Zone1 Does Islam have a prophet NOW?

Does Islam believe there is a Prophet of God alive today?
In orthodox Islamic belief, there is no prophet after Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم). Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) is considered the final prophet, as clearly stated in the Qur'an and Hadith.

From the Qur'an, the following verse is often cited to affirm this belief:

Qur'an 33:40 - "ما كان محمد أبا أحد من رجالكم ولكن رسول الله وخاتم النبيين وكان الله بكل شيء عليما""Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets. And Allah is Ever All-Aware of everything."
Additionally, a well-known Hadith from Sahih Muslim supports this:

Sahih Muslim, Hadith 2286 - "لا نبي بعدي""There is no prophet after me."
These sources are fundamental in Islamic theology to denote that Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) is the last of the prophets, and no new prophets will arise after him.
Donald Trump is considered the antichrist.
More likely that it is the Chief Rabbinate of Israel that sits in Jerusalem .

Donald is Jewish by blood but his Freemason 33rd level has its own restrictions .

Guess he likes to cover the field judging by his earnest endeavour to be also seen as a Christian .
Islam is anti-Christian but isn't the Anti-Christ. Just a bunch of deluded fools practicing false doctrine.

Actually no. Muhammad taught. "Be kind to the Christians 😊 They are nearest us in faith". The Christian king of Ethiopia sheltered the Muslims when the Jews tried to kill them.
More likely that it is the Chief Rabbinate of Israel that sits in Jerusalem .

Donald is Jewish by blood but his Freemason 33rd level has its own restrictions .

Guess he likes to cover the field judging by his earnest endeavour to be also seen as a Christian .

Trump is not a Freemason.
The closest thing to a living prophet Islam has is Usama Dakdok, who was a former Muslim. This guy utterly wrecks Islam.

I presents my case by providing the video. Were you afraid to watch it?
I can also copy and paste links, but that's not a forum debate or discussion, that's just a "link war". You embed videos, I embed videos, you post links, I post links. That's not a forum debate or discussion. That's not presenting YOUR CASE, here on the forum. You have to write your premises and points down for your opponent to read. Then and only then, you embed videos that support what YOU ARE SAYING & COMMITTING TO. YOU, have to submit your points, premises, suppositions, objections, and claims, in writing, on this thread, like a fearless SOB, alright Bubbah? Until then, you haven't debunked anything, not a darn thing. Stop being lazy and present YOUR CASE.
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I can also copy and paste links, but that's not a forum debate or discussion, that's just a "link war". You embed videos, I embed videos, you post links, I post links. That's not a forum debate or discussion. That's not presenting YOUR CASE, here on the forum. You have to write your premises and points down for your opponent to read. Then and only then, you embed videos that support what YOU ARE SAYING & COMMITTING TO. YOU, have to submit your points, premises, suppositions, objections, and claims, in writing, on this thread, like a fearless SOB, alright Bubbah? Until then, you haven't debunked anything, not a darn thing. Stop being lazy and present YOUR CASE.

So you're afraid to watch the video.

Is your faith so weak that you can't watch a simple video?

without a living prophet God cannot communicate to his followers his commands and edicts. My Church believes that the church was restored, and we have a prophet.
That's what the LDS believes, but we don't agree with your premise. Allah states in His Quran that the truth and path to paradise are clearly expressed in His Quran and through the community of Muslims, which He Himself will preserve and guide. What Allah expects and demands from us is clearly stated and easily followed, without the need for another prophet. The prophet trained his disciples (sahaba) to establish the "ummah"/community that would preserve Islam until the day of judgment.

More, the LDS failed to establish the United Order, which would've established Elohim's kingdom in the US and perhaps in the Western Christian world. With the exception of Joseph Smith, a man chosen by God to lift Christianity from the dirt, your "prophets" failed miserably, turning the cheek, banning plural marriage, and failing to raise a Mormon army. Now if that wasn't enough, your so-called prophets live in opulence, under the heel of a secular government, full of degenerates, defending imperialist capitalism (the violent, aggressive, expansionist, worship of mammon).

Islam will have the victory and Mormon Christians will live in peace under Muslim rule.
So you're afraid to watch the video.

Is your faith so weak that you can't watch a simple video?

Are you so lazy that you can't write anything down and present your points and premises, committing to a position, without relegating it to a video of a sermon? Do I have to sit through a 1 1/2 hour Christian sermon? You don't know how to debate on an online messageboard.
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JGalt are you LDS too? What "prophets" do the Evangelicals have? I respect Joseph Smith, I studied his life, but I have zero respect for the current "prophets" of the LDS or the leaders of the Evangelical circus.
JGalt are you LDS too? What "prophets" do the Evangelicals have? I respect Joseph Smith, I studied his life, but I have zero respect for the current "prophets" of the LDS or the leaders of the Evangelical circus.
I don't know of any other Christian group that says God reestablished his church on earth so no other prophets to my knowledge.

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