Does Obama have the balls for this?

The real threat is being missed by most.

The real threat is Japan re-arming itself.

They have the means, they have the money, they have the technology but they haven't had the 'will' for the last 68 years.

If Japan decides they can no longer rely on the US, which nobody can with the cowardly, gutless, lying scumbag piece of fucking shit obama in office, they may decide to Militarize themselves -- Again.

RealClearDefense - The Case for Japanese Militarization

Remember the last time that happened? Or were you younger dimocrap idiots too busy studying what a great man MLK was in school instead of actual history?

The last time that happened, it didn't work out real well for China. Or most of the rest of that part of the world including Australia, SE Asia and the Phillipines.

If Japan does start to Militarize, will China hit them first? Will China look at Japan with fear (they better, the Japanese are VERY tough people) and hit them -- HARD in a preemptive strike?

Once the stuttering clusterfuck of a lying piece of shit is removed from office, will the next American President be able to calm Japan down?

I doubt it.

The damage this gutless, cowardly scumbag of a piece of fucking shit has done, and is doing, to our Foreign policy will not be repaired. Anywhere. At any time. Not for 100 years.

Not in the Mid East, not in Far East and not in the Near East.

The threat isn't immediate. It is five - ten years down the road.

You would rather a US president try to force a sovereign nation from developing it's own military?

First of all, the US doesn't have the moral authority to tell another country anything about their military. Who spends twice what the rest of the world does on their military, we do. Who uses their military for sorts of stupid-ass endeavors and nation building schemes, we do.

And do you want to talk about damaging our foreign relations? What do you call Bush unleashing Iran and giving them an ally in Iraq? I call it one of the biggest foreign policy mistakes in this country's history. Don't talk about ignoring history when you seem to be forgetting the dumb-ass, lying, illiterate, John Wayne wannabe president of just 10 years ago.

America has a bad history of trying to intervene in and sway the decisions of other countries. It almost always blows up in our face. How about we learn from that history and stop fucking around with other sovereign nations?

It blows up in our face because we talk softly and carry a swizzle stick.

Should we invade or just call them names?
America is the last country China wants to pick a fight with, because if we cut off trade with China, it would be instant ruination for both nations economies. But then maybe that's what the Chinese want, because they figure after the dust settles, they'll come out on top of America, and as long as we have this incompetent kenyan buffoon in the white house, they're probably right.

Only if they are stupid.

China has an industrial infrastructure and no consumer base.

America has a consumer base and an insufficient industrial base.

China cannot build a consumer base.

America can easily expand the industrial base - especially considering the already in action move of Chinese production to Mexico and Latin America.

China can only lose.
They are probably a couple of tiny arid and deserted rockpiles in the middle of the ocean. Who cares?

People who value national sovereignty, or the fishing rights around those islands, or the potentially valuable resources thought to exist under the ocean floor there. Possibly people who have the sense to recognize what it means to encourage China to exert its influence in the region unchecked.
What should we do about China?

1. Invade them
2. Claim they have WMDs and are about to use them
3. Nuke them
4. Let Japan work it out diplomatically
The real threat is being missed by most.

The real threat is Japan re-arming itself.

They have the means, they have the money, they have the technology but they haven't had the 'will' for the last 68 years.

If Japan decides they can no longer rely on the US, which nobody can with the cowardly, gutless, lying scumbag piece of fucking shit obama in office, they may decide to Militarize themselves -- Again.

RealClearDefense - The Case for Japanese Militarization

Remember the last time that happened? Or were you younger dimocrap idiots too busy studying what a great man MLK was in school instead of actual history?

The last time that happened, it didn't work out real well for China. Or most of the rest of that part of the world including Australia, SE Asia and the Phillipines.

If Japan does start to Militarize, will China hit them first? Will China look at Japan with fear (they better, the Japanese are VERY tough people) and hit them -- HARD in a preemptive strike?

