Does international law require Israel to vacate the disputed territories

Want it in English? You Hasbara freak. The only way you people can defend the indefensible is denying fact.

"6. The Petition under discussion has been submitted by a public petitioner, and it urges the cessation of the long lasting activities of Israeli quarries operating in the Area, based on arguments regarding the safeguarding of the interests of the entire protected Palestinian population within the Area, which is being subjected to belligerent occupation.

"הכרעות דין/psak.pdf

"urges", you Jew hating piece of feces.
And so lying is your only response ?

The issue wasn't my claim it was yours, that Israel is somehow required by international law to vacate the disputed territories. You provided ZERO references to international law, no proof that Israel is a belligerent occupier and yes, your baseless assertions do appear racist.

So yeah.

Do you have a single statute within international law that supports your claims ?

You are the forum's liar par excellence. International Law references galore have been provided. But, there is no need to refer to International Law, the determinations (several) of the Israeli Supreme Court are sufficient. For example:

"... the belligerent occupation of the area by Israel has special characteristics, the main one being the period of time of the occupation which demands fitting the laws to reality on the ground ...’.

HCJ 2164/09, Yesh Din v. Commander of IDF Forces in Judea and Samaria et al., Judgment, 26 December 2011 (hereafter Quarries case)

פסק-דין בתיק בג"ץ 2164/09

Wow! I didn't know you read Hebrew!
NOW I've convinced that all the bullshit you post is...well, bullshit.
By, the way, the scare English at the bottom does not state a conclusion.
BUT, if you look REAL close and set your resolution to 720x480, it says at the bottom that you're a lying donkey.

It is para. 10 of the case. You can lie all you want. Facts are facts.

HCJ 2164/09, Yesh Din v. Commander of IDF Forces in Judea and Samaria et al., Judgment, 26 December 2011 (hereafter Quarries case)

ICRC service


You can't handle the truth, can you. Now the Israeli Supreme Court is lying and the Israeli Supreme Court is merely advisory. What tools you two are. LOL

You obviously have a twisted mind.
You lost big time. Next.

Sorry, dude, you ALREADY made a fool of yourself.
"urges" are such a lying donkey.

Sure you did. The old declare victory and leave technique. LOL You were made a fool of, full stop. The Israeli Supreme Court in the Quarries and many other decisions confirm the fact that the territories are occupied belligerently. That's it. Close the thread.
You lost big time. Next.

Sorry, dude, you ALREADY made a fool of yourself.
"urges" are such a lying donkey.

Sure you did. The old declare victory and leave technique. LOL You were made a fool of, full stop. The Israeli Supreme Court in the Quarries and many other decisions confirm the fact that the territories are occupied belligerently. That's it. Close the thread.

You are so pathetic.
You posted an opinion and you say it's a judgment.
How stupid are you?
You lost big time. Next.

Sorry, dude, you ALREADY made a fool of yourself.
"urges" are such a lying donkey.

Sure you did. The old declare victory and leave technique. LOL You were made a fool of, full stop. The Israeli Supreme Court in the Quarries and many other decisions confirm the fact that the territories are occupied belligerently. That's it. Close the thread.

You are so pathetic.
You posted an opinion and you say it's a judgment.
How stupid are you?

It was a JUDGEMENT by the Israeli Supreme Court you idiot. As stated on page 2.


President D. Beinish:הכרעות דין/psak.pdf
You lost big time. Next.

Sorry, dude, you ALREADY made a fool of yourself.
"urges" are such a lying donkey.

Sure you did. The old declare victory and leave technique. LOL You were made a fool of, full stop. The Israeli Supreme Court in the Quarries and many other decisions confirm the fact that the territories are occupied belligerently. That's it. Close the thread.

You are so pathetic.
You posted an opinion and you say it's a judgment.
How stupid are you?

It was a JUDGEMENT by the Israeli Supreme Court you idiot. As stated on page 2.


President D. Beinish:הכרעות דין/psak.pdf

I read the English...the Judgment was a wishy-washy OPINION.
Are you retarded?
You lost big time. Next.

Sorry, dude, you ALREADY made a fool of yourself.
"urges" are such a lying donkey.

Sure you did. The old declare victory and leave technique. LOL You were made a fool of, full stop. The Israeli Supreme Court in the Quarries and many other decisions confirm the fact that the territories are occupied belligerently. That's it. Close the thread.

You are so pathetic.
You posted an opinion and you say it's a judgment.
How stupid are you?

It was a JUDGEMENT by the Israeli Supreme Court you idiot. As stated on page 2.


President D. Beinish:הכרעות דין/psak.pdf
All your frantic cutting and pasting of irrelevant piffle aside, the question posed by the OP remains unaddressed.
You lost big time. Next.

