email?
Sec Clinton: My agency told me it was allowable

Case closed
yes, to a moron case closed.

But a thinking person would recognize that "my agency told me it was allowable" does not answer the question of "WHY did you use a private server".
It simply answers the question of "why did you think it was OK to use a private server"

Which brings us back to the question of "why did you WANT to use a private server"

And that question was answered with several answers that were proven to be untrue

But, of course, that doesn't matter to you.

FBI: Sec Clinton, why did you use a private server?
Sec Clinton: I was given the option and thought having one server would be easier

Your case is against the policies of the State Department at that time. Seems they have changed since that time. Kind of a red herring on your part

sending classified government data over an unsecure server is a violation of federal law. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Does the FBI work for the republicans? Does the NY Times? Does CNN? NO? then that's funny because all of them have brought out the corruption of the Clintons and the illegality of Hillary's private server.

What has the FBI found?

Here is your case against Hillary Clinton

FBI: Secretary Clinton, why did you use a private server for your email?
Sec Clinton: My agency told me it was allowable

Case closed
yes, to a moron case closed.

But a thinking person would recognize that "my agency told me it was allowable" does not answer the question of "WHY did you use a private server".
It simply answers the question of "why did you think it was OK to use a private server"

Which brings us back to the question of "why did you WANT to use a private server"

And that question was answered with several answers that were proven to be untrue

But, of course, that doesn't matter to you.

FBI: Sec Clinton, why did you use a private server?
Sec Clinton: I was given the option and thought having one server would be easier

Your case is against the policies of the State Department at that time. Seems they have changed since that time. Kind of a red herring on your part are pathetic and Clinton knows her ass sniffers will support her no matter how foolish her excuses are.

"I thought it would be easier"

Easier to have a server that is not linked with the people you oversee, interact with and report to.

I am sure her tech people said "of course that would be easier"

You are worthless.

Seems the burden of proof is on you

You have zero proof that Sec Clinton was told a private server was not allowable. In fact, all proof points to her having an option.
You have zero proof that Sec Clinton sent marked classified information to an unclassified user. No foul

her own state dept has verified that 1000 emails containing classified data were sent via her illegal personal unsecure server.

It doesn't matter if she was told it was OK, it was a violation of law, she was SecState, She is required to know and follow federal law.

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