Does the 3 YEAR OLD MURDERED in Chicago deserve a protest? Did his life matter?

BLM isn't about random violence. It's about the opposite of that.
For many years Progs guilted white people on tragedies like this. Cities, counties, local governments, state governments and the federal government spending trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars. Plus the private business shakedowns and the giving back to the community blackmailing. And this still exists. Many nations in the world with any responsible ways would be rich today with this money.

Where are the protests? Where is the outrage?

Floyd certainly didn't deserve to die like that but when you live a criminal life you put your life at grave danger.
Explain to me the life choices that this 3 YEAR OLD made that put his life at risk. Explain to me why it is only the right that points out the travesty of black on black crime. Explain to me why YOU haven't created a thread extolling the virtues of why this babies life should not have been snuffed out? Explain to me why you make a big deal out of white kids dying to a shooter but NEVER have the courage to broach this subject? Explain to me why you call me a racist for bringing this up as YOU pretend it never happened?

Three children under 10. DEAD IN ONE WEEK.

Hey dumbass the protests are about cops killing people and the system letting them getting away with it.

The system is not covering up for the person who killed this kid.

Where are the protests? Where is the outrage?

Floyd certainly didn't deserve to die like that but when you live a criminal life you put your life at grave danger.
Explain to me the life choices that this 3 YEAR OLD made that put his life at risk. Explain to me why it is only the right that points out the travesty of black on black crime. Explain to me why YOU haven't created a thread extolling the virtues of why this babies life should not have been snuffed out? Explain to me why you make a big deal out of white kids dying to a shooter but NEVER have the courage to broach this subject? Explain to me why you call me a racist for bringing this up as YOU pretend it never happened?

Three children under 10. DEAD IN ONE WEEK.

Yes. There should be protests. Like this one:


You goddamned blind fools. Both of those kill shots were bullets gone astray. They MISSED their targets. This country is awash in guns so that anyone can buy one legally or illegally and go shoot the person who dissed 'em last night. It's insane. There should be MASSIVE MASSIVE protests against these fucking killing machines and something needs to be done about it. Someone will say, "They'll kill each other with their hands, a hammer, etc." Well okay--let 'em. They're not going to kill a three year old or a thirteen year old by mistake that way, are they?

Thousands and thousands need to march, stop traffic, bung up the entrances of the firearms factories, break windows in the NRA offices. It is where I'd focus my energy. And not allow Congress to go home for so much as a weekend until there is legislation with TEETH, not wishy washy "gun control" garbage that does nothing.

All you do is tsk tsk tsk about a neighborhood you've never stepped foot in and don't know shit from shinola about, deciding it somehow obviates the message of the protests in the past three weeks. Well, THAT's convenient. Kills two birds with one stone, doesn't it? THE TWO THINGS ARE NOT RELATED, MORONS. STOP COMPARING THEM.

Oh, and btw:
The strange thing is that BLM seems to be rolling in dough these days and it is unclear what their mission is. Do Black lives matter in cities run by democrats? Is BLM dumping money in offshore accounts and democrat campaigns?
Yes. There should be protests. Like this one:

View attachment 353775

You goddamned blind fools. Both of those kill shots were bullets gone astray. They MISSED their targets. This country is awash in guns so that anyone can buy one legally or illegally and go shoot the person who dissed 'em last night. It's insane. There should be MASSIVE MASSIVE protests against these fucking killing machines and something needs to be done about it. Someone will say, "They'll kill each other with their hands, a hammer, etc." Well okay--let 'em. They're not going to kill a three year old or a thirteen year old by mistake that way, are they?

Thousands and thousands need to march, stop traffic, bung up the entrances of the firearms factories, break windows in the NRA offices. It is where I'd focus my energy. And not allow Congress to go home for so much as a weekend until there is legislation with TEETH, not wishy washy "gun control" garbage that does nothing.

All you do is tsk tsk tsk about a neighborhood you've never stepped foot in and don't know shit from shinola about, deciding it somehow obviates the message of the protests in the past three weeks. Well, THAT's convenient. Kills two birds with one stone, doesn't it? THE TWO THINGS ARE NOT RELATED, MORONS. STOP COMPARING THEM.

Oh, and btw:
View attachment 353773
For the love of God

True. They mainly want to kill cops, but the rest of their victims get caught in the crossfire.
Black Lies Matter is not about Black Lives.

It's about ushering in Communism in this Great Nation.

These Marxist assholes don't give a shit if Black Americans are murdering each other on a daily basis.

That's not what they are about.

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