Sorry, dude, you ALREADY made a fool of yourself.
"urges" are such a lying donkey.

Sure you did. The old declare victory and leave technique. LOL You were made a fool of, full stop. The Israeli Supreme Court in the Quarries and many other decisions confirm the fact that the territories are occupied belligerently. That's it. Close the thread.

You are so pathetic.
You posted an opinion and you say it's a judgment.
How stupid are you?

It was a JUDGEMENT by the Israeli Supreme Court you idiot. As stated on page 2.


President D. Beinish:הכרעות דין/psak.pdf
All your frantic cutting and pasting of irrelevant piffle aside, the question posed by the OP remains unaddressed.

His brain rejected the fact that it's an opinion.
The guy needs therapy.
You lost big time. Next.

Sorry, dude, you ALREADY made a fool of yourself.
"urges" are such a lying donkey.

Sure you did. The old declare victory and leave technique. LOL You were made a fool of, full stop. The Israeli Supreme Court in the Quarries and many other decisions confirm the fact that the territories are occupied belligerently. That's it. Close the thread.

You are so pathetic.
You posted an opinion and you say it's a judgment.
How stupid are you?

It was a JUDGEMENT by the Israeli Supreme Court you idiot. As stated on page 2.


President D. Beinish:הכרעות דין/psak.pdf

I read the English...the Judgment was a wishy-washy OPINION.
Are you retarded?

LOL. A Judgement of the Israeli Supreme Court is, in your words: "a wishy-washy opinion"

Grow up. You lost big time and are making a fool of yourself.
Sorry, dude, you ALREADY made a fool of yourself.
"urges" are such a lying donkey.

Sure you did. The old declare victory and leave technique. LOL You were made a fool of, full stop. The Israeli Supreme Court in the Quarries and many other decisions confirm the fact that the territories are occupied belligerently. That's it. Close the thread.

You are so pathetic.
You posted an opinion and you say it's a judgment.
How stupid are you?

It was a JUDGEMENT by the Israeli Supreme Court you idiot. As stated on page 2.


President D. Beinish:הכרעות דין/psak.pdf

I read the English...the Judgment was a wishy-washy OPINION.
Are you retarded?

LOL. A Judgement of the Israeli Supreme Court is, in your words: "a wishy-washy opinion"

Grow up. You lost big time and are making a fool of yourself.

So you admit you can't read.
Shall I actually copy and paste the sentence and prove what a donkey you are?
Sure you did. The old declare victory and leave technique. LOL You were made a fool of, full stop. The Israeli Supreme Court in the Quarries and many other decisions confirm the fact that the territories are occupied belligerently. That's it. Close the thread.

You are so pathetic.
You posted an opinion and you say it's a judgment.
How stupid are you?

It was a JUDGEMENT by the Israeli Supreme Court you idiot. As stated on page 2.


President D. Beinish:הכרעות דין/psak.pdf

I read the English...the Judgment was a wishy-washy OPINION.
Are you retarded?

LOL. A Judgement of the Israeli Supreme Court is, in your words: "a wishy-washy opinion"

Grow up. You lost big time and are making a fool of yourself.

So you admit you can't read.
Shall I actually copy and paste the sentence and prove what a donkey you are?

Oh, give it up. You are just making a fool of yourself.
Sorry, dude, you ALREADY made a fool of yourself.
"urges" are such a lying donkey.

Sure you did. The old declare victory and leave technique. LOL You were made a fool of, full stop. The Israeli Supreme Court in the Quarries and many other decisions confirm the fact that the territories are occupied belligerently. That's it. Close the thread.

You are so pathetic.
You posted an opinion and you say it's a judgment.
How stupid are you?

It was a JUDGEMENT by the Israeli Supreme Court you idiot. As stated on page 2.


President D. Beinish:הכרעות דין/psak.pdf

I read the English...the Judgment was a wishy-washy OPINION.
Are you retarded?

LOL. A Judgement of the Israeli Supreme Court is, in your words: "a wishy-washy opinion"

Grow up. You lost big time and are making a fool of yourself.

yet conditions in the territory make it desirable to have the occupant grant new concessions in the interest of the native population

"desirable" lying donkey.

You are a lying sack of excrement.
Try and keep it polite kids

The simple fact is that the case does nothing to support revisionist claims that Israel is in violation go international law by being in the disputed territories.

Nor does its use of language within the petition by a well known pro palestinian group reflect the Israeli court position on there terms to be applied.