Once the stuttering clusterfuck of a lying piece of shit is removed from office, will the next American President be able to calm Japan down?

I doubt it.

The damage this gutless, cowardly scumbag of a piece of fucking shit has done, and is doing, to our Foreign policy will not be repaired. Anywhere. At any time. Not for 100 years.

Not in the Mid East, not in Far East and not in the Near East.

The threat isn't immediate. It is five - ten years down the road.

You would rather a US president try to force a sovereign nation from developing it's own military?

First of all, the US doesn't have the moral authority to tell another country anything about their military. Who spends twice what the rest of the world does on their military, we do. Who uses their military for sorts of stupid-ass endeavors and nation building schemes, we do.

And do you want to talk about damaging our foreign relations? What do you call Bush unleashing Iran and giving them an ally in Iraq? I call it one of the biggest foreign policy mistakes in this country's history. Don't talk about ignoring history when you seem to be forgetting the dumb-ass, lying, illiterate, John Wayne wannabe president of just 10 years ago.

America has a bad history of trying to intervene in and sway the decisions of other countries. It almost always blows up in our face. How about we learn from that history and stop fucking around with other sovereign nations?

First of all, STUPID.

It is in the Japanese Constitution (Article 9) that they can NOT build a Military designed for National Defense (STUPID) as opposed to its current structure of 'self-defense', STUPID.

Secondly, STUPID, we have a treaty with Japan that, because we essentially wrote their Constitution, (STUPID) that we MUST defend any hostile acts against the Japanese from any Country on Earth -- STUPID.

But because of the weirdness of their Constitution, they can not come to our aid if WE are invaded or involved in War. But you're too STUPID to know that........ STUPID

Prime Minister Abe of the LDP (STUPID) is currently trying to amend the Japanese Constitution, STUPID, so that Japan can Militarize itself.

As to the rest of your drivel, you're just too STUPID to bother with.

I just want to point out to other posters how incontrovertibly STUPID you are.

No wonder you're a dimocrap. STUPID.

I'm fully aware of Japan's constitution. And I'm fully aware that their prime minister is trying to amend it. And you were suggesting that we should do something to stop that. I pointed out that nearly ever single time we fuck with another country's affairs it blows up in our face. You were babbling on about history, but refuse to look at our own.

And then use called me stupid a bunch of times while ignoring the rest of my post. Thank you for admitting my points were right.
the Fluttering StutterCluck, edgetho, is a hoot.

Obama has metaphorical balls the size of his head.

A rearmed Japan is not the Japanese military of 1931 to 1945.

For pete's sake, Edge, read some history and THINK
‘Balls’ have nothing to do with this. I don’t want a president with balls. I want one with brains. One with balls and no brains is even worse ;) We should not be running to war because we are the ‘tough guy’ in the neighborhood.

Can he handle this, I don’t know but so far his foreign policy has been less of a disaster than Bush so I am not wholly concerned with the fact that Obama is in the char than some other random republican. It is likely that he will fuck things up but then again I don’t see another politician leading this nation that would not coming in the near future.

Let me ask, what exactly are you worries about Obama doing? Asking if he has internal fortitude or ‘balls’ for such and such is nothing more than a character attack and rather meaningless. Stating that you are worried because his policies have tipped our hand in regards to an unwillingness to go to war would be more of an example of a valid concern. I imagine that you have real concerns here but the OP simply does not address anything tangible other than dislike of Obama in general.

Obama's foreign policy is a disaster of immense proportions. No one in the international community takes him seriously anymore. The US effectively has abdicated its leadership of the free world.
I suppose people will get on here telling us China never started a war, or their intentions are peaceful, or the Japs started WW2 so deserve it.
You can't fix stupid.

And so was Bush’s FP where were became embroiled in a pointless war that we should have never gotten involved in all the while ignoring the actual war in Afghanistan that we should have went in full force and never stopped until the job was finished.