The simple reality is that Monty can't defend his claims concerning the legalities of Israel's existence and he's desperate to pretend his reference has anything to do do with the subject at all.
Try and keep it polite kids

The simple fact is that the case does nothing to support revisionist claims that Israel is in violation go international law by being in the disputed territories.

Nor does its use of language within the petition by a well known pro palestinian group reflect the Israeli court position on there terms to be applied.

The simple reality is that Monty can't defend his claims concerning the legalities of Israel's existence and he's desperate to pretend his reference has anything to do do with the subject at all.

It just confirms that the Israeli Supreme Court, therefore Israeli law, considers the territories under belligerent occupation, as does the rest of the world under international law. It was the Court that wrote the Judgement, not Palestinians.
Try and keep it polite kids

The simple fact is that the case does nothing to support revisionist claims that Israel is in violation go international law by being in the disputed territories.

Nor does its use of language within the petition by a well known pro palestinian group reflect the Israeli court position on there terms to be applied.

The simple reality is that Monty can't defend his claims concerning the legalities of Israel's existence and he's desperate to pretend his reference has anything to do do with the subject at all.

It just confirms that the Israeli Supreme Court, therefore Israeli law, considers the territories under belligerent occupation, as does the rest of the world under international law. It was the Court that wrote the Judgement, not Palestinians.


It confirms nothing

It was language included by an anti Israeli group in a legal complaint that they LOST in court.

You really are just completely blinded by hatred and bigotry
Try and keep it polite kids

The simple fact is that the case does nothing to support revisionist claims that Israel is in violation go international law by being in the disputed territories.

Nor does its use of language within the petition by a well known pro palestinian group reflect the Israeli court position on there terms to be applied.

The simple reality is that Monty can't defend his claims concerning the legalities of Israel's existence and he's desperate to pretend his reference has anything to do do with the subject at all.

It just confirms that the Israeli Supreme Court, therefore Israeli law, considers the territories under belligerent occupation, as does the rest of the world under international law. It was the Court that wrote the Judgement, not Palestinians.


It confirms nothing

It was language included by an anti Israeli group in a legal complaint that they LOST in court.

You really are just completely blinded by hatred and bigotry

LOL. The Israeli Supreme Court confirmed that it was Occupied Territory. There is no hate associated with a court decision. Just fact. My, you are silly.
Try and keep it polite kids

The simple fact is that the case does nothing to support revisionist claims that Israel is in violation go international law by being in the disputed territories.

Nor does its use of language within the petition by a well known pro palestinian group reflect the Israeli court position on there terms to be applied.

The simple reality is that Monty can't defend his claims concerning the legalities of Israel's existence and he's desperate to pretend his reference has anything to do do with the subject at all.

It just confirms that the Israeli Supreme Court, therefore Israeli law, considers the territories under belligerent occupation, as does the rest of the world under international law. It was the Court that wrote the Judgement, not Palestinians.


It confirms nothing

It was language included by an anti Israeli group in a legal complaint that they LOST in court.

You really are just completely blinded by hatred and bigotry

LOL. The Israeli Supreme Court confirmed that it was Occupied Territory. There is no hate associated with a court decision. Just fact. My, you are silly.

Yet you offer absolutely not a shred of supporting evidence

Exactly where did the Israeli supreme court confirm this ?
Exactly where did the Israeli supreme court order Israel to remove itself from the disputed territory ?
Exactly where did the Israeli supreme court find the breach in international law that required Israel to abandon the disputed territories ?

By refusing again and again to provide that exact information it certainly appears that you in fact have no supporting evidence for these rather wild claims of yours

Why am I not surprised.

You have yet to provide a single link or reference that actually supports your claims.


Do you really think the readers don't notice ?
Last edited:
Try and keep it polite kids

The simple fact is that the case does nothing to support revisionist claims that Israel is in violation go international law by being in the disputed territories.

Nor does its use of language within the petition by a well known pro palestinian group reflect the Israeli court position on there terms to be applied.

The simple reality is that Monty can't defend his claims concerning the legalities of Israel's existence and he's desperate to pretend his reference has anything to do do with the subject at all.

It just confirms that the Israeli Supreme Court, therefore Israeli law, considers the territories under belligerent occupation, as does the rest of the world under international law. It was the Court that wrote the Judgement, not Palestinians.


It confirms nothing

It was language included by an anti Israeli group in a legal complaint that they LOST in court.

You really are just completely blinded by hatred and bigotry

LOL. The Israeli Supreme Court confirmed that it was Occupied Territory. There is no hate associated with a court decision. Just fact. My, you are silly.

Don't feed the ignorant trolls....

There is plenty of documented evidence out there for these zionuts to read...

Denying the judgement in the supreme court of Israel is proof of their total zionut trolling

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