Why do I state that Obama’s FP has been better than the last bumbler? Because at least this FP disaster was not also accompanied by a useless war. Face it, America was so damaged in Bush’s terms that our own allies were hesitant to completely unwilling to even aid our military endeavors. The sole accusation that you seem to have against Obama is that the same case still exists.
The real threat is being missed by most.

The real threat is Japan re-arming itself.

They have the means, they have the money, they have the technology but they haven't had the 'will' for the last 68 years.

If Japan decides they can no longer rely on the US, which nobody can with the cowardly, gutless, lying scumbag piece of fucking shit obama in office, they may decide to Militarize themselves -- Again.

RealClearDefense - The Case for Japanese Militarization

Remember the last time that happened? Or were you younger dimocrap idiots too busy studying what a great man MLK was in school instead of actual history?

The last time that happened, it didn't work out real well for China. Or most of the rest of that part of the world including Australia, SE Asia and the Phillipines.

If Japan does start to Militarize, will China hit them first? Will China look at Japan with fear (they better, the Japanese are VERY tough people) and hit them -- HARD in a preemptive strike?

Once the stuttering clusterfuck of a lying piece of shit is removed from office, will the next American President be able to calm Japan down?

I doubt it.

The damage this gutless, cowardly scumbag of a piece of fucking shit has done, and is doing, to our Foreign policy will not be repaired. Anywhere. At any time. Not for 100 years.

Not in the Mid East, not in Far East and not in the Near East.

The threat isn't immediate. It is five - ten years down the road.

Valid point but I wonder how much of that ire can be attributed to Obama or the public’s unwillingness to get into another war (something that can be directly attributed to the mess in Iraq). Obama has been shown to shoot off at the mouth and unwilling to back it up but I doubt that Japans moves are based on that alone. I think that claiming that Obama would not defend Japan (or that the Japanese think that he will not) if they were attacked certainly is not based on just Obama’s actions. Not only would that compliantly ignore the fact that he is going to be out of office soon but that there really is no question that we would come to Japans self-defense. I don’t care what idiot is in office, if Japan is attacked we are going to war. Nothing is going to stop that.

I am interested in Japans purpose here though because militarization seems rather asinine. Japan has a fucking sweet deal – WE waste all our productivity in ensuring their defense. I with that some other gullible nation would take that burden from us – it is like getting a free meal for absolutely nothing. Good deal all around for them.
98823]‘Balls’ have nothing to do with this. I don’t want a president with balls. I want one with brains. [/B] One with balls and no brains is even worse ;) We should not be running to war because we are the ‘tough guy’ in the neighborhood.

Can he handle this, I don’t know but so far his foreign policy has been less of a disaster than Bush so I am not wholly concerned with the fact that Obama is in the char than some other random republican. It is likely that he will fuck things up but then again I don’t see another politician leading this nation that would not coming in the near future.

Let me ask, what exactly are you worries about Obama doing? Asking if he has internal fortitude or ‘balls’ for such and such is nothing more than a character attack and rather meaningless. Stating that you are worried because his policies have tipped our hand in regards to an unwillingness to go to war would be more of an example of a valid concern. I imagine that you have real concerns here but the OP simply does not address anything tangible other than dislike of Obama in general.

I'm sorry, there you stand empty handed. Truly, I'm sorry.

I have points and valid statements – you have an ad-homonym. Who is empty headed? Are you even capable of coming up with a thought or are you pre-programmed to spit out attacks against anyone that has not sufficiently slammed Obama?

Take your empty headed insults somewhere else and put together a coherent point.
The question comes to mind....what IS Obabble's foreign policy?

To not get into pointless wars.

That was rather simple. Amid the fuck ups I can only realize one thing – Bush certainly did not handle things better and we are not in a useless war.

Has he made a mess of things in several areas? Sure. In Syria he really tipped his hand as to how valid our threats of military action are – completely impotent. Those fuck ups, however, have not resulted in Americans fighting and dying on foreign soil and therefore he has one up on Bush.